What Your Hair Type Says About You

By molly atherton 11 months ago

1. Thick Hair? You Have Strong Energy!

image source: reddit.com
It makes sense why your personality would be as strong as that thick head of hair of yours! Thick hair means you have more of a strong will and a thicker skin. You're determined and don't let anything stand in your way when you want to *get stuff done*.Original content sourced from Femanin.com

2. Wavy Hair Means You're Creative

image source: reddit.com
After all, taking the effort to curl your hair is a creative thing in itself! You might feel a little bit bored or not expressing yourself if you just wear your hair down, so you want to put in those creative waves to show off a pop of personality! You're definitely artistic.

3. Always Wear Your Hair Down? Freedom Is Important To You!

image source: reddit.com
Just like you don't want your hair to be restricted by any bands or accessories, you don't want your personality to be stifled, either! And as the saying goes - you want to let your hair down! Quite literally. Freedom is definitely important to you and you don't like feeling trapped.

4. Red Hair? You're Super Fun!

image source: reddit.com
It doesn't matter if you're a natural red head or you get your hair dyed red, you're still a fun person no matter what! Red hair can often show off an exciting and fun person with a huge sense of humor. You're more likely to be open-minded and happy to try new things!

5. If You Have Curly Hair, Procrastination Isn't Part Of Your Vocabulary

image source: reddit.com
Curly-haired people can often be great leaders, and very determined. Curly hair can symbolize a no-nonsense attitude - and procrastination isn't something you ever have time for. In the same way you probably have a strict, get-it-done routine for your curly haircare, you have the same approach to life.

6. If You Use A Curling Iron On Your Straight Hair, You're Craving Something

image source: Cosmopolitan 
You might feel like something is missing from your life, in the same way you feel like your straight hair is lacking something a little extra. If you're constantly trying to curl or wave your hair to make it look more interesting, you could be compensating for lacking something more exciting in your day-to-day.

7. If You Use Straighteners On Your Curly Hair, You Can't Cope With The Chaos!

image source: reddit.com
You might have a very chaotic life and have no energy whatsoever to deal with it! You can't handle things that make your day more stressful than it needs to be, and that includes with haircare - curly or wavy hair is a no go, you want no-nonsense straight so that you don't have to deal with it.

8. Medium Length Hair? You're Logical

image source: reddit.com
Medium-length can often be the easiest hair to take care of - you don't have to worry about overly styling short hair to make it look good, and you don't have to worry about excess hair care for very long hair. Medium length can mean you have a very logical approach to things.

9. If Wash-And-Go Is Your Vibe, You're Impatient

image source: reddit.com
You're impatient in general, which includes with your hair. Whether you have time in your day or not, you don't want to spend it waiting for your hair to dry, taking hours to straighten or style it, or even taking the effort to brush it. Wash and go is already too much effort for you as it is.

10. Long Hair, No Styling = In Touch With Your Emotions

image source: reddit.com
Long hair can often be found on a lot of compassionate and empathetic people. You probably have a very big and open heart, with time to show everyone around you kindness. You also feel emotion more strongly than others, the good and the bad!

11. Super Short Hair? You're A No-Fuss Person

image source: reddit.com
A lot of people get very short hair cuts because they just don't want the hassle of having long hair in their face all day! If you have short hair, it's likely you're a no-fuss person in every aspect of your life: your dress sense, daily habits and how you make decisions - it's just easier that way!

12. Your Hair Routine Is Hours Out Of Your Day - You Might Be A Drama Queen

image source: reddit.com
Do you spend most of your routine sorting your hair out? Do you have to set the alarm 4 hours earlier than anybody else would to have time to do all your hair stuff in the morning? While you like a lot of dramatic impact when it comes to your hair, you're likely a bit of a drama queen, too!

13. Couldn't Care Less About Your Hair? You Probably Don't Put Your Own Needs First

image source: maneaddicts.com
There can be a very fine line between 'not being vain' and 'not actually taking care of yourself'. Self-care includes personal hygiene and making efforts to make yourself feel good. So if you honestly don't give a single care about your hair, it's likely you neglect other areas of yourself, too!

14. Bald By Choice: You Have A HUGE Heart

image source: reddit.com
Those who choose to shave off all their hair often have a huge, open heart. You're a joy to be around and you know exactly how to make people feel better. Less time spent on hair - because you don't have any at all - is only more time spent on showing compassion to others, right?

15. Your Haircut Is Cray: You're Adventurous!

image source: tastefullyoffensive.com
It goes without saying that the more adventurous you are with your hair, the more adventurous you likely are as a person! If you're constantly on the lookout for a new crazy do, whether that's color or style, it shows you probably have a fast-paced lifestyle where you're always looking for the next cool thing to do.

16. A Practical Haircut Means A Practical Person

image source: reddit.com
You're practical about all aspects of your life, so why should your haircut be any different? You want a haircut to be exactly that: a haircut. Something you can easily manage and just exists as hair you wash and brush. Nothing more, nothing less. You're likely very organized and strict about your routine.

17. Blunt Cut? Let's Get Straight To The Point

image source: reddit.com
Blunt by name, blunt by nature! If you have a very bold and blunt cut, you're likely someone who doesn't waste words - and you always get straight to the point. People can depend on you to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - even if it's tough love!

18. Straight Hairline? We Got A Rebel On Our Hands

image source: reddit.com
If your hairline is completely straight across the front, it could be a sign you're a rebel! You'd think a straight hairline would mean a straight, rule-following personality but nope - quite the opposite. You're not big on rules and you might be a fan of getting involved in important causes for change.

19. A Rounded Hairline Means A Good Egg

image source: reddit.com
If you have a soft, curved hairline it can mean you're just a good person! One of the best. You're caring, funny and kind - you're just a good egg. The soft curves of the hairline can reflect the softness in your own nature and personality - and you probably have a soft, bouncy hairstyle to boot!

20. Layers On Layers: You Like Things To Be Perfect

image source: reddit.com
Just like your hair, you're a person with many layers to you - and you want all those layers to be carefully calculated and perfect. Whether you think it's a good or bad thing, you're definitely a perfectionist. You might also take on too much at once and easily burn yourself out.

21. Widow's Peak? You Got Sex Appeal!

image source: reddit.com
A girl with a widow's peak can give off an air of mystery, sexuality and passion! You likely have huge sex appeal, and no doubt have a messy side-swept hair look to compliment the peak (and your personality!). Women with widow peaks also tend to be strong and independent!

22. The Perfect High Ponytail Means You're A Goal-Setter (And Getter)

image source: reddit.com
What's the first thing you do to long hair when you need to get stuff done? Tie it back! You can't focus on those goals if your hair is in the way! Whether it's writing a to-do list, going to an interview or hitting the gym, your hair is always in a perfect ponytail!

23. An Uneven Hairline Could Mean A Less-Than-Even Childhood

image source: reddit.com
A hairline that's a bit all over the place could actually indicate that you had a bit of a messy childhood. Maybe you didn't get along with your siblings, moved around a lot or not had the best relationships with your parents. Maybe even now, in adulthood, you (and your hair) haven't been able to let go of that!

24. Do Blondes Really Have More Fun?

image source: reddit.com
It's what we've always been told, and with the likes of Marilyn Monroe, blondes have a lot of pressure on them to smile and look like they're having a good time. Luckily, blonde hair actually does reflect a playful and happy nature, so no doubt you're a positive person!

25. You've Embraced Your Grays: You Have Confidence

image source: reddit.com
It does take some serious self-confidence in this day and age as a woman to accept your gray hairs. Not only accept them, but to stop dying over them and let your natural color show. So if you've gone gray all the way, then you're likely a very confident person and know exactly who you are!

26. Brown Hair? You're Likely An Introvert

image source: reddit.com
If you're a brunette, no matter whether that's light or dark, chances are you're an independent introvert who would rather spend time alone than with other people. You're likely a soft soul who finds comfort in creative outlets, or things you can do on your own.

27. Always Unwashed: You're Not Big On Looks

image source: insider.com
You don't set much store by looks, and you probably don't wear makeup as well as never washing your hair! You don't have time or money to spend on beauty products, because you're likely spending it on other areas of life that you think are more important. You're probably frugal, too!

28. You ALWAYS Wear Your Hair Up: You Like Order

image source: reddit.com
You like order and structure in your life. You don't want anything getting in the way of that - including hair hanging in your eyes. If you always, always put your hair up from the moment you wake up to when you go to sleep, you're likely very organized and don't like to break from routine.

29. Black Hair Is A Sign Of Charm And Intelligence

image source: reddit.com
Black hair is often seen as very exotic and even mysterious - it can also give off an air of charm and intelligence. People with deep black hair can often be very intelligent and logical, but also have a relaxed playful side at the same time. Whether it's natural or dyed, it counts!

30. You Use Every Product Under The Sun: You Care About Looks Too Much

image source: reddit.com
This is if you choose to use every product, and not because you actually need them for your hair type! The key with this, too, is that you use so many damaging products without trying to protect your hair - because you care more about the way your hair looks rather than what all those products are going to do to it in the end!

31. Slicked back: you're uptight

image source: reddit.com
You like slicked back hair, pulled tight, not a single stray hair out of place! If this sounds like you then you are probably an uptight person. You don't like fuss, you don't like things out of order and you want things exactly the way you want them, thank you very much!

32. If you love beachy waves, you're a free spirit

image source: reddit.com
Long, natural, bouncy beach waves... we can tell that you're a free spirit. You live with a very much go with the flow attitude and seize every spontaneous opportunity that comes your way with open and welcome arms. You love to be free and you're a little scared of being tied to commitments!

33. Thin hair: you're quite a nervous person

image source: reddit.com
Thin hair is a genetic trait. But, sometimes it can be to do with your personality. It is believed by some studied that overly anxious and nervous people are more likely to have thin hair. One reason for this is that stress can make your hair fall out, or affect it's growth.

34. You're hair is often matted, you're very carefree

image source: reddit.com
Matted hair...who cares? Not you. It's natural. And anyway, you haven't got the time or inclination to spend all that time brushing through your hair - you're far too carefree for that! As long as it looks remotely acceptable let the matts free - or rather, stay tied up.

35. Always perfectly blow-dried? You're quite self conscious

image source: reddit.com
There's a confidence in feeling good enough in yourself to let your hair alone and step outside feeling good about yourself. If you won't go anywhere without your perfect blow dried hair then it's clear you have issues with your self confidence and you feel conscious about how you look to others.

36. Low ponytail: you're a logical person

image source: reddit.com
A low ponytail is the most comfortable hair do. It's low down so doesn't cause too much tightness or pressure from pulling your hair down. It's very easy to do and low maintenance. It's out of the way so that you can concentrate on the day. There we have it - you are logical!

37. If you have a pixie cut, then you have a lot of drive

image source: reddit.com
Pixie cut's are a powerful hair-do for a powerful female like yourself. You have a lot of drive and ambition. Chances are you're a girl boss or aspiring to be so. Either way, generally speaking a pixie cut shows your drive for achieving what it is you want from life.

38. If you love to wear plaits or pigtails, you're fun and in touch with your inner child

image source: reddit.com
Plaits and pigtails are a throwback to all of our childhoods. But that's not to say that they aren't a super cute hairdo for women too! If this is your go-to hairdo, then you in touch with your inner child, meaning you have a personality with a great sense of fun.

39. A middle parting: you like order!

image source: reddit.com
A middle parting; straight down the middle. It's even, it's logical, it's ordered. Just how you like it. You don't want to look uneven and you do not want the stress of having anything off centre or out of place. This kind of order that you enjoy with your hair is the same as you apply to your life.

40. Side parting: you go with the flow

image source: reddit.com
On the other hand we have those who throw their hair from side to side. Which side shall it be today? You're not restricted by the bounds of even sides and you are much more go with the flow in general life too. You like spontaneity and are extremely flexible when it comes to breaking your routine.

41. Fiery red hair means you're full of passion

image source: reddit.com
We've all heard the rumour that red hair means you have a fire in your heart, you're full of passion. And when your hair is bright red, this is exactly what it means. You want spark, passion and do things to the extreme. You do not enjoy half hearted efforts or even calmness.

42. Dyed hair, you're a go getter

image source: reddit.com
The thing is when we dye our hair, we see something that we want - and we go and get it. We've not wanted to stick with what we have if we aren't totally happy with it. You're a go getter and in your life you don't let things stand in your way, you work for exactly what you want and get it.

43. You have natural and undyed hair? You have a sense of innocence

image source: reddit.com
You have a sense of innocence (in the most positive sense) a pure heart, you are in touch with your most natural version of you - which has a certain beauty all of its own. Generally, if you have natural hair you have a kind of natural innocence and purity of personality.

44. Half a shaved head means you have a fiery personality

image source: reddit.com
It makes sense, only a person with a daring sense of adventure and a fire in their belly would take the plunge and risk half of their hair by shaving it off. Most people could never even try this. You're brave and fiery - both very admirable qualities.

45. Retro curls: you're a hopeless romantic

image source: reddit.com
Retro curls are a blast from the past, a sign of another era - yet they are undeniably sexy. If this is your go-to glam look, you're a hopeless romantic. You want to embrace the romantic life, be wined and dined and fall desperately and hopelessly in love.

46. A messy bun: you're disorganised

image source: reddit.com
If there's a single, easiest hairstyle (yes even easier than leaving it down) it's the messy bun. You take a bobble and in one fell swoop it's out of your face, not in your way and it doesn't even need to be neat! Good, because you don't have time for this, organisation is not your strong point and you're probably rushing around in the morning.

47. Using wax and gel could mean you're not so open-minded

image source: reddit.com
The thing with gel is that you don't want anything unexpected happening to your hair. If it's humid or its windy, you want your hair exactly where you placed it! You're like this in general too, you like what you've predicted and it can mean you're not so accepting of change.

48. An asymmetrical cut could mean you're very creative

image source: reddit.com
Only an artistic eye can appreciate the beauty in the uneven. It takes a certain appreciation or artistic flare to pick the asymmetric. Most people like to see something reflected evenly on both sides. Not you, you have much more flare and creativity than that!

49. A bold style or colour? You've got buckets of confidence

image source: reddit.com
It takes a confident woman to rock a bold hair style or colour. If you have a particularly 'out there' style or a whacky hair colour, then you have confidence by the bucket loads. You don't care if people stare, you know you look good so you rock it!

50. A super long fringe: you're a little bit shy

image source: reddit.com
If you have a super long fringe whether it's swept to the side or dangling over your eyes it could mean you are a little bit shy. Some people like to use fringes as a curtain to hide behind. They feel more safe and secure in public knowing that they have a slight cover.