What Our Eating Habits Say About Our Personality

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Green Salad

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If your go to lunch of choice is a nice and healthy, leafy green salad, the chances are your personality is pretty cut and dry. Chances are you have life in order and know where you want to be in five years, but find your life samey and a bit boring.

Gas Station Sushi

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If you eat sushi from a gas station, then you are not to be trusted. You are a bit of a live wire, and willing to risk your gut health for an easy meal. No one should be eating raw fish from a place where you fill your tank with fuel, think about your choices.


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Picture the scene, you are stood behind someone in the queue for a coffee and their order for one single drink is as long as your arm. You know this person is a pain in the neck, and should be avoided. If your order is complex, then your life is complex as well.

Hot Dogs With Spaghetti

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Ah yes, the go to comfort meal for so many people. If you frequently reach for the spaghetti noodles and the tinned hot dogs, then you might be described by your friends as childish. Try and broaden your horizons, maybe take some cooking lessons too.

Homemade Bread

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If you make your own bread at home, then you are a trustworthy soul. No one mean or cruel bakes their own bread, it is reserved for people who are kind and compassionate. These people nurture and care for others, just like they are a bowl of raw dough.


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A portion of fries can go either way. If you like to load up your fries into a mountain of potato and toppings, then you live life to the max, and enjoy every day. If you eat just plain fries, then you are nervous and wish you could experience more from life.

Spicy Snacks

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If your go to snack is something flaming hot or super spicy, then your mind is overstimulated. You might need to put down your phone and relax for a while, as all of the over stimulation has driven you to eating snacks that have the capability to cause pain.

Cookies And Milk

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People who frequently eat cookies with milk either live in the North Pole and deliver gifts once a year, or are 8 years old. If you are neither 8 nor a Santa Claus wannabe, then maybe you should keep this snacking guilty pleasure hidden from others...


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If you eat Taquitos, then we all know one thing about you straight away... You've got a spending problem. People who eat Taquitos have no respect for themselves, and spend more time at the mall than they do in their own home. Do some reassessing Taquitos eaters.


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A smoothie just oozes chilled out vibes. If you have the time to wake up in the morning, prepare yourself some fruit and get it blended up, then you are living the good life and aren't really too stressed. Smoothie vibes is where we should all be aiming.

Fancy Restaurant Food

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Fancy restaurants are a treat for a lot of us, and don't make up the regular weekly meal plans. If you find yourself in a super fancy restaurant on a weekly basis, then chances are you are either earning a lot or working super hard. Either way, enjoy your fancy meal.

Just Cheese

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If you eat just cheese, like just a block of cheese on it's own, then people are concerned for your well being. Eating just pure cheese is kind of a cry for help, and not really the most normal choice of snack. Maybe just check with yourself that you're okay.

Filet O' Fish

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When you visit a McDonald's, if you decide to get yourself a Filet O' Fish, then something has gone seriously wrong. People who opt for the Filet O' Fish are suspicious. One minute they seem fine and happy, the next they could be throwing tables around.

Wagyu Beef

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Wagyu beef is one of the most expensive cuts of meat available. If you put on a dinner party for friends and family, then you need to seriously consider whether or not it is worth it. You may come off like a bit of a showoff and you could be ridiculed.

Roast Dinner

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A roast dinner is only made by people who have got their lives together, and a complete set of pots and pans. To make a good roast dinner you need to take your time, plan meticulously and enjoy what you are doing, and that transfers over to lifestyle as well.


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Curry is for the courageous and brave. Tackling the spice levels of a madras or a vindaloo is not for those of a nervous disposition, and you need to be confident that you can handle what is thrown at your by the pure heat of this Indian specialty dish.

Buttered Noodles

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Buttered noodles are exactly what they sound like. Get yourself some spaghetti and a pad of butter, and mix the two together. Buttered noodles would have been a staple dish for loads of us as kids, and for some they have remained a part of the diet as a kind of safety blanket.

Microwaved Fish

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Putting a piece of smelly fish in the microwave, especially a communal one, is pretty much a war crime. To do this, you need to hold psychopathic levels of selfishness and believe that you are the main character. People that do this are the worst! Don't be this person!

Steamed Veg

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I'm sorry to say this, but if you enjoy a bowl of steamed vegetables, then you are boring. Steamed vegetables are the most vanilla and plain food you can make for yourself, and there are so many better ways to cook your veggies. Serve them with plain chicken for extra misery.


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Cereal is a subtle way of telling the world that you feel tired. Maybe because we eat cereal in the morning it is associated with tiredness, but whenever you see someone eating cereal for dinner you can't help but feel like they might be a little tired with life.

Hot Dogs

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Dependable, secure, reliable. The person that chooses a hot dog is a solid guy, always there for you when you need them, always reliable and always willing to go the extra mile. The hot dog is a no frills dish, and the person eating one is the same. A solid choice!

Grilled Cheese

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A grilled cheese is an absolute classic, but depending on what cheese the person uses it can go either way. A person who makes their grilled cheese with fancy cheddar is trying too hard, someone who uses simple yellow slices is just living in the moment.

Chinese Food

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Chinese food tells me that you are leading a busy lifestyle, and just need to grab something filling to eat when everywhere else has closed up for the night. Chinese food tells the world that you are a workaholic and need to chill out a bit sometimes.


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Low and slow cooking is the epitome of chilled out living. If you are eating BBQ, then you know what's good in life, but if you are doing the cooking then you know what is good for others. You are kind, and will often put everyone else before yourself.


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Ah yes, the stereotypical meal of every single American police officer. Donuts tell the people around you that you are careless and heavy handed. You like to indulge in things that are bad for you, and don't care who knows about it. What a little rebel.

Microwave Meal

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A TV dinner or microwave meal might suggest that you either aren't doing too good, or don't know how to look after yourself like an adult. If you constantly find yourself reaching for the microwave meal, then you need to work hard on improving your lifestyle.


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Beans, you either love them or hate them. If you are a beans lover, then you are a strong character, with a prominent sense of what is right and what is wrong. Beans are dependable, and you show other people that you have got your head screwed on. You're also probably English, the Brits love beans!


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Soup shows that you are hearty and caring, often showing your emotional side to others and willing to let others lean on you. It is a comfort food and what we all reach for when we are under the weather, so if you choose soup chances are people choose you.

Protein Shake

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The protein shake, especially served in a protein shaker, tells everyone around you that you are kind of arrogant and self important. You think that the sunshine shines out of your backside, and the world owes you everything whilst you owe nothing. You're also probably ripped!

Mountain Dew

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If your fizzy drink of choice is a Mountain Dew, then you are 100% a gamer. No one actually drinks this stuff do they? The sickly sweet beverage seems to only be enjoyed by video game enthusiasts, and i'll leave you to come to your own conclusions on them.