Warning Signs That Our Psychic Is A Scam

By Tom Pearson 12 months ago

They Aren't Quite Accurate About Your Life

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So I will be totally honest straight off the bat, I am not a psychic. Obviously. However, if I were psychic, then the main thing I would try and ensure is accuracy. If your fortune teller is not accurate, then you can be sure they are making it all up.

They Ask For Personal Information

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Lots of people who claim they can see into the future are actually just con artists. If your psychic is not the real deal, then they will ask you for a lot of personal information and just essentially read this back to you, alongside some future guesswork.

Mostly Guess Work, And They Make It Obvious Too!

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Anyone can have a stab in the dark about what the future might hold for you, so if you can tell that your fortune teller is just having a guess at what might happen, then they are probably a scammer and just seeing if you will fall for their scam work!

Want You To Pay For Your Ancestors Mistakes

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It is common for a psychic to reveal what may have happened to our ancestors, or even who we were in a past life. Your psychic may try and blame you for apparent mistakes your ancestors made in the past, and the only way to compensate is with hoards of cash!

They Want You To Wire Money To Them

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If anyone wants money wired to them, then you should already be on guard a little. This is not a common way for services to be paid for, as it is very hard to track. If you inquire why they want a wire, your psychic might become confrontational and aggressive.

They Use Fear Against You

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Another common way a scammer will get money out of you is by filling you with fear. your psychic might tell you that if you do not come back, something bad will happen to you or your family. This is how they prey on vulnerable people and steal their money.

Vague Readings That Can Be Linked To Most People

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A psychic will do a number of different reading when you pay for a visit, but if they are a scammer, the chances are these reading will be very vague. They will just give you standard, black and white responses that could be told to anyone and everyone.

They Tell You What You Want To Hear

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A fake fortune teller is going to only tell you things that you want to hear, so long as you keep paying them. As soon as you stop paying, chances are they will change their tune, so keep an eye out for any changes once you stop paying for their services.

Constantly Changing Their Methods During Your Session

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A fortune teller will normally stick to a specific method, like tarot cards or tea leaves. If your psychic is constantly changing their method and approach, then chances are they are just figuring out which scam is the most effective money making scheme.

They Want Money Up Front

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Any reputable fortune teller will tell you to pay at the end of your visit, or only pay once you are happy with their predictions. A scammer will force you to pay up front, and in order to make a lot of money at once, will ask you to pay for multiple sessions.

Want You To Depend On Them

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Your psychic wants the best for your life, but a scammer wants you to depend on them for life advice and keep coming back. They employ a number of tactics to do this, including making you fear the worst and being aggressive with you when it comes to payment.

It Just Feels Wrong

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Sometimes, you just get a bad feeling in your gut. You have this deep down gnawing feeling that you psychic is scamming you and only telling you things that you want to hear. If this is the case, go and visit someone new. A good psychic wont mind at all.

They Tell You To Keep Things Secret

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In order to stop people intervening, your psychic might tell you to keep your visits a secret, or to tell people you pay less than you actually do. The last thing a scammer wants is to be found out by the police, so they want to keep things nice and quiet.

Good Things Are Coming

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In order to keep the carrot dangling, your psychic will always tell you that in the next couple of visits something really good will come to you. They might try and lure you to come back by promising a lottery win or something similarly life changing.

Constant Texting

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Nowadays, many people arrange psychic readings over the phone, either by text or on an instant messaging site. When your fortune teller is running a scam operation, they want to get in as much cash as possible before they get shut down, so will always be bothering you.

They Tell You They Know A Secret

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Another way that your fortune teller will keep you coming back is by saying that they know a secret, and it is potentially life changing. This is a really common way for a scammer to keep you on the edge of your seat, and keep you spending your money.

Out Of The Blue Contact

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When a scammer is flush with cash, they no longer have a need for you, and might start ignoring your messages or calls.When the money dries up, you will find that they go through the contact book and message all of their old clients to get some cash in.

Emergency Appointments

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A bad psychic will try and arrange emergency appointments, with the promise that something terrible is going to happen and they must speak to you urgently. This is another money making tactic, and they are actually just praying on your nerves, forcing you to pay them!

They Want To Visit Your Home

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Any reputable and well established fortune teller will normally have a small office that they work from. This allows them to do readings and admin work after you have left. A fraudster will try and come to your home, and maybe even try and steal from you!


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Showing up in a fancy car, or laden with expensive jewelry is a clear indicator that someone is making money in less than legal ways. This screams to the rest of the world that this person is not to be trusted, and the same thoughts apply to your psychic.

They Rush You

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By rushing you into a snap decision, a fraudster has more physiological control over you. They use the sense of fear to control you, and making a decision without properly mulling it over makes you more likely to make the wrong, or more expensive, choices.

Leave You Messages

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Another way that a psychic will show you that they are desperate for cash is by leaving you lots and lots of messages on your answering machine. They clog up your voicemail with begging pleas that you must see them urgently. Don't fall for it, it is for their gain, not yours!

Guarantee Something Will Happen

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As much as we would love to be able to accurately predict the future, sometimes things are just unpredictable. If your psychic says that they can 100% guarantee something will or will not happen, use your common sense and realize they are a con artist.

They Appear From Nowhere

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If your psychic seems to come from nowhere, and you find yourself wrapped up in their grip before you even knew what was happening, then you are likely being scammed. Using speed is a good way for a scammer to make a lot of money quickly without retribution.

Rush You From Appointments

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If you feel like you are being scammed, make a note about how your appointments come to a close. If your fortune teller rushes you away, and does not allow you to talk with other clients, then you need to ask yourself what they might be hiding from you.

They Keep You On The Edge Of Something Great

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A substantial amount of cash, a great new job, a fancy new car for free. Don't get me wrong, all of this stuff sounds great, but if your psychic tells you stuff like this on the regular, you can be sure that they are a scammer and just telling you what you want to hear.

Don't Let You Speak With Other Clients

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'Oh and by the way, don't tell my other clients what i told you'. This is something that you might hear at the end of an appointment, and if you do, then it should be seen as a big red flag. Keeping information to yourself is a way the scammer has control of you!

Lavished With Love

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Showering you with affection is a way that a scammer will have you eating from the palm of their hand in no time. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't work on some people, but a lot of folks want to hear the good things about them self and their lifestyle.

Wants You To Leave Good Reviews

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Did your psychic show you lots of good reviews online before your first session, but then force you to leave a positive one whilst you were there? If they did, you should be wary, as the chances are that most of their online reviews are fake or forced.

Play Off Insecurities

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Whatever you do, try to not mention what you are insecure about unless you have been seeing your fortune teller for a while and are sure that they are genuine. A scammer uses your insecurities against you, and will prey on them to get more cash from you.