1. Frequent Tantrums
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Tantrums are common during a child's early years as they grapple with emotions and the ability to express themselves verbally. However, frequent and intense tantrums that are used as a manipulative tool can be a sign of a spoiled child. Children who throw tantrums to get what they want are often seeking immediate gratification.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Demanding Behavior

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Spoiled children may develop a sense of entitlement, expecting that their desires should be met instantly. They might demand constant attention and compliance from parents and caregivers, leading to strained relationships and unrealistic expectations.
3. Refusing to Share
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Sharing is a vital social skill that children must learn as they grow. When a child consistently refuses to share or plays possessively, it can be a sign of spoiled behavior. Sharing teaches empathy and cooperation. Show your child how sharing is done by sharing with them.
4. Disrespectful Language

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Respect for others is an essential value that children should learn from an early age. When a child consistently uses disrespectful language, talks back, or is rude to authority figures, it may indicate a spoiled attitude. Confront the behavior calmly and explain its impact.
5. Excessive Materialism
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In today's consumer-oriented world, it's easy for children to develop a materialistic mindset. When a child places excessive importance on material possessions, constantly wanting the latest gadgets or toys, it can signal a spoiled attitude. Reduce exposure to advertising and materialistic influences.
6. Entitlement Mentality
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When a child develops an entitlement mentality, they believe they deserve special treatment or privileges without having to earn them. This attitude can lead to unrealistic expectations and a lack of appreciation for the efforts of others. Encourage your child to earn rewards through chores or good behavior.
7. Difficulty with Frustration
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Children who struggle with frustration may quickly become disheartened when faced with challenges. This can hinder their ability to persevere and learn valuable problem-solving skills. Praise their efforts rather than focusing solely on outcomes. Break tasks into steps.
8. Lack of Empathy
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Empathy is a fundamental social skill that enables children to understand and relate to others' emotions and needs. When a child lacks empathy, they may struggle to build healthy relationships and exhibit a self-centered attitude. Encourage open conversations about emotions and the importance of empathy.
9. Manipulative Behavior
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Manipulative behavior in children involves using tactics such as tears, tantrums, or guilt-tripping to get their way. This behavior can strain relationships and create an unhealthy dynamic. Establish rules regarding manipulative behavior and stick to them. Praise truthfulness and discourage manipulation.
10. Resistance to Rules
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When a child consistently resists rules, it can lead to a chaotic and stressful home environment. Addressing this behavior is essential to maintain a sense of order and structure. Enforce consequences for rule violations consistently. Help your child understand why rules are in place and the importance of following them.
11. Inability to Handle Disappointment
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Children who react strongly to minor disappointments may struggle with emotional regulation and resilience. Teaching them how to cope with setbacks is essential for their emotional well-being. Help them understand that setbacks are a natural part of life.
12. Poor Social Skills
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Developing social skills is crucial for healthy relationships. Children with poor social skills may struggle to make friends and maintain positive peer interactions. Arrange playdates to facilitate opportunities for social interaction with peers. Engage in role-playing scenarios to help them understand social situations.
13. Self-Centeredness
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Self-centered behavior can hinder a child's ability to consider the needs and feelings of others. It's essential to foster empathy and an awareness of the needs of those around them. Teach perspective-taking. Encourage them to consider how others might feel or what they might need.
14. Impulsiveness
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Impulsive behavior can lead to poor decision-making and potentially dangerous situations. Teaching children to think before acting is a valuable life skill. Encourage techniques like deep breathing or counting to ten before reacting. Channel their energy into activities like sports, art, or music.
15. Ungratefulness
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Gratitude is an important value that helps children recognize and appreciate the kindness of others. When a child fails to express gratitude, it can lead to strained relationships. Make gratitude a part of daily life by discussing things you're thankful for. Role model thankfulness.
16. Inability to Delay Gratification

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Children who struggle to delay gratification may struggle to manage impulses and prioritize short-term desires over long-term goals. Teaching patience and self-control is essential for their development. Engage them in activities that require patience, such as puzzles or building projects.
17. Resistance to Chores
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Children should learn the value of contributing to the household and taking responsibility for their actions. Resistance to chores can undermine this lesson and create an entitlement mindset. Assign chores that are suitable for your child's age and abilities.
18. Disregard for Boundaries
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Respecting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and teaching children about consent and personal space. Children who consistently disregard boundaries may struggle with understanding these concepts. Teach them to ask for permission before entering someone else's space.
19. Overindulgence
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Overindulgence can lead to unrealistic expectations and an overemphasis on material possessions. Children who receive excessive gifts may struggle to appreciate their value. Establish clear guidelines for privileges. Engage in acts of generosity and involve them in charitable activities.
20. Lack of Responsibility
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Responsibility is a fundamental life skill that helps children become self-sufficient and accountable individuals. Children who consistently avoid or shirk responsibilities may struggle to develop these qualities. Maintain consistency in assigning and enforcing responsibilities.
21. Poor Problem-Solving Skills
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Children with poor problem-solving skills may become easily overwhelmed when faced with conflicts or challenges. Developing these skills is essential for their ability to navigate life's complexities. Help your child identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and evaluate outcomes.
22. Difficulty in Handling Criticism
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Children who react defensively to criticism may struggle to embrace feedback and learn from their shortcomings. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. Encouraging them to embrace constructive criticism is crucial for personal growth. Use "I" statements.
23. Inability to Handle Failure
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Failure is a natural part of life and provides valuable learning experiences. Children who struggle to cope with failure may develop fear or anxiety around making mistakes. Share your own experiences of overcoming failure and learning from mistakes, was this you as a child?
24. Unwillingness to Compromise
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Compromise is a crucial social skill that helps children build positive relationships and navigate conflicts. Children who refuse to compromise may struggle in social situations. Help them understand how compromise benefits everyone involved. Encourage them to negotiate and find solutions in everyday situations.
25. Refusal to Apologize
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One way to take responsibility for one's actions is to apologize when necessary, an essential aspect of emotional intelligence. Children who refuse to apologize may struggle with accountability. Explain that an apology should include acknowledging the wrongdoing, expressing remorse, and making amends.
26. Excessive Screen Time

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Excessive screen time can impact a child's physical and psychological health, social life, and academic performance. It's crucial to establish healthy screen time limits and encourage alternative activities. Encourage physical activities, reading, and hobbies as alternatives to screen time.
27. Poor Manners

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Teaching good manners is vital for building positive social relationships and fostering respect for others. Children who display poor manners may need guidance in this area. Teach etiquette. Explain basic manners such as saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me."
28. Oppositional Behavior

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Children may exhibit oppositional behavior as they seek independence and assert their identity. However, constant defiance can disrupt the family dynamic and hinder healthy development. Communicate rules and expectations clearly and consistently. Does your child do this?
29. Parental Guilt Manipulation

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Manipulating parents through guilt can create an unhealthy dynamic and undermine their discipline. Parents should recognize and address guilt manipulation promptly. Be aware of manipulation tactics. Recognize when your child is using guilt to manipulate.
30. Lack of Gratitude

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Fostering gratitude is essential for teaching children to appreciate the efforts and kindness of others. Children who lack gratitude may need guidance in understanding the importance of appreciation. Prompt your child to say "thank you" when receiving gifts or acts of kindness.
31. The child is never, ever satisfied
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Even if you give in to what a spoilt child wants, it's never going to be good enough - because they've grown up thinking they can get exactly what they want, when they want, which means they'll start wanting something more no matter what you give them. They're never satisfied!
32. They'll try to control you
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Or may even try to control other adults in their life. Children can be very good manipulators, but even more so when it's a spoilt child used to getting exactly what they want. They'll likely try to control your behavior or decision making, or even try to wrap other parents around their finger, like aunts or uncles, or babysitters.
33. They'll never help with anything
image source: brightside.me
This doesn't just apply to official chores - it could also apply to simple, everyday actions. You could ask them in passing to help you pick something up, pass you something, turn the TV down... any simple task and they won't be willing to help, or else will have a tantrum about it.
34. They're likely to try and embarrass you in public
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It's very common for spoilt children to act out in public, because they'll know you're more likely to give in if you're worried about other people watching and overhearing. They'll likely try to shame you or cause a scene in front of other people so you have no choice but to relent.
35. They probably struggle to relate to other children

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A spoilt child is going to be in their own bubble, which is going to make it very difficult for them to relate to other children, especially other children who aren't spoilt or treated in the same way. It also comes from lack of empathy that spoilt children have, that makes it difficult for them to understand other kids.
36. Or even relate to adults
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This can also apply to any adults in their life, too - they likely find it very difficult to understand and relate to what adults are trying to tell them, or the decisions they're making. Whether it's parents, teachers, playgroup organizers or people they meet in passing, they won't relate very well!
37. That sense of entitlement
image source: newsweek.com
Such a strong sense of entitlement is what also fuels their lack of good manners - they don't feel like they have to say please and thank you because why should they? They're entitled to something, so they shouldn't have to feel grateful for it (at least, that's their way of thinking).
38. They don't cope with negative feelings well
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Entitled children who are used to getting everything they want are only ever familiar with positive feelings of reward and never having to be left out of anything. This also means that if there is ever a time they are told no, or don't get what they want, they can react a million times worse than another child would when dealing with that feeling of disappointment or frustration.
39. A spoilt child is not a happy child
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The important thing to remember is that just because a spoilt child is always getting everything they want, this doesn't equal happiness. A child being able to demand everything and everything isn't one living its best, happy life - the child will constantly be frustrated more than happy.
40. It will affect them later in life
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All the negative consequences that come from being spoilt very early in life, such as lack of self-control, not understand no, not being able to show empathy or say please and thank you, will then affect their social skills later in life as an adult, as they're so used to getting what they want.
41. How to deal with a spoilt child: identify specific behaviors

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Dealing with a spoilt child can be a very broad idea when you're thinking how to change their overall behavior and personality, but the more important thing to focus on is very specific behaviors so you can use positive reinforcement to do better. So you'll need to identify specific problems, like 'never says thank you' or 'has tantrums because of (x)'.
42. Don't justify or excuse anything
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You love your child, and you feel protective of them - but it's okay to admit that nothing they do can be excused or justified. They're wrong, and they're behaving badly - and the first step is to admit that as a parent. Trying to justify their spoilt behavior will just make it worse.
43. Create new and consistent rules - no matter what
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Take the time to set a new list of ground rules, and make sure that these rules are put in place no matter what, and no matter whether you're in public or at home. No matter how your child acts or reacts, stand firm to the rules and be consistent so that your child doesn't get confused.
44. Be very specific when telling them off

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When speaking to your child about their behavior, don't be too vague or broad about how they've been naughty, like saying 'you're acting spoilt and you need to stop it'. Instead, be as specific as possible about what they've done wrong, such as, 'you're raising your voice at me and I don't like it.'
45. Be open to other adults reprimanding your child
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Parents are the most important to rectify bad behavior, but don't be too averse to other adults in your child's life reprimanding, too. This can help them to understand and hear another voice telling them that what they're doing is wrong, such as teachers in a classroom setting, other members of the family or even adult friends if the child is misbehaving at your friend's home.
46. Stop trying to solve everything for them
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As a parent you'll want to help your child as much as possible, but there needs to be boundaries so that your child can figure things out on their own. Take a step back and don't try to fix everything for them, as this independent decision making can help make a child less spoilt where they expect other people to fix things for them!
47. Ignore them when they get angry
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Stop engaging with your child when they become angry, have a tantrum or speak to you in a disrespectful way. Explain to them clearly that you'll only answer them or interact with them when they've calmed down or speak to you respectfully. Stick by this no matter what.
48. Don't give in to emotional blackmail

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As we mentioned, a lot of spoilt children will try to manipulate you emotionally in public because you'll more easily give in if strangers are watching - but stop giving in to any type of blackmail or manipulation, no matter where you are. If you do, it'll only make them think they'll get what they want if they do this.
49. Be sure to reward good behavior

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Good behavior can be few and far between with a spoilt child, but during the journey of rectifying their behavior, don't forget to reward even the smallest positive change. Explain clearly that you appreciate their effort to do better and make sure to reward it, instead of just focusing on the bad.
50. Discipline in a compassionate way
image source: newsweek.com
It's very easy to get carried away with frustration and anger when disciplining a spoilt child, but discipline should always come from a place of love and instilled in a way that your child still knows you love and care for them, it's just that they need to do better.