A Tribe Peers From The Trees At A Helicopter Overhead

Image Source / The GuardianFor uncontacted tribes, no doubt an approaching helicopter is going to be a time for concern - or maybe even just curiosity. Here you can see some tribe members peering up through a gap in the trees, with one of the holding what looks to be a weapon.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
The Small Group Included A Bow Weapon And Body Paint

Image Source / The GuardianOne of the men of the group appears to be holding a bow, no doubt the preferred weapon if they're trying to protect themselves from within the trees - especially with helicopters and cameras flying overhead. They also appear to wear body paint, which could act as camouflage whilst living in the trees.
The Men Appear Dressed In Only A Makeshift Loincloth

Image Source / The GuardianIn what looks to be a makeshift loincloth, the men of the tribe are otherwise naked apart from their body paint. One of the men, with what looks like red paint across his mouth, can even be seen looking directly up at the camera while another appears to prepare a weapon. Can you also spot the colourful parrot in the photo?
The House Of A Lone Tribesman: The Last Of His Tribe

Image Source / Survival InternationalThis house built in the forest of Brazil is where the remaining member of a tribe lives alone and where he grows his own vegetables. Being the last of his tribe, he is constantly on alert or hiding. He's known as 'the Man of the Hole' due to the holes he digs to hide in, or to trap animals. He refuses any sort of contact by others.
One Man Of A Tribe Sleeping In The Forest

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere a tribesman is seen sleeping in the forest in Brazil. The man was part of a tribe of around 20 people when they were first noticed, but it appears that a lot of members of the tribe have since disappeared; either they hadn't survived or had moved elsewhere.
The Abandoned House Of An Untouched Tribe

Image Source / Survival InternationalIt's not known why these tribespeople needed to abandon their home, but no doubt tribes need to leave and move on a lot of the time for their own safety. This provides a peek into what their home life is actually like - you can see it full of cloth and baskets, and looks to have been abandoned in a hurry with their belongings not taken with them.
A Tribe Mother And Her Child

Image Source / Survival InternationalOne of the Korubo people in the Javari Valley, this is a mother and her child around the borders of Brazil and Peru. This location is home to several uncontacted Indian groups and houses one of the largest populations of untouched people in Brazil.
Another Uncontacted Tribe That Looks To Be Living A Healthy Life

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere you can see the isolated tribesmen peering up curiously at the camera. These photos reveal what looks to be a healthy livelihood and community, with shelter as well as gardens and baskets full of vegetables. Here you can spot manioc and papaya.
Uncontacted Tribesmen Become Defensive

Image Source / Survival InternationalSome uncontacted people may become simply curious at the sight of cameras or helicopters overhead, but this tribe reacted defensively. You can see them instantly raising weapons - bows and arrows - towards the camera, as well as being covered in body paint.
A Glimpse At Their Home Huts

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere you can see the set up in the clearing of the tribe's huts and homes where they live. You can spot more tribesmen in red body paint, and can also see that they're still being defensive, with a few of them once again raising their bows and arrows towards the camera.
A Woman From An Isolated Tribe Takes Shelter

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere you can spot a woman, alone, lying underneath the shelter of one of the tribal huts. She appears to be looking up at the camera. This Indian woman is part of the uncontacted Jururei tribe in the indigenous Urueu Wau Wag territory in Rondônia, Brazil.
More Red Body Paint

Image Source / Survival InternationalIt's unclear why these tribesmen might choose red for their body paint, as it doesn't work too well for camouflage in the green and brown foliage. Maybe it's a mark of rank, authority or maybe it's just something personal to them.
A Tribesman Aims An Arrow In Defence

Image Source / Bored PandaNot happy at being photographed, or maybe even disturbed by the loud noise of a helicopter, this tribesmen - who may be a warrior - gets ready to aim an arrow at the camera, either as a warning or to actually release the arrow and hope to hit a target.
The Uncontacted Tribes Live Deep In The Rainforest

Image Source / Bored PandaHere you can see the extent of the forest and just how huge it actually is. You can make out the clearing at the bottom of the photo where one of the untouched tribe communities and their huts can be seen.
The Tribesman Throws A Spear

Image Source / Bored PandaEager to get his point across, the tribesman also launches spears as well as his arrows. The weapons are thrown as a message for the tribe to be left alone and to leave them in peace. The parrot still on the shelter roof still looks unperturbed, though!
But The Territories Of Untouched Tribes Can Be Destroyed By Loggers

Image Source / Bored PandaAlthough the tribes do their best to live in peace and choose to be isolated from others, they're still in constant threat from loggers or prospectors of their land. Their entire tribe, shelters and livelihood could be wiped out, and nobody of the outside world would ever know.
Other Tribesmen Carry Different Weapons And Paint

Image Source / Bored PandaWhen you see different men from the isolated tribes, you can see the difference in the paint colours and paint patterns on their body. It could be an indication of their role within the tribe, or maybe it only means something to them. He's also carrying what looks to be a makeshift spear.
They're Known As 'Isolated Indians' By Brazilians

Image Source / Bored PandaAware of the tribes in the forest but content to leave them alone, most Brazilians would refer to them - or know them - as simply "isolated Indians of the upper Humaitá". It's uncertain how many people have actually tried to contact the tribes, or how many attempts they've had to make to warn people away.
Tribe Members Report A Massacre Of Their Relatives

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere you can see two members of an uncontacted tribe in Brazil, who turned up on the border of Peru and Brazil back in 2014, reporting that their older relatives had been killed. It may have been that a new tribe had appeared in the area and taken over the territory, but it's not fully known.
Footage Of A Member Of The Uncontacted Awa Tribe

Image Source / CNNThis photo comes from footage that was released recorded of a tribesman deep in the forest, who at first didn't know he was being recorded. He was seen sniffing on a machete weapon before noticing the camera and then fleeing.
An Abandoned Carrying Basket

Image Source / Survival InternationalThese uncontacted tribes are experts in fashioning baskets, weapons and other items out of everything the natural world supplies to them. Here you can see a carrying basket fashioned out of leaves which is found abandoned on the ground.
An Uncontacted Indian Tribe Reacts To A Plane Overhead

Image Source / ReutersLocated in the Amazon basin in Brazil near the border of Peru, this tribe's community is here seen reacting what looks to be defensively with weapons in hand as a plane flies overhead. Or they may just be curious by the giant machine flying above their heads.
Members Of A Tribe Watch A Group Of Travellers

Image Source / ReutersWith what looks to be open curiosity, members of the Mashco-Piro tribe in the Amazon look across the Alto Madre de Dios river in the Manu National Park to watch a group of travellers spending time at the river. This tribe is one of many who are not allowed to be contacted mainly due to their weakened immune systems.
Uncontacted Tribe Members Voluntarily Approach Some Researchers

Image Source / ReutersThere previous untouched tribe members actually made the choice to come forward and make contact with this group of researchers on the bank of the river. The three members of the tribe can be seen approaching the researchers from Brazil's National Indian Foundation on the river Envira.
Remnants Of The Life Tribes Leave Behind

Image Source / ReutersHere you can see a ceramic flute which was made by a tribe of uncontacted Indians. It shows the craft skill of these untouched tribe members. The flute was found by members of another tribe, the Madija, in Brazil.
Tribe People Remain Cautious In The Trees

Image Source / ReutersAs a plane flies overhead, you can see the members of this tribe ducking a little and remaining cautious behind the protection of the foliage and trees around them. They appear highly camouflaged and difficult to spot.
Tribe Members Emerge From Their Shelter

Image Source / ReutersIt seems that people of these uncontacted tribes are very quick to react to any sort of threat. With a plane passing overhead, the several tribes people stand to attention with weapons at the ready, and also appear to be in defensive positions around their home.
The Effects Of Deforestation

Image Source / ReutersThis photo reveals an area of deforested jungle where a tribe would once have lived. Uncontacted tribes have more of their territory destroyed or threatened an increasing amount. It's not uncommon for uncontacted Indians to commit raids on nearby villages.
Members Of The Tribe Protect Their Dwellings

Image Source / ReutersYou can notice the variation in skin paint colour and choice of weapons. Here you can see several members of the tribe leaving their shelter to react as a unit to the plane flying overhead. They react to protect their home out in the open, while you can see other tribe members taking cover under the shelter.
Their Shelters Are A Series Of Long Huts

Image Source / ReutersMost untouched tribe communities reveal shelters and huts in clearings with men ready to protect. The roofs are built thickly with branches and leaves, with low roofs and open doorways. You can also see pots strewn in the doorway of one of the huts.
An Aerial View Of A Communal House

Image Source / Survival InternationalThe uncontacted Yanomami yano - or communal house - in the Brazilian Amazon is here shown after being snapped from the air a few years ago. It's estimated to be home to around 100 uncontacted tribespeople. You can see the communal intention arranged in a circle.
This Village Is Located In The Yanomami Indigenous Territory In North Brazil

Image Source / Survival InternationalThis village, in the north of Brazil, is close to the Venezuelan border. It's home to around 22,000 Yanomami on the Brazilian side. At least 3 groups of people from these 22,000 have absolutely no contact with outsiders. This also makes them very vulnerable to disease and violence from those outside their tribe.
The Uncontacted Yanomami Indians Seem To Have Grown In Number

Image Source / Survival InternationalIt just shows that, when not threatened by outsiders, the population of these uncontacted tribes does have the potential to grow and thrive. The members of this community appear in great health and, based on the details gathered about this particular tribe in the past, appear to have grown in population, too.
These Large Communal Houses Are Built For Several Families

Image Source / Survival InternationalThis is an example of a typical Yanomami yano (large communal house) and built to house more than once family - several, in fact. Each of the square sections that you can see is home to a different family, where they can share the space with their neighbours, hang hammocks and keep food stores.
Another Uncontacted Tribe In Brazil Knows It's Being Photographed

Image Source / Survival InternationalThis uncontacted tribe in Brazil reacts to being seen from the air, which happened back in 2010 during a government expedition. You can see one of the young boys pointing while the rest look on with interest. The eldest of the group can be seen in red body paint.
Members Of The Akuntsu Tribe

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere is another of the many of the uncontacted (and threatened) tribes in the Brazilian Amazon. There are now only three surviving members of this tribe, the Akuntsu, which means when these three members die - either through natural causes or from outside threat - this particular tribe would be completely wiped out.
But Sometimes Tribe Members Can Seek Out Contact

Image Source / Survival InternationalEven then, it might be extreme circumstances that force them to do so, such as feeling threatened or seeking something. These three tribe members of an uncontacted community made contact with a settled Ashaninka community close to the Brazil-Peru border.
The Last Member Of The Bo Tribe

Image Source / Survival InternationalHow must it feel to be the very last member of your tribe - a tribe that remained uncontacted by anyone else? Boa Sr, pictured here, was the last member of the Bo tribe. This tribe, as well as several others, were destroyed after the British colonized the Andaman islands.
Tribesmen Would Paint Themselves With Red And Black Dye

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere pictured in 2010 during a Brazilian government expedition, these members of an uncontacted tribe in Brazil can be seen from the air to have painted their bodies. Even from a distance you can see the striking red and black body paints, which is actually vegetable dye.
An Uncontacted Settlement In Brazil

Image Source / Survival InternationalKeeping a safe distance, an outsider's first option to gain insight into these tribes' way of life is to get shots from the air. Luckily, photographs from planes mean a great shot into these settlements whilst still maintaining a safe distance from these communities.
Another Shot Of The Three Tribe Members Who Came To Seek Help

Image Source / Survival InternationalThese three tribesmen made contact at the Brazil-Peru border in 2014 because they were reporting the death and massacre of their older relatives, and other members of their tribe. After this first contact, they actually caught an infection and had to be treated by the medical team on hand.
Members Of The Mashco-Piro Tribe Spend Time At The Riverbank

Image Source / Survival InternationalPictured in 2011 at the Manu National Park, these people belong to the uncontacted Mashco-Piro tribe, taking an interest in the cameraman across the river. You can see men, women and children alike, possibly one big biological family or maybe different members from several families.
Shelters Along The Riverbank

Image Source / Survival InternationalPictured running along the Curanja River in south-east Peru, these shelters were all built by one of many of the uncontacted tribe. The sheer amount of shelters brings to light how many people must be in this community, whether each shelter is built for one family or different families to shelter together.
The Communities Have Their Own Gardens, Too

Image Source / Survival InternationalIt might be strange to think that these communities have their own allocated gardens when surrounded by the expanse of rainforest, but they do have gardens to grow vegetables. They don't just plant vegetables, either, but plants and trees, too, as shown here alongside the tribesman painted red with annatto seed dye.
Some Tribes Have To Live On The Run From Danger

Image Source / Survival InternationalAs pictured here, some members of tribes in the forests have to constantly live on the run from threats such as armed loggers or ranchers. This is a still from some government footage taken by a chance encounter with a tribesmen moving through.
It's Common For Some Tribe People To React Aggressively To Helicopters

Image Source / Survival InternationalIt makes sense why, as not only is it unwanted contact, but it's a very loud and threatening overhead machine! Here a member of the Sentinelese tribe is pictured firing arrows at a helicopter. This photo was taken following the 2004 tsunami.
The Sentinelese Tribe Also Face The Threat Of Illegal Poaching

Image Source / Survival InternationalThe act of illegal poaching in the waters around the island this uncontacted tribe calls home is a threat to their community's survival. If the poaching gets out of hand, it means their resources are reduced - and if they run out altogether, it could mean the worst for the tribe.
The Huge Impact Of Plantations On Uncontacted Tribes

Image Source / Survival InternationalHere you can see a huge portion of land flattened to make way for plantations, still next to the lush green trees of the rain forest. This patch of land for the plantation would have once been home to hundreds of tribes. Plantations like this are actually encouraged in Brazil, by anti-Indigenous rural lobby groups.
A Missionary Risks The Life Of A Tribe Member Through Physical Contact

Image Source / Survival InternationalMissionaries are constantly forcing contact with tribes who don't want it. This photo shows a missionary taking a selfie with an uncontacted tribe member - something that seems common to the rest of us, but for this child could mean certain death if they catch the germs of an infection or disease they have no immunity for.
Oil And Gas Projects Have Killed Many Tribes

Image Source / Survival InternationalSouth-east Peru is home to many different uncontacted tribes. This Camisea gas pipeline has been constructed directly through the forests of uncontacted tribes - the place they call home and depend on to survive. Projects like this have caused the end of many tribes.