1. Archie's 1st Birthday

Image Source/ OK! Magazine
Behind the scenes pictures from baby Archie's 1st birthday party! Harry, Meghan and her mom, Doria, celebrated with him during lockdown while the three of them were stuck in Canada when no travel was allowed. It looks like they still had the best time!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Like father like son

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Well, we can all definitely say that Archie looks like his dad! You can see his little red curls poking out of his sunhat in this sweet photo. Prince Harry carries Archie on his shoulders out in the sunshine of their LA home while they exchange smiles!
3. Archie and his Grandma

Image Source/ Heart Radio
Gone but never forgotten... In a sweet clip from their documentary, Meghan can be seen talking to baby Archie and showing him a picture of his grandmother, Princess Diana. This picture is on the wall of his nursery so he can grow up knowing who she was.
4. Dogs galore!

Image Source/ Elle
Unknown to a lot of people, Harry and Meghan are HUGE animal lovers. They have two family dogs already and have recently rescued a third beagle called Mamma Mia! Not to mention the chickens they have at home... Here you can see their two dogs cuddled up on the sofa while Harry reads to Archie.
5. Archie saying hello his (soon to be) sister

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
One from the personal archives! Meghan has captured this adorable cuddle between Archie and his soon-to-be sister when she was still just a bump! Probably a bit too young to understand, but is definitely an adorable memory to look back on when he is older!
6. When 1 became 2...

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, born June 4th 2021. The most precious photo, only recently shared by Meghan and Harry. The newest addition to their family. For many reasons, their children are rarely photographed so these behind the scenes images are even more adorable!
7. It's snowing! Archie sees snow for the first time!
Image Source/ Town & Country MagazineVancouver Island - what a place! Archie celebrated his first Christmas here just before the Covid pandemic began. He had never seen snow before! From the look of this picture, I think he might like it! I bet they don't get much snow in LA compared to Canada or the UK...
8. Checking out their coop

Image Source/ Today
The very royal chickens! I bet they live a life of luxury being looked after by Harry and Meghan. Here's Archie feeding them their breakfast, and no... they don't have people for that. Harry and Meghan very much want to get stuck in themselves! And encourage their kids to do so too.
9. Two peas in a pod

Image Source/ Harper's Bazaar
It must take some strength to carry these kids round! Especially as this recent picture shows Lilibet much older now. Although, you can tell that Meghan was born to be a Mom and absolutely loves it. Their documentary shows all sorts of heartwarming moments of them as a family.
10. Summer fun in LA!

Image Source/ Today
I bet we all have this idea about the royals that they don't do normal things. But here is a very fun, very normal Dad goofing around with his son in the Summer. I mean, how fun does this Slip 'n' Slide look!? Combine that with the dreamy LA heat, you have yourself a perfect summer.
11. A newborn Archie...

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
The cutest mirror selfie showing Meghan and a very tiny baby Archie in what looks like their home at the time, Frogmore Cottage. They lived there when Archie was first born, before all the controversy and before their move abroad to Canada and then the US.
12. Bye Daddy...

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
You can almost feel the sadness in this picture... Here's Meghan soothing her son after saying bye to his Dad. Harry had in fact just left to attend his Grandfather's funeral back in April 2021. Just a few months away from giving birth to Lili, Meghan stayed at home in LA.
13. Archie in the countryside

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Here you can see Archie running free in the countryside with their family dogs! The recently released Netflix documentary, Harry & Meghan, showed lots of clips of this, encouraging envy from everyone watching as to their blissful home life in Los Angeles!
14. Reading a bedtime story

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
In what could be the sweetest picture ever, you can see Meghan reading a bedtime story to Archie. This must be a relatively recent picture that many won't have seen. You can see one of their pups snoozing in a dog bed behind them and you can just catch Lili's crib next to them - she must have been listening too!
15. Dad's play the best games!

Image Source/ Page Six
Who says Prince's can't have fun? Another clip from their recent Netflix documentary shows Prince Harry zooming Archie round on a suitcase. This was when they were packing up their lives in Canada to move to sunny LA. Not all as glamorous as it sounds as they were being hounded by paparazzi.
16. Grandma and baby Archie

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
A grandma meeting her first grandchild for the first time! What a special moment to capture and share. Doria is Meghan's mom and I bet she was desperate to get her hands on her new grandson for a cuddle! Now Harry and Meghan live in LA, she gets to spend lots of time with her grandchildren.
17. Archie's first royal tour!

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
It's his very first royal tour! Harry and Meghan took Archie with them on one of their tours not long after he was born. I imagine with two children this would be a lot more difficult, so wise to make the most of it with just one! Maybe it was his first time on a plane too... he looks mesmerised!
18. Lili's first birthday!

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Here's an unseen picture of Lilibet at a private birthday party for her! She is turning one here, at Frogmore Cottage, on the same weekend as Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee. A busy weekend for the royal family! Looks like she had a great time surrounded by all her cousins.
19. Man's best friend

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Here's Archie bringing up the rear while walking their beagle, Gus. No man gets left behind. These two look like the best of friends! You can even tell how patient Gus is being with Archie as his little legs struggle to keep up. Thick as thieves these two!
20. What's that Daddy?

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Who knew Prince Harry was an avid bird watcher! This picture comes from a home video by Meghan who caught Harry marvelling over some hummingbirds and trying to tell Archie all about them. Although, I don't think Archie really gets how rare this is...
21. All dressed up!

Image Source/ Harper's Bazaar
A great, candid picture of the Sussexes all dressed up. Meghan wears a beautiful dress and carries Archie, while Lilbet gets to ride on her Dad's shoulders. Definitely one for the photo albums! Just look at the look of love on Meghan's face when she looks at her husband!
22. Lili learning to walk!

Image Source/ Daily Express
Definitely the one thing that all parents try to catch on camera... their babies first steps! And here are Lilibet's. Tentatively still clinging on to her Mom for support but I'm sure she was off on her own as soon as she found her feet. Absolutely adorable!
23. Beach life

Image Source/ The US Sun
Oh what a life they lead! I would love a beach on my doorstep too... Archie seems like he loves it too in this great picture of him running around at the beach. Harry and Meghan moved out of the UK to get a better, more private life for themselves and it seems like they got it!
24. Archie showing Mom how it's done

Image Source/ Vogue
Start them young! Archie looks like he is reading this book to his mom and not the other way around! A great moment captured on camera as they both look like they're having a great time. This is an old photo now showing a much younger Archie, but one unseen by many!
25. Green fingered kids!

Image Source/ Hello
Wow, what a garden! And what a hobby. Meghan loves to be outdoors and if she isn't with her animals, she is tending to her garden. Getting the kids onboard at a young age, you can see them helping her pick some veg. A gardener's dream for some I am sure!
26. Archie and his Nanny!

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Lorren Khumalo was Archie's Nanny, but it sounds like she was really a part of the family! Meghan has said how much they all loved having her around, even asking her to move with them when they relocated! Sounds like Archie was very lucky to have her.
27. Family time with Ashleigh

Image Source/ Town & Country Magazine
Ashleigh, Meghan's niece, is a huge part of her life and therefore a huge part of her kid's lives. After a brief drifting apart, Ashleigh is keen to make up for any time she lost with Archie and loves to play and bake cookies with him whenever she can!
28. Bath time!

Image Source/ People
An unseen photo of baby Archie... looking like he is trying to escape! Fun, family bath time. He definitely looks to be providing some entertainment! A black and white filter added by Meghan before she shared it, but an adorable picture all the same.
29. Musical Archie!

Image Source/ Elle
What a talent we might have on our hands! Many unseen personal photos of Archie show him playing some kind of musical instrument! Whether it's the piano or the drums, Harry and Meghan encourage him to find his passion. Although it might sometimes get a little bit noisy!
30. Cuddles at bed time!

Image Source/ Harper's Bazaar Australia
How adorable! A picture of Meghan cuddling her son, Archie, in his bedroom. It looks like he is trying to give her a sweet little kiss too! Just a reminder than they are normal parents like the rest of us! Candid photos always capture the best moments.
31. Lilibet's First Birthday

Image source: hellomagazine.com
Here is a sweet photo of mommy Meghan looking particularly happy on daughter Lilibet's first birthday, while Lilibet herself maybe looks less than impressed (but you don't have a clue what's going on at that age anyway!). This was taken at their UK home for the first birthday celebration, in the Windsor estate.
32. Lili Explores The Garden

Image source: hellomagazine.com
If you're lucky enough to be born into a rich family with a massive house and even bigger garden, then why wouldn't you spend your time crawling around it? You wouldn't even need to be a baby to justify that. Here's Lilibet exploring the grounds, wearing definitely the wrong color choice for grass stains!
33. Lilibet's Summer Outfit

Image source: hellomagazine.com
Here's Lili looking fashionable in the garden again, but yet again wearing the wrong color choice if you're worried about getting green marks and mud on your clothes! Nonetheless the blue summer dress is adorable, and the white bow really completes the look.
34. Getting In Some Soccer

Image source: pagesix.com
This is where it gets interesting, because UK Prince Harry would call it football, but Meghan would call it soccer - and where this picture was taken in the US would say soccer, too! But whatever you want to call it, here's the family playing it in the garden!
35. Is That A Corn Maze?

Image source: pagesix.com
We've been trained to associate corn mazes with horror movies or Halloween scares, so no wonder Archie is clinging onto his mom for dear life in this photo! No doubt he's scared being in here, or maybe they got lost. It's all fun on the farm, isn't it?
36. Matching Outfits

Image source: pagesix.com
Whether intentional or not (but probably intentional, let's be honest) this is adorable - they're both wearing very comfy looking uggs to once again explore the garden (this family loves the garden, doesn't it?) in what looks like quite an autumnal snap.
37. Prince Harry Protects Archie From The Rain

Image source: pagesix.com
What do you do when your baby son doesn't like the cold weather or the rain? Put an adorable hat on him and then use a bright green umbrella to make sure that he doesn't get wet! At least the garden furniture in the background is covered and protected, too.
38. Archie Having The Time Of His Life

Image source: pagesix.com
Although someone here has clearly had too much fun with camera filters or maybe even looking through a kaleidoscope lens to take this photo, you can still see the massive smile on baby Archie's face as he's thrown in the air - and looks like that could be mommy Meghan holding him.
39. Family Reading Time

Image source: pagesix.com
A closer look at Prince Harry getting in some reading time with the family on some seriously comfortable looking couches, let's be honest. Whatever they're reading, they look very engrossed - and maybe even Harry looks more engrossed than the kids!
40. A Kiss On The Head

Image source: pagesix.com
Here you can see father and prince Harry laying a kiss on the forehead of his newborn child - but is this Archie or Lilibet, can you tell? It's actually Lilibet as a newborn baby, with Harry getting in the first kiss on his new baby girl who's busy sleeping and wrapped like a burrito.
41. Group Hug

Image source: pagesix.com
Here you can see every member of the family having a group hug, because Lilibet is there too! She just hasn't officially been born yet. Harry gives Meghan a cuddle during her pregnancy while she cuddles Archie. And, of course, they're outside, as always! Nothing like some fresh air, eh?
42. Meghan's Mom Looks Pretty Happy

Image source: pagesix.com
If you're going to get a family photo, then you definitely need the dogs in there too! And to finish it off, you need to invite grandmom over as well. Meghan's mom looks particularly happy posing with her newest family members - and looks very happy for her daughter.
43. A Kiss For A Newborn

Image source: pagesix.com
So can you tell which baby this is, Archie or Lilibet? With all the buzz about Lilibet being the latest addition to the brood, here's a throwback photo of Archie being snuggled by new mom Meghan, obviously in awe of her and Prince Harry's firstborn child!
44. Archie Has A New Protector

Image source: pagesix.com
Is there anything more adorable to see in a growing family than the dog warming up to the new baby and immediately protecting it? Here Meghan and Harry's cute dog looks over Archie as he lays in his crib to make sure that he's okay. The dog looks curious for sure!
45. Lilibet Asleep

Image source: pagesix.com
What would be the logical thing to do when your newborn baby has finally drifted off to sleep? Try and poke it, of course! We're not sure who's hand this is - Meghan's or Harry's? - but whoever it is is having a good poke of Lilibet while she's trying to sleep.. poor baby.
46. Lilibet Finds Somewhere More Comfy To Sleep

Image source: pagesix.com
The good news is, after being poked and prodded, Lilibet decided to move somewhere where she wouldn't be disturbed - and luckily momma Meghan has the perfect cozy spot for her newborn baby to sleep soundly. And Meghan looks pretty happy about it, too!
47. Archie Plays With Friends

Image source: emmanuelsblog.com
You might have seen so many photos of Archie and Lilibet playing at home with just their parents that you might not have seen Archie or Lili playing with other children, or at least people close to their age! Here's Archie playing with the kids of Meghan's friend.
48. Meghan Cradles Baby Bump

Image source: emmanuelsblog.com
Here we see Meghan at her friend's house with their children, while she herself expects baby Archie or Lilibet on the way! She's seen in a dressed-down casual black outfit where it wouldn't be so obvious she's pregnant if it wasn't for her cradling the bump!
49. Archie Takes A Car Journey

Image source: marieclaire.com
A photo that's not actually in the couple's garden or home for a change! But it seems like mommy Meghan can't stop cuddling her kids no matter where she is. Here's a snap of Archie travelling in the car with his mom while she cuddles and kisses him, as he holds an American flag.
50. Archie Checks Out The Farm Animals

Image source: townandcountrymag.com
Is there anything more fun for a child growing up than to be surrounded by adorable animals? Here Archie takes a short break on one of his walks while he enjoys a snack watching the adorable donkeys in the field nearby. They seem just as interested in him, too.