Unseen Images Of Elvis

By molly atherton 10 months ago
Step into the world of rock 'n' roll royalty as we unveil a treasure trove of unseen snapshots capturing the enigmatic charisma and timeless allure of the one and only Elvis Presley.

1. Elvis In His Coffin

For those with morbid curiosity, this is the very last picture taken of The King following his death, as he lies at peace in his coffin. The caption states that...Bill Murray remembers Elvis' funeral – Elvis PresleyImage Source / Do You RememberElvis was dressed in understated fashion (compared to many of his iconic suits during his life) in a plain white suit, a blue shirt and a silver tie. Original content sourced from Femanin.com

2. Elvis Sporting A Rod Stewart Hairdo

Looking as suave as ever, Elvis styles his hair a little differently than what we are used to. He's got a fringe and lets it all hang out.

The superstar looks as though he's been caught off guard by the camera as he is not posing as he normally does. It's rare to see him caught off guard!

3. Have You Ever Seen Elvis On A Horse?

We've seen Elvis in a lot of ways - on stage, in one of his signature rocking-out posers, holding his daughter, or standing in his army uniform.Image Source / Irish MirrorWhat you might never had seen is Elvis on the back of a horse! Here, he's snapped with a casual blue-shirt look and appears to be completely at ease on the back of the horse.

4. Treasured Family Time

These moments must have been few and far between for Elvis with such a busy career, but one of the reasons he loved his Graceland mansion was for its privacy.Image Source / Elvis DailyHere, presumably in the family mansion he owned, he shares a special moment with his wife and daughter during their downtime in 1969.

5. Elvis And Priscilla Celebrate Their Wedding Day

This was the moment that Pricilla, born Wagner and then later Beaulieu by adoption, became a Presley when she married the King in 1967.Image Source / EsquireThe pair enjoyed a Vegas wedding - because of course they did, it's Elvis! - after living together for five years before this time. Nine months later, their first child was born.

6. Can You Spot Elvis At The Back?

Of course Elvis would be seated at the back in a classroom where all the 'cool kids' sit - we can't imagine him up front on the first row avidly taking notes.Image Source / Do You RememberInstead, he was probably doodling music lyrics in his notebook in the back corner. Here he is in his biology class at Humes High School in the 1950s.

7. Or Holding An Adorable Dog?

What's better than a natural shot of Elvis smiling for the camera? One of the music legend holding an adorable pup, of course! This is Elvis with Sweet Pea...Image Source / Do You Remember?the dog in 1956. Although the photo seems innocent with the star playing with his cute pup, this photo was actually taken after his arrest for an altercation.

8. The King Enjoys An Endearing Moment With His Daughter

There's something special seeing this photo with Elvis dressed up completely in his performance gear but still reminding us that this stage persona...Image Source / Elvis Dailyhad life and love with his family behind the scenes. Here he is sharing a moment with his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, in 1970.

9. Elvis Enjoys A Fairground Ride With Girlfriend Anita Wood

When you think of photos of Elvis, you usually think of two things: the cool, calm and suave expression on his face, and him usually being seen with his wife, Priscilla Presley.Image Source / Do You Remember?Here, you have an Elvis out of character as he reacts to a fairground ride (he apparently doesn't like heights based on this expression!) with then-girlfriend, actress Anita Wood.

10. Elvis About To Start A Snowball Fight

So apparently the King of Rock & Roll wasn't averse to a little snowy weather - and a snowball fight, at that. He's clearly making up a ball as he readies himself...Image Source / Elvis Daily... for someone off camera - no doubt it's his daughter or wife for some family downtime during an enjoyable snow day! Or maybe he's aiming for paparazzi!

11. Ain't Nothin' But A Bathrobe

Well, actually, we hope it isn't 'ain't nothin' but a bathrobe' because that beach sure does look windy! When you're so used to seeing Elvis dressed up...Image Source / Elvis Dailyto the nines in his sparkly stage suits and glasses, it's rather strange to see him rocking a simple bathrobe - which of course he still does.

12. Elvis Looking Serious During An Army Exercise

A far cry away from his performances on stage in gaudy suits and impressive dance moves, here is the star on an army exercise in the woods during 1958.Image Source / Do You RememberHe was apparently sent on frequent exercises like this by the army in order to keep him at a distance from fans who no doubt wanted a shot of him in army attire!

13. Elvis Looking Contemplative During A Train Ride

Most of us during a lengthy train journey would stare out of the fogged glass, probably with a traveling playlist loaded up and daydreaming about ourselves...Image Source / Do You Rememberon stage or in a music video. For Elvis during this train ride, a journey from New York to Memphis in 1956, he didn't have to daydream - he was already a music legend!

14. A 21-Year-Old Elvis Smiles With A Fan

For such a huge star, it can be very rare to see such a one-on-one greet in the street for a fan when the star is usually surrounding by swarm of adoring supporters.Image Source / Do You Remember?Here, a very young Elvis at 21 years old smiles and speaks with a fan in the street of a city. This candid scene captures the essence of Elvis's genuine connection.

15. But The Peaceful Interactions Didn't Last Too Long!

Back to being swarmed by desperate fans instead of peaceful one-on-ones in the street, here a 21-year-old Elvis is trying his best to sign autographs...Image Source / Do You Rememberfor the group of eager fans as he leans out the back of a vehicle! It looks like that guard behind him has got a tough job trying to control that.

16. Elvis Arrives For A Recording Session In Full Army Uniform

And he looks pretty pleased with himself there in the back! There's showing up smart to work, and then there's this. No doubt it made Elvis feel more in the zoneImage Source / Do You Rememberfor his music recording sessions if he dressed for the part - maybe a recording of Jailhouse Rock? Or he might have just been feeling such an outfit that day! Why not?

17. Elvis Poses For A Magazine Interview

We're no strangers to Elvis posing, whether it's in those flares or those huge glasses, but there's something different about this one.Image Source / Elvis DailyHere, Elvis poses for a more casual, laid-back look for an interview he gave for German BRAVO magazine back in 1959.

18. From One Legend To Another: Elvis Presley And Tom Jones

Pictured here with his wife, Priscilla, and singing legend Tom Jones, Elvis Presley was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1971.Image Source / EsquireThe Grammy Award is granted to artists who have made outstanding contributions to their field during their lifetime, and it's safe to say that Elvis of all people deserved that!

19. Elvis Signs Autographs Backstage

Just look at the way their eyes are fixed completely on his face! Not a single one wanting to look away, and we don't blame them. These dancers were requesting...Image Source / Elvis Dailyautographs of the star backstage at a Dorsey Brothers Stage Show in New York in 1956, and the singer was more than happy to oblige by the looks of things.

20. Elvis Becomes A Father

The moment that the music icon for the world became an icon for his own daughter when Lisa Marie Presley was born in 1968. Here, the King of Rock & Roll poses with...Image Source / Esquire... his wife, Priscilla, and their new bundle of joy - nine months after their Las Vegas wedding. This photo was taken in hospital before their daughter was brought home.

21. Elvis Performs His Final Concert

The singer never would have known that this was to be his very final performance on stage, and neither would the fans watching know, either.Image Source / EsquireHere, The King gives his final farewell during a concert in 1977 in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was after this concert that he went home to Graceland before his next intended tour.

22. Elvis And Priscilla Presley Divorce

Though many showbiz marriages fail spectacularly hard, it did seem like Priscilla and Elvis were a great match, in it for the long haul. Sadly, in 1973...Image Source / Esquirethe pair finalized their divorce, as well as a shared custody plan for their daughter. It turned out that Priscilla actually had an affair with her karate instructor.

23. The Radio Interview Photo

The King was presumably more happy about his radio interview than he looks here! Elvis was interviewed in 1957 for the radio station CKDA in British Columbia.Image Source / Reader's DigestThis was the same night Elvis had scheduled one last show in Vancouver before he was to be enlisted in the army, and agreed to the backstage interview for the radio show.

25. Harem Holiday Elvis

If you didn't already know that Elvis Presley starred in a film called Harem Holiday, then this photo may come as a shock to you in comparison to his usual look!Image Source / Elvis DailyHe's replaced the huge sideburns and even huger glasses for sandy desert attire. The tanned sheen of makeup can only be that of a professional movie set!

26. Elvis's Then-Girlfriend Priscilla Officially Moves To Memphis

This was a defining moment for the pair when things seemed to get very serious - Priscilla steps off the plane and makes the official move to live with The KingImage Source / Esquirein Memphis, where she would go on to marry him and have his daughter. She was 17 years old at the time of this photo, and her parents had allowed her to visit Elvis previously.

27. The King Signs Autographs

Autograph signing must have been a full-time job for Elvis Presley, but he doesn't look deterred by it! Here he is signing autographs after a show he performedImage Source / Reader's Digestat the Polk Theatre in Lakeland, Florida. Taken in 1956, can you believe that tickets to the show cost $1.50 each? It sounds crazy now, doesn't it!

28. Elvis Graduates High School

It's strange to think of Elvis as a high school kid, and even stranger to see him with blonde hair! In 1953, as seen in this photograph, Elvis graduated from...Image Source /EsquireHumes High School in Memphis, Tennessee. This is his school's ROTC uniform. After graduating, his goal was to save up enough money for a demo recording.

29. Elvis Poses At His Army Barracks

It's always interesting to see photos of the singer during his army days, because it's world apart from his vibrant stage persona. Here, we see Elvis in his army uniformImage Source / AP/Shutterstock/Reader's Digeststanding at Company "D" 1st Battalion 32nd Armor. Elvis Presley's time in the army marked a significant departure from his life as a musical sensation.

30. Elvis Enjoys His Personal Rolls-Royce

If you were sitting in the back of a Rolls Royce, you'd probably be looking this smug, too! Here, the singing legend can be seen relaxing in the privacy of the carImage Source / Elvis Dailyin a sleek white suite, no doubt on his way to a party, event, concert or maybe all of the above. One thing's for certain, The King definitely moved around in style.

31. Three Generations of The Presleys

This photo of a smiling Elvis was taken way back when in 1969. Snapped in Graceland with his grandma and daughter, Elvis smiles on while three generations...Image Source/ Elvis Dailyof the Presley family are captured in one moment. It's clear that he's sweet and charming even with his family around. Isn't this an adorable family photo!

32. Elvis Serving Us A Look Before A Show

In this fab photo Elvis looks as cool as a cucumber. Taken what appears to be in a rehearsal or moments before one of his shows, he looks calm and coolImage Source/ Elvis Dailywhile wearing this iconic getup. It appears that Elvis was popular with his co-workers, who seem starstruck to be working with him. As you would be!

33. New Years Elvis

Now this is one for the history books. Dressed to impress for New Years Eve in 1970, Elvis wears a mixed-fur coat and shades (I know, at night?!).Image Source/ Elvis DailyWherever he was attending that evening, I think it's fair to say that lots of women wished they were on his arm like that. Priscilla must have felt pretty proud!

34. A Not-So-Stressed-Out Elvis

With nothing but a button to pull his modesty together, Elvis struts down a hallway, looking as though he's on the way to one of his shows.Image Source / Elvis DailyHis happy and easy nature can be seen while the team around him look stressed and anxious. Also, he really does tower above them.

35. Elvis Poses In Front Of Elvis

An older one of Elvis, this photo was taken in Las Vegas back in 1956, around what seems to be the start of his career. While sporting guyliner, Elvis casually poses,Image Source / Elvis Dailystripping off his shirt, in front of his own feature poster for one of his shows. Now that's cool! The nonchalant act of stripping off his shirt.

36. An Elvis Presley Photoshoot

Here we have a professional photo of Elvis when he sat down for a shoot. Sporting his iconic hair and giving us sultry eyes, Elvis' youth really shines throughImage Source / Elvis Dailyin this image taken back in 1959 while on a trip to Germany. Being up close and personal with Elvis like this feels like a treat for every fan, doesn't it?

37. Elvis Giving It His All

Taken April 5th in 1972, Elvis gives us one heck of a show in Buffalo. Dressed in Elvis-esque attire, it looks as though he is playing some sort of air guitar for the crowd.Image Source/ Elvis DailyLook closely at this photo and you can almost hear the audience screaming in the background. The intensity in his expression, combined with the poised stance.

38. Elvis Goofs Around Backstage

Elvis goofs around here alongside his stylist Jane Elliot. The pair were backstage on the set of filming 'Change of Habit'. Well, ironically it appears that Elvis never changed...Image Source/ Elvis Dailyhis habits and seemed to be still giving us his cheeky happy side even while working! Despite the professional setting of a movie set, Elvis remains true to his affable nature.

39. Elvis Goes Hungry

Taken in Memphis in the March of 1958, Elvis can be seen enjoying a nice sandwich and taking a well-earned break. We can't be sure what the filling is...Image Source/ The Guardianbut by the looks of things he's really enjoying it. It's nice to see Elvis in these moments of normality. Caught in a casual and unguarded moment, Elvis takes a well-deserved break.

40. Elvis Rocks The Knit

Dressed in the cosiest knitted jumper going, Elvis looks on mysteriously in this photo. Taken between takes of ‘Jailhouse Rock' in 1957, Elvis was actually filming...Image Source/ The Guardian... his swimming pool sequence, so maybe the knitted jumper was a way to dry off or cover up because he was cold! Elvis, known for his sleek and charismatic stage presence.

41. The Army Takes Elvis

This photo was taken as part of Elvis' handouts. Dressed in an army getup, he channels a soldier very well, but one of the smoothest soldiers we've ever seen.Image Source/ The GuardianThe date this photograph was taken currently remains unknown, but it is known that Elvis was sent for eight weeks of basic training at the Second Armored Division.

42. Giving His Hair A Comb

How long do we actually think it took Elvis to do his hair in the morning? With the volume that he achieved, surely it took A LOT of hairspray...Elvis PresleyImage Source/ Vogueto keep up like that. Here we can see Elvis giving his hair a comb himself, with no stylist around to do it for him. He doesn't do half bad, though!

43. Elvis Was A Family Man

Like the family man he is, Elvis has his photo taken with wife Priscilla and their new-born daughter Lisa Marie at their home in Tennessee.Elvis Presley avec Priscilla et leur enfant Lisa Marie dans le TennesseImage Source/ VogueSeeing Elvis become a father is so wholesome, and it seems that Priscilla wanted to challenge Elvis' hair with her own - what do you think, did she do a good job?

44. Young Elvis Goes Topless

A young, handsome and topless Elvis looks somewhat uncertain about the photographer here. Taken all the way back in 1956, the photo gives a rare glimpseElvis Presley en 1956image Source/ Vogueinto the younger life of Elvis. I wonder if this photo was taken after he took that shirt off in the photo before! We'll never know - but we can keep wondering about it!

45. An Endearing Moment At The Wedding

Looking charming and smooth, Elvis is suited and booted in this photo of him at his wedding where he married Priscilla. While she feeds him a forkful...Elvis Presley avec Priscilla lors de leur mariage à Las VegasImage Source/ Vogueof wedding cake, they lock hands and the look she gives him is clearly one of smitten lust. How we envy them! That must have been the most perfect wedding day.

46. Who Knew He Could Play The Drums?

Now not only is Elvis such a good vocalist (and for good reason) he actually can play the drums! Well, or so we can assume from this photo of a dated Elvis...Elvis Presley dans les annes 1960Image Source/ Voguebanging on this drum set sometime in the 1960s. If only we could all look so cool while doing it. What do you think - which instrument suits him best?

47. Snuggling Around The Pool

Snuggling up with Priscilla and daughter Lisa Marie, we can see time and time again that Elvis was quite the family man. While sat on some sort of lounger...Elvis Presley avec Priscilla et leur enfant Lisa MarieImage Source/ Vogueat what we can only assume to be a retreat, the three of them look happy and at peace with their lives. You kind of don't want their to be a photo of this private moment!

48. Elvis' First Day

As is well known, Elvis Presley did join the army, and this photo was actually taken on his first day. The singer looks broken about his iconic hair...Elvis Presley lors de son premier jour à l'US ArmyImage Source/ Voguebeing shaven off, but knows that the experiences he is about to go through will change him as a person. His expression reflects a mix of emotions, doesn't it?

49. Elvis Was An Animal Lover

Taken in December in 1969, Elvis is snapped while feeding a dolphin at what appears to be some sort of aquarium. It's obvious that he's a natural with...Elvis Presley en dcembre 1969Image Source/ Vogue... the creatures and appears that he absolutely loves feeding them. We wonder if he got to feed anymore! Elvis's evident enthusiasm and affection speak volumes.

50. Riding Horseback

As mentioned before, Elvis loved animals and this one just proves that. He takes the reins so naturally while riding this brown stallion.Elvis PresleyImage Source/ VogueWe do envy anyone that could look that good while wind is spraying their face! What we would do for more unseen photos like these.

51. Have You Ever Seen Baby Elvis?

Elvis was born as Elvis Aaron Presley in 1935. He was born in Mississippi to mother Gladys and father Vernon. He actually had an identical twin brotherImage Source / Esquirewho was named Jesse Garon, who was sadly stillborn. Here, Elvis has the natural blond locks he had when he was younger, long before the black hair we know him for now.

52. Holding His Baby Girl

This is Elvis as a father, with his little baby girl Lisa Marie Presley. She was his only daughter and she was born in February 1968 in Memphis.Image Source/ TelegraphThe two of them had a very close relationship. Here he's holding her in one of his arms, with her legs dangling - but she looks pretty happy about it, and so does he!

53. Licking Lips...Or Tongues

This is a 21-year-old Elvis Presley. And, by now we know just how popular he was with the ladies, and how much of a ladies man he was himself.Image Source/ AlamyThis moment was from a 1956 tour of the US and Canada. It was an unseen photo found from the event by a fan in attendance. That's an... interesting way to kiss.

54. His Glamorous Girlfriend And Studded Coat

This picture shows Elvis with the actress and songwriter who dated the King of Rock 'n' Roll for four and a half years. This was back when she was a beauty pageant winnerImage Source/ The Sunand she had been recently crowned Miss Tennessee. Looking back on this photo she says: “Gotta say… I love the wild fashion statements!"

55. During His Military Service

This is during Elvis Presley's military service whilst he was in Germany. This picture was unearthed by an English teenager named Frances.Image Source/ PinterestShe is the girl next to him in the photo, she was working as a hotel chambermaid. This photo lay forgotten in her drawer for years.

56. Reading And Contemplating

Elvis Presley here is sat reading a magazine looking very contemplative. He's sat next to his mother who is also glancing at the magazine, reading whilst...Image Source/ Grungehe glances intently through. He adored his mother and when she sadly passed away he described her as his best girl and said he was heartbroken.

57. Elvis Hugging A Fan

Elvis loved the fact that with fame came female attention. This is him posing with a fan, he stopped to pose with a female fan who worked at...Image Source/ Elvisblogthe International Hotel backstage at the International Hotel. He had quite the reputation with the ladies... And we can sure understand why, can't we?

58. Creating His White Jumpsuit Legacy

Elvis Presley is being driven through Las Vegas, all the while he is wearing his infamous white jumpsuit which became his iconic staple look.Image Source/ FanpopIn fact this is, the image which really came to the forefront of the 1970s and helped cement him as the King of Rock 'n' Roll that we all know and love.

59. Greeting A Crowd Of Fans

This is Presley greeting fans at the gates of Graceland. There is a massive crowd just waiting for Elvis as they are all keen to meet and catch a glimpseImage Source/ YouTubeof the king of rock and roll himself. And in true Elvis nature, he is there ready to see them all. He always made time for his fans, even outside the gates of Graceland.

60. Relaxing In His Robe On Vacation

This picture was taken which Elvis Presley was on a a vacation with his friends. And, while they stand by the sea he is sporting a blue dressing gown.Image Source/ WikiWe've seen this man sporting a variety of unusual outfits so this is definitely one to add to the list. But there's something more intimate about seeing him wear this!

61. Being A Jack The Lad

Elvis has a bug grin on his face as he holds model Jocelyn Lane in his arms, with her perched almost over his shoulder. He has a big smile on his face hereImage Source/ Pinterestand it is a reminder of the young Elvis Presley who was once a Jack the lad before he became a husband, and before he became a father of course.

62. With His Wife

Here is Elvis Presley with his beloved wife Priscilla Presley. The two of them were married from such a young age, she was just 21 years old.Image Source/ CheatsheetBut, the two of them had a deep connection and had a very happy marriage together just like we can see as they hold one another in this unseen picture.

63. Sitting In The Back Of A Taxi

Here is Elvis Presley say smoking in the back of a taxi. He was actually on the way to one of his very own events. He has his iconic slicked back hairImage Source/ Blogspotand he's wearing a suit jacket. As always, the king is looking cool and effortless whilst looking totally unfazed by what is to come in his life.

64. A Real Philanthropist

This is Elvis Presley in Frankfurt as a part of the charity mission he works for. He is speaking to this little boy who was suffering from Polio.Image Source/ FandomThis is not an uncommon thing for Elvis, he was part of numerous charity works and events- he was a true philanthropist, though more famous for his music.

65. Bursting Out In Song

He is sat at the table right next to his friend in a room with other people too. This does not stop him from bursting out in song, and we can see the passion on his faceImage Source/ Picclickas he sings with his friend watching Elvis with a fascinated expression on his face. Can you imagine actually being seated next to Elvis as he serenades you?

66. Making His Fans Happy

This is a picture of a fan with Elvis in front of the Hudson on July 1, in the year 1956. Elvis loved making his fans happy and this woman was clearly made upImage Source/ The Sunas Presley stops for her as he exits the taxi and greets her whilst also passing her a signed autograph - this must have been her absolute dream come true.

67. Sitting Casually

Here Elvis is in the living room at one of his friend's house. We can see the film prop in the front. As always, he is looking casually relaxed with one leg resting on the sofa.Image Source/ PinterestBut, he's dressed very smart in a white shirt, tie, boots and black suit pants. This has to be the Elvis equivalent of 'how can you sit in jeans at home?'.

68. Achieving His Iconic Slick Back Look

Here is Elvis Presley in his young days, he is dressed in a white gown while having his hair cut to achieve is never failing slick look.Image Source/ BlogspotHe's glancing up casually as somebody takes his picture, taking his eyes away momentarily from the magazine in front of him as though he didn't know the camera was there!

69. Wearing A Turban

This was Elvis pictured wearing a turban. It was before his karate training around the year of 1972 at the studio of David Hebler. And, as well as training for karate...Image Source/ The Mirrorhe was was also signing autographs here too for a group of keen fans. Obliging his fans is always something Elvis was credited with.

70. Waiting Patiently By The Car

Here is a younger Elvis Presley again, with his friend waiting for him to prepare the car. He as his knee casually resting against the bonnet of the vehicle.Image Source/ VogueWhenever Elvis was spotted he would always look dapper and cool now matter the time or situation. Is he making a joke of trying to "steal" from the guy's pocket?