Gelled Hair Cillian Murphy

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Cillian Murphy has quickly became one of the worlds most talked about celebrities through his role as Tommy Shelby in the hit UK show Peaky Blinders but he is so much more than just a mobster from Birmingham. Here we see him in a beautifully fluorescent suit shining in the spotlight with his hair long hair freshly jelled showing off a very daring and dashing new look.
Homeless Cillian Murphy

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Here we see the beloved British actor Cillian Murphy when he was in his earlier years of acting despite the mature look he still holds this image comes before he hit his heights of fame through the action drama Peaky Blinders. We see him here showing off an unusual long hair look for Murphy and wearing a simple hoodie giving him more of a homeless, dressed down kind of energy.
Old Timer Cillian Murphy

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Here we see the renowned actor Cillian Murphy looking quite a bit older and more mature than in the previous photo. That is because this image is quite recent and is from his brand new film Oppenheimer, direct by the sensational Christopher Nolan, where he will be star alongside other A-list celebrities such as Robert Downey Jr, Matt Damon and Florence Pugh.
Inspirational Cillian Murphy

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Here we see Cillian Murphy outside of his usual surroundings and entering the world of education. We would normally expect to see Cillian on our TV screens or in the movie theatre but imagine shouting up to class and seeing the academy award winner standing at the front ready to give an inspiring lecture about the art that he is so passionate about and having the opportunity to learn from the best!
Smoking Soldier Cillian Murphy

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This image may not come as much of a shock to people as others as we are used to seeing him smoking on the hit TV series Peaky Blinders, but as Cillian is seen here with a cigarette in hand we kind see an image of a true soldier of war coming into our minds. Cillian is as a very joyful person and always enjoys being on set and exploring many different characters such as a soldier as we see here.
Bushy Beard Cillian Murphy

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Another look at a very young Cillian Murphy posing for a headshot. His iconic piercing blue eyes searching out and looking into your soul through the image. Showing off a tidy, well trimmed beard hiding his trademark jawline that we have come to admire. His long waving hair sitting in a trendy yet messy style as he posses in a casual V neck T-shirt showing off a slight bit of chest hair.
Casual Cardigan Cillian Murphy

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When you think about Cillian Murphy you think of his matured look and the his piercing stare with those deep ocean blue eyes and often expect him to be dressed formally and quite stylish. Here we see him rocking a dazzling rose red shirt and a very casual but smart black cardigan bring the whole look together presenting his wise and mature personality that we have come to love.
All Black Cillian Murphy

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Cillian Murphy will forever be remembered for his iconic character of Tommy Shelby in the hit BBC drama Peaky Blinders and when we see images of him as a young actor we can see that he was born for the role! Here we see a young Cillian Murphy dressed in all black looking quite suspicious as his smokes a casual cigarette with his long hair blowing in the wind.
Suited And Booted Cillian Murphy

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Now there have been a lot of rumours circulating recently about which actor will become the new James Bond and with Cillian Murphy looking as sharp and powerful as he does in this suit it is absolutely no surprise that he is among the favourites to replace Daniel Craig. Cillian is posing in a gorgeous all black suit with a button down collar and a white pocket square.
Cillian Murphy In A Run Down Building

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Cillian Murphy is know all around the globe for various different roles that he has had through his career and he has been seen in many different locations and settings so it will come as no surprise that there versatile actor is pictured here in a run down building. Only Cillian Murphy could still look as handsome and serious while sitting around cracked and broken walls.
Fresh From The Mud Cillian Murphy

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We all know the commitment that Cillian puts into his roles and the emotion that he is able to deliver in just one look, therefore it cannot be a surprise that he is pictured here covered in mud during the filming of Peaky Blinders. Luckily for Cillian the camera has focused on the cleaner side of his face. I'm sure this made for a powerful scene but his dry cleaner won't be too happy after this one.
Handsome Model Cillian Murphy

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Is there any look that Cillian Murphy cannot pull off? I would be inclined to say HELL NO! We see the brilliant British actor pictured here on a modelling shoot wearing a rustic beige jacket as he is taking a casual sit on a luxurious white armchair, looking very relaxed with one hand resting upon his lip and drawing great focus to his sharp jawline and straight look down the lens of the camera.
Movie Time With Cillian and Florence

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It is without argument that Florence Pugh and Cillian Murphy are two of the biggest stars in recent years for various different projects. So how exciting is it that these two mega stars are finally appearing alongside each other in Christopher Nolan's, Oppenheimer. Here they are pictured during filming as Cillian is displaying a rare on screen grin and Florence looking as serious as ever.
Young Cillian Exploring London

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Now we have seen a few different images of young Cillian Murphy in this list but none that make him look more youthful than this photo. Cillian is pictured here with uncharacteristically short hair but as always there is a great focus on his brilliantly carved jawline and unmistakable beautiful blue eyes. The actor is wearing a casual grey suit with a slightly loose red tie.
Old School Cillian Murphy

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Cillian Murphy is internationally known for his very serious and piercing stare that sends shivers down the spines of everybody in the room and in this pose it is no different. Here we see Cillian Murphy pictured in a dazzling three piece suit. The jacket and trousers are a very dark stripe black with a slightly lighter dark grey vest and an all black shirt and tie combination.
Comic Con Cillian Murphy

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One of the roles that started to bring more attention to a young Cillian Murphy was his role as Dr. Jonathan Crane, aka Scarecrow, in The Dark Knight trilogy. We see a very clean shaven Cillian Murphy wearing a striped shirt is pictured here at a Comic Con panel for Batman ready to discuss the terrible actions his character will reek upon the terrified city of Gotham.
Cillian Murphy Getting Sweaty In A Bar

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It is well known that Cillian Murphy puts a great amount of effort into his acting so it will come as no surprise that he is picture hear with a teasing bead of sweat falling gracefully down his face, from his soaking wet hair after recording a crucial bar scene. Dressed in a typical smart black jacket and an old rustic cream t-shirt Cillian really does look like he means business.
Oppenheimer Ready Cillian Murphy

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The Oppenheimer movie has had a lot of media focus bringing a lot of attention to the movie and especially focusing on the man who is to play J. Robert Oppenheimer himself, Cillian Murphy. Now this look may come as a big change for some characters but not Murphy as he is used to filming and being pictured as he is here with a cigarette in use and black top hat.
Floating Cillian Murphy

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I know what you're thinking, despite Cillian Murphy being an unbelievably talented actor surely there is no way that he is actually floating! Well, unfortunately he is not it is just the magic of the camera angle as he is pictured here in a long brown coat and light brown suit pants and smart black shoes after a stroll around the wilderness during the filming of his new upcoming movie Oppenheimer.
Young Model Cillian Murphy

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Picture this you go from modelling in small shoots to becoming one of the worlds most well known actors well Cillian Murphy does not have to imagine it! Here we see a young Cillian Murphy showing off his toned slim body in a nice pair of blue denim jeans and a slim fitting casual light grey T-shirt. Of course he is still rocking longer hair in a very dramatic pose.
Boy Band Cillian Murphy

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When you think of Cillian Murphy you instantly think of his great success one screen as Tommy Shelby or I movies such as 28 days later or The Dark Knight trilogy. But picture a world where Cillian Murphy becomes a member of a boy band! Well this picture right here gives us a little insight. With he classic across camera gaze and a beautiful nature setting this would make from a brilliant album cover.
Cillian Having Drinks With The A-listers

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Think about this you are a young British boy growing up in Ireland, which was very much a country in turmoil and surrounded by violence and war, dreaming of becoming an actor. Well Cillian Murphy really proved that this dream is possible and what better proof this this picture showing him sat at a bar charing a nice glass of bubbly with some of the most famous actors to ever live!
Cillian Murphy Reporting On Batman

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The ever versatile Cillian Murphy has starred in many different shows ranging in genre and has proven himself every time. So it comes as no shock to see him here pictured at Comic Con, for his role as Scarecrow in The Dark Knight trilogy, having a great time meeting fans and answering all kinds of different questions in a casual striped salmon shirt and blue denim jacket.
Cillian Murphy Loving The Gym

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Cillian Murphy has played a whole host of different ruthless and intimidating characters on the big screen so it can very difficult at times to see him crack a smile while filming. Well lucky for you here is image of Cillian looking thoroughly pleased with himself after filming a scene in dark gym. Posing in a typical Cillian Murphy suit and showing of his pearly whites, he truly was having a great time!
Cillian Murphy As Scarecrow

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Cillian Murphy has played a lot of roles across his lengthy career and maybe one that has fallen through the cracks is his role as Jonathan Crane, aka Scarecrow in The Dark Knight trilogy. Here we see him pictured in character as the mad physiologist spotting some old glasses and of course he must be dressed to match his education in a great suit with his long black hair.
Cillian Murphy On The Red Carpet

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Now the red carpet is no stranger to brilliant Cillian Murphy and he always tries to look his best the mass amounts of cameras and journalists in attendance. Here he is pictured showing off his iconic lushes deep ocean blue eyes and his long dark black hair ready for any photographer insight. He is dressed in an open collared shirt with fitting black suit.
Cillian Murphy In Inception

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Due to his mass amounts of success through recent years many might have forgotten that the great Cillian Murphy starred in the film inception earlier in his career. Here we see Cillian far from the typical look of a smartly dressed man in a tailored suit that we have become custom to seeing and is instead sporting a medical gown on the edge of the river thames looking quite indeed of a haircut.
Apocalyptic Cillian Murphy

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Another image of the sensational actor Cillian Murphy that may shock you is this one! This picture is from one Cillian Murphy's lesser known roles and shows him in a way that not many would have seen before. With his long hair looking in desperate need of cutting and styling alongside his overgrown bushy beard and old dirty ripped t-shirt it is really not the Cillian we recognise.
Cillian Murphy Loving His Air Time

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Coming back to the more expected pictures of Cillian Murphy here is enjoying some nice time to relax on a luxurious private aeroplane on his way to continue filming for Peaky Blinders. We see him looking fresh fresh with his classic long hair being gelled over and wearing a fantastic set of suspenders on a bright shirt and a lilac tie and the classic black shoes and trousers.
Cillian Murphy Relaxing In The Bar

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Now this is the Cillian Murphy that we have all come to love and care for! Here we see the fabulous Cillian looking quite at home and relaxed at the bar and ready to enjoy a good refreshing drinks. He is looking very sharp in a very slimming navy blue suit and light blue shirt with a very fancy checkered black tie that is loose around his collar. He truly is jaw dropping!