1. Little St. James Island Might Look Idyllic...

Image source / Modlin GroupLittle St. James is the Caribbean island formerly owned by Jeffrey Epstein. It has sadly become famous as being the location where much of his supposed abuse towards young girls took place. The island has two bays, is covering in lush green vegetation and is surrounded by crystal clear waters.Original content sourced from femanin.com
2. The living area

Image source / MegaIn another rare photo, we can see inside the living area of the main building. Luxurious lamps, a huge model ship, ceiling projector, music and a ton of framed photos can be seen. One can only wonder what those photos show but they're likely pictures of the many celebrities who visited the island and whose names have been tarnished as a result.
3. The view from 'that table'

Image source / MegaRemember the photo above of the unnamed woman entering in the main house? This photo is taken looking back, from under the veranda. You can see the grand parrot statue, top of the staircase leading down to the sea, palm trees and two of the 'guest houses'.
4. Up for sale

Image source / Modlin GroupAfter Epstein's suicide, the islands were up for sale. This photo, taken by Modlin Group real estate agency shows the pool surrounded by those suspicious huts. There's no denying the beauty of the place but seriously, who would buy this island knowing the accusations that it holds? You wouldn't see me anywhere near it.
5. Island bedrooms

Image source / MegaHere is a rare photo looking inside one of the island bedrooms. A source said the island's amenities were the “best of the best." “The bedrooms were like your ideal Caribbean bungalow that you would find in a five-star hotel suite. The linens were crisp and thick. Super high end. Best quality everything,” she explained to the Daily Mail.
6. The golden roof

Image source / InsiderIn this photo, the 'sex temple' can be seen in its former completed state, topped with an elaborate, golden domed roof. NBC reported that the pavilion was built with the purpose of being used for music and entertainment but that didn't stop the conspiracy theories from circulating. The most common of which claimed that the temple had underground tunnels and sex dungeons.
7. No expense spared

Image source / IndependentBack to Little St. James, this close up shot shows two of the main buildings. Surrounded by palm trees and draped in sunlight, you'd be forgiven for thinking you were arriving on a paradise island. Undoubtedly this was part of Epstein's nasty plan - make the island as alluring as possible to coax the girls into a false sense of security and luxury.
8. Suspicious huts

Image source / ReutersLook closely at this image and you will see four unusual looking, smaller buildings. Perhaps these were separate guest houses, with the main residence pictured in the foreground. Whatever they are, the sense of isolation stands out. It gives you shivers to consider what might have occurred in those seemingly idyllic looking buildings.
9. Walks across the island

Image source / MegaAs we have seen, the island is covered in dense vegetation. Paths cut through the greenery to connect each area of the island and Epstein was known to enjoy walks around the island. In this unsettling photo, he is pictured alongside three young women.
10. Who are these girls?

Image source / MegaWho knows what these photos show. Were these women just arriving at Little St. James, being shown around and lured into the beauty of the place? Or perhaps they were headed home. All that can be said is the uncomfortable age difference between Epstein and these women who appear young enough to be his own children.
11. Where is she going?

Image source / MegaThe buildings at Little St. James were luxurious and finished to the highest specifications. The lawns and gardens were kept immaculate and adorned with eye-catching statues. Here, we see a young women and a dog walking into the main building. On the terrace you can see a large, marble table - more on that later.
12. His Assistant Sarah Kellen

Image source / MegaAssistant Sarah Kellen supposedly married professional race car driver Brian Vickers in 2013. There are rumors that she was among those sexually abused by Epstein for many years. This abuse must have been particularly confusing and scary for Kellen who presumably was financial dependent upon Epstein.
13. Quirky designs

Image source / Film DailyThis grand staircase leads down from the main building right onto the sand which you can see in the foreground. Parakeet statues with golden painted feathers hint at the supposed glamour of the place. If anywhere is a reminder not to judge places by their appearance it's this island of horrors.
14. Jet-ski trips

Image source / MegaHere Epstein is pictured riding on a jet ski with his former assistant Sarah Kellen. Kellen was “second in command” to the now infamous Ghislaine Maxwell. Speaking of Kellen, an unnamed source told the New York Post, "Anything that he remembered throughout the day, she took notes and managed his life. She was his personal assistant."
15. Women... or girls?

Image source / New York PostThis has got to be one of the most unsettling photos from the island. In it, five women can be seen, smiling at the camera. I say women, but perhaps they are girls, they certainly look young. I wonder what they were told to get them to visit the island, what false dreams were they sold? And, god-forbid, what memories do they now hold of the island?
16. Epstein's personal masseuse

Image source / MegaPictured here on the same island is Chauntae Davies, Epstein’s former personal masseuse. When speaking to The Sun, she made her thoughts clear that others must have known what was going on, “There is no way you could have been a friend of Jeffrey’s and not know what was [happening].’’“I don’t see how you could see somebody with another young girl all the time and there never being a conversation about it. It doesn’t add up.”Davies said Epstein was “charming’’ in public but “behind closed doors, a monster came out.”
17. A monster lost in thought

Image source / MegaSpeaking to the New York post, an unnamed source explained how Epstein's daily routine ran and the significance of 'that table'. “Jeffrey was always up before everyone else, drinking coffee at that table. He would be taking notes, in his robe every morning, writing down ideas, making phone calls, calling the office. Most of the daily life was spontaneous but Sarah [his assistant we saw earlier on the jet ski] was always by his side.”
18. What is she thinking?

Image source / MegaAnd here he is, working at the famous marble table that looks out to the parrot statue. Business man by day, monster by night? Seeing as the island became known as 'paedophile island', this seems highly probable. The vacant look of the young woman sat next to Epstein is upsetting - what is she thinking?
19. Back rubs from his assistant...

Image source / MegaWe saw Epstein's assistant Sarah Kellen earlier, riding on the back of his jetski. Here she is, stood behind him as he takes a phone call at the white marble table. She appears to be massaging his shoulders. Seems like rather a strange thing for a personal assistant to do but that's the sad thing with this place - the definition of normal behaviour was quickly bent.
20. Ghislaine Maxwell

Image source / MegaHere's Ghislaine Maxwell, sat at the same marble table, looking out towards the sea. Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years for her involvement in sex trafficking young women. She became known as Epstein's assistant and played a fundamental role in the abuse that happened to unsuspecting women and girls. The BBC reported that she 'told victims she had helped Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse she was sorry for their pain.'
21. Sex temple

Image source / Film DailyA sinister name for a supposedly sinister place. This building, now known as the 'sex temple' is located at the opposite end of the island. Its remoteness and peculiarity have seen it dubbed the 'sex temple' and have even led some brave reporters to venture to the island to check it out for themselves (more on that soon).
22. Great St. James

Image source / Modlin GroupPictured here is the second of Jefrey Epstein's Caribbean islands. This one is Great St. James. It's the large of the two, sitting between Epstein's Little St. James and St. Thomas - an island inhabited by many more people and much more densely populated. Epstein never developed Great St. James and it's little wonder why, considering the lack of privacy. It is a popular place for people to sail to and that whole side of the island faces the inhabitants of St. Thomas island.
23. That takes some balls!

Image source / Andy BraccoIn August 2020, "urban explorer" and YouTuber, Andy Bracco snuck onto the island and visited the temple himself. Talking of visiting the temple, Bracco said, "The most surreal experience was the final moments leading up to reaching the temple. Just as twilight was breaking over the horizon line of the coast of the Virgin Islands, we were arriving at the top of what is basically a cliff. The highest point on the island. I knew no one had been inside. A thousand thoughts were rushing through my head of all the planning of this trip, condensed into these final minutes. All the potential consequences of getting caught. Had we been seen? Has our escape vessel been spotted? I've seen so many pictures and videos of the island, of the temple, and now I was there," explained Bracco.
24. But what did he find?

Image source / Andy BraccoSo what did he find inside the terrifying 'sex temple'? He didn't enter it for risk of setting off alarms and alerting the security guards that he said were clearly positioned around the island. Scarily though, he did say, "Between my two visits to the island I did peer into the temple from the outside and noticed the staircase descending downwards,"
25. FBI raid the island

Image source / Salty Dog Day SailsIn August 2019, two days after Epstein was found dead in his NY City jail cell the FBI raided the island. Complete with FBI branded shirts, there was no doubting the seriousness of their arrival that day. Many expressed their anger at the cowardliness of Epstein's suicide and his subsequent lack of trial.
26. An aerial photo

Image source / IndependentIn this aerial photo, taken from above Little St. James you can make out the various buildings that comprised the estate. You can also see the two bays where Epstein would ride his jetskis, a boat docking jetty where guests would arrive and leave from, a swimming pool hidden among the trees and rocky face of the north side of the island.
27. A Caribbean paradise...?

Image source / Modlin GroupThis closer image of the developed end of the island gives you an idea of the views. Although surrounded by other small islands (some of which Epstein also owned), the remoteness of the place is evident. Typically, you would describe a place like this as tranquil but knowing the accusations of what occurred here, that word feels far from accurate.
28. Unnamed woman

Image source / MegaLittle is known about the young woman in this image, sat next to Jefrey Epstein. They appear to be sat at a table on one of the island's beach bays. A South African woman who visited the island said she was raped up to three times a day for five months. “A shark would have been my best friend at that point. I didn’t even think about it – it was just, get me away,” she explained to the Daily Mail.
29. Rotting buildings, life-long memories

Image source / ReutersIn this more recent photo of the 'sex temple' you can see how it has been boarded up and the golden roof removed. It's unsettling to think of how parts of the island are now falling into disrepair. The buildings might be rotting and collapsing but the memories that were formed in them are sadly there to stay.
30. A flight home

Image source / MegaWhen was eventually time for a young woman to leave the island, Ghislaine Maxwell or Sarah Kellen would arrange their flight home. Of course no expense was spared as you can see here, the planes had 5* interiors. By this stage though the damage was done and no amount of luxury could ever compensate for the horrors those poor women endured.
31. Little Saint James Was The First Of Epstein's Island Purchases

Image Source / InsiderWhen Epstein wanted to invest in the US Virgin Islands, Little Saint James was his first stop. He bought the land in 1998 for $7.85 million, and was believed to have been his primary residence.
32. The Island Includes 5 Main Buildings

Image Source / InsiderThere's no doubt the island of horrors was roomy - it had five types of buildings, with a main villa compound for the main house, as well as a library, a cinema, a bathhouse and full of cabanas. There's a lagoon full of flamingos, too.
33. The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation Was Started On Little Saint James By The Sex Offender

Image Source / InsiderThe foundation was apparently started back in 2000 to 'support cutting edge science' as well as 'science education around the world'. Apparently the foundation gave $35 million to Harvard for Evolutionary Dynamics, but a source said it was actually more around $6 million.
34. The Bigger Of The Two Is Great St. James

Image Source / InsiderWhen one island isn't enough. Clearly Epstein wasn't finished flashing his cash. The bigger of the two islands, called Great St. James, spans a whopping 165 acres across. And even 'little' St. James isn't that little.
35. Epstein Had Planned On A Compound Being Built

Image Source / InsiderHe was issued with a stop-work order for his dream compound when it turned out he wasn't following environmental regulations. He apparently ignored the stop-work order and continued construction on the island.
36. The Island Was Just One Of His Many Residences

Image Source / InsiderEpstein owned at least four other residences, and none on the shabby side - including this mansion in Manhattan. He also had a property in Florida, a ranch in New Mexico and an apartment in Paris.
37. The Island Is Awash With Palm Trees

Image Source / The MirrorThe island includes a medieval-style lock at the front of it, implying a building that could be locked up with no escape. In other areas, there are statues and palm trees, along with terraces and labyrinth motif.
38. Epstein Was A Huge Fan Of Watching 'Girls Gone Wild'

Image Source / news.com.auApparently Epstein had his own personal gym on the island, and what motivated him the most to workout was the videos he'd watch whilst doing so - namely, Girls Gone Wild, watching videos of girls at bars and clubs while he hit the exercise bike.
39. Epstein Killed Himself In 2019

Image Source / news.com.auAll the glam of his island lifestyle and the horrors behind closed doors came crashing down on him when he was eventually sent to prison. But, not being able to handle being behind bars and facing his upcoming trial for sex trafficking charges, he committed suicide in his cell in 2019.
40. A Step Away From The Water Below

Image Source / AP NewsThe views around this private island paradise were beautiful, but also feel deadly. The drop to the water below in this shot seems high and dangerous, but maybe even less so than the idea of remaining on the island with Epstein himself.
41. More Palm Trees Veiled The Buildings

Image Source / ABC NewsThe island had something to see in every corner, with stone walls, rows of palm trees and paths every which way. While the views from most buildings were stunning, some like this one seem hidden behind trees and foliage, suggesting more privacy in some of the buildings.
42. Roberts Was One Of The Young Girls Claiming She Was Sex Trafficked By Epstein

Image Source / The MirrorAnd embroiled in the sex scandal with Prince Andrew, too. Roberts claims the Prince had sex with her after Jeffrey Epstein trafficked her. Andrew denied it, but Roberts stands by her word. She was 17 years old at the time.
43. A Pristine Pool

Image Source / Bloomberg.comNo island getaway would be complete without a pool, right? What's interesting is that it looks anything but inviting - there are no sunchairs around the pool, nothing else to see, it looks almost bleak and formal, or staged even. Or maybe it looked a little different when Epstein was using it.
44. Cabana Hideaways

Image Source / RealestateThe island was filled with cabanas, for relaxing, finding shade from the sun or changing into swimwear. No doubt Epstein spent a lot of time lounging in the shade of these with those he brought to the island - now you can see it covered by sheets.
45. The Labyrinth Mosaic

Image Source / Film DailyThere's something creepy about this particular mosaic design, and especially because it isn't anywhere on the island and only with this temple. The idea that the design of a maze could be used on an island that wasn't particularly easy to escape from...
46. The FBI Arrive Too Late

Image Source / Miami HeraldEpstein had already killed himself in his cell by the time the FBI raided his island retreat. You can only think of the nightmare that must have been the things they found on that island. Epstein took the coward's way out rather than face up to his upcoming trail, and no amount of investigation on the island would change that.
47. More Than One Pool On The Island

Image Source / TMZThe island is littered with swimming pools, and here you can see another - this time with a diving board, and the American flag being flown overhead. This pool certainly has an incredible view from where it's positioned.
48. Bird Statues

Image Source / The Wall Street JournalAs well as there apparently being a statue of the Greek God Poseidon on this island, there were also bird statues, too. Here you can see two of them lining this staircase, which look to be white cockatoos with a head of yellow feathers.
49. Boats And Jetskis

Image Source / NZ HeraldEpstein didn't just remain on the island with the people he brought there, either. He would take to the surrounding water on jet skis and power boats, usually with a young girl holding on behind him as he took to the water.
50. More Shots From The YouTuber Who Found The Temple

Image Source / Daily StarThere's something jarring about those bold pink and blue stripes. Almost as though it's been made to try and look innocent but has the opposite effect. Especially with that huge bolted door giving off an entirely different feel to the playful colours around it. Eerie.
Here are some unseen photos of Epstein's former lover and best friend, Ghislaine Maxwell... 1. Rubbing Epstein's Feet
(Image Source/ Thesun.com)Here is Maxwell and Epstein on his private jet being photographed whilst Epstein enjoys the foot rub that Maxwell is giving him. This picture now seems terrible to the public and the lawyers were desperate for people not to see it. It shows just how close their relationship
really was.
2. Foot Rub
(Image Source/ Thesun.com)Here is a close-up of Maxwell giving Epstein's feet a massage, and considering what we know of the pair it makes this picture even more disgusting. It gives us a glimpse into their sordid, intimate relationship. This private plane was called the Lolita Express and it was often used to transport him and his friends to his island which was used as a place to exploit girls.
3. The Queen's Cottage
(Image Source/ nytimes.com)This picture is taken at the Queen's home in Scotland, Balmoral. In 1999 Prince Andrew hosted the two of them there. This photo is certainly one that the police would not want us to see as not only does it show the pair were intimate it also shows the close friendship between Prince Andrew. And, in the Queen's house too.
4. Baring All
(Image Source/ Thesun.com)This photo was found at Maxwell's mansion. She is lying on a beach, posed, completely naked. Epstein actually had this picture at his mansion too along with many, many naked photos of women and other inappropriate things. He was probably the one who took the photo whilst on his island as she posed naked for him.
5. Head Kisses
(Image Source/ bbc.com)If there's anything that confirms a close bond it is head kisses. He's cuddling her close to him here and it seems unbelievable that she tried to deny they were anything other than acquaintances. This is something that her lawyers would not want anybody to see.
6. Maxwell and Epstein
(Image Source/ nytimes)Ghislaine Maxwell is on some kind of day out here with Jeffrey Epstein. On many, many occasions Maxwell and Epstein are spotted together as a couple, something she tried to deny. Her defense was desperate for their pictures to be kept out of the court-room because it shows how close they were.
7. Close Confidant
(Image Source/ nytimes.com)Here is another of the pictures that the defense tried to keep from trial. Her lawyer, called Laura Menninger said that “You don’t need 20 photographs to say what two might just as well say.” But, one of the prosecutors called Alison Moe argued that it was absolutely necessary in establishing the extent of their relationship.
8. Personal Assistant
(Image Source/ NYpost)Here she is stood looking very friendly with Sarah Kellen Epstein's personal assistant. Who, was also central to the Epstein case. She apparently sent him girls to wherever he was at the time, nine exchange for a huge salary. She was central to the organisation of the whole thing.
9. In Jail
(Image Source/ Thesun.com)This is The Metropolitan Detention Centre where Maxwell is being held in Brooklyn, New York. She was refused bail before her hearing. Now, she was been convicted she will wait here until she is sentenced. It is a long way from her previous lifestyle. She has become a world-renowned criminal.
11. Jean-Luc Brunel
(Image Source/ thesun)Again, there is another photo of the same occasion when the pair are laughing and playing around with one another. The friend, Jean-Luc Brunel said in reference to Ghislaine:
“I used to call Ghislaine the Wicked Witch of the West. She’s a bad, bad lady.” Brunel was listed as a passenger on Epstein’s jet 25 times.
12. Very Intimate
(Image Source/ Micaellehrke.com)Here is another photograph of Ghislaine Maxwell with Jeffrey Epstein. He has his arms around her and she has hers clutching his. The two of them were first in a relationship, and then apparently just extremely good friends. They also of course worked VERY closely together.
13. Framed Photo
(Image Source/ themirror.com)This is a photo of Maxwell and Epstein that was found at Epstein's place on his desk. If anything confirms how close someone is and the kind of relationship they have, it is a framed photo of the pair of you kissing. This was extremely incriminating for Maxwell, although there was already overriding evidence that she was guilty.
15. Private Yacht
(Image Source/ Dailymail.com)Here is a picture of Maxwell leaving Epstein's private yacht. Maxwell was a pretty permanent feature in most of Epstein's goings-on. It even looks as though she has borrowed his sailing jacket. This is another photo that places her at the scene of many of his monstrous crimes.
16. Recruiters
(Image Source/ Thesun.com)Here is Maxwell with two other ladies and of course, Epstein himself. Maxwell was not the only woman that was involved in helping Epstein's crimes or committing crimes themselves. He had a few women who would recruit the girls for him. Here are two of them, all four of them look very close and friendly as they were all a part of the organisation of trafficking young girls to be used, many more men, and apparently Ghislaine and the women too.
18. Her and Donald Trump
(Image Source/ refinery29)This is a photo of Maxwell, with Epstein (of course), Melania Trump and the former president of the United States, Donald Trump. Of course, everybody who has been pictured looking friendly with Maxwell and Epstein have found themselves needing to defend themselves because they are associated by nature. But Donald Trump has been linked to Epstein on a few occasions and has been known to have visited Epstein's mansion and even his island.
19. Young Girls
(Image Source/ wiki.com)Here is Maxwell in between two young girls. Now, when we see photos of Maxwell with young girls it feels a lot more menacing because we know the truth. She used to recruit girls and send lingerie to them to try and entice them. Sometimes she would go to shopping malls to look for girls so that she could recruit them. Then she would tell them that she had some opportunities for them such as modeling.
20. Private Jet
(Image Source/ Sluiceworld.com)Here she is at the top of the stairs of Epstein's private jet as they are about to fly to Epstein's island. This shows how frequently she was a visitor on his plane and to his secret places. She has been pictured on this jet, entering, and leaving it numerous times. The pair were together a lot of the time and they had a strange kind of relationship which was always more than friendship.
22. Friendly with the Prince
(Image Source/ Thedailymail.com)Here she is stood directly next to Prince Andrew. The two of them are stood very close which suggests they had a friendly relationship. Prince Andrew is known to have spent time with Maxwell and Epstein, in his house and theirs. But he denies knowing of the activities or partaking in them. What he can't deny is spending time with them in a variety of places as it is a known fact and there is photographic proof of it too.
23. High Profile
(Image Source/ Thesun.com)Here she is seen with more high-profile celebrities. She is again seen with Donald Trump here and his wife Melania. The four of them are taking a photo arm in arm all smiling. Donald Trump is another man that has been associated with being involved and had denied everything. As the former president of the United States, this friendship is more than alarming. He also has had no convictions in regards to the Epstein case.
24. In Court
(Image Source/ nytimes.com)This is a courtroom sketch of Ghislaine Maxwell when she appeared on a video link during one of her hearings. This was the day when she was denied bail because of her role in the many crimes. This was in Manhattan Federal Court, New York City. The date was July 14, 2020. Her sentencing has still not taken place yet but will do later this year.
25. Dressed Up
(Image Source/ themetro.com)This photo shows Maxwell on many occasions spotted with Epstein. In one of the photos, he is wearing a pilot suit adorned with medals. She, is in a mask and a feather head dress. The pair were often photographed together at events. And despite not claiming that they were a couple, they clearly were romantically involved.
26. Spotted Out Together
(Image Source/ Thesun.com)Again, the two of them are heading out to an event or a night out. She is wearing a crop top with sparkly detail and he is in a suit. They again appear together, just the two of them. At this point, nobody knew what the two of them were involved in. They used their fame and fortune to disguise themselves as elites of society while they mingle with celebrities and high-profile people.
27. Tailing Behind the Prince
(Image Source/ patriotone.com)Here is Maxwell and Prince Andrew again. While they are not stood together, it seems as though Maxwell is following him while Prince Andrew marches in front. Prince Andrew has come under fire since everything was exposed, and he has been recently stripped of his army officer status. Prince Andrew should have distanced himself as he is in this photo, long ago.
28. Maxwell and Elon Musk
(Image Source/ Pinterest)Again, here she is mingling with the richest of the rich and the celebrities of the world. This is Maxwell with Elon Musk, one of the richest men in the whole world. He has not been linked to any of Epstein or Maxwell's crimes. Yet, Maxwell always likes to be photographed with he rich and powerful.
29. Friendly with the Prince
(Image Source/ blogspot)This is Maxwell, and Epstein with Bill Clinton. The former girlfriend of Prince Andrew, named Lady Victoria Hervey. She claims that Epstein and Clinton were so close that they were practically like brothers to one another. Nothing has yet been proven. But she also said that the two of them loved to hang out with Prince Andrew too. Of course, Bill Clinton has denied being close with Epstein.
31. Public Appearance

(Image Source/ Instagram)Here is Maxwell being snapped by a lot of paparazzi. She lives a double life of secrecy and crime. She even managed to hide her billionaire husband along with her sex trafficking organisation. It's no wonder she's trying to avoid the eye of the cameras here.
32. Friends in High Places
(Image Source/ twentytwowords)As soon as it came out about Epstein and the whole case of sex trafficking, nobody wanted to be associated with him. Therefore, anyone who had photos with either Epstein or Maxwell started to deny that they were acquainted or at least that they had no close or personal relationship.
33. Relaxed
(Image Source/ Pinterest)It's not actually clear where Ghislaine is in this photo but she is clearly relaxing on some sort of bed. Ghislaine has remained completely calm throughout the whole incident, even in court she seemed strangely relaxed. She has shown no signs of remorse whatsoever and the only time she has seemed no longer relaxed was when she was complaining about her conditions in prison.
34. Always Together
(Image Source/ twentytwowords)This snippet in the newspaper is another photo that the defense did not want the jury to see. The photo shows the pair together on a motorbike as the pair smile happily together into the camera. The two of them were frequently on vacation together or living a very affluent and luxurious lifestyle with one another.
35. FBI
(Image Source/ blogspot)This picture shows the discussion of Ghislaine's guilt after she had been charged. It shows her clearly as a criminal and publicises a number for the FBI to call if you have been involved with Maxwell and are a victim of her many crimes. The photo reads 'Maxwell has been charged with facilitating the sexual abuse of underage girls by Jeffrey Epstein'.
36. Guilty As Charged
(Image Source/ Pinterest)She was more involved than anyone in everything that happened with Jeffrey Epstein, aside from Epstein himself. There are also people who claim she herself took part in the sexual abuse of young girls herself and victims themselves have spoken about her.
37. Solitary Confinement
(Image Source/ Pinterest)Ghislaine Maxwell has tried to apply for bail on many occasions and she is always rejected. This photo shows the prison where she is being held. Ghislaine faces very tough prison conditions. Her former lawyer stated that she was facing worse conditions than those convicted of murder. She also remains in solitary confinement and has extensive monitoring daily.
38. In The Stand
(Image Source/ Twitter)Here we get another glimpse of Ghislaine Maxwell inside the courtroom. In fact, as we know from a previous point she actually waved at her sister in the courtroom. Her actions were not those of someone who felt remorseful for what they had done. Similarly, her continuous pleas for bail and her complaints about prison are not the actions of someone who feels guilt.
39. In Prison
(Image Source/ celrbityinsider)Her lawyer described the monitoring as excessive and intrusive. She has continuous surveillance in her cell and is followed by cameras whenever she is allowed to leave it for brief amounts of time. This is the first photo that has been released of Ghislaine Maxwell in prison with what appears to be a black eye. It is not clear how she came about this injury but the purpose of the photo was to try to show how she is being treated in jail.
40. Conviction
(Image Source/ twentytwowords)Of course, trials like these are private they are not publicised. But there are drawings of the events inside the courtroom which we can gain access to. Here she is shown in handcuffs with a mask on her face. This is the day she was convicted. She is escorted into and out of the courtroom in handcuffs.
41. Bail Rejection
(Image Source/ Reuters.com)Her former lawyer Sternheim said that “Maxwell’s conditions of detention for the past 16 months continue to be reprehensible and utterly inappropriate for [a] woman on the cusp of turning 60 with no criminal record or history of violence.” This was supposed to form some kind of public sympathy for Ghislaine, but the public responded with anger and a general consensus that Maxwell was in prison facing conditions that she deserved
42. Epstein, Trump and Maxwell
(Image Source/Twitter)This photo was trending after it was posted by Chip Franklin on Twitter to highlight the closeness of the relationship between the two convicted sex offenders and the former president of the United States. It is similar to previous photos shown, which again shows that the four of them spending time together was a common occurrence.
43. The Trial Opening
(Image Source/ DigitalSpy)This is a photo of the outside of the courtroom, which usually does not have a crowd outside. But this was the first day of Maxwell's trial and there were a host of angry people outside. Her former lawyer stated that: “[She] has been subject to physical and emotional abuse by the correction officers, poor and unsanitary living conditions, insufficient nutrition, difficulties reviewing the millions of legal discovery documents in the case against her, and sleep deprivation.”
44. Kissing
(Image Source/ BBC.com)Here is Maxwell with Epstein - again. This time she is kissing him affectionately on the cheek as he pouts his lips in response. The two of them have become the most infamous and hated couple in modern times. Of course. Epstein is now no longer alive and Maxwell remains in prison. It is a far cry from the extravagant lifestyle that they once led together.
45. Photo in the Bathroom
(Image Source/ BBC.com)This is a photo of the inside of Epstein's mansion - a rare glimpse into the place where so many crimes and horrible events occurred. Here is a pencil-drawn photo of Ghislaine Maxwell and a dog, hanging on the wall of the bathroom. This is certainly not the only photo of Maxwell in Epstein's mansion. There were a few, along with numerous photos of women and young girls in provocative poses and revealing states.
46. Take A Stand
(Image Source/ blogspot)Maxwell, as one of the most hated women alive today had a lot of uprising against her. Not only her but Epstein and the case together and their joint involvement. This photo shows a picture of a man holding signs up outside of the courtroom to express his anger. It expresses a public opinion on Maxwell and the whole trial. People were disgusted with the events that had occurred.
47. Prince Andrew's Infamous Photo
(Image Source/ celebinsider)This photo shows Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts and Ghislaine Maxwell. Virginia Roberts was a victim of sexual abuse and she has been one of the most vocal women who has been involved with the case. She has spoken openly about her sexual abuse and she has also said that Prince Andrew was a perpetrator and that he had sexual relations with her on multiple occasions.
48. Dentist Chair
(Image Source/ wikia)Of course, Maxwell had her own room in Epstein's mansion. This is a look into her own private bathroom. We can see inside in a rare snippet of Maxwell's space in his house. And, on close inspection inside her bathroom, there is clearly a dentist's chair. The reason or explanation for this is unknown.
49. The Mansion

(Image Source/ Pinterest)Not only did she have her own bedroom and her own bathroom. She actually had her own section of the mansion. Now, this is something the defense did not want the jury to see. Maxwell was so involved with Epstein that she had her personal quarters in the mansion. It seems absurd that she would try to deny the closeness of their relationship when she even had her own living space within his house.
50. At the Mansion
(Image Source/ Blogspot.com)Here she is again at the house of Epstein, where the couple spent much of their time together. She is relaxing while he takes photos of her as she eats. As we know, Epstein loved to take photos of women and he had multiple photographs of Maxwell herself. Here she is simply relaxing and enjoying the life of luxury they led together.
51. With Trump AGAIN
(Image Source/ Yahoo)This is not a picture of three people who did not know each other well. This is a photo of three close friends or people that were at least very well acquainted with one another. By the closeness of the photo of Ghislaine and Trump, it's clear that they were friends, and considering the other photos true, this is evidence of their relationship. Of course, nobody knows whether or that Trump was ever involved in or whether he was or not.
52. Hug and Kisses
(Image Source/ BBC)Of course, this is a photo that the defense did not want the jury to see. It is again confirmation of their relationship - not as friends but as romantically involved. Here she is gripping him tightly whilst kissing him on the cheek as he smiles. They look as though they were on some kind of vacation, which they often were together.
53. More Holiday Snaps
(Image Source/ BBC)Again, here the pair are on a holiday of some kind- this time somewhere cold which was unlike the majority of the time they spent in the sun. The pair were always on a trip of some kind, galivanting and flaunting their luxury lifestyle with all the money that they had. They are wearing kind of matching black fluffy hats for the cold and both have winter coats and gloves on.
54. Soaking in the Sun
(Image Source/ BBC)This picture sums up Maxwell's lifestyle well. Her and Epstein would live lavishly. This is a picture from Epstein's yacht. Maxwell is lying back, reclined in her bikini, soaking in the sun and looking at the view while Epstein takes pictures of her - something that was also a common occurrence. Epstein had a massive collection of photos of women, many which he had taken himself.
55. The Pair Were Consistently Close
(Image Source/ BBC)I think one thing that we can determine from these pictures, is that the pair were consistently close throughout their adult lives. The pair look older here, and if we compare it to other pictures, we can see the change in hairstyle/ age etc. This progression of age was used in court to establish the length of their intimate relationship. It's something we can see for ourselves here.
56. Always Together
(Image Source/ BBC)Here we have yet another picture of them together and not only together but again with touching faces. It's clear how infatuated Maxwell was with Epstein. A lot of photos she is not concentrating on the camera but has her face nestled into his. If we compare this to the last picture, we can see her hairstyle is different and the pair look younger.
57. She Was Always Kissing His Face
(Image Source/ BBC)See here again, Maxwell is kissing the side of his face. It is unclear whether she did it when the camera was watching or when she thought the pair of them were actually having a private moment. There are many photos in the exact same position as this, where he is looking ahead as she fawns over him adoringly. It is clear how in love with him she was.
58. Young Days
(Image Source/ BBC)Look how young the pair of them are here. This is a photo taken many years ago when Maxwell looks like young woman still. This is a glimpse into how long their relationship has been going on and also how long their illegal activities and organisation of sexual abuse has been going on. They are again at his home, with a cocktail of some kind.
59. Winter Walks
(Image Source/ BBC)Something that is significant about the many, many photos that Maxwell and Epstein had together besides the changes in age, is also the different locations. It's clear that the pair didn't meet in one place, at convenience every now and then. From the different settings, different weathers and places we can see that these two spent the majority of their time together.
60. The PA
(Image Source/ BBC)This is another photo of Maxwell with Epstein's personal assistant. It is not the first time they have been pictured close together like this, showing the intimate relationship the pair had. As they cooperated and worked together to organise for Epstein to enable the sexual abuse of young girls. In this photo, it is clear that the pair were clearly close confidants to one another.
61. High Circles
(Image Source/ BBC)Epstein and Maxwell operated and ran in high circles and galivanted with society's rich and famous. This is because the pair used their status and money to be able to orchestrate the whole thing. With private islands and private jets and yachts, they hid the whole thing for a long time. But, no amount of money could keep it hidden forever.
62. Arm Draped Around Her
(Image Source/ BBC)If it's not her kissing his face, it's him with his arms around Maxwell. The two of them were inseparable. Here they are older, as they were when everything was discovered. The two of them were together for many years. It was never a private relationship either, they were seen publicly together all the time.
63. With Her Dad
(Image Source/ filmdaily)Maxwell was always close with her dad. The reason this photo is not wanted to be seen is because in recent new evidence it has been suggested that her dad was the one that made the introduction to Epstein in the first place. Maxwell had said that her father introduced Epstein as someone who could take care of her emotional needs - not for the financial stability.
64. Everyone Together
(Image Source/ filmdaily)Here we have a photo which puts Maxwell, Donald Trump, and prince Andrew (and Epstein in the background) all at the same party together. Not only at the same party however, but all stood mingling together as friends. These people aren't pictured together on one occasion, but at completely separate times, different places and wearing different outfits.
65. Together Again
(Image Source/ wordpress)Here Maxwell is with Trump again. At first glance, it could look like a different photo from the same night, given that Trump is wearing an almost identical outfit. But on close inspection we can see the differences and that Maxwell is in an entirely new outfit altogether. So, here the two of them are sat very close together again. Maxwell and the ex-president of the United States of America were clearly close.
66. On the Throne
(Image Source/ filmdaily)It is strange to see someone we now know was involved in the sexual trafficking of young girls, sat on the throne in Buckingham palace. Here she is pictured with Kevin Spacey as they both sit back on the thrones. This. of course, is before the conviction of Maxwell and before the tarnishing of Kevin Spaceys reputation after he was accused of having a sexual encounter with a young boy.
68. Naomi Campbell BFFS
(Image Source/ filmdaily)Here's Maxwell with yet another celebrity. According to Virginia Roberts, Niomi Campbell and Ghislaine Maxwell were best friends. They can be seen here deep in conversation. This was taken in 2002, in New York. Despite having been friends this does not mean that Campbell was aware of what was going on.
69. Rupert Murdoch
(Image Source/ filmdaily)This is Maxwell with Rupert Murdoch, head of Fox News. These two used to be rivals due to the fact that Maxwell's father had a news company two and so the two were natural competitors. This photo of course does not confirm that the two had any sort of friendship or connections with one another it simply reaffirms how Maxwell had connections with all the powerful people at the time.
70. Michael Bloomberg
(Image Source/ filmdaily)Here she is pictured with Michael Bloomberg. This photo was taken after he decided to run for presidency. The pair have not been pictured together since, or apparently had any relationship whatsoever. But it shows how far up society's ladder she climbed and how she used her connections, wealth and influential friends as a facade for what was really going on.