Tourist Traps We Should Avoid Around The World

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Plymouth Rock, USA (Massachusetts)

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Plymouth Rock seems to hold a lot of significance for a number of us here in the US, but it doesn't really signify where America started as the tourist trap suggests it is! You'd be much better off heading off to the Plymouth Colony recreation up the road instead of visiting this rock. After all, it really is just a rock pretty much in the middle of nowhere, you'll find much better than this!

Blarney Stone, Ireland

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From an American rock to an Irish Stone, we really do find the strangest things interesting to visit don't we! Now, if you haven't heard of this before you might be confused by what it is you're looking at this lady do! But basically, the point is that you bend over backwards in order to kiss the stone. Now if you're afraid of heights I'd avoid it anyway, never mind the fact you're going to kiss a stone that perhaps millions of others have too!

Stonehenge, UK

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For people around the world that haven't visited Stonehenge you might think it's something that you have to see, but the truth is that it really is a group of piled up rocks in the middle of an English field. Many people have claimed that the whole trip was extremely disappointing and I'm not saying it is, but there are definitely some better ways you could spend your time whilst in the UK.

Times Square, USA (New York City)

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Now now, hear me out here, I know that this is what a load of people might first think of when NYC comes to mind, but it's really not all it's made out to be. I know nothing will stop tourists from visiting Times Square but all you're going in to is a world of humid and dense heat whilst you're unable to move around freely until you finally escape out of the other end when you're done.

Four Corners, USA (Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico)

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From an area in the US that garners millions of people almost every day, to this definitely lesser known monument within our own country again. It's pretty cool that these four states all join at the same place, but does that make this little monument necessary to visit? You'll be heading out of your way to look at a little plaque on the ground, it really isn't worth it.

The Leaning Tower Of Pisa, Italy

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Right, genuinely you'll probably have more fun watching all the people (like those above) making fools of themselves trying to get a good photo before you do actually looking at the tower. Yes, it's quite a weird looking building but seconds later you'll be over it. You can even pay $20 dollars to climb it if you really must, a tourist trick we'll be looking at a few times in this list!

Madame Tussauds, MANY PLACES

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If you've never been to Madame Tussauds before, I really wouldn't recommend it, it's not as exciting as some people choose to make out! These can be found around the world in places like London, New York, Amsterdam and Tokyo; but all it does is make you realise how weird the relationship we have with certain celebrities really is. That doesn't take away from how well made they characters actually are though!

Manneken Pis, Belgium

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There are quite a lot of tacky tourist destinations around the world, but you probably wouldn't associate the European country of Belgium as being that way. This is one of the most famous statues in the world but perhaps only for the reason that it shows a little boy peeing into a little fountain. Yeah it's weird, you might get a funny picture out of it, but was it worth the trip?

The Mona Lisa, France

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I don't want you to think I'm downplaying how beautiful the Mona Lisa painting is, it's the most recognised painting off all time after all. However, the problem is that it's held in quite a small room and you're so unlikely to get close enough to make out any actual detail on the painting. Definitely visit the Louvre and make sure to visit some of the other, just as beautiful paintings they have to offer.

The Empire State Building, USA (New York City)

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The Empire State Building is obviously the highlight of the New York City skyline and it is quite an aesthetically pleasing building; people love taking pictures of it from ground level. The tourist trap here however is that you have to pay upwards of $20 to get to the top where you can pretty much look down on New York and all that comes after the huge queues and the long security checks too.

Pyramids Of Giza, Egypt

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Okay, well, I probably wouldn't suggest that you didn't ever visit the Pyramids, they are still one of the many wonders of this world (and the last surviving of the ancient wonders). The problem is that they're found in the centre of the desert which is boiling hot, you have to pay boatloads to get into each individual one and then once you're in you'll spend hours crawling around on your knees and feeling very, very sweaty

Trevi Fountain, Italy

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The Trevi Fountain is undoubtedly one of the most amazing pieces of sculpting that you'll be able to come across whilst in Rome, but the problem here is that it's so busy you don't really get much from your visit. Unless you're ready and raring to go at dawn then you'll probably only be staring at it from a distance and being unable to throw your coin in as so many people want to do the same.

Walk Of Fame, California

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Right, this one has always baffled me to be honest, what is it about these stars on the floor that so many people find that attractive that they'll look at them all day? All it is, is some famous names on the floor, the celebrities are never there (pretty much never anyway) and there's very little else to do. All you're going to come across is superfans and tourist who'll only end up annoying you.

Tower Of London, UK

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The Tower of London is often one of the many places that all tourists often choose to go and visit, but if you ask a Brit they'll probably tell you that it's not as good as you might think. You're looking at $40 to get in to the tower alone which includes the endless crowds and queues, especially when it comes to riding people mover's so you don't even get to browse the jewels at your own pace!

Little Mermaid Statue, Denmark

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Denmark is an absolutely, immensely gorgeous country and the city of Copenhagen is no different; there are some amazing streets and sights for you to set your eyes on. Weirdly though, one of the most popular tourist sites is this mermaid statue. It's about four foot high, quite uninteresting and you'll be shoulder to shoulder with a load of other tourists which makes for quite uncomfortable viewing.

Mount Rushmore, USA (South Dakota)

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There's no denying that the sculpture work on Mount Rushmore is very talented and it's obviously quite an interesting thing to look at. The thing is, that's pretty much all it is; there's nothing to do there and the viewing platform is so far away that they suggest you bring binoculars! Besides that, depending on your views of the people it depicts you might not be so interested in visiting after all.

Grand Canyon Skywalk, USA (Arizona)

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This walkway opened up back in 2007 and people went a little nuts for it, despite the fact that for hundreds of years people had looked down on the Grand Canyon from the side with no problems. Yes it's a little cool to head further out and look directly down but surely you'd rather save your $50 (YES $50) to head out on to a bit of busy glass for a couple of minutes. Poor pricing!

Statue Of Liberty, USA (New York)

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The picture above is the perfect piece of evidence to show why you shouldn't get close to the Statue of Liberty! You're definitely better off taking your photos from afar to get the full shebang. It's awkward to get to (you have to take the ferry) and even if you do choose to climb the claustrophobic stairs to the top of the crown you don't even get a great view to make it all worth it,

The Vegas Strip, USA (Nevada)

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We all know why people really choose to head over to Las Vegas really and it usually begins with lots of money and ends with a lot less money! The heat is often quite excruciating and its never really quite as good as you might originally think it is. Besides everything is already stupidly expensive as it is so you might as well just strut back in to the casino and waste away your cash.

Nanjing Dong Lu, China

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Nanjing Dong Lu is often referred to, or associated with being pretty much the Chinese version of Times Square and to be fair, it does have a load of great shops that loads of people are always quite interested in going out to see. The problem here is that it really is a tourist trap, not because of where it is but because the street is full of scam artists who are out to either steal your money or trick you into spending it!

Christ The Redeemer, Brazil

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If you're quite a religious person then you probably would like to visit this place, it's very much a Christian pilgrimage area! The thing is that most people who visit it believe that it looks better from afar rather than being right up close. Maybe because you break your neck trying to look up at it, but also because the crowds are absolutely massive and any tours you get trapped in last next to no time at all for the price.

Sacre Coure, France

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Like Nanjing Dong Lu, this beautiful French cathedral is actually a great place to visit for the views, the problem actually comes with what's around the place instead. There are a number of hustlers and scam artists around the venue that really don't like taking no for an answer, there really is no getting away from them. It should be nice and peaceful and that feeling gets ruined.

The Burj Khalifa, UAE

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The Burj Khalifa is absolutely the highlight of the skyline over in Dubai, it's absolutely baffling as to how tall the structure is (it's the tallest building in the world for those that don't know!). The issue here and the trap that many tourists get pulled in to is paying nearly $100 to climb to the 148th floor (which isn't even the top!!) to look down on a city that really doesn't have much else in the way of attraction from so high up.

Forbidden City, China

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The Forbidden City is perhaps one of the most famous tourist destinations across the whole of China and to be fair, it is a beautiful place filled with a lot of history and culture. The main problem though is that you pay to get in to an area that gets unbelievably busy; this pretty much means that you never get long to spend glaring at the sights and if you do you'll be swiftly moved on.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

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You might have noticed that many of the big tourist traps in countries are some of their most popular and recognisable structures. That's because this is instantly where tourists end up being directed or trapped in to. The Sydney Opera House is obviously a great piece of Architecture but unless you're planning on going to see a concert or performance there it's not going to do too much for you.

Krakow Town Square, Poland

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Krakow's town square or Rynek Glowny is definitely one of the most visited areas of the city and is definitely home to some stunning architecture and historical landmarks. The problem is that many of the restaurants round here are a little tacky and filled with food places like Starbucks and American-Style Steak restaurants; whilst there will be a load of people trying to lure you into gentleman's clubs or to buy certain other things!

Mutianyu, China

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The Great Wall Of China has been built in sections since more than 2000 years ago, so it's no surprise that people flock to visit various sections of it in China. The problem is that the Mutianyu section of the wall, the most touristy location, has been restored and it really isn't as authentic as you'd hope. Instead, you should be trying to find some of the more original areas of the wall.

Khao San Road, Thailand

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Khao San Road was once the most famous road in all of Thailand, but years and years of it becoming a tourist hotspot has resulted in it becoming nothing more than a tourist trap these days. Today, it has become a pretty average road filled with vendors selling some nice sweet treats but mainly it's overpriced and quite inappropriate souvenirs that seem childish more than anything else.

Swing At The End Of The World, Ecuador

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You might have seen some pictures from this location appear on your social media pages before; the whole point is that it makes the person look like they're a little crazy, swinging over a cliff. The trick here though, is that their isn't really a cliff but instead just a slope that's hidden. Besides that, you're paying a lot of money for 3 swings and little photo opportunity. Enjoy the views instead.

Hobbiton, New Zealand

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If you're a fan of the Lord of the Rings or Hobbit trilogies then this is definitely the sort of place that you'd probably be considering travelling to. The whole purpose of the place is that it's a preserved set filled with houses carved into hills. Seems cool right? But you might second guess that when you realise that it's gonna set you back $85 for a two hour tour and the houses don't even have any interiors!