Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future

By molly atherton 11 months ago
Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride through "The Simpsons" time machine—a place where yellow characters and hilariously accurate predictions collide. From eerily prophetic moments to jaw-dropping instances of life imitating art, get ready to be awestruck by the instances where this animated gem seemed to channel Nostradamus himself. So, fasten your seatbelts, grab your Duff beer, and let's dive into the astounding instances when "The Simpsons" took a peek into the future!

1. Lady Gaga’s Superbowl Appearance, 5 Years Before It Happened

The Super Bowl halftime show isn't just a performance—it's a colossal stage where music icons etch their names in history. And if sharing the screen with the yellow-hued denizens of Springfield is another marker of cultural immortality, then Lady Gaga has indeed ascended to the upper echelons of pop royalty.Image source / Entertainment TonightPerforming at the Superbowl has got to be one of the biggest accolades for a pop star. Well, maybe that and appearing in The Simpsons! For Lady Gaga, she’s had both and, pretty impressively, it seems like her episode in 2012 predicted her halftime show performance - she’s seen flying in on a wire and wearing silver, high boots, just as she did years later!Original content sourced from Femanin.com

2. The London’s Shard Would Be Built

Picture this: a jaunt through "The Simpsons" time machine whisked viewers away to London in 1995, revealing an eerily accurate skyline featuring the iconic landmarks of the city—Big Ben proudly looming, Tower Bridge majestically spanning the Thames, and then, like a peek into a crystal ball...Image source / Business InsiderNearly 2 decades before it was built, in 1995, an episode of The Simpsons took us to London. In it, we see a London skyline with familiar landmarks such as Big Ben and Tower Bridge. But wait, what’s that in the distance? An impressive-looking, triangular building that looks mighty similar to the shard. Crazy thing is, The Shard wasn’t built for another 17 years!

3. Donald Trump Would Become President

Ah, the legendary crystal ball moment that catapulted "The Simpsons" into the realm of prophetic marvels—a moment that remains etched in the collective consciousness of pop culture aficionados worldwide. Enter "Bart to the Future," an episode aired in the wondrous year of 2000...Image source / BBCIf you ask most people about Simpsons predictions this is the one they will have heard. I mean, I can see why, it is pretty remarkable. In ‘Bart to the Future’ (even the episode title hints to its predictive power!), aired in 2000 US TV icon Donald Trump is seen elected as President. If this wasn’t amazing enough, they even show his now famous elevator entrance when he announced he was standing. Madness!

4. They Predicted 9/11

Similarly to the Donald Trump predictions, this spooky Simpson premonition is pretty well-known. Terrifyingly, in 1997, the show appeared to predict the devastation of 9/11. Talking to Esquire magazine, the show’s producer, Al Jean, explained what happened:Image source / New York Times"The one that was really odd—and I can't understand how this happened, it was so bizarre—in our New York show before, in 1998, there was a pamphlet that said, 'New York on $9 a day,' and then the World Trade Towers were right behind the nine, and it looked like 9/11. If you had designed something to reflect it, you couldn't have made a design that would've made it look any clearer. So that one—that spooks me to this day. That is really odd."

5. Horse Meat Scandal

Ah, the unsettling horse meat scandal of 2013—a bizarre twist that rocked the culinary world and left many diners with a perplexed look on their faces, wondering if their meals had ever neighed before landing on their plates. But wait, the Simpsons struck again in their uncanny act of fortunetelling.Image source / RedditIt still freaks me out to this day that growing up many of us ate horse meat without knowing. Who remembers the 2013 scandal when products were found to be well…horse. It appears The Simpsons producers saw this one coming, featuring disgusted people eating ‘horse meat’ in a few of their episodes.

6. Facebook's FarmVille In An Episode From 1998

Ah, the nostalgic guilty pleasure of FarmVille—an addictive farm simulator that captured the hearts of millions, making virtual crops and digital livestock an integral part of our leisure time. But would you believe it if I told you that "The Simpsons," in its perennially prophetic nature, foreshadowed this very game long before touchscreens and smartphones became ubiquitous in our lives?Image source / Fame FocusHands up if you play or have ever played FarmVille? Yep, guilty here too. Well this farm simulator game was predicted by The Simpsons back in 1998. What makes this one even more shocking is that at that time, few people even had mobile phones or the internet, let alone virtual reality farming software! In fact, FarmVille wasn’t the only tech the show predicted…

7. Autocorrect

In this 1994 episode, The Simpsons has a cheeky dig at Apple who, at the time, were a little known company starting to release tech products. One of their early products was called the Newton - a kind of early phone which claimed to recognise handwriting...Image source / Twitter...albeit pretty terribly! The Simpsons poked fun at the useless tech with a scene showing autocorrect fails - a funny gag that 20 years later would become a hell of a lot more relatable, and something we can definitely all relate to when we didn't mean to say THAT.

8. The War In Ukraine

The recent upheaval stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine sent shockwaves globally, leaving many in a state of dismay and disbelief. However, amidst this sobering reality, an eerie semblance to a decades-old "Simpsons" episode surfaced, invoking a spine-chilling sense of déjà vu among fans and observers alike.Image source / Image MagazineThe events in the eastern European country have shocked us all. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, some Simpsons fans were quick to point out the episode "The Simpson Tide" from way back in 1998. In it, spokespeople from various countries meet at the United Nations. The Russian representative falsely tells the others that the Soviet Union is no more, before promptly hanging up Soviet flags and lining up soldiers ready to fight.

9. The Nobel Prize for Economics

It's a rare feat to predict the Nobel Prize laureates, even more so when it involves a character from an animated show making such bold forecasts. Enter "The Simpsons," a source of not just entertainment but, apparently, a cryptic oracle for the prestigious accolades.Image source / Showbiz cheatsheetOk yes, there are only so many economists in the world but even so, predicting which ones will win a prestigious Nobel Prize is pretty freaky if you ask me. In a 2010 episode, Bart’s buddy Millhouse predicts that Bengt R. Holmström (me neither) will become a winner. Turns out he was right as 6 years later Bengt was awarded with the prize. I wonder if he watched the show?

10. Disney Buys 20th Century Fox

Ah, the serendipitous strokes of satire woven into the fabric of "The Simpsons" that sometimes transcend mere comedic intent and venture into the realms of clairvoyance. In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment within the episode where Homer flexes his directorial muscles, the iconic 20th Century Fox sign receives a cheeky makeover.Image source / YoutubeThe iconic, gold 20th Century Fox sign is shown with a sign below is reading ‘'A division of Walt Disney Co'. A little gag to poke at the then rivalry between the two companies. Well, years later Walt Disney went on to buy 20th Century Fox making the sign freakily accurate.

11. Richard Branson’s Space Flight

Ah, the peculiar dance between fiction and reality that "The Simpsons" orchestrates with eerie precision. Cast your mind back to 2008, where an animated character, uncannily resembling the iconic figure of Virgin Atlantic's maverick boss, boards a spacecraft and embarks on a gravity-defying adventure.Image source / PeopleIn 2008, an episode shows a man boarding a plane and heading into the gravity defying atmosphere of outer space. Although the character was never explicitly named as Branson, he looks remarkably similar to the Virgin Atlantic boss (and even they pointed it out!). Years later guess who was lucky enough to go to space? You guessed it, RB!

12. Killer Bees!

Ah, the eerie echoes of an animated past reverberating into the realms of reality! Cast your mind back to 1993, when "The Simpsons" inadvertently planted the seeds of dread in an episode that unleashed a swarm of killer bees upon the unsuspecting denizens of Springfield.Image source / Screen crushIn an episode from 1993, a truck of killer bees is released which wreaks havoc over the citizens of Springfield. Years later, ‘murder hornets’ (a kind of bee on steroids) descended on the US creating panic as the terrifying flying stingers were spotted all over the country. Amazingly, it wasn’t just killer bees this episode predicted…

13. Covid19

"The Simpsons" strikes again with an eerie prophecy that seemed to transcend the realms of mere coincidence. Picture this: a 1993 episode featuring the nightmarish saga of the Osaka Flu, an unsettlingly familiar storyline eerily reminiscent of the global pandemic that would unfold decades later.Image source / Deadline.comWeirdly, in the same killer bees episode, a flu spreads across the world, causing a pandemic and global hysteria. Sound familiar? The ‘Osaka Flu’ bears a striking resemblance to Covid19 and the aftermath is no different. The episode shows the authorities having little clue what to do along with there being no known cure. If you thought predicting Covid was impressive, how about predicting the later Omicron variant…

14. Predicting the Omicron Variant

Futurama—an animated universe crafted by the visionary mind of Matt Groening. In a peculiar twist of cosmic happenstance, the mere mention of "Omicron Persei 8" within the Futurama realm has sparked fervent speculation about an accidental prophecy echoing through space and time.Image source / TwitterIf predicting Covid wasn’t enough, some say the show's creators also predicted the Omicron variant that Covid later became. In an episode of Futurama (ok not The Simpsons, but made by the same guy Matt Groening so we’re going with it!) an alien arrives saying they have come from ‘Omicron Persei 8’. Omicron is a Greek letter so we’ll leave it to you to decide if this one is a prediction or sheer coincidence.

15.  Lisa Predicts FaceTime

Ah, the mind-boggling time-traveling adventures of "The Simpsons," where the boundaries between animated fiction and the unfolding realities of technological evolution often blur into an enigmatic dance of prescience. Cast your mind back to 1995, an era when mobile phones were still a luxury.Image source / ET CanadaWay back in 1995, in a time before mobile phones were owned by everyone, Lisa is shown not only using a mobile but seemingly using FaceTime! It wasn’t until 2010 when the video-calling phone feature was launched so this one definitely falls into the freaky prediction category if you ask me.

16. Homer becomes a physics expert

Ah, the whimsical paradoxes within the animated universe of "The Simpsons". Enter Season 10, where the epitome of Homer Simpson's comical ineptitude seemingly clashes with the inscrutable complexities of the universe in a moment that tickles the funny bone and raises eyebrows in awe.Image source / IGN AfricaFrom Nobel prizes and space flights we continue the science theme by exploring an episode from Season 10. In it, Homer works out the mass of the Higgs boson particle. This makes for funny watching as Homer is so notoriously dumb and yet he’s able to solve this seemingly impossible task. Years later it’s not only funny but also pretty incredible - the Large Hadron Collider was built to work out just what Homer could apparently do!

17. More Super Bowl shockers

We’ve already heard how Lady Gaga’s halftime Super Bowl performance was predicted. Well, it’s not the only time the show has accurately predicted Super Bowl happenings. Back in 1992 the episode predicted the Washington Redskins would win the Bowl, which they did, days later.Image source / Fresh editsOne year later the producers decided to have some fun and re-dubbed the episode this time, predicting the Dallas Cowboys would rise to victory. Again, they were right! Getting cocky, the producers took a shot for a 3rd year, re-dubbing once again and placing their bets on the San Francisco 49ers. Guess who won? Yep, the San Francisco 49ers!

18. Siegfried & Roy tiger attack

Siegfried & Roy were famous magicians from the 80s (ask your parents!) They were well-known for their daring performances with big cats such as tigers and lions. In 2003, Roy came close to death when a white tiger mauled him. Perhaps he should have paid closer attention...Image source / Business Insider... to The Simpsons as an old episode depicts two showmen performing with a tiger - the pair, although called Gunter & Ernst in the episode, are clearly based on Siegfried & Roy. Later on, the tiger attacks the performers in an attempt to break free.

19. Lisa the politician

In a startling glimpse into the unfolding tapestry of American politics, an animated Lisa Simpson, adorned in purple and pearls, strikes an uncanny resemblance to Vice President Kamala Harris—an appearance that left viewers astounded by the accidental mirroring of reality.Image source / CNNWe’ve already seen how Donald Trump’s presidency was predicted. In another political prediction from the same episode, Lisa is shown looking unbelievably similar to Vice President Kamala Harris. Dressed in purple and adorned with pearls, the spiky haired character says "As you know, we've inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump." Weird, don’t you think?

20. Tom Hanks hosts the Biden inauguration

Ah, the curious tapestry of life imitating art once more within the colorful universe of "The Simpsons." Cast your mind back to The Simpsons Movie, where a whimsical scene featuring none other than the beloved actor Tom Hanks stepping into the shoes of a savior amidst a government crisis unfolds.Image source / The IndependentFollowing Donald Trump’s loss to Joe Biden, it was actor Tom Hanks who hosted his inauguration celebrations. Yet again, it would appear as though The Simpsons saw this coming, this time in The Simpsons Movie. In it, Hanks is seen speaking to the nation. He declares: ‘The US government has lost its credibility, so it’s borrowing some of mine.’

21. FIFA corruption scandal

The shadow of suspicion that loomed over FIFA, the global governing body of soccer, found itself cast into the animated spotlight in an episode aptly titled 'You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee,' aired in 2014—a prescient snapshot that eerily echoed the subsequent real-life corruption scandal.Image source / MetroIn 2015, FIFA (the group who represent soccer) were in the news. Why? They were caught up in a corruption scandal which was unsurprising - people have been pointing out how bent the group is for years. And by people, I mean The Simpsons of course! Just a year before, in 2014, an episode was aired called ‘You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee’ which puts a FIFA scandal front and centre. I wonder if the writers knew something was about to happen…

22. USA curling champions

Ah, the curious tale of underdog triumphs and the unpredictable dance of sports narratives within the whimsical world of "The Simpsons." Cast your mind back to that animated snapshot where the seemingly improbable unfolds: the United States clinching a curling victory at the Olympics.Image source / TV FanaticThe USA aren’t exactly known for their curling prowess - it’s usually countries like Sweden and Norway. The point I’m making is that when The Simpsons chose to show the US winning the curling at the Olympics it was a pretty unlikely occurrence. Or was it? Fast forward 8 years and you guessed it, underdogs USA went on to win the curling!

23. Hiding Michelangelo's 'David'

"The Simpsons" indeed has a knack for not just satirical humor but, as it seems, glimpses into future debates and societal echoes. The humorous portrayal of Marge Simpson championing the nudity of the 'David' statue, juxtaposed with the statue being adorned with a comically oversized pair of pants.Image source / Snopes.comIn an early episode of the show, Marge defends the ‘David’ statue and its nudity although that didn’t stop the statue being given a pair of pants in a very funny scene. Years later, this debate arose again with Russians even voting on whether the carved man should be covered up. I’m really starting to think they can predict the future!

24. Homer and Hawking

In an episode where Homer Simpson, renowned for his love of donuts, shares an offhand idea about a donut-shaped universe during a memorable encounter with renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, it was a playful jest meant to tickle the funny bone. We thought Homer’s scientific skills peaked with the Higgs boson particle but apparently not!Image source / ABC newsIn an episode where the donut-loving Dad meets physicist Stephen Hawking he suggests his theory of a donut-shaped universe. This was obviously written to poke fun at Homer’s love of the sweet treats but I bet the writers didn’t imagine this idea actually becoming legit. Well it did. The three-torus model of the universe is pretty much exactly what Homey said - a donut-shaped universe!

25. The Beatles fan-mail

Ringo Starr's cameo appearance and tongue-in-cheek comment about being behind on fan mail, dated back to December 12th, 1966, appeared to be a mere humorous gag within the animated realm. Little did the writers know that this seemingly exaggerated depiction would bear a startling resemblance to a real-life scenario involving another Beatle, Paul McCartney.Image source / ParentologyIn 1991, Beatles legend Ringo Starr made a cameo appearance in the show. In the episode, he is seen opening fan mail but jokes about how far behind he is, saying he’s got up to 12th December 1966. Weirdly enough, the joke was more accurate than the writers could have known. In 2013, two very happy women received a reply to a letter from Sir Paul McCartney that they posted decades earlier. Like Ringo in The Simpsons episode, Sir Paul is still catching up with fan mail to this day!

26. Voting machine fraud

"The Simpsons" seems to have a knack for teasing out glimpses of potential future events, even if those events are riddled with glitches and controversies. In an episode featuring Homer's attempt to cast his vote for Barack Obama, the animated scenario where his chosen vote gets mysteriously altered proved to be a quirky reflection of a real-world concern.Image source / L7 WorldWhen Barack Obama was running for President there was a news scandal relating to some of the voting machines which were deemed faulty, casting doubts over the accuracy of some of the results. Crazily, people even filmed their glitching machine changing their choice of candidate. Again, The Simpsons already guessed this might happen. In an episode, Homer is seen trying to vote for Obama, only to have his choice changed. Do they know something we don’t?

27. Game of Thrones

"The Simpsons" strikes again with its uncanny knack for inadvertently mirroring the narratives of popular culture, even those met with divisive responses. In an episode that playfully referenced the realm of Westeros, a dragon rising and laying waste to an entire town bore a striking resemblance to the controversial finale of the HBO series "Game of Thrones."Image source / RedditThe finale of Game of Thrones was famously underwhelming but that didn’t stop our yellow-faced cartoon characters from having a go at predicting - rather accurately - its ending. In an episode that made reference to the world of Westeros a dragon is seen rising up before burning down the whole town. A mirror image of the concluding scenes of the HBO classic.

28. Ted Cruz holidays during an emergency

"The Simpsons" often serves up a satirical mirror to real-world events, and the case of Mayor Joe Quimby jetting off on vacation amid a crisis strikingly resembles the recent incident involving Ted Cruz, the Republican politician from Texas.Image source / Entertainment WeeklyIt’s never a good look when a politician is seen sunning it up whilst disaster unfolds at home. This is exactly what happened to Republican politician Ted Crus who vacated to Cancun as Covid ravaged his hometown of Texas. In a strikingly similar case of politicians missing the mark, The Simpsons’ very own Mayor Joe Quimby is seen holidaying in the Bahamas as Springfield residents cope with a pandemic.

29. The Matrix Christmas movie

"The Simpsons" have a penchant for accidentally hinting at future cultural phenomena, and the mock film poster for "A Matrix Christmas" glimpsed in an episode from 2004 took a whimsical turn towards the uncanny when "The Matrix Resurrections" sequel premiered nearly two decades later.Image source / RedditIn an episode from 2004 a fake film poster for A Matrix Christmas is visible behind Homer as he sits down in the cinema. Funnily enough, a sequel called The Matrix Resurrections hit the big screens on December 22nd, 2021 - A Matrix Christmas if ever there was one.

30. The Capitol Riots

People around the world looked on in shock when, in 2021, the Capitol in Washington DC was rioted. The scenes of people madly rushing through the building and causing havoc as scared politicians fled to safety was not nice to see. However, it wasn’t the first time these scenes hit our TV screens.Image source / YahooIn an episode from 1996, Lisa and Bart are watching a cartoon where a member of Congress runs out of the Capitol to tell onlookers that a new bill has been passed. What follows are scenes of other bizarre-looking characters running up the Capitol steps, firing guns and holding lit bombs.

We know Simpsons can predict the future! But what about the show's secrets... 1. Homer And Marge Are Married In Real Life

Through the serendipitous course of voicing beloved characters like Homer and Marge Simpson, Philippe and Véronique discovered more than just professional camaraderie; they found a deeper connection that transcended the confines of the recording studio.(Image Source/PasteMagazine)The people behind the French animations are Philippe Peythieu and Veronique Augereau - they are the ones who bring us these iconic voices. The two of them met while auditioning for the roles in 1989, they fell in love and tied the knot in 2001. A love story on and off the screen.

2. They Hide Swear Words In Nearly Every Episode

Ah, the cheeky, subtle humor of "The Simpsons" writers! In Season 7, the show indulged in a playful attempt to slip a clever, hidden joke past the watchful eyes of Fox producers. During this season, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, the beloved Kwik-E-Mart proprietor, graduates with a Ph.D. from the Springfield Heights Institute of Technology.(Image Source/Tumgir)There are no swear/curse words allowed in The Simpsons. But that did not stop them trying to sneak one past Fox producers in season 7. Apu graduates with a Ph.D. from Springfield Heights Institute of Technology. Look closely at the acronym and see what it spells.

3. Maggie's Price Has A Secret Meaning!

The figure wasn't arbitrarily chosen; rather, it was a deliberate choice by the show's creators to subtly hint at the financial responsibilities and costs associated with raising an infant. At the time of the show's inception, $847.63 was an approximation of the expenses tied to caring for a baby.(Image Source/simpa)We are all very familiar with the moment Maggie gets scanned at this till and the price pops up which is  $847.63, but do you actually know why? The reason for this is that in 1989 when it was made, this was the estimated cost of raising a baby, per month. Clever!

4. Homer Disproves Fermat's Last Theorem!

In the episode "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace," Homer Simpson, known for his comical ineptitude, embarks on an ambitious pursuit to become an inventor. In a whimsical turn of events, Homer's blackboard scribblings unfold into a surprising discovery that seemingly disproves Fermat's Last Theorem.(Image Source/NPR)For the majority of us, Fermat's last theorem is a completely unknown concept. But, Simpson's has been written by mathematical geniuses. And, while these little maths details go unknown by most - Homer in ‘The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace’ episode disproves this theory.

5. God And Jesus Have 5 Fingers - Here's Why!

Indeed, in the colorful and quirky world of "The Simpsons," God and Jesus stand apart with a distinctive feature—their depiction with the standard five fingers, unlike the usual four-fingered characters populating Springfield. This artistic choice, while seemingly subtle, serves as a visual representation.(Image Source/Pinterest)God and Jesus are the only people in Simpsons to have five fingers. These figures are higher entities in The Simpsons and this has been symbolised through their extra finger. It links to Pythagoras who said numbers are divine - a gift from god (again, it was written by a group of math whizzes).

6. There's A Subplot Of The McBain Series Running Through The WHOLE Thing!

McBain, the action hero persona portrayed by Rainier Wolfcastle in "The Simpsons," is a brilliant and humorous ongoing homage to classic '80s and '90s action films, particularly those starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The show subtly weaves together McBain's standalone scenes.(Image Source/YouTube)McBain is like a mini series within The Simpsons. McBain is an Arnold Schwarzenegger-inspired action hero Rainier Wolf castle. And if you place all of the clips together, they form a continuous sort of mini series. Another clever thing about The Simpsons that makes you appreciate it even even more.

7. Michael Jackson Makes A Cameo

The episode "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" from "The Simpsons" features two notable and uncredited celebrity cameos: Michael Jackson and Dustin Hoffman. In this episode, Michael Jackson provided the voice for a character named Leon Kompowsky, a mental patient who believes he is the famous pop star.(Image Source/YouTube)In The Simpsons there is an episode which is called Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie. There are very famous cameos in this episode when two people in particular feature. They are not explicitly stated but we know all the same. It was none other than Michael Jackson and Dustin Hoffman.

8. Ahoy Hoy Was The Real Hello

The peculiar and distinctive greeting of "ahoy-hoy" by Mr. Burns whenever he answers the phone in "The Simpsons" indeed has historical roots tied to the early days of telephone communication. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, advocated for the use of "ahoy-hoy".(Image Source/NME)When Mr Burns answers the phone he always says 'ahoy hoy'. It turns out that this is not just a random little quirk of Mr Burns but it actually has historical significance. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he suggested that this should be the way to answer it.

9. The Watergate Exposure

Bart Simpson is seen reading "The Truth About Whacking Day" in an episode of "The Simpsons." This parody book is credited to Bob Woodward, a well-known journalist associated with the Washington Post, who gained prominence for his investigative journalism alongside Carl Bernstein.(Image Source/ProBoards)Do you remember Bart reading ‘The Truth About Whacking Day’? It was written by the Washington Post and the journalist stated on it is Bob Woodward who was crucial the the exposure of Watergate. Again, more proof that The Simpsons creators are geniuses.

10. Another Dig At The President...

"The Simpsons" has never shied away from political satire, often making subtle and not-so-subtle jabs at various political figures, including former presidents and vice presidents. In the scene you mentioned, Bart Simpson is seen shredding papers, and if you pay close attention...(Image Source/reddit)The Simpsons is packed full of political references and they do not hold back when it comes to taking a dig at former presidents. Bart shreds some papers and if you watch closely, you'll see a second long clip where he shreds a piece of paper saying 'V.P. Quayle... Embarrassment’.

11. John Swartzwelder Gets Sent To A Mental Hospital

John Swartzwelder indeed holds a legendary status among "The Simpsons" writers for his prolific contributions to the show's early seasons. Known for his witty and imaginative writing, Swartzwelder also gained a reputation for being somewhat reclusive in his personal life.(Image Source/Yahoo)John Swartzwelder is one of the most iconic writers in The Simpsons history. He was often deemed a recluse in real life. And during one episode he can be seen behind a door in a mental hospital, playing on the rumours that surrounded him from the public.

12. Producers Take A Swipe At 'Obsessive' Fans

In the episode you're referring to, Bart Simpson demonstrates his admiration for the character Comic Book Guy by logging onto a fictionalized version of a fan forum called alt.nerd.obsessive. This nod to alt.tv.simpsons and similar online fan communities is a playful acknowledgment.(Image Source/slate)Alt.tv.simpsons is a website where fans go to nit pick every single tiny detail of The Simpsons after each episode. So, in one episode there is a dig. Bart is a huge fan of comic book guy and he logs on the computer onto the site alt.nerd.obsessive where they do the same thing.

13. There's A LOT Of Clever References To History

In the episode you're referring to, "The Simpsons" cleverly incorporates historical references with the signs for "Fops" and "Dandies" at the Vietnamese hall. These signs serve as subtle nods to 18th-century European culture, specifically the distinctions between different styles of dress and behavior among men.(Image Source/squareeyed)Remember the episode that takes place at the Vietnamese hall, there are two signs called Fops and Dandies. These are references to 18th-century European culture, where Fops was a name for men who were overly obsessed with their appearance and Dandies wore tail coats.

14. The Infamous A113

The reference to A113 is a recurring Easter egg found not just in Disney films but also in various other animated shows and movies, including "The Simpsons." A113 refers to a classroom number at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts).(Image Source/Pinterest)If you are a Disney fan, you will know about the recurring A113. And, it's also a feature in The Simpsons too. It refers to the institute of the arts where many talented animators graduate and then continue on to make film and TV series - a place especially where Disney employs its animators.

15. Did You Spot The Hidden Code?

"The Simpsons" is packed with numerous hidden details and references that might not be immediately apparent to all viewers. In the episode where Homer enters a video game, there's a sequence of numbers that, when decoded, actually translates into a phrase known as "Frink Rules."(Image Source/HELLO)A lot of what goes on in The Simpsons is unknown to most people who would not have the specific knowledge to understand or appreciate it. For example, when Homer goes into the video game the sequence of numbers actually converts form code to 'Frink rules' as a reference to professor Fink.

16. You Probably Didn't Notice This! Danny Elfman's Has A Store In The Opening!

Danny Elfman, the talented composer behind the iconic theme tune of "The Simpsons," gets a subtle nod right in the opening sequence of the show's credits. If you pay close attention to the storefronts that pass by as the camera pans through Springfield during the opening credits...(Image Source/Eeggs.com)Even thought this one is in plain sight, it's barely noticeable. Danny Elfman is the creator of the famous Simpsons theme tune, and we can see his name written on the store front in the very opening of the credits. Once you notice you'll always see it.

17. The Controversial O.J Simpson Reference

Indeed, the two-part episode of "The Simpsons" titled "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" aired in 1995, only a couple of months after the highly publicized O.J. Simpson trial. The storyline cleverly parodied the sensationalism and nuances of high-profile trials.(Image Source/thehollywoodreporter)This episode aired just two months after the trial aired. In this series there is a trial - who shot Mr Burns. They way they talk about it highlights all the injustices and the way the trial was held. It is a clear reference to their view in the O.J Simpson trial. The Simpsons creators aren't afraid to air their opinions.

18. Bart Is An Anagram

Bart Simpson's name is indeed an anagram for "brat," a clever wordplay that reflects his mischievous and sometimes rebellious nature within the show. Bart's character is portrayed as a troublemaker, often getting into various antics and stirring up mischief in Springfield.(Image Source/YouTube)You may have figured this one out for yourself - but Bart is an anagram for the world brat, but of course jumbled up. And we can't deny he is a bit of a brat, we just can't help but love him all the same because he's one oft he funniest characters in the show.

19. Matt Groening Named Them After His Family

Matt Groening indeed drew inspiration from his own family when naming the characters in "The Simpsons," using variations of family members' names for many of the characters. However, he made a playful twist by naming the mischievous son in the Simpson family after himself.(Image Source/TheVerge)Matt Groening is of course the iconic creator of The Simpsons. And, he decided to name all of the characters after members of his own family - apart from himself. Bart was the one he switched for his own name...and we already know what that means from the previous point.

20. The Real Reason Why The Are Yellow

The choice of yellow for the skin color of the characters in "The Simpsons" was a deliberate and strategic decision by the show's creators. The vibrant and distinctive yellow hue was chosen to make the characters instantly recognizable and stand out among other animated shows.(Image Source/BBC)Why yellow? We've all thought it. And the answer is pretty obvious really. When you are flicking through channels they wanted something to grab your attention. And something instantly recognisable. As soon as we see yellow we know that it's The Simpsons.

21. Paul McCartney's Lentil Soup Recipe

In this episode of The Simpsons, Lisa Simpson decides to become a vegetarian after connecting with a lamb at a petting zoo. As she explores her new lifestyle, she seeks guidance from Paul and Linda McCartney, both famously known for their vegetarianism and animal rights activism.(Image Source/PasteMagazine)Lisa becomes a vegetarian in The Simpsons and so she goes to speak to Paul and Linda McCartney - who are also famous vegetarians. In the episode Paul tells Lisa to play his track 'Maybe I’m Amazed' backwards you will find a lentil soup recipe. Another thing they got right.

22. D'oh Has Been Added To The Official Dictionary

"The Simpsons" indeed stands as a cultural juggernaut, transcending the typical boundaries of a cartoon or even a television show. Its impact extends far beyond entertainment, permeating language and popular culture in profound ways.The Biggest Mistake You're Making on Twitter - The Jonathan Rick Group(Image Source/buzinga)Now this is an impressive feat for a cartoon - but as we all know, The Simpsons is no ordinary cartoon or TV show in general. It is elite on many levels. And this is shown by the fact that Homer's famous D'oh is now in the official dictionaries as a real recognised word.

23. Only One Character Speaks In Every Episode

Homer Simpson stands as the singular consistent voice that resonates through every episode of "The Simpsons," serving as the animated show's enduring core. His character embodies the quintessential comedic essence of the series, navigating life's complexities with humor.Homer Simpson - Wikipedia(Image Source/wikipedia)There is only one character that speaks in every single Simpson's episode and that person is Homer - of course it had to be him. The next most frequent person to speak is both Bart and Marge. And then it is followed by Mr Burns and in fourth place comes Lisa.

24. The Length Of The Couch Gags Depends On The Episode Length

The iconic couch gag in "The Simpsons" has become an integral part of the show's opening sequence, offering a brief, humorous skit that varies from episode to episode. These gags range widely in duration, from a few seconds to a more elaborate and extended scene.Couch gags Season 18 (Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa) - YouTube(Image Source/YouTube)You'll have definitely noticed that the couch gag varies a lot each time - sometimes it's really long and sometimes it's tiny. And why is that? Well it just depends on the actual length of the episode, if it is shorter it has to be extended. If the episode is longer then it as to be cropped down.

25. There Was Only 1 Episode In The 80s

"The Simpsons" indeed holds a peculiar place in pop culture as a show with deep ties to the 1980s, yet its official broadcast and consistent run began at the cusp of a new decade. The show's inception occurred in 1989, specifically with the Christmas special.A Look Back at The "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" - Nerdist(Image Source/Nerdist)Many people consider The Simpsons as an 80s show. But in actual fact there was only one episode that was filmed in the 80s which was the iconic Christmas special called Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire which was filmed in 1989. The next episode was filmed in 1990.

26. 'Itchy And Scratchy Land' Was A Reaction To Fox

The clash between creative freedom and censorship isn’t uncommon in the entertainment industry, and "The Simpsons" found itself in a similar battle over the inclusion of the beloved, albeit violent, "Itchy and Scratchy" segments within the show.The Simpsons, Season Six, Episode Four, “Itchy & Scratchy Land” – The Avocado(Image Source/avocado)Fox told the producers of The Simpsons that they did not want any more itchy and scratchy included in the episodes. The Simpsons were not happy and they outright refused to take it out - this episode was made as violent as possible and the producers threatened to go to the media if they tried to censor them.

27. Matt Groening's Did Sounds For The Show

Matt Groening, the creative genius behind "The Simpsons," has left an indelible mark on the show in numerous ways, and his involvement extends beyond just his role as a producer. While he's not known for doing any voiceovers for the characters, Groening found a unique and intimate way to contribute.Maggie Simpson - Wikipedia(Image Source/wiki)Matt Groening is the producer, of course he had to be included in some kind of way as a part of the sound. No, he does not do a voice over but he actually makes the sound of Maggie sucking the pacifier - a sound we are all familiar with, he did not do it alone however.

28. Fox Owns The Simpsons Future Rights

Fox holding the rights to "The Simpsons" until the year 2082 sets a fascinating precedent in the realm of television and entertainment. This extensive ownership not only secures the legacy of the show for decades to come but also opens up intriguing possibilities for its future.10 Times The Simpsons Dissed FOX - YouTube(Image Source/YouTube)Fox owns the rights to The Simpsons way into the future - until the year 2082. We do not know whether new episodes will be still being made then but we certainly hope so. After all, with the conspiracies people will be waiting for for future predictions.

29. Is Principal Skinner Actually Jean Valjean?

You've stumbled upon a fascinating and intricate detail that showcases the depth of references and hidden connections embedded within "The Simpsons." Skinner's revelation of his POW number, 24601, indeed parallels the iconic prisoner number of Jean Valjean.(Image Source/Reddit)This theory is not known by many people at all. But, do you remember when Skinner revealed his POW number in Vietnam? It was 24601 - which is the same as the iconic and widely recognised prisoner number of Jean Valjean. This can't be a coincidence surely?

30. Homerpalooza Gwen Stefani's Band

In the world of "The Simpsons," unexpected cameos and guest appearances often carry fascinating stories behind them, and Gwen Stefani's appearance in the "Homerpalooza" episode is no exception. While her inclusion might initially appear random, it actually stems from a personal connection.No Doubt's First Album Came Out 30 years Ago This Week - Noise11.com(Image Source/Noise11)In the episode called Homerpalooza, there is a feature of Gwen Stefani and her band. This seemed completely random because what is the relevance here? It turns out that Gwen Stefani's brother worked as one of the animators and decided to add her in.

31. Krusty Is Homer's Clone

The notion that Krusty the Clown, the beloved yet somewhat jaded television entertainer in "The Simpsons," was initially conceived as Homer's alter-ego introduces an intriguing dynamic that diverges from the characters as we know them today.Image Source / The Mercury NewsYou may not have even put Homer and Krusty together - just some similar animation design, which you'd expect in an animated show, and that's it. But Krusty was originally meant to be Homer's cynical alter-ego, a secret identity that Homer would occasionally put on. Needless to say, the idea was eventually scrapped.

32. Dustin Hoffman Had A Cameo

Dustin Hoffman's understated yet significant cameo on "The Simpsons" exemplifies the show's knack for incorporating major celebrities in subtle and often unnoticed roles. In the episode titled "Lisa's Substitute," Hoffman lends his voice to Mr. Bergstrom.Image Source / GoldDerbyThe Simpsons celebrated many a celebrity cameo, so it's no surprise a big actor would have one. But did you ever notice it? Some of the biggest celebrity cameos were easily missable. Dustin Hoffman appeared in one episode as Lisa's favourite teacher - but Dustin's name wasn't even credited.

33. The Musical Episode Was A Glimpse Into The Future

"The Simpsons" has always been a master of self-awareness, and when faced with criticism or perceptions like running out of ideas, the creators responded in an incredibly inventive way. The so-called 'clip show,' where snippets from previous episodes are compiled, was labeled as 'lazy'.Image Source / VarietyOne episode of The Simpsons was a clip show of previous episodes, which was donned 'lazy' by fans and implying that they'd run out of ideas for episodes. To show that they'd definitely not run out of ideas, the creators made a musical episode revealing hints of stories to come, like Marge becoming a robot.

34. Matt Groening's Signature On Homer's Head

Yes, Matt Groening's discreet yet consistent inclusion of his signature in every episode of "The Simpsons" is a delightful Easter egg for attentive viewers. The clever placement of his initials 'M.G.' within Homer Simpson's distinctive hairstyle is a testament to Groening's attention to detail.Image Source / RedditMatt Groening is the cartoonist creator of The Simpsons, but did you know that his signature appears in every episode? It's carefully implemented into Homer's head, of all things. The wisp of hair on the side of his head, and the ear beneath, combine to make the initials 'M.G'.

35. The 'Frink Rules' Message

The "Homer^3" episode of "The Simpsons" was a cleverly crafted tribute not just to mathematical concepts but also to the show's beloved character, Professor Frink, and his groundbreaking invention of a portal to a third dimension. Within this episode, the creators included a cryptic code.Image Source / RedditThe 'Homer Cubed' episode had a code included that only the biggest and brightest mathematical brains would be able to decipher. The series of numbers and letters, when paired with ASCII protocol, spells out 'Frink Rules' - Frink, the discoverer of a means of interdimensional travel.

36. The Insults Within Rock Bottom's Retractions

"Rock Bottom," the tabloid-esque news outlet in "The Simpsons," showcased its sensationalism and lack of journalistic integrity through a series of quick-fire insults and sardonic messages during its forced retraction. This segment highlighted the show's signature satirical take on media.Image Source / VimeoRock Bottom was a news outlet that left Homer's life in bits. Following his pay back, Rock Bottom is forced to offer a retraction. These scroll through the screen very quickly, but if you pause, you can read a number of insulting shout-outs, including 'if you are reading this, you have no life'. Charming.

37. The Real Reason Scratchy Keeps Getting Killed

Absolutely, Scratchy, the ill-fated cat in the "Itchy and Scratchy" cartoons within "The Simpsons," endures a seemingly endless series of misfortunes, constantly falling victim to Itchy's ruthless and creatively brutal attacks. Scratchy's black fur holds the key...Image Source / NestflixItchy and Scratchy are a thoroughly entertaining (and violent) part of The Simpsons, but you'll know that Scratchy the cat is the one always on the backfoot when it comes to Itchy thinking up horrible ways to end him. Scratchy is a black cat - often associated with bad luck - which, in The Simpsons, is shown through the bad luck affecting the cat itself rather than anything else.

38. Matt Groening Has A Cameo As The Courtroom Sketch Artist

Matt Groening, the creator of "The Simpsons," has made occasional appearances within the show, often in subtle and clever ways. One of his notable appearances occurs in an episode titled "Bart Gets Hit by a Car." During Bart's testimony in court, the courtroom sketch artist looks familiar...Image Source / Animation World NetworkOf course you're going to put yourself in as a character from time to time when you're a creator of the show. Matt Groening actually appears as a Simpsons character when Bart testifies in court to save the mayor's nephew. The courtroom sketch artist is Groening, and you can even see his signature on what he's drawing.

39. The Peter Griffin Cameo

Yes, the rivalry and camaraderie between "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" have often resulted in playful nods and references between the two shows. In "The Simpsons" Treehouse of Horror XIII episode, titled "The Island of Dr. Hibbert," there's a subtle yet notable cameo...Image Source / Simpsons WikiFamily Guy and The Simpsons have long been compared to each other as huge animated showrunners, and there's even been a crossover episode of The Simpsons in Family Guy - which was amazing, to say the least. But did you know Peter Griffin made a cameo in the Treehouse of Horror XIII episode?

40. The Game Of Thrones-Esque Opening

Drawing a parallel between the openings of "Game of Thrones" and "The Simpsons" is a fascinating observation, especially considering their iconic and elaborate title sequences. While their genres and themes vastly differ, both shows have signature opening sequence.Image Source / GamesRadarYou might not have ever compared Game of Thrones to The Simpsons, but there's something to be said about both show's openings. The Simpsons opening is always a long journey through Springfield, in full iconic Westeros treatment, going through all the locations and characters.

41. Did You Find Waldo?

Indeed, "Where's Waldo" references have made playful appearances in "The Simpsons," often as clever background gags that pay homage to the iconic hidden character. Waldo is known for his red-and-white striped shirt, round glasses, and distinct appearance.Image Source / RedditIf you've been looking for Waldo, apparently he's in Springfield. Where's Waldo has been referenced in The Simpsons a fair few times, but he's also been spotted in the background of a few scenes, too. As you'd expect, he's always in the background, or within a crowd of people.

42. The Simpson Family First Appeared As A Series Of Shorts In The Tracey Ullman Show

That's right! Before "The Simpsons" became the iconic animated series we know today, the family made their debut as shorts on "The Tracey Ullman Show." Matt Groening, initially reluctant to adapt his "Life in Hell" comic strip, created the Simpson family as a last-minute alternative for the animated shorts.Image Source / Simpsons WikiThe Simpson family didn't start as the very first episode of the show. They were originally a series of shorts in The Tracey Ullman Show, after Matt Groening had said no to an offer to turn his Life in Hell comic into animated shorts. The Simpson family first appeared in 1987.

43. Matt Groening First Sketched The Simpson Family Quickly In A Lobby

The origins of "The Simpsons" can be traced back to a serendipitous moment when Matt Groening, awaiting a pitch meeting, hastily sketched the rough outlines of what would become the beloved Simpson family, while sitting in the lobby of producer James L. Brooks's office.Image Source / The Simpsons Tapped Out AddictsAnd leading on from the previous point, Matt Groening's very first sketch of the now-legendary family was while he was waiting in the lobby for his pitch meeting for the show. What could have been simply a doodle to keep him entertained has now turned into so much more, to say the least!

44. The Distinctive Silhouettes

The distinctiveness of each Simpsons character's silhouette is a deliberate and integral aspect of the show's visual design. Matt Groening, the creator of "The Simpsons," aimed to ensure that every character could be immediately recognizable even in silhouette form.Image Source / SporcleThere's no doubt that you'd easily be able to recognize any Simpsons character based on their silhouettes alone, and there's a reason for that. Groening specifically wanted every character to be recognisable by their shape, which is the reason for the very distinctive hairstyles and head shapes.

45. The Iconic Music From The Opening Sequence Took Only 2 Days To Create

Danny Elfman's creation of the iconic theme for "The Simpsons" remains a testament to his musical genius and ability to craft unforgettable melodies. When Matt Groening approached Elfman to compose the theme song for the show's opening sequence, he sought a piece of music with a retro vibe.Image Source / Salon.comLegendary composer Danny Elfman was asked by creator Groening to produce a piece of music with a retro-like theme for the opening sequence of the show. The music from the beginning sequence is now iconic, but it only took 2 days to create the masterpiece!

46. 3 Key Elements From The Opening Sequence Change Every Time

The opening sequence of "The Simpsons" is a treasure trove of subtle variations, adding to the show's charm and providing keen-eyed viewers with fresh details to discover in each episode. Amidst the familiar elements, there are indeed three consistent changes that aficionados might spot...Image Source / MetroThe show's opening sequence is very lengthy, but there's always something new to watch out for. Three elements change from episode to episode - did you notice them? It's the message on Bart's chalkboard lines, the music Lisa plays on her sax, and the length of the couch at the end of the title sequence. See if you notice next time!

47. Springfield Is A Common City Name In America - And Was Chosen For That Reason

Indeed, the choice of naming the iconic town in "The Simpsons" as Springfield was a deliberate decision by creator Matt Groening, inspired by Springfield, Oregon, near his hometown. Groening envisioned a name that was generic yet familiar, allowing viewers to relate to it.Image Source / Today ShowWith so many cities in America, there's bound to be one or two that are named in a TV show by coincidence - but for Springfield, this was purely intentional. Matt Groening said that it was named after Springfield, Oregon, near his home town, and that it'd be cool if everyone from a 'Springfield' in America would think it could be based on theirs.

48. The Bush Family Did Not Like The Show

Barbara Bush's initial criticism of "The Simpsons" as "the dumbest thing" she had ever seen sparked a memorable and unexpected exchange between the First Lady and the show's creators. In response to her comments, the writing team decided to cleverly address the critique.Image Source / WikipediaThe Bush family have appeared as cameos in the show, but that doesn't mean they were huge fans. The First Lady (back then) Barbara Bush in 1990 actually said the show was the 'dumbest thing' she'd ever seen. The show's writers actually wrote a letter to her - from Marge Simpson - which said they were trying their best. Barbara then apologised!

49. And President George H.W. Bush Even Referenced The Simpsons In One Of His Speeches

The Bush family's references to "The Simpsons" seemed to continue, shaping a humorous yet thought-provoking dialogue between the show and the political sphere. In 1992, during his re-election campaign, President George H.W. Bush made a speech.Image Source / Encyclopaedia BritannicaWe're starting to think the Bush's secretly loved the show if they're mentioning it this much... In 1992, then-President Bush referenced the show in his speech, in relation to trying to strengthen the American family and make them 'more like the Waltons' rather than The Simpsons. The writers even put in a response to the next broadcast.

50. The Voice Of Lisa Is The Only Cast Member To Stick To One Character

Yeardley Smith, renowned for her portrayal of Lisa Simpson, stands out among the main cast members. While many of the other core cast members lend their vocal talents to multiple characters within the show's expansive universe, Smith exclusively voices Lisa Simpson.Image Source / The HustleWith such a diverse cast of talent on The Simpsons, you may have noticed that many of the voice actors do more than one voice for a variety of characters. But Yeardly Smith, who provides the iconic voice of Lisa Simpson, is the only main cast member to voice just one.