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One of the most famous pregnancy cravings women tend to pronounce is that of pickles. It's very normal for pregnant woman to want to enjoy salty foods as their sodium levels can often decrease during pregnancy. Sodium levels need to remain steady in order to keep the fluids running from mother to baby.
Ice Cream

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You probably think that ice cream is just a sweet treat for a pregnant woman to enjoy but it can also signify some deficiencies too. One possible issue could be calcium which is important in helping ensure the baby grows inside the body and as many people fall out of love with cheese this is a way to get the calcium in.

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You might think that chocolate cravings are just the need for sugar or you want to have a couple of treats. And yes, you do deserve a treat but scientifically many people believe that chocolate cravings come as a result of some B vitamin deficiencies. Be careful not to take in too much sugar though
Spicy Foods

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Curries and other spicy food are extremely common cravings for women to get and that is often because they're a comfort food. Many people also turn to spicy food towards the end of their pregnancy as it's believed spicy food actually has an effect in the process of pushing the baby out!

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I get that this is a little broad and I will look at some more general fruits later on. But in general, fruit is a common craving because they all contain a variety of vitamins and minerals which can aid both the health of the mother as well as the growth and development of the fetus inside them.
Potato Chips

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Just as pickles are often craved by pregnant women for their sodium levels, potato chips offer the same deal. We all know that our favourite potato chips can be (sometimes unnecessarily) salty and we all know how addictive they are too. No wonder they're a popular pregnancy craving.

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Yogurt is a popular craving for pregnant women as they obviously contain a boatload of calcium. Not only this though, but many people believe that yogurt can exert some great anti-inflammatory properties on to the body too. Some people go for frozen yogurt instead of ice cream as it's a little healthier.

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Although cheese is popular in general, it isn't just about indulging here. Cheese is obviously rich in calcium which will support both a mother and a baby's health during the pregnancy. It's also a satisfying choice due to the protein and healthy fats, it tastes great too doesn't it!
Sour Candy

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Sour candy is often a popular choice for pregnant mothers, partly as the sour flavours can actually help alleviate some of the feelings of morning sickness within the mouth. It's important to avoid overeating these though as well all know they aren't too great for us are they.
French Fries

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The need or craving for salty foods tends to appear in the third trimester and French fries are often a cheap and easy way to get the sodium in to your system. The beneficial part of French fries is that you can add the amount of salt you want to your meal instead of relying on others.
Peanut Butter

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The craving for peanut butter during pregnancy can actually point to the body's need for some essential nutrients. It can be a great source of protein and it's also packed with folate which is great for avoiding birth defects. Your body might be demanding these from you via cravings.

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Watermelon can be a very refreshing choice of fruit (as most are) for a pregnant woman. Not only are they high in water content which will avoid dehydration but they're also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Not only that, but its somewhat a comfort food as the natural sweet flavours are great.

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Pizza is yet another popular craving which is usually seen as quite the comfort food of choice. It satisfies multiple cravings at once in some form too, with a load of carbs, calcium from the cheese and then anything you put on top. It can be fine to indulge a little in pregnancy.

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Sushi cravings are quite the odd choice within pregnancy and it might be a sign that you want some more unique flavours in your diet. You have to be careful with sushi though as raw fish should probably be avoided just to ensure that you don't risk any contamination which could harm you or the baby.

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Cravings for cereal are very common in pregnancy and are usually seen as a comforting and convenient way for food to be eaten. Most cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals too and this can be a quick and practical way to meet some of the necessary nutritional needs.

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It might be surprising, but many women actually crave drinking water during pregnancy. This is usually due to the increased volume of blood during pregnancy. Besides it's important to remain well-hydrated anyway never mind just during your pregnancy, keep healthy!
Mashed Potatoes

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Another comfort food that regularly appears as a craving during pregnancy is that of mashed potatoes. The creamy texture is usually quite soothing and satisfying for a pregnant mother and they're also one of the best sources of carbs and vitamins; a healthy way to get some comfort food!

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Okay, I know what you're thinking, surely no one out there wants to eat soil. Yep, soil from the ground! But cravings for things like soil and dust are strangely common and it's believed that people get these cravings because of their iron deficiency; you might just want supplements instead.

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Seaweed is quite a common craving people begin feeling the need for and usually that can be because they're missing out on the nutrient iodine. Iodine is an essential nutrient in helping produce the hormones involved in the development of the fetal brain and nervous system.

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Spinach isn't everyone's favourite food is it? Except Popeye maybe! But similarly to seaweed, spinach actually contains a boatload of iodine which is great for fetus development. Not only this but it can actually offer some iron as well which isn't always so common in vegetables.

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As you're probably realising, some pregnancy cravings can be a little odd and some women are actually unable to control them. Sometimes the cravings can be brought on by the emotional state of the mother and toothpaste just shows you might be going through it a little.

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Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits out there and are another one that many pregnant mothers really like to go for during their terms. They contain a lot of vitamin C which is great for aiding the baby's development. The vitamin is also useful for helping absorb the necessary amounts of iron from other food eaten too.

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Bananas are obviously commonly recognised as being quite a good source of potassium. If you get a craving for these curvy, yellow fruits then you might have low levels of potassium in your body! Potassium can stop the feeling of fatigue and muscle cramps amongst others in pregnant women.

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Rice is one of the most energy-rich carbohydrates out there so it probably comes as no surprise that pregnant women begin craving it. It's also a source of vitamin B6 which is great for storing this energy later on. Maybe try and eat brown rice instead if you get this craving though as it's more nutritious.

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Carrots are a popular vegetable amongst women when it comes to their pregnancy cravings. As well as being a tasty and healthy snack, they are also great for providing Vitamin A and they also work well as an antioxidant to the body. You can even dip them in hummus if your cravings will allow it.

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Broccoli is a great vegetable for providing B12 (or folate) which is required for the development of the fetus. If you're experiencing a craving then, it might be because you're deficient in the vitamin! It's also believed that folate can reduce the risk of your baby having a defect at birth.
Red Meat

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Red meat is pretty popular in general, so it's probably a nice craving to have during a pregnancy too. Red meat has some high levels of protein as well as iron so it's a useful food item to introduce. As a result of the need to carry blood and oxygen around the body a lot more this could be important.

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Beetroot is yet another vegetable that pregnant women tend to crave and it's believed this is also due to its high folate content. Not only this though, but they also contain a load of potassium and phosphorus which are great for helping keep your blood pressure in check which is essential in pregnancy.

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I suppose this is one of the most boring cravings you could get as a pregnant women, but you'd be eating healthy at least! Items like lettuce and cucumber are both have a very high water content so it could be a sign your body is feeling slightly dehydrated. Pregnant women NEED to drink a lot!

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Another popular source of the B12 vitamin is Avocado and the hipsters choice actually contains a load of other great vitamins too. It's a superfood basically and the healthy fat content within the food is actually beneficial for supporting the development and growth of your baby's brain tissue.