1. Alabama

Image Source: My Modern Met
Artificial Intelligence (A.I) has erupted in online popularity, with people using A.I programs to reimagine famous paintings, create unique images/concepts and create series of images based on specific topics. One of these series, is an A.I's interpretation of what every American looks like (from each state). First on this list, is Alabama, which has a heavy focus on the rural aspect of living within this state. There are a lot of earthy tones within this portrait, which reflects the southern aesthetic of people living within Alabama.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Alaska

Image Source: My Modern Met
Alaska is the next state, and features much cooler tones e.g. blue, white and grey. The use of this particular color palette, really helps reflect the cooler climate of Alaska. The A.I's interpretation of the 'standard' Alaskan, features puffer jackets, wooly hats, scarves and weathered bur rosy skin. The couple in this portrait, look as though they're in their late 40's/early 50's, and have worked out in the elements for the majority of their lives.
3. Arizona

Image Source: My Modern Met
Next up on the list, is the sunny state of Arizona. Similarly to Alaska, the A.I programming has used set colors to reflect the climate of this particular state, so there is heavy use of warmer tones e.g. orange, yellow and red. The 'standard' couple from Arizona, have been pictured with sun-kissed skin, blonde/grey hair, tattoos and summery items of clothing e.g. shorts, t-shirts and denim cut-offs. This particular portrait also features a mountainous desert landscape.
4. Arkansas

Image Source: My Modern Met
Arkansas is another southern state on the list, and this portrait seems to be one of the more textural. This texture comes from the couples' clothing and general 'look'. Similar to the other southern states on this list, the 'standard' couple from Arkansas are depicted wearing plaid, earthy tones, paired with weathered/wrinkled skin. This portrait has a darker background, which brings the smaller details into focus.
5. California

Image Source: My Modern Met
Moving on, we come to the state of California. This portrait is a lot brighter, in comparison to the previous images, as the A.I programming has opted to use a more diverse color palette. The couple depicted within this portrait, are a lot younger (approximately late 20's to early 30's), which reflects the majority of the population within California.
6. Colorado

Image Source: My Modern Met
Colorado is next up on the list, and there are elements that bare similarities to the Arkansas portrait. For example, the depiction of the couple, share features with the A.I's imagining of the Arkansas couple (hair, eyes, wrinkles and facial shape). The differences within this portrait, include: the background color, the general color palette that has been used, clothing and facial expressions.
7. Connecticut

Image Source: My Modern Met
Connecticut is the next state on the list, and has a very neutral color palette, which doesn't give it much diversity. The couple depicted within this portrait, could be considered as 'stereotypical' Americans, as they are middle-aged caucasians that are wearing very plain clothing, paired with square-rimmed glasses. Compared to some of the other portraits in this series, Connecticut's is relatively boring.
8. Delaware

Image Source: My Modern Met
Moving on, we come to the state of Delaware, which has a slightly more diverse color palette. The couple within this portrait have a sun-kissed tone to their skin, and their skin does not seem as weathered (in comparison to some of the others in this series). The A.I programming has opted for another neutral backdrop for this portrait, and doesn't really give the overall image much definition.
9. Florida

Image Source: My Modern Met
Perhaps one of the most colorful portraits is next, with the state of Florida. Of course, Florida is well-known for its semi-tropical climate, beaches and wildlife, and this has been reflected via this A.I's creation of the standard Floridian couple. The couple have weathered, yet sun-kissed skin, and they have been depicted wearing summery clothing against a backdrop of a bright blue sky.
10. Georgia

Image Source: My Modern Met
Georgia is the next state on the list, which is best known for its export of peaches, and its slightly more diverse population. For this particular portrait, the A.I programming has again opted for a neutral color palette (against a neutral backdrop). The couple in this picture are African-American and Caucasian, which reflects the integrated population of Georgia, and the diverse cultures within this state.
11. Hawaii

Image Source: My Modern Met
Hawaii is the next state on the list, and it is one of the more colorful portraits within the series. The couple have been depicted as indigenous Hawaiians, and are styled with traditional flowers, clothing and patterns. This portrait also features a darker background, but this really brings the brighter colors into focus, and adds great contrast to the overall image.
12. Idaho

Image Source: My Modern Met
Moving on, we come to the state of Idaho, which features yet another middle-age couple against a neutral background. It seems that the A.I programming, has opted to use neutral backgrounds, for the majority of the portrait within this series. Idaho is one of the more nondescript portraits, as the couple depicted are wearing generic clothing, and the overall image is composed of a very basic color palette.
13. Illinois

Image Source: My Modern Met
Another slightly more diverse portrait within this series, is for the state of Illinois. Yes there is a neutral backdrop, but the couple depicted within the piece are much younger (in comparison to others on this list). They have also been depicted with happier expressions, which brings some dimension and 'life' into the image's overall composition.
14. Indiana

Image Source: My Modern Met
Another depiction of a happy, younger couple, comes from the A.I's imagining of inhabitants from the state of Indiana. This is also one of the few portraits, that features a landscape within the background. This particular portrait, features some kind of woodland area or park, behind the couple. The couple that have been depicted within this image, are holding one another within a warm embrace.
15. Iowa

Image Source: My Modern Met
The next state on the list is Iowa. Iowa is a midwestern state, which is well-known for its countrysides of cornfields. This is reflected via the couple depicted within this image, as they can be seen wearing typical 'farming' apparel e.g. dungarees, dusty t-shirts, a cap and neutral tones. The couple are older of this state, and have sun-kissed skin.
16. Kansas

Image Source: My Modern Met
The midwestern state of Kansas is next in this series. Similarly to other portraits in the series, the A.I programming has opted for a neutral color palette. The couple within this portrait, seem to be within their mid-to-late forties, and look as though they work and/or live on a farm. They have a slightly paler complexion, and more solemn expressions.
17. Kentucky

Image Source: My Modern Met
We're heading to the southeast of America for the next portrait, as the state of Kentucky is next within this series. The state of Kentucky is renowned for the Kentucky Derby, which is an annual horse race (hosted at Churchill Downs within the city of Louisville). The depiction of Kentucky inhabitants, features some brighter colors e.g. red, copper and green.
18. Louisiana

Image Source: My Modern Met
Another southeastern state within this series is: Louisiana. Louisiana is a state that sits along the Gulf of Mexico, and is well-known for its rich melting-pot of cultures and history. This is reflected via the depiction of the typical couple from Louisiana, as there seems to be connections to Spain and France. This portrait has a richer color palette, that reflects the warmth of Louisiana.
19. Maine

Image Source: My Modern Met
Moving to the most northern point of America, we come to the state of Maine. This particular sate is well-known for rocky coastlines and rich maritime history. It is one of the main locations for fishing imports and exports, and this is reflected within this portrait. The couple have been depicted wearing typical fishing/trawling apparel e.g. dungarees, wool hats, overalls and winter jackets.
20. Maryland

Image Source: My Modern Met
The mid-Atlantic state of Maryland is next up in the series. This state is known for its beautiful waterways, and picturesque coastlines e.g. Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Maryland is also a major seaport, and has a rich melting-pot of cultures. The couple depicted within this portrait are African-American, and are wearing colors that reflect the coastal elements of this state e.g. navy, white and red.
21. Massachusetts

Image Source: My Modern Met
Massachusetts is the next state on the list, and it is the sixth smallest state (by land area) within the US. It is located within the northeast of America, and is well-known for its stunning coastlines and rich, diverse history. However, this isn't exactly reflected within the A.I's depiction, of the standard couple from Massachusetts. the couple are wearing plain grey clothing, and have quite a solemn expression.
22. Michigan

Image Source: My Modern Met
Michigan is a midwestern state, located within the 'Great Lakes' region of the US. It is bordered by the states of Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. This particular state is well-known for its agriculture, Great Lakes shorelines and vibrant college town atmosphere. The couple depicted within this portrait, look as though they're college students, but the color palette that has been used doesn't particularly reflect this.
23. Minnesota

Image Source: My Modern Met
Minnesota is another midwestern state within the US, and it borders Lake Superior (within the Great Lakes) and the country of Canada. Minnesota is well-known for its many lakes and waterways (over 10,000 to be exact)! This is somewhat reflected by the couple in this portrait, as they have been depicted wearing water-appropriate clothing e.g. jackets, a cap and light layers.
24. Mississippi

Image Source: My Modern Met
Mississippi is a southern state within the US, and is bordered by the Mississippi River, the state of Alabama and the Gulf of Mexico. This particular state is well-known for being the birthplace of Blues music, its cotton plantations and amazing food. The couple representing Mississippi are Caucasian and African-American, which accurately reflects the population of this state.
25. Missouri

Image Source: My Modern Met
Missouri is yet another midwestern state within the US, and is the 21st largest state (by land area). It is bordered by eight states, which are: Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska! This state is well-known for its strong agriculture, barbecue cuisine and iconic landmarks e.g. the Gateway Arch. The standard Missouri couple, do look as if they'd have great barbecuing skills.
26. Montana

Image Source: My Modern Met
Montana is a western state within the US, and is well-known for its stunning terrain, which ranges from the 'Rocky Mountains', to the 'Great Plains'. These areas of natural beauty are popular tourist attractions, and are known for their rich mineral sources. It is often referred to as the 'Treasure State', due to these rich mineral sources. It is also known for its Native American population and reserves.
27. Nebraska

Image Source: My Modern Met
Nebraska is yet another midwestern state within the US, and is well-known for its diverse terrains, which range from prairies, the dunes of Sandhill and dramatic rock formations. Nebraska is also known for its vibrant musical influences, large farmlands and amazing tourist attractions. This particular state is also the birthplace place of the 'Reuben sandwich', and popular beverage 'Kool-Aid'.
28. Nevada

Image Source: My Modern Met
Moving over to the west, we come to the state of Nevada, which is bordered by Oregon, Idaho, California, Arizona and Utah. It is also the ninth-least populated state within America. This state is well-known for being the home of the infamous Las Vegas Strip; with its desert landscapes, bustling casinos and diverse nightlife. It is a great place for outdoor activities, and being surrounded by natural beauty.
29. New Hampshire

Image Source: My Modern Met
New Hampshire is an eastern state within the US, and is located within the New England sector of the country. It is well-known for its quiet, peaceful towns and stunning expanses of wilderness. New Hampshire is often referred to as the 'Granite State', as it it home to a range of granite formations and quarries, and has a rich history of mining etc.
30. New Jersey

Image Source: My Modern Met
Heading over to the northeast, we come to the state of New Jersey, which is home to approximately 130 miles of Atlantic coastline. This state is well-known for the Jersey Shore, which is home to an array of activities, which include: the Atlantic City Boardwalk, Six Flags Great Adventure, High Point State Park, Ellis Island and Thomas Edison National Historical Park.
31. New Mexico

Image Source: My Modern Met
New Mexico is a southwestern state within the US, and is part of the (southern) 'Rocky Mountains'. This particular state is also known for its stunning natural beauty, and breathtaking landscapes. New Mexico is well-known for these landscapes, array of activities, cave exploration, blue corn pancakes/chilli peppers and being the first official test site for the atomic bomb!
32. New York

Image Source: My Modern Met
Heading back up to the northeast, we come to one of the most famous states, New York. Of course this state is well-known for the diverse location of New York City, as well as Niagara Falls. There are plenty of attractions to explore within this state, including: the Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park, the Statue Of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Hamptons!
33. North Carolina

Image Source: My Modern Met
North Carolina is yet another southern state within the US, and it is the 28th-largest within the country. This particular state is bordered by Virginia, the Atlantic Ocean, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. North Carolina is well-known for its rich arts and culture, state parks, mountain ranges and being a pioneering state of aviation. It also has a low cost of living, and a range of natural landscapes to explore.
34. North Dakota

Image Source: My Modern Met
Adding to the list of midwestern states, is North Dakota, which is characterized by the 'Great Plains'. It is well-known for its link to Native American history, art and culture, as well as its roots planted within historical immigration. Another key element of this state, is the area referred to as the 'Badlands'. This area is what links the state to the 'Great Plains', and is actually an area within the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
35. Ohio

Image Source: My Modern Met
Staying within the midwest, we come to the state of Ohio, which is the tenth-most densely populated state within America (it has a population of approximately 11.8 million)! Ohio is known for one of its major cities, which is Cleveland. This metropolitan city, is home to the 'Rock and Roll Hall of Fame', the 'Indians' baseball team and a diverse array of music and cuisine.
36. Oklahoma

Image Source: My Modern Met
Going back down to the south, we come to the state of Oklahoma, which is bordered by Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, New Mexico and Colorado. This state is well-known for its 'cowboy culture' (similarly to other southern states), rich Native American history/culture and stunning natural landscapes. Oklahoma is also known for its iodine production and booming gas/oil companies.
37. Oregon

Image Source: My Modern Met
Oregon is a western state within the US, and is located within the Pacific Northwest sector of the country. Oregon is well-known for its stunning landscapes, array of outdoor recreational activities and beautiful seasonal climates. You can explore this state via a range of options, which include: scenic biking/hiking trails, off-load driving and boating experiences.
38. Pennsylvania

Image Source: My Modern Met
Pennsylvania is a northern state within the US, and spans across the Mid-Atlantic, Northeastern, Appalachian and 'Great Lakes' sectors of the country. This particular state is the birthplace of 'Hershey's Chocolate', American democracy and the famed Liberty Bell. It is also known for its range of landscapes, and stunning natural beauty (some of the best within America).
39. Rhode Island

Image Source: My Modern Met
Another state within the New England sector of the US, is Rhode Island, which is known for its many cities and colonial towns. It is also known for its rich maritime history and culture, as well as its 'Gilded Age' mansions. Although this state is called an island, it is actually too small to be considered a 'proper' island, but this doesn't diminish its natural beauty.
40. South Carolina

Image Source: My Modern Met
South Carolina is a southeastern state within the US, and is well-known for its beautiful coastline of sub-tropical beaches and marshy sea islands. Another stand-out aspect of this state, is its tropical climate and white sand beaches. This is what makes it a great vacation destination, as well as its parks, festivals and astounding natural beauty (hiking trails etc.).
41. South Dakota

Image Source: My Modern Met
South Dakota is another midwestern state within the US, and is well-known for its stunning prairies and the Black Hills National Forest. This state is perfect for anyone that thrives within the outdoors, and are looking to explore the natural beauty this state has to offer. One of the most iconic attractions within this state, is the mountainside sculpture of Mount Rushmore.
42. Tennessee

Image Source: My Modern Met
Tennessee is one of the land-locked states, within the south of the US, and is often considered the home of country music and cowboys. As well as its rich music-scene and southern culture, it is also known for its whiskey production, smokey barbecue cuisine and being the birthplace of musical legends, Elvis Presley and Dolly Parton. This is a great state to explore, if you're interested in exploring a diverse culture and music-scene.
43. Texas

Image Source: My Modern Met
Texas is a southern state within the US, and it is the second-largest state in America (by area and population). This state is well-known for its 'cowboy culture', large cities, stunning landscapes, Tex-Mex cuisine and southern hospitality. The couple representing this state, are 100% reflective of these elements (especially the 'cowboy culture').
44. Utah

Image Source: My Modern Met
Utah is a landlocked state, within the western sector of the US, and is bordered by Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Arizona and Nevada! Utah is well-known for a variety of things, which include: Mormons, Great Salt Lake, beehives, skiing, Sundance Film Festival, its strict alcohol laws and its national parks. The warmth of this state, is reflected via the depiction of its standard inhabitants.
45. Vermont

Image Source: My Modern Met
Vermont is a state within the northeastern sector of the US, and is well-known for its stunning natural landscapes, which primarily consist of forests. This state is also known for its production of maple syrup, and 'small town' charm. This charm is 100% reflected by the couple depicted in this portrait, as they give off a comforting and friendly aura.
46. Virginia

Image Source: My Modern Met
Virginia is a state within the southeastern sector of the US, and stretches from the Chesapeake Bay, all the way to the Appalachian Mountains (it also features a beautiful Atlantic coastline). Virginia is well-known for being the first ever English settlement within America, and is often referred to as 'the birthplace of a nation' and the 'Mother of Presidents'.
47. Washington

Image Source: My Modern Met
Washington is a northwest state within the US, and is well-known for its forest coverage. This forest population is what makes it one of the country's largest lumber and plywood exporters. This is partially reflected within the A.I's depiction of Washington, as the couple look as though they could be lumberjacks. They also have weathered skin, which suggests outdoor living.
48. West Virginia

Image Source: My Modern Met
West Virginia is an eastern state within the US, and is located within the Appalachian Mountains. This state is well-known for its natural beauty and landscapes, as well as its great range of outdoor activities e.g. hiking, camping, mountain biking, skiing and white-water rafting! The A.I's depiction of people from this state, seems to reflect these outdoor elements.
49. Wisconsin

Image Source: My Modern Met
Adding to the list of midwestern states, is the state of Wisconsin, which has coastlines on two Great Lakes (Lake Michigan and Lake Superior). This state is well-known for its production and export of cheese, and is commonly referred to as 'America's Dairyland'. The couple within this state's depiction, are younger (mid to late twenties), and have a lot more warmth to their skin.
50. Wyoming

Image Source: My Modern Met
The final state within this series is Wyoming. Wyoming is a western state within the US, and is bordered by Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Idaho, Utah and Colorado! This particular state is well-known for its aboriginal folklore, breath-taking nature and beautiful national parks e.g. Yellowstone and Grand Teton. This is 100% reflected by the depiction of people from Wyoming.