This Is Exactly How Near Death Experiences Feel

By Sarah M 11 months ago

Tunnel Vision: The End Of The Journey Is Near

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Many people who have lived through a near death experience report the sensation of moving through a narrow passageway or tunnel, often towards a light. Most explain that although unusual, it's not at all scary but instead a wonderful feeling of release.

Peace: You'll Know When The Time's Right

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It will likely come as a relief to hear that the majority of people who have experienced 'NDE's' will tell you how at peace they felt. Even people who reached this point due to a traumatic accident, often report a sensation of complete serenity and calm.

A Bright Light: The Classic Telltale Sign

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'Don't go towards the light!' is a line we have heard shouted at dying relatives in hundreds of TV dramas and films... and there may be some truth in it! Many people who have cheated death describe witnessing a bright, warm and welcoming light source.

Out-Of-Body Sensation

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Some people have reported the sensation of leaving their physical bodies and floating above themselves. Although the image of witnessing yourself in your final moments sounds incredibly distressing, most survivors recall feeling at peace with the situation.

Like Flying: You're Finally Free

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Many of us have daydreamed about gaining the ability to fly with the birds and some people have actually experienced this sensation! Some 'NDE' survivors have described the feeling of floating skywards or even being able to fully take flight and explore!

It's Like A Reunion!

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One of the most common and reassuring experiences is that of a reunion with loved ones. Lots of people speak of being greeted on 'the other side' by a deceased relative (or sometimes a whole crowd of them!) whose job it is to guide them onto the next stage in the life cycle.

Watching Your Life Like A Movie

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I think if someone made me watch my life back, with all my mistakes and missed opportunities, it would make me cringe! Well, it looks like I will have to get over that, as an in-depth review of your big life events is a common experience in the moments before death.

A Meeting with God: A Divine Power

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This is the moment some people dream of and have spent their whole lives aspiring to; for others of us it would be a shock to find out a higher power even exists! Both believers and atheists alike have reported communicating with a divine power during their near-death experience.

Outside of Time

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Some people report a sensation like nothing they have experienced in their earthly life - that of being in a completely timeless state. People testify to entering a space where there is seemingly no past or future and where time as we know it carries no meaning.

Detached From The Reality

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Many survivors have described a feeling of being completely separate from what is going on around them, both in this life or the next. This feeling of detachment reportedly helped them to stay calm and numb to the situation, rather than panicking and trying to get back.

An Absence of Fear

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You would think that living through a near death experience would be the most terrifying and distressing event of your life. However, survivors have described a supernatural lack of fear, almost as though the emotion didn't even exist in this new world.

Warmth: It's More Comforting Than You Think

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Some people take a vacation to the Maldives to get a bit of heat on their skin... other people just have a near death experience! Lots of 'NDE' survivors have described the overwhelming sensation of warmth, like being taken into a comforting embrace.

Unconditional Love

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This is one of the sweetest recurring themes in the hundreds of 'NDE' testimonies. A huge proportion of people claim to have gotten an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love; one person even recalled being told 'You can't do anything wrong', wouldn't we all like to hear that?!

Pure Bliss!

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Many people went one further than just describing a lack of fear and reported a feeling of pure, unadulterated bliss! Far from the terror or illness that came in the moments before, these people report feeling complete ecstasy and being filled with joy.

Complete Understanding

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Life can seem like a complete mystery to us, there appears to be no rhyme or reason as to why good things happen to some and not to others. Fortunately, many who have experienced an 'NDE' inform us that they had a moment of complete understanding and insight before returning to life.

Greeting The Angels

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Lots of people believe that we can meet angels in our earthly life or communicate with them through prayer or spiritual practices. One thing is for sure, many people seem to meet them for real in the moments before death! There are several descriptions of an angelic light or heavenly figure.

Entering The Void

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Not quite such an uplifting image, but it wouldn't be truthful to only report on some people's experiences and not others. After re-awakening, some people described entering a dark void or an all-encompassing darkness almost like a black hole... yikes!

Reconsidering Life Choices

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A very common experience is that of coming back having seen life more clearly and having reconsidered some previously held beliefs or big decisions made along the way. People describe seeing the results of their actions with a new clarity and wanting to go back and change things.

Liminal Space

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One of the most written about experiences is entering a liminal space, almost like a waiting room. Rather than being immediately greeted by a loved one or stepping straight into a beautiful scene, many describe the feeling of waiting in an empty space.

People Have Reported Hearing Beautiful Music

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For many of us music lovers, this sounds like a dream come true! Several survivors have described being flooded with a heavenly soundscape of supernatural noises. The otherworldly music has been described as ecstatic, joyful and nothing like what we would hear on earth.

Prophetic Visions!

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Some lucky people don't just get to review past events, but gain insight into the future! Some claim to have awoken with visions of their future life and prophetic knowledge of world events. Need the lottery numbers? Ask a near death experience survivor!

Reflecting On Regret

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Sometimes it takes an extreme event like facing death to realise what mistakes we have made. Some survivors have spoken about getting instant clarity on their biggest regrets in life, the relationships they should have pursued and the opportunities they wish they'd taken.

A New World

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Some of the most exciting recollections of the afterlife are those that describe entering a whole new world. People describe entering an otherworldly environment which contained plants, animals and landscapes that are nothing like those we can see on earth!

Feeling Connected

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One of the most beautiful recorded experiences is the instant feeling of interconnectedness with all life on earth and beyond. People have reported discovering that they are part of a larger organism and gaining an understanding of how insignificant their human life is.

Reluctance to Return

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This is a common experience that personally fills me with a lot of relief! Even people who had fought to stay conscious in the seconds before, describe a sensation of such joy and peace that if they were asked in that moment, they would choose to stay in the after-life!

Seeing Your Life-Plan!

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Now, this one absolutely fascinates me! People have described being shown the plan for their earthly life that they had been previously presented with before birth! Spooky, right?! They even recall having a goal for their human existence and finding out if they had achieved it yet!

Remembering Who You Really Are

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If you search 'past lives' it is VERY easy to fall into a google rabbit hole! Thousands of people (mainly children under 5) have recalled elements of a previous persona. Similarly, many 'NDE' survivors have described remembering their past lives in the moments before death!

A Sense of Purpose

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Here's a positive one! It is a common occurrence for people waking up from a near death experience to have seemingly gained a whole new passion for life and clarity on what their purpose in this world is! If only we all had a bit of that (without the near-death bit obvs).

Feeling Transformed

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It is not unusual for people recovering from a near death experience to describe waking up feeling completely transformed. Some people have even come back to life with a completely different accent or newfound talents! More commonly, survivors describe gaining a new outlook on life.


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We would expect people to feel relief when they regain consciousness and realize they have escaped death, but many experience it in the moments before this. Survivors have described feeling relieved that what they feared about the afterlife was untrue and what really awaited them was something beautiful.