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Grapes are the leading export of Afghanistan, as they are easy to grow in the hot and dusty landscape. Although not as desirable as French or Italian grapes, grapes from Afghanistan are cheap and perfect to pad out or turn into cheap bottles of wine.
South Korea

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From the computer in front of you, to the phone in your pocket, even your car windshield wipers. Electronic circuits come in many shapes and sizes, but a lot of them are borderline microscopic and used across all walks of life for many different purposes.

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Soybeans are becoming increasingly popular as more people move from meat eating diets and choose to go plant based. This means that soybeans are in more demand, as they are the most common ingredient used for meat and dairy substitutes, like tofu and soy milk.

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Honda, Toyota and Suzuki are all giants in the car world, and they all hail from Japan. Japanese cars are synonymous with reliability and performance, and with multiple world famous cars being made and produced in Japan, is it any wonder that vehicles are still the number one export.
Sri Lanka

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Tea is the most popular drink across India and Sri Lanka, as well as in places in Europe like the United Kingdom. Tea is grown in vast quantities and shipped around the world for cheap. Although the price is cheap, the sheer amount of tea grown provides Sri Lanka with economic stability.

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Joran, although a small and relatively bare country, supports itself with the production and export of fertilizers. Fertilizer production is a messy and time consuming affair, so it is little wonder that other countries would rather pay for it to be shipped in.

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When you think of olive oil, the mind goes to Greece straight away. However, although the Greek are the biggest consumers of olive oil, it is not their biggest export. Olive oil is in fact the main export of Syria, as its hot climate is perfect for growing olives.

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Is it any wonder that a country in the shadow of the worlds tallest mountain, Mount Everest, has an export market revolving around keeping yourself warm? Yarn has been used to make warm clothes for years in Nepal, and they produce so much of the stuff it is their number one export.

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Due to cheap production costs, lots of fine cotton and expensive materials are sent to Pakistan to be made into bed linen. From duvets to pillow cases, most of the worlds bedding is made in and exported from Pakistan. Why don't you check your bed now?

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Latvia is notoriously cheap to grow wood and own your own woodlands, making wood and timber a great way for Latvians to make a living. Wood is exported across the globe, and used to make everything from chairs and coffee tables to magazines and books.

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During world war two, Switzerland became incredibly rich with gold, and it is still one of the worlds strongholds in the precious metals market. Part of the reason Switzerland is so expensive is because they are still repaying war debts, maybe it's time to export some more gold?

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One of the world's largest airlines is Air France. Dassault Aviation are France's largest manufacturers of airplanes, and alongside their American counterparts Boeing, the companies produce hundreds of 787 and 737's passenger jets every year! Impressive!

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This is a bit of a strange one, but as the general life expectancy rises across the globe, there is a higher need than ever for blood. Once known for its potatoes, Ireland is now one of the leading exporters of lifesaving blood. If you can, donate blood too!

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Wiring is the lifeblood of all of our electronics. Without the hefty amounts of wiring produced in Serbia, the prices of everything electronic would rise catastrophically and we would likely end up with a global shortage of everything from fridge freezers to buses!

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Big brands like Nike, Adidas and Puma all send a lot of their trainers to be produced in Albania. Due to low manufacturing costs and generally better working conditions than Asia, this is the place that many companies are not opting to export their good from.

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Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes Benz are automotive staples. Personally, I don't think that there are any better cars on the road than Volkswagen's (although I might be slightly biased, as i'm now onto my fourth...). There's a reason people buy German cars, because they are great!

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People in Ukraine actually end up with dented front teeth due to how many sunflower seeds they consume daily! Although they are seen as an old people snack, the Ukrainian people can't get enough and subsequently are the worlds supplier of sunflower seeds!

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Estonia is a tough, cold country. Is there anything more fitting for them to be the bosses of than gearboxes? It just seems right! Estonia manufacturers gearbox components for hundreds of companies, for everything from cars to powerful cordless drills.

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Being one of the richest countries in the world comes with its benefits, meaning the USA can produce, buy and export vast amounts of fuel. Everything from jet fuel to common automotive petrol and diesel are produced in the states, and it has a large stake in the market.
Costa Rica

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Costa Rica is the leading exporter of medical equipment. A few large Costa Rican medical companies have grabbed a hold of the market and forced the rest of the world into a corner, leaving the Costa Rican people the kings of the medical equipment market.

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The small African country of Haiti is actually a leader in the T-shirt game. They use local cotton to produce garments for the likes of Hugo Boss and Ralph Lauren. Clothing is then exported around the globe and branded by each company individually... probably to you!

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If you have ever been to visit Barbados, then you will know that they like their rum. Rum is one of the main exports from Barbados, and it is world famous for its proof levels and flavor. Many famous rum companies base their rum on traditional Barbados recipes.

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Swedish cars are renowned for safety, comfort and style. Above all else, the passenger safety comes first and this is a mantra that Swedish car giant, Volvo, have always believed. Their cars are still exported all over the world and rival the likes of Mercedes and BMW.

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A cruise around the Bahamas, what could be better? Escape the cold and the rain and spend a couple of weeks sailing around crystal clear blue waters. The Bahamas export large cruise ships as well as the staff to run them, and this is a common career path for natives.

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Due to the warm and humid climate, bananas grow really well in Guatemala. This makes them the perfect export, as not many other place in the world have the right environment to grow bananas for themselves. Its funny to think that less than 100 years ago, hardly anyone would even know what a banana was!

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Copper, and subsequently copper wire, are used throughout the building trade. Copper is a great conductor of electricity, making it perfect for wiring houses. It is mined in vast and deep copper mines throughout Chile and sent to every corner of the world.

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All internal combustion engines require some kind of lubrication to make sure they don't get too hot and explode! Argentina is the leading exporter of crucial motor oil. Although Argentina is not an oil rich country, they have the infrastructure available to refine the oil.
North Korea

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North Korea is proudly an independent country... and not known for making fine watches like the Swiss or French. Although they may not make great or timeless classic watches, this is one of North Korea's only offer to the outside world and therefore their largest export.
Cayman Islands

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Many multi millionaires take vacation time in the Cayman Isles, normally on a large yacht. Yacht production has boomed in the Cayman Isle in recent years, with the age old boat building career seeming to be making a resurgence of late. Is it set to stay?

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Part of the Volkswagen/Audi group, Seat is the largest car manufacturer in Spain. They used to be known for making cheap hatchbacks and run around cars, but have taken a leap into the electric vehicle market with the all new Cupra Born electric SUV.