Things You Should Never Do In The Event Of A Hurricane

By Lynsey 12 months ago

Have a hurricane party

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Believe it or not, hurricane parties are a thing! They are an event that takes places where people gather to drink alcohol to pass the time whilst the storm is in full swing. Not the brightest idea though as normally during a dangerous situation, it's best to be as alert and aware of what's going on as possible.

Go on the rob

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Unfortunately during natural disasters, like hurricanes, some opportunists decide it's the best time to have a go at burglary. It's not advised to use the opportunity of others seeking shelter elsewhere to invade their homes and take whatever you fancy - the law still applies if everyone's focus is on trying to survive.

Ignore the warnings - trying to 'ride' it out

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One of the most common things you find people doing during a hurricane is believing they are invincible; that the warnings are for everyone else bar them; and that they can 'ride it out'. This isn't a sensible mindset to have as the warnings are coming from educated people with your best interests at heart: focusing on keeping you alive and well.

Ignore the evacuation orders

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Evacuation orders are put in to place so you know what to do, where to go and how to get there, should an emergency arise. In the midst of a hurricane, the worst thing you can do is ignore these orders and try do things your own way - it's risky and can lead to you encountering harm.

Wait until last minute to leave

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We all know that one person who hates authority and being told what to do. During a hurricane warning where you're told to evacuate, is not the time to display this stubbornness and choosing to leave at the latest moment you can, can be risky and lead you in to danger if you're careful.

Head outdoors

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Hurricane warnings chime, and you'll find a group of crazy adrenaline junkies heading outside. This is one of the most dangerous things to do in a hurricane as it leaves you exposed to the elements and potentially flying debris. Maybe save the thrill seeking til after the storm has past to ensure your safety?

Leave your pets behind

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Pets are beloved family members and are as important to consider in a hurricane as their human counterparts. It is not advised to leave your pets at home, whilst you seek additional shelter elsewhere, as this can leave them vulnerable and unable to defend themselves.

Rely on social media for updates

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Social media has its uses during natural disasters and can be used to help others and fund for communities if the damage from the hurricane is that severe. However, it shouldn't be relied upon for important updates and weather warnings as it isn't always accurate and you can end up relying on false information.

Use elevators

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During a hurricane, the best method to escape a building I(f that's what you've been advised to do) is to use the stairs. Elevators are not advised as they are a confined metal space, running off of electrics: meaning when the power fails you'll be stranded in basically a box suspended off the ground - no thank you!

Leave windows and doors open

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There's an unfortunate belief that opening doors and windows during a hurricane will equalise the pressure build up and help prevent as much damage as possible. However, in any home, there's no guarantee it will be airtight - there will always be small gaps here and there - so directly opening your doors and windows will do nothing but cause more damage as you welcome the storm in with open arms.

Forget medication

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If you live in an area where hurricanes are a common occurrence, it's most likely that you'll have an emergency kit packed with excess medication you might need. It's important to make sure you remember to bring this and that it's well stocked so you don't find yourself caught out when all pharmacies are shut- it could end up a life or death situation!

Stocking up on gas

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As a storm is approaching, it's not advised to start driving around hunting for gas. Chances are, gas stations will be closed in preparation for the storm and if everyone does the same thing, it'll lead to a gas shortage - not something you want when you may need gas to evacuate safely. It's best to always ensure you have a full tank if you know your state is known to experience hurricanes so you aren't caught out.

Lose your first aid kit

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Your first aid kit could be the difference between you surviving or not. Not knowing where your first aid kit is during a hurricane is only going to lead to disaster and panic. Make sure in the preparation for the storm, you locate your first aid kit, ensure it's fully stocked and ready to go incase you need it.

Hesitate to get help

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Trying to be a martyr and go it alone during a hurricane, is not the smartest idea. Sometimes you will need to ask neighbors, friends or emergency services for help and that's okay. Don't leave asking for help til the last minute or you might find yourself in a sticky situation.

Have a bath or shower

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Hurricanes are not normally paired with lightning but that doesn't mean there won't be any strikes. If there are, they will travel through your plumbing system, so the best advice is to avoid doing any jobs or chores that involve the shower, bath or sinks. It also helps to save water, just incase power and water supplies get cut off due to the increased post-hurricane damage.

Sit by the window to watch

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Even if you have followed the hurricane guidance and you have boarded up your windows and doors, it doesn't mean it's safe to then sit close to them during the storm. It's best to see shelter in interior rooms such as windowless rooms like corridors or hallways as you'll be able to avoid being injured by flying debris should your windows or doors blow out.

Light candles

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When the power is out, you might be tempted to light up some candles to bring some light in to your home. However, during a hurricane this isn't advised as lighting candles can actually end up as a fire risk! The high winds a hurricane brings can in fact cause your candles to set alight your home and so therefore it's best to use battery powered torches instead.

Let your emergency kit run out of date

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Having an emergency kit is great if you live in an area where hurricanes are prone, however if you haven't checked on your emergency kit in a while, you may find that when you eventually need it, it's out of date. Your kit should include some basic food items and water plus medical supplies to keep you going for a few days if you end up stranded so it's important to make sure it's all in date!

Use electronics

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During a storm, you might feel an urge to use electronics to get help or emergency assistance or simply think it's a good idea to keep yourselves entertained. However, using mobile phones will bock the lines for emergency services, if they even make it out, and using other forms of electronics can cause power surges which can be dangerous to you and your family.

Cook on the grill

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Eating is an essential survival need and everyone needs to eat during a storm. However, charcoal or gas grills, generators or camping stoves once the storm has hit as they can all release the dangerous chemical, Carbon Monoxide'. This gas can build up very quickly in your unventilated house that has been boarded up so it's best to avoid using them all together and go old school with uncooked food options and blankets to keep warm.

Look for a flashlight

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When the storm is upon you, it's not the time to begin hunting for that flashlight you've been desperate to find. You don't want to find yourself rifling through the garage or loft when the wind is howling at insane kph or when the water levels are creeping that bit closer to your door - it pays to be that little bit prepared ahead of time.

Go for a drive

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Choosing to go for a drive in the middle of a hurricane storm is not wise to do due to the extreme winds and potential lightning strikes. However, what some people forget is that driving around after a hurricane can also be dangerous to the rise in water levels. Driving through flood water could mean driving through hidden debris or water levels that are higher than expected causing you to break down due to a puncture or getting water in your engine.

Leave yard items lying around

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Securing your home for the upcoming hurricane storm should also entail securing your garden area too. If you don't you'll find that the strong winds will carry your garden items, cars included, across to your neighbors yard or lift them in to the air causing large debris items to be flying around - neither are ideal!

Weirdly secure yard items

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Securing your garden items needs to be done with caution and care if it is to be done properly. Some people tend to rush this process or focus on the inside of their homes instead. If this is you, it's time to take care of your outside belongings too because no-one wants the strong winds to send your precious car flying through your window!

Start preparing last minute

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Waiting to prepare your home and your supplies for a storm will only end in disaster. For the sake of you, your family and those around you, being prepared when the warnings come in is essential. Especially if hurricanes are a common occurrence or you'll find that those around you will start to get irritated with your aloofness.

Leave the power on

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Leaving your power actively on, and simply waiting for outside sources to cut it off isn't the greatest idea in a hurricane. You may not notice that water is seeping in to your home or that lightning is striking outside which could put you and your family in danger - it's best to follow warnings and turn everything off: better to be safe than sorry!

Take on strays

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It's important to consider all animals in your area during a hurricane storm. Ensuring your pet is accounted for is a sign of being a great pet owner but unfortunately not everyone is the same. This said, taking on stray animals will feel good in the moment and like it's the right thing to do, but ultimately it will eat into your supplies and cause a lot of extra stress in an already stressful situation, especially if the stray is injured.

Go sightseeing to see the damage

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Post hurricane, some people like the idea of heading out in their car or on foot to scope out the damage and have a little nosey as to how everyone has been affected by the storm. This is recommended as there may be a secondary storm brewing, loose debris still and it can come across as nothing short of incentive to the other residents around you.

Go to the the coast

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When the wind and rain picks up, the last thing you want to be doing is heading outside, let alone heading to coastal regions. Yes, the storm might look more impressive from the waters edge, however you will be exposing yourself to all of the elements in a dangerous manner.

Over-prepare supplies

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There's preparing for a hurricane and then there's over-preparing and becoming a storm hoarder. Being well prepared is essential in staying safe during a storm, however going too far with it can lead to empty shelves for others and a recipe for looting to begin if people get desperate. There should be enough supplies to prepare ahead of time without taking supplies away from other residents in your area.