Get Out

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First and foremost, you need an escape route. If there's a fire where you are, then try your best to escape through the normal exit as quickly as you can. If this isn't possible, then find the nearest and safest way to get out; you can help others by calling for help once you're out.
Call The Fire Department

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It's important that you call the fire department as soon as possible as they're the only ones that should be tackling the fire. Make sure you give them all the details of exactly where you are, how many people are affected and if anyone else is still in there. Then you must wait until until they arrive so that they can do their job effectively.
Follow Orders If The Fire Is In A Public Space

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If you're out in public then make sure you follow orders of staff members within the vicinity. They will be trained on what to do in the event of a fire so they'll be able to direct you on how to proceed. It's important you don't stray away from this as you could put yourself and others in danger.
Don't Panic

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We know it may be difficult not to panic as fires are really frightening, but it's important that you try not to as it may make you act irrationally. When we panic, we lose the logic in our thoughts and often begin rushing around. This is not conducive to a safe escape so try to calm yourself if you feel panicked.
Tell Everyone In The House

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If you're at home and a fire breaks out then everyone else needs to know. You need to alert them safely so that you're all able to get out together, so make lots of noise by shouting, banging doors and yelling "fire!". Do this as soon as you notice the flames as you're getting yourself out.
Stay Low

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Smoke can be fatal if too much of it is ingested so it is crucial that you stay as low as possible in the event of a fire. Smoke rises so if you're standing then it's likely that you'll breathe it in. You must lessen this risk by crouching if you wish to survive.
Use The Correct Fire Extinguisher

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If it's a small fire that you are able to tackle yourself before the fire department arrives, then it is vital that you use the correct fire extinguisher. There are different types for different kinds of fires and using the wrong one could make the fire ten times worse. Always educate yourself if you have extinguishers in the house.
Cover Your Mouth

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There may be a lot of smoke if the fire is a bad one, so try to cover our mouth with something like a sweater to minimize smoke inhalation. If it doesn't kill you, there can be lasting effects if you breathe in too much smoke so it's imperative that you try to filter it as best you can.
Leave Your Belongings

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We get it, there are some belongings that feel just too important to leave behind and it may feel difficult and upsetting to get out without them, but unfortunately you must do just that. Even if they're sentimental, material things can be replaced, you can't.
Close All Doors Behind You

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If you must go through multiple rooms to escape the fire, then it is important that you stop or slow down the spread by closing all doors behind you. It might be difficult to remember this when you're in the moment, so try and have a practice run when there is no fire; it may just save your life on day.
Check Door Handles For Heat

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Fire will cause everything to heat heat up, including door handles. The last thing you want is a scorched hand when you're trying you escape, to check the handles with the back of your hands before grabbing it. Doors handles are often metal so they can leave a nasty burn.
Wait Somewhere Safe

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Once you're out and have phoned the fire department, then you must get somewhere safe and wait for them to arrive. They have all the correct safety equipment necessary to deal with fire and rescue, so it'd make no sense to put yourself in danger when they are on their way.
Try And Stay Together

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If there are multiple people in the household and you're all close by, then try and stay together so that nobody is left behind. Sometimes someone may need a bit of a helping hand, and it is okay to offer this if it is safe to do so. Don't put yourself at risk in the process.
Jump From A Window If You Can't Use Normal Exit

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Jumping from a window should only be done if the normal exit is blocked, as it could cause death or injury. If you need to smash it, then use an object to refrain from cutting yourself. If there is a mattress or soft furnishing, then throw them out onto the ground so that you have a soft landing.
Lower Yourself Or Children Before Jumping

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If you do need to jump from a height, then it's important that you first get as low out of the window as possible to lessen the risk of injury. Use your arms to lower yourself, and hold a child as close to the ground as possible when helping them out. There's no point in risking your life when fleeing to safety.
If You Can't Get Out, Huddle In One Room

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There may be cases when all exits are entirely blocked and you're trapped in the house. If this happens, then get everyone into one room and tell the fire department exactly where you are. Try to choose a room with a window and put furnishings by the door to block the smoke.
Let Neighbors Know

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If you have had to leave your phone behind in the house, then make sure you raise the alarm with neighbors. Shout, scream, bang on doors; anything to let them know what's going on so that they can make their own way to safety, and call the fire department to help.
Get The Children Out

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As much as you're told to get out as soon as possible and leave everything and everyone behind, it's important to help children in the unfortunate event that they're involved. They'll feel scared and won't know what to do for the best so if it is safe, then always make sure the children leave with you.
Don't Run Towards The Fire

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This point seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people will run towards the fire when one is ignited. They may feel as though they can stop it at the source, or that there is something important in it. Try to run away from it so as not to get burnt; that's what the fire department are for.
Don't Open Doors If They Don't Need To Be Opened

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Having doors closed will lessen the chance of the fire spreading further, so make sure you're not opening any for no reason. When you're panicking you could end up grabbing any door handle to check what's in the room and if there's any damage, but this will only make things worse.
Give Fire Department Detailed Descriptions

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To be able to work efficiently, the fire department need to know exactly who is involved and where they may be. It'd be a waste of time for them to have to explore the whole house looking for people, so them knowing precisely which rooms to go into will ensure the safety of everyone there.
Act Quickly

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Fear does strange things to us, and sometimes it can make us stop in our tracks. We may take our time to consider the best things to do or we may not feel the urgency of the situation. It is important to act quickly in the event of a fire so that everyone can get to safety as fast as possible.
Provide As Much Information As Possible To The 911 Dispatcher

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When calling 911 it is vital that they receive as much information as possible so that they can send out the right services. They may ask questions that seem irrelevant, but by providing this information then you are helping them to understand what help is needed and where.
Don't Be A Hero

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It may be tempting to be the day's savior, however you must leave this job to the professionals. By going back into the fire, then not only are you putting yourselves and others at immediate risk, but you will also hinder the rescue mission and cause issues for the fire department.
Don't Take Photos

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It may seem strange that people would take photos in the event of a fire, but it happens. They may think they're being helpful by providing evidence, they may be thinking of their home insurance or it might just be a cool shot. It is insensitive to do this even if it's your own house and it distracts you from the immediate danger that the fire poses.
Cooperate With The Fire Department

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It is true that the fire brigade know best, so it is important that you co-operate with them to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Don't try and think that you understand the situation better than they do; they will be doing all they can to help and will need your support.
Avoid The Elevator

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If there is an elevator in the building where the fire is, then it is imperative that you avoid using it. The mechanisms may become affected by the fire and you could get stuck and engulfed in flames. Always use the stairs to ensure a safe exit, no matter how many there are!
Keep All Windows Closed

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Opening the windows in the event of a fire may seem like the logical thing to do to let the smoke out, however it can be extremely dangerous. If the fire comes into contact with oxygen then the flames will become more ferocious; fire needs to be starved of oxygen to make it less critical.
Stay Calm

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Whatever happens, you must keep yourself as calm as possible in the event of a fire as your brain will be able to function more efficiently. Escaping fire is not a very relaxing experience but by staying calm you will be helping others to stay calm too, so that you can all exit safely and quickly.
Plan Your Escape

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It may feel unnecessary, but having an escape plan could be a life saver for yourself and your family. Make sure everyone knows what they are to do in the event of a fire, and practice your route every so often to keep it fresh in everyone's memory. You never know when it might come in useful.