Ever wondered what traits you've got from your old man? Brace yourself for a wild ride through the unexpected ways your dad's genes have shaped your life. From quirky quirks to cool superpowers (kind of), this article will unveil the genetic secrets that make you, well, you! We're diving deep into the gene pool to explore the surprising ties between you and your pops. We'll cover everything from the classics like height and eye color, to the wild cards like sneezing patterns and pain tolerance. It's like a genetic treasure hunt!
1. Your biological sex
It is common knowledge, that we inherit half of our D.N.A from our Dad, and the other half from our Mom. However, there are certain characteristics and traits that are determined by our Dad's genetic makeup. One of those being: your biological sex. Whether you're assigned male or female at birth, is all down to your father's chromosomes. It all comes down to whether you carry the Y chromosome, or not!

Image Source: Us Weekly
The 'deciding' genetics are dominant, and will overpower the recessive genes (that are often part of your mother's genetic makeup), and this is what determines your biological sex.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Height
The next thing inherited from your dad, is your height. So, if you have a tall father, you will more than likely be tall, and vice versa. However, there are some rare cases of a child being significantly shorter than other family members e.g. dwarfism, or being tall enough to tower over all of their families (usually from a very young age). It's not concrete, but chances are you are as tall as your dad!

Image Source: Reddit
There have also been cases of children having two short parents, and inheriting a 'tall' gene, or having two tall parents and inheriting a 'short' gene. But, you can usually determine your height, by looking at your dad.
3. Y-Linked inheritance
This next point only applies to males. Y-linked inheritance, refers to any possible conditions that may run in your family, and are often passed down genetically. These conditions include, but aren't restricted to: dwarfism, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, deafness, blindness and autism. The genetic makeup of these conditions are carried within the Y chromosomes, if you are male, and will be passed down from your father's D.N.A nine-times-out-of-ten.

Image Source: Reddit
Some of these conditions can be highlighted during different stages of pregnancy, and parents can be give suitable support if they decide to carry the pregnancy to term.
4. X-Linked inheritance
This next point only applies to females. X-linked inheritance, refers to any possible genetic conditions, that are passed down within your family. Similarly to the last point, these conditions can include, but aren't restricted to: dwarfism, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, cystic fibrosis, deafness, blindness and autism. The genetic makeup of these conditions will be carried within the X chromosomes, if you're female, and will carried by your father nine-times-out-of-ten.

Image Source: Reddit
Luckily, the majority of these conditions can be highlighted during pregnancy, and provides the parents with the choice of carrying the pregnancy to term, or not.
5. Fat storage
The way your body stores fat has a lot more to do with your genetics, that you may think. Your fat storage is determined by your father's genetics, and being aware of this, can allow you to eat and exercise appropriately for your target areas. For example, if your dad holds his fat mainly in his stomach and back, then you're more than likely going to have the same areas of fat storage.

Image Source: Reddit
Although this aspect of your body can come from both your mother and father, it's your father's genes that dominates how your body stores fat.
6. Crooked teeth
Having crooked teeth is also inherited from your dad, as your overall bone structure is determined (mainly) by your dad's dominant genes (so this includes your skull and teeth). Having crooked teeth isn't the end of the world, as there are many ways to correct them, if that's what you wish to do e.g. aligners, braces, Invisalign etc. Next time you see your dad, have a look at his teeth and you will probably find they look just like yours!

Image Source: Reddit
In some severe cases, there is no option but to remove some milk (baby) and/or adult teeth, as they cause an individual constant pain and overall discomfort day-to-day.
7. Dimples
Dimples are a facial feature that differ from person-to-person, with some people having very defined dimples, and others not really having them at all. Again, this is inherited from your dad's genetics, and their prominence can be determined by looking at your dad's (possible) dimples. If both your parents have dimples, you're more than likely to have quite prominent dimples.

Image Source: Reddit
Unfortunately, you cannot decide on the prominence of your dimples, and there are no ways to medically enhance them (if that's what you want).
8. Fingerprints
Now, you would think that your fingerprints would be an equal mix of both your parents' genetics, and we're often taught that are fingerprints are unique to us, but it turns out that they are inherited from our dads. The elements of our fingerprints that are inherited from our dad, include (but aren't restricted to): their overall shape, pattern, placement and overall depth on the skin.

Image Source: Reddit
So, in some ways your fingerprints are unique to you, but you can determine the extent of this unique nature, by comparing them to your father's.
9. Sneezing
Sneezing is a seemingly random bodily function, but it can be triggered by certain factors e.g. hay-fever, pollen, dust and illness. Did you know, that your pattern and/or cause of sneezing is inherited from your dad? This is often the underlying factor, of experiencing sneezing whilst being in direct sunlight, which is (unbelievably) an actual condition. Who would have thought that there was a genetic link?!

Image Source: Reddit
This is due to a sensitivity to both natural, and artificial lighting, which triggers an allergic response in your brain, and in turn causes you to sneeze.
10. Eye color
It is common knowledge, that your eyesight is determined by your parents' genetics. But did you know, that it is actually your dad's dominant genes, which determine your final eye color? The majority of babies are born with dark blue-ish eyes, which change colour once their sight fully develops after birth. Your eye color, will more than likely be the same as your father, or it will be a unique of both your parents'.

Image Source: Reddit
In some rare cases, you may have two different colored eyes (commonly known as Heterochromia). This is usually due to a genetic mutation that affects the production of pigment in your irises!
11. Lips
If you are looking to enhance your lips, it is always best to speak with a cosmetic professional before any kind of procedure to find what will be best suited for you and your body.

Image Source: Reddit
Surprisingly, the shape and fullness of your lips, is another inherited characteristic from your dad. For some individuals, they may be blessed with naturally full, plump lips, and others find that they're left with thinner, less noticeable lips. However, there are many ways you can enhance that you've inherited. This can include, but is in no way restricted to: plumping lip-oils/lipsticks/lip-glosses, botox and/or filler injections and cosmetic tattooing.
12. Hair
Your hair's color and texture, is another thing inherited from your dad's genetics. So certain hair colors and textures are more dominant, and are more likely to show up consistently within family genetics. Many of the dominant genes (within the context of hair) include, but aren't restricted to: brunette coloring, blonde coloring, curly and/or coily hair and thick, wiry hair.

Image Source: Reddit
Sometimes, there are cases of recessive genetics taking over, and determining one or more aspects of your hair e.g. wavy and/or mixed texture hair.
13. Sense of humor
It may come as a surprise, that you actually inherit the majority of your sense of humor from your dad. As you dad will tend to carry the dominant genetic makeup, it makes sense that some of your personality traits, and overall characteristics, are shared with him. Of course your sense of humor is unique to you, and is often shared with friends and family, however the root of your humor is shared primarily with your dad.

Image Source: Reddit
This can range from the style of jokes that make you laugh, the comedians you find entertaining and how you tell jokes. So chances are, if you don't find your dad very funny, then you're not funny either!
14. Sleeping style
The way you sleep also has a lot to do with your genetics. Your sleeping style is dictated by your dad's D.N.A (believe it or not)! So, whether you're a light or heavy sleeper, whether you suffer from certain conditions e.g. insomnia, sleep apnea, even down to your sleeping position, all comes from the genes you inherit from your father. Did you know that your sleeping style was down to genetics?

Image Source: Reddit
Particular sleeping traits often begin to show during infancy, and will progress during an individual's years as a toddler. Some sleeping traits only last a matter of months, whereas others are long-term habits.
15. Heart health
Your heart health is one of the most important to keep on top of, and manage accordingly. Your heart's health, and any conditions that are pre-existing or could develop, are inherited from your dad. So, if you're father suffers from a congenital heart condition, or has had a decline with his heart health, it is possible that you may have inherited these conditions, and it is important to monitor your personal health.

Image Source: Reddit
We are not professionals, so therefore if you are concerned about your heart health, you should seek medical advice and possible testing. Everyone is different, so if your dad has heart health issues, it doesn't mean that you definetly do too.
16. Mental health conditions
Mental health is often overshadowed by prioritizing physical health, but it is just as important to monitor your mental health (and overall well-being). If your parents, especially your dad, suffer from mental health conditions; you're ten times more likely to suffer with the same and/or slightly similar conditions. This can include a range of things, such as: depression, anxiety, BPD, ADHD, autism, schizophrenia and split-personality disorder.

Image Source: First Aid For Life
It's essential to recognize the genetic influence from your dad while understanding that you have the power to navigate your mental health journey. If you're struggling to cope, you should seek suitable medical advice and assistance.
17. Infertility
Having children is something many people wish and plan for their future, but there can be certain obstacles that prevent this from happening e.g. infertility. Whether you are infertile/develop infertility, is also down to your father's genetics. He will, more often than not, carry the infertile genetic makeup, which can skip certain generations (this means that it may pass onto you, and be the dominant gene).

Image Source: Reddit
Unfortunately, there are limited medical advances to help improve your fertility, and many of the existing methods are expensive e.g. IVF. Technological advances in the future will hopefully improve this.
18. Pattern baldness
This next point applies (mainly) to males. Male pattern baldness is an inherited trait, and can affect males as young as 18. By seeing what age your father started balding, you can predict that this will (more than likely) be the age you experience the same. Having hereditary balding does not necessarily mean that you will suffer from hair loss, it just means that you carry the gene within your D.N.A.

Image Source: Reddit
However, if you are suffering from hair loss, there are a range of cosmetic treatments you can explore e.g. toupees, hair transplant and hair growth treatments.
19. Widow's peak
Another hereditary hair trait, is having a widow's peak (a protruding v-shaped section of hair at the front of your head). If your dad has this and/or carries the gene, you will more than likely inherit it (and possibly pass it onto your own children). Widow's peaks can be quite unruly and difficult to style, but there are a range of hairstyles you can experiment with, that will compliment your personal style.

Image Source: Reddit
You may also find that your widow's peak is more prominent in your youth, and seems to 'shrink' as your hair grows. It's a weird thing our hair... isn't it?
20. Cleft chin
A cleft chin, or 'Superman' chin as it's sometimes referred to, is an indent that runs down the centre of your chin (it will often range in prominence and length). This is another facial characteristic inherited from your dad's genetics. There are limited medical treatments to change this facial characteristic, if that is what you want to do. The prominence and length of this chin dimple can vary from person to person, giving each individuals their own, unique look.

Image Source: Reddit
One of the only ways to alter it, would be via plastic surgery and/or botox and fillers. This method can be expensive, and cannot be guaranteed to work 100% of the time.
21. Ginger genes
The ginger genetic makeup seems to have had a rapid decline in recent years, with it becoming more recessive within each generation. This particular genetic makeup can only be carried, and passed down, by fathers. It may skip certain generations, and become more prominent within others e.g. your dad may be ginger, but you aren't. This could mean that you may pass it onto your future children.

Image Source: Looper
These genetic makeup not only affects the color of your hair, but your skin-tone as well. People who carry this gene, will often have much fairer skin, and freckles.
22. Intelligence
Your intelligence can be influence, and developed, by a range of internal and external factors. However, your intelligence is also determined from your father's genetic makeup. This is in reference to your baseline/foundational intelligence e.g. your common sense and basic intellectual skills. Your baseline intelligence is what you build-up, and develop upon throughout your personal and educational lives.

Image Source: WTNH.com
Intelligence can only be improved, and there are a great variety of ways to do so, such as: reading, writing, brain teasers and exploring hobbies/interests.
23. Nose shape
Another facial feature determined by your dad's genetics, is your nose. This means the shape, and size, of your nose is primarily dictated by your father's genes. Some individuals have smaller, petite noses (referred to as button noses), and other have longer, larger noses. Certain noses are also arched/crooked, and may seem to hook at the end. If you're not happy with your nose, the main way of altering it would be via plastic surgery (rhinoplasty).

Image Source: Reddit
However, this is an expensive procedure, but it may be offered as a medical treatment, if you're struggling to breathe etc. If it's purely for aesthetics, then be prepared to pay big bucks.
24. Furrowed brow
Yet another hereditary facial feature, is a prominent furrowed brow. This includes any fine lines and wrinkles that may appear, within that area of your face as well. This characteristic can range in severity and prominence, and will often increase in severity as you get older. This is something that some people embrace, but others try and hide. If it is something that bothers you, there are ways of preventing the development of a furrowed brow...

Image Source: E! Online
These methods include, investing in a suitable day and night skincare routine from an early age (this can be tweaked as you get older), using SPF daily to reduce UV damage and (the more expensive option) botox/fillers.
25. Handedness
Your dominant hand is also determined by your dad's genes. The majority of people are right-handed, however there is a smaller percentage of the population that are left-handed, and an even smaller population that are ambidextrous. Being right-handed comes with a lot more benefits however; especially when compared to being left-handed as most things are made for and catered to righties.

Image Source: Twitter
For example, in school you will often find that binders, notebooks and pens favor people that are right-handed. The same goes for the layout of books and other everyday objects e.g. scissors.
26. Personality
Your personality is what makes you unique, and what draws people to you and into your life. However, you may find that you share a large amount of your personality traits with your dad, and these is due to his genetic makeup being the determining factor; in the development of your personality. One of the defining parts of your personality, is whether you're more introverted (shy and reserved) or extroverted (outgoing and gregarious).

Image Source: Reddit
You will often find that you attract an equal mix of introverts and extroverts within your close circle/friendship group, and this helps balance the group out. Are you introverted or extroverted?
27. Pain tolerance
Pain tolerance varies from person-to-person, and can change depending on the situation/circumstance. Did you know, that your pain tolerance is dictated by your father's genetic makeup? Your pain tolerance will differ in certain situations, but your baseline pain tolerance is passed down from your dad. This determines how sensitive you are to different types of pain, and how you react when experiencing them.

Image Source: Reddit
For example, the pain you experience during a tattoo, will differ greatly from the pain experienced when you break a bone. Remember that everyone's different, and what might be painful to you may not be to others!
28. Facial expressions
Facial expressions are one of the main ways we express ourselves (as the name suggests), and communicate (non-verbally) with other people. You will find that the majority of people, have at least a couple of distinctive facial expressions e.g. when they're angry, upset or disgusted. Some of these facial expressions are a result of genetics, and have most likely been inherited from their dad.

Image Source: ITVX
The facial expressions you inherit from your dad will vary, and will often be the more extreme expressions. These can range from: angry, upset and disgusted, to surprised, shocked and excited.
29. Sweaty hands
Overly sweaty hands/feet, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a genetic condition (passed down from your father). This condition causes your body to overproduce sweat from your hands and feet, often leaving them soaking wet. You may find that it becomes worse in hotter weather e.g. during the peak of summer, or when you've taken part in physical activity e.g. running/general working out.

Image Source: Reddit
If you're self-conscious of it, there are many over-the-counter remedies that can help, or you can ask your doctor to prescribe you a topical ointment.
30. Your ability to trust
Believe it or not, your ability to trust is also determined by your father's genetics! Of course, there are external factors that can (and will) affect this ability e.g. abusive friendships/relationships. However, the foundations of this ability lie within your inherited genes. This determines if you're easily trusting or not, and how you react to your trust (possibly) being broken.

Image Source: Reddit
Your ability to trust can be improved over time, despite any potential reluctance and/or negative past experiences. This is usually done through therapy, or living new experiences.
31. Voice Pitch
While it's important to clarify that any of these traits are inherited solely by our fathers, however they do have a significant role to play in every single one of these traits. Your vocal pitch has an element of hormonal factors (testosterone levels) as well as genetic, but the size and shape of your vocal cords and folds that determine your pitch, comes from your dad! The level of testosterone in your body also determines the pitch of your voice!

Image Source: ABC News
While your father's genetic legacy contributes to your vocal cord structure, the interplay between genetics and hormones is what ultimately shapes your voice. So, if you can't sing like Diana Ross, you have your dad to thank...
32. Jaw Structure
There are many ways we can change our jaw structure through nutrition and other environmental factors. However there are specific genes that come from our dads that contribute to the structure of our jaws. The genetics responsible for your bone growth, leads to the appearance of your jaw, and these genetics (shock) comes from dads! So if you're unhappy with your jawline... you know who to turn to!

Image Source: Reddit
Obviously now, in the modern world, there are many things that you can do to change the shape of your jaw, including botox injections, and even shaving your jaw to your desired shape. Please consult a professional before embarking.
33. Body Odor
Some of us are just smellier than others, and it could be the fault of dads around the globe, not just the individual themselves. Sweat is caused by sweat glands, and body odor comes from the compounds of sweat interacting with bacteria on the skin. Many studies have suggested that certain genetic variations related to body odor can be associated with paternal inheritance!

Image Source: Pinterest
While certain genetic variations related to body odor can indeed be inherited from your dad, remember that scent preferences and even the ability to detect different aromas comes from your dad too!
34. Allergies
Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to typically harmless substances such as certain foods, pollen, and animals. So why does this happen? Obviously there are external, environmental factors that influence allergies, however certain variations of genes related to immune system regulation, can impact the likelihood of developing allergies. These genes predominantly come from our fathers!

Image Source: Reddit
So, if your dad has a particular allergy, it might be a good idea to stay vigilant – your genetic inheritance may have a say in your own allergic tendencies.
35. Sense Of Taste
The genes we inherit from our dads can impact the way we perceive foods... pretty cool, hey! Genetic variations in our taste receptor (the thing that detects different taste qualities in our mouths) means that we all interpret different flavors different to one another, our own being similar to our dads. And those family recipes passed down from generation to generation? They're not just traditions; they're genetic flavor journeys that connect you to your dad!

Image Source: The Organic Cookery School
What does this mean for your culinary adventures? Well, it means that when your dad raves about the exquisite flavor of a particular dish, there's a good chance you'll have a similar perception.
36. Blood-Type
Our parents, including fathers, are responsible for the blood type we possess. There are four main blood groups - A, B, AB, and O which are determined by the antigens in the blood. This is not the most interesting trait to inherit from a parent, but is still worth knowing for donating blood or in a life/death scenario! It might be worth asking your dad of his blood type, as it might help figure your own out!

Image Source: Reddit
The blood type you've inherited can determine who can receive your blood, making your dad's blood type an indirect influence on your ability to help others in need.
37. Athletic Abilities
How frustrating is it when you try so hard when exercising, and it still doesn't come naturally to you? Isn't it even more annoying when you see someone who exercises like it is an extension of them? Well, thank your dad for that one! If your dad isn't particularly sporty, then chances are, you won't be either. Don't let your genetics stop you though, anyone can be athletic, it just might take you a big longer to find your groove!

Image Source: New York Daily News
Many environmental factors can impact your athletic abilities too, including ill-health and motivational problems but genetic factors, even down to your body proportions can impact this!
38. Sense Of Smell
As touched on previously, the size, shape and structure of your nose is determined by your fathers genetics; but did you know what you get from your nose is determined by your dad too? Similar to your taste, genetic differences mean the receptors in the nose differ from person to person. Does this mean no two people smell in the same way? There's no way to tell... but what we do know is that you have the most similar sense of smell to your dad!

Image Source: BuzzFeed
So, the next time you both appreciate the scent of a blooming garden, freshly baked bread, or a fragrant cologne, see it as a gift inherited from your dad...
39. Nails
Our fathers genetics determine the characteristics of our nails! The thickness, and texture of our nails is determined by the nail health of our dad's nails. And let's not hope they are susceptible to nail fungal infections or other nail-related issues, as they also have a genetic component from our dads. Remember, external factors also can impact our nail health, from injuries to nail polish, so watch out!

Image Source: Reddit
Even the shape of your nail beds, whether they are wide and rectangular or narrow and elongated, can be influenced by genetics. These variations are determined by the underlying bone structure and tissue of your fingers, which are genetic!
40. Body Hair
We have already touched on the fact that our hair type is inherited from our dads, but did you know that this isn't just subjected to the hair on the head, but the rest of the body too? The growth of body hair is primarily influenced by the testosterone in our bodies (the more testosterone we have, the more hair we probably do too), and the genetics from our dads can contribute to the overall density, thickness, and distribution of the body hair.

Image Source: Quora
Embracing your genetic heritage, whether it leads to a full chest of hair, a light sprinkling, or something in between, can be a fun way to connect with the paternal characteristics you've inherited.
41. Male Specific Conditions
Certain health conditions that primarily affect males, such as prostate cancer or male infertility, can be influenced by genetic factors inherited from the father. This is not the sole reasoning for male-specific conditions to occur, but it could be an indication. Consult a doctor and explore different possibilities if you are impacted by any of these conditions, otherwise it could have life threatening consequences.

Image Source: The Today Show
While the genetic influence from your father's side may contribute to your risk, remember that medical advances and interventions can help you navigate these challenges and enhance your overall well-being.
42. Aggression Levels
We have already established that if your dad suffers from a mental health condition, then you're ten times more likely to yourself. And this links heavily with aggression levels as there is a link between aggression and certain mental health conditions such as depression. Like with most things, genetics aren't usually the sole reason something occurs, and many lifestyle aspects can contribute to people's aggression levels!

Image Source: Reddit
If you feel that you can't control your high aggression levels, ensure you get yourself some professional advice; ignoring your aggression levels can cause longer term issues for yourself and those around you.
43. Aging
The aging process is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. While both parents contribute to an individual's genetic makeup, some studies suggest that certain genetic variations inherited from the father may affect aspects of aging, such as skin elasticity or the appearance of wrinkles. Again, there are also different environmental factors (such as stress) that contribute to signs of aging!

Image Source: Reddit
If your dad is ageing like fine wine... then it might just be your lucky day! As we inherit our collagen from our dads, that means that we will go wrinkly and show signs of ageing at a similar rate.
44. Facial Symmetry
While facial symmetry is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, certain genetic variations related to facial development can be inherited from the father. This could be explained by the fact that so many of our facial features are inherited from our dads such as our noses, jawline, and chin, so it makes sense that the symmetry of our faces is down to them too!

Image Source: Pinterest
Facial symmetry is the benchmark of beauty according to many people. To these people, they see facial symmetry as the ultimate beauty goal. So if you have perfect symmetry, thank your dad for it!
45. Spatial Awareness
Are you super clumsy? Maybe your driving isn't amazing? It can even come down to your grammar skills not being on point! Well, this can be down to the genetics passed on to you by your father. Your spatial awareness is extremely heritable with a percentage of 69, so if you have poor spatial ability, it's probably developed from your dad! If you're not born with poor spatial awareness, you can also develop it at a young age!

Image Source: MyParkingSign.com
While genetics play a substantial role, it's essential to note that environmental factors also contribute to your spatial awareness. Early childhood experiences can shape your spatial abilities.
46. Migraines
Are you a migraine sufferer? It can be a life altering thing that is occasionally overlooked by the average Joe. Well, genetics can play a big role in whether you suffer from migraines or not! Research suggests that 60% of the reason people suffer from migraines is down to their genetics, and the remaining 40% is made up of other environmental and lifestyle triggers, such as stress.

Image Source: Reddit
If you're a migraine sufferer, understanding the genetic component can be empowering. While you can't change your genetic makeup, you can take steps to manage and reduce your migraine episodes.
47. Your Earlobes
Have you ever considered whether your earlobes are attached or detached? I doubt you ever have... Nevertheless, have a look at your own, and then look at your dads! If your dad has attached or detached earlobes, and they carry the dominant gene, then you will too! If both of your parents have the same earlobes, then that increases the probability of you having that style of ear too!

Image Source: Reddit
So, the next time you glance at your earlobes, remember that this seemingly minor feature has a genetic story to tell, connecting you to your family's past and potentially shaping future generations as well.
48. Asthma
While no one is actually born with asthma, you can be born with a gene that means you are likely to develop it as a young child. If a father suffers from asthma, their child is 2.5 times more likely to suffer from it at some point in their lives, according to studies! Throw in a mother with asthma and the chances double. It's always worth checking out your parents medical history!

Image Source: Pinterest
By staying informed about your family's medical background and taking steps to reduce environmental triggers, you can better manage and potentially prevent this condition.
49. Metabolism
This links back to the idea that we inherit our fat storage systems from our dads... we also inherit our metabolism from them too! Our metabolism is responsible for how fast (or slow) we lose weight! Studies have shown that our dads are responsible for how much fat we store around our organs, and how fast we can get rid of it, however genetics aren't everything! Our lifestyles play a huge part in this!

Image Source: Reddit
While your dad's genetic influence on your metabolism is significant, it's just one piece of the puzzle. By embracing a balanced and healthy lifestyle, you can work towards achieving your goals.
50. Flexibility
I'm sure for many of us, flexible isn't the first word we would use to describe our wonderful dads. But did you know that the fate of your flexibility lies in the hands of your dad? Not sure about anyone else but this blows my mind! Next time you want to do something fun with your dad, maybe yoga or pilates should be on the cards... he might just surprise you!

Image Source: Reddit
We inherit many things from our dads that contribute to how flexible we are! The firmness of our skin, our joint structure, and our nervous system all determine how stretchy we really are!