New Shoes On The Table

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Someone who is superstitious would have a fit if you put your brand new shoes on the kitchen table, as they are thought to bring bad luck. The reason why is unclear, however some would argue it signifies that death is coming to your family so it isn't something you'd want to risk
A Messy Bed

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A navy seal once said that you should always make your bed in the morning if you want to have a good day, as it sets you up for productivity. Some individuals go as far as to say that by not completing this simple task, you are foreshadowing bad luck. Whether you believe in this or not, having a made bed at the end of the day is bliss so you might as well!
An Open Umbrella Indoors

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They say that you should never open an umbrella indoors and the origin of this suspicion goes back many years, all the way back to Ancient Egypt. Opening an umbrella under cover supposedly made the Sun God furious; we wonder whether you'd still feel his wrath today!
An Old Broom

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Suspicion says that old brooms should never follow you to a new house if you don't want bad luck to follow you. The energy of all the things you have swept with the broom apparently gets trapped within the bristles and permeates through your new living space. New house, new broom!
Broken Mirrors

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It's a well-known adage that a broken mirror is the harbinger of bad luck, which would last for seven years to be precise. In history, people have thought of mirrors to be treasured possessions, so to break one would be very bad luck indeed. They were quite irreplaceable!

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It might surprise you that cacti bring bad luck to the home, however if you use Feng-Shui to organize your home then you'll definitely want to steer clear of the spiky desert plants. Apparently they attract negative energy which transfers around your home. Better get the sage out!
Broken Clocks

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Not only is a broken clock a useless item, it is also bad luck to keep one in your home. Like leaving shoes on the table, broken clocks suggest that death is near due to their statement of stopped time. Either get new batteries or new clocks, just don't keep the broken ones anywhere in your house.
A Garden Hoe

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You need to be careful what you bring into the house when you're innocently gardening, as a hoe in the house is said to bring bad luck. It is thought that the bad luck can be as serious as a death omen, however there is a way to reverse it. Simply walk of out the door you came in, stepping backwards as you go. Be careful not to trip!

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If you get a bird-shaped visitor flying through your house, then they are almost always unwelcome, not least because they are thought to bring bad luck. Some people go as far to avoid all bird memorabilia in their homes to eliminate any chance of them causing harm!
A Rocking Chair

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Rocking chairs can look pretty neat n the corner of a room, and they can be quite fun to sit on. Legend has it however, that evil spirits take these as an invitation to sit down and make themselves comfy; and they are not things you would be happy to welcome into your home!

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Walking under a ladder is said to bring bad luck, so having one in your home is dangerous territory. The ladder is thought to harbor both good and evil spirits; a thought process which was popularized by the Ancient Egyptians as they would use ladders in tombs to help with the deceased's passageway into the afterlife.
Dead Plants

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It's important to care for your plants properly if you wish to ward off bad luck, as those living are said to encourage positive energies into your home. If they become dry or dying then try to revive them ASAP if you want to attract good karma and have a happy house!
An Old Calendar

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If you have calendars in the home then it is important that you keep them up to date. If you allow time to pass without changing the calendars then it can attract bad luck into your home. It doesn't even have to be that old - simply missing a day could be devastating!
A New Calendar!

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By new we mean too new. If you hang up next year's calendar before its time then expect your luck to go southwards. Unfortunately it'll mean your whole year is in danger! Likewise if you turn a calendar to show the next month too early, then you're in for a month of bad luck.
Green Paint

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Green is a fashionable color to have in the house; it's calming, attractive and versatile, however superstition goes that you should avoid it. Green paint used to be toxic before health and safety measures came into play, and despite it now been safe for use, it can't escape its dangerous history!
A Black Door

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Many people paint their front doors with colors they wish to represent the vibe that they're trying to attract. It's no secret that black represents death and decay, so painting your door this color is only going to attract bad luck. Why not try a mellow yellow or calming blue which have much more positive connotations.
Artwork Depicting Terror

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It is believed that if you have artwork in your home showing scenes of carnage, then such kind of activity is likely to happen within the home. Portrayals of heavy storms or building collapse are symbolic of devastation so while your house may not fall down, it may come under metaphorical fire!
Broken Furniture

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Broken furniture isn't something you want to keep in your home due to the safety concerns and unsightly look, however they also act as negative omens. Feng Shui says that broken furniture represents the internal self also being broken, so ensure to fix or get rid of anything past its best!
Fish Tanks

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Some people take a chance with this one, as there are differing beliefs in the effects of having fish in your home. Some say that it brings you wealth however others advise it brings about misery. Perhaps it's best not to take a chance and avoid fish tanks altogether!

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Dead things in your home aren't just symbolic of death, they are death. Displaying these morbid curiosities is sure to attract bad luck and tip the energy of you house into a negative sphere. Get a pet instead, they are much more fun and bring a lot more joy!

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It may feel respectful to keep a loved one's remains in your house, and their wish might have been to sit on our fireplace for eternity, however keeping urns in your house will not do you any good if you want to attract luck. Basically keep death away from your door if you don't want death within it!
Underbed Storage

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Underbed storage may be the only way to keep your house looking tidy, however unfortunately it is the bringer of bad luck. Despite your things being tucked away, Feng Shui says that it represents disorder, which can in turn bring disorder to your health.
An Axe

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If you have a real fireplace then it's likely you will have an axe in your house. If this is the case, then try and find somewhere out of your main house to store it, and certainly don't carry it over you shoulder if you don't wish to succumb to bad luck!
Chipped Ceramics

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Keep an eye on your plates and dishes and it can be easy to miss cracks or chips. If these are kept within the home it's a sign that your family will have a fight or disagreement. If this does happen, then please don't throw the plate at the family member involved...

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Fireflies look beautiful when you see them in the darkens, and it can be cool to collect them to make your own nightlight, but did you know that they bring back luck? And terrible luck at that, as they too suggest that someone close to you will soon lose their life!
A Welcome Mat With Your Name On

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You might think it's cool and welcoming to have a mat with your family's name on, however avoid them at all costs if you want to leave bad luck at the door. As they experience heavy foot traffic, it is thought that visitors are stomping on your family which is never good for you personal energies!
Peacock Feathers

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Peacock feathers are really pretty and can make attractive, colorful ornaments; whoever designs these ornaments clearly don't have any idea about the bad luck they bring. And if you're a single woman with a peacock feather in the house then expect to be unlucky in love!
Red And White Flowers

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Aside from their attractive appearance, red and white flowers have a powerful impact on your home and not the positive kind. As with many other things on this list, they represent death and illness, so make sure you never buy them for anyone unless you're seeking revenge!
The Number 13

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There are many reasons why the number 13 is deemed as unlucky; so much so, that many hotels refuse to have a room number 13! If you live at number 13 on your street, then perhaps don't have the number presented on your door, and certainly don't have any ornamental numbers knocking around!
Pictures Of Animals

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Wild animal pictures can be a great visual addition to any home, however they are said to bring bad luck. Apparently they symbolize brutality which will in turn seep into your home and into your lives. Avoid these depictions if you want a relaxed atmosphere and a calm life.