Research the company!

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Researching the company beforehand is important, not only does it help you gain an understanding of the culture of the company and what they strive for. It would also help you to fully understand the role you are applying for. You may even find red flags while researching the company! The more you know about them, the better it is for your situation!
Review the job posting!

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When you are looking through jobs, you'll often find jobs you may feel you're not quite qualified for, or they may be completely out of your comfort zone. Make sure to review the description and requirements on the job posting! You may find that as long as you put in the effort and have the right attitude, you can get a role there and they may provide full training!
Common interview questions

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Make sure to prepare your answers to the common interview questions! Things like: "What is your biggest weakness?", "Tell me something about yourself". Many think these are designed to catch you out but it can highlight to the interviewer that you're the one! Something like being too detail-oriented will be in your favor!
Virtual Interview

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Virtual interview? Not a problem, make sure you test ALL of your equipment. Your Wi-Fi, headphones, webcam, all your keyboard keys, and your mouse. Your microphone is most important however, if you do have a good microphone, it can give you a more professional look and help your words sound clearer.
Elevator pitch

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Preparing an elevator pitch is vital! Practice a brief summary to the question, "Tell me about yourself". This isn't the interviewer wanting to know your life story, they want to know why you are the one for them! Highlighting your background and experience suited to the role will make it easier for them to make a decision about you
Getting to your interview

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Plan your journey to the interview. Make sure to identify where it actually is! How you will get there, if using public transport make sure to know the times. If driving, make sure to plan where you'll park, if it's inner city you may really struggle! You have to be there early!
Prepare your past!

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A list of all your past experiences and accomplishments is very useful. Helping to take away the awkward scratching-your-head moment in the interview, not all may be relevant to the role but how you managed to get through the ups and downs and what you learned along the way is what an interviewer would be looking for.
Dress well

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Your clothing is a major factor! Study the company culture! Going for a construction role will differ from going for an I.T. role, different companies will have different rules, and major companies may even give you a 'what to wear' in your appointment email. Dressing well is essential! Remember first impressions do count!
Be prepared on the day

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Make a checklist of what you need. Things like copies of your resume, a notepad, and a pen will be essential. If your role applies, a portfolio of your work may be necessary, always being prepared will help show your potential employer that you are the real deal!
Revision revision revision!

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If you are applying for a technical role, research which concepts are relevant to the particular role and review your understanding of them. Certain skills and concepts are easy to forget if the last time you were required to use them was in college! Being prepared for anything and everything is vital!

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I'm sure you've all heard of STAR and if you haven't then you need to! Situation, Task, Action, Result. This is a format that helps you to give a structured and well-mannered response to potential questions. Usually, it will be regarding a specific workplace event that took place that you took some part in.
Body Language

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Work on your body language and eye contact, this will be useful if you are doing something that's very sales and customer based like waiting tables. something as simple as having a smile on your face will make you seem more friendly and happy to help which is always a plus and can even lead to better tips!
Mock interview

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Doing a mock interview with a friend can be just what you need to get rid of your nerves! It can help to alleviate those fears you may get when you first go into an interview and the first question gets asked. Even dressing up how you would for it may get you into the mood and ready to tackle the tough questions!
Don't let them snoop on you!
image source: reddit.comA major tool that all companies use to check you out is by checking your online presence. They may do this by checking what you post on Facebook so make sure those embarrassing posts are gone! If it is a professional. role, making sure your LinkedIn is up to scratch would be a good idea as well.
Research can be paramount!

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If you have been given your interviewer's name, looking them up on LinkedIn can give you some pointers. Their role at the company, background, and could even give a hint as to some questions you may get asked. If they have some of their interest listed, you could even tailor some answers to get in their good books!

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Depending on the industry you will be going into, there may be certain tests that they do in the interview, these can range from case study problem-solving questions to technical questions regarding certain concepts and behavioral assessments. Make sure you are prepared for what you may face!
Charge up!

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Before going to your interview, make sure your phone has a full battery. This includes any other devices you may need in the interview, turning up and having to ask for a charger isn't the best first impression you want to be giving to your prospective employer.
Stay on top of it!

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Being aware of what goes on around you is one way of ensuring you remain with the pack. This can be industry specific but knowing what is in the pipeline and what is out there will keep you ahead of others. Current world affairs and events may have a reaction on your industry, just checking your news app for 5-10 min a day is all you need!

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Make sure you have your interviewer's contact info ready. At the end of the day, you never know what may happen and if any delays or issues do happen to occur, the sooner you inform them the better. Depending on the situation, you may get some leniency so make sure you have all the phone numbers to hand!
Fuel up

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Before going for your interview, make sure you have a nutritious meal, going in there with a noisy tummy is never professional! In fact, it can be one of the biggest turn-offs for your interviewer! If it's a morning one, break out the frying pan, and go all out! It is just what you need to get you in the spirit!
Just breathe!

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Before going into the interview, it is good to get rid of those last-second nerves and practice some breathing exercises beforehand. Having these in your locker will help clear your mind ready for the interviewer's questions. Be ready to actively listen and have your examples prepared!

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A good night's rest is essential the night before going for a job interview. Bags under your eyes are never a good look when you walk in for an interview! You want to get at least 8 hours of rest to give your brain a chance to cool down and recharge. Imagine the feeling of waking up on 2 hours of sleep, aint good is it?
Company culture

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There are a few ways of learning company culture. The first is via research on the company website, another way is by looking at online review websites like Glassdoor. These offer reviews by current and ex-employees of the company some leave an in-depth review for you to read to help decide. Take these with a pinch of salt as some may be malicious and fake!
Practice your handshake

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People overlook something as simple as a good handshake, practicing one can be just what is needed. A strong firm and confident handshake is a sure way to make a great first impression. This lets the interviewer know you are confident and help give some gravitas to your words.

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You have to get to your interview a little early, This is the best way to make a good impression of punctuality. If it is a virtual interview, make sure you are logged in and ready 10-15 minutes beforehand. 15 minutes is a minimum for in-person interviews.
Do you fit?

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If it is somewhere you want to be working long-term, do the company values align with yours? This is a major thing you need to have in mind prior to going in, it will help you answer questions more naturally and make them sound less prepared. This will give you a more genuine appearance and can only help your chances!
Follow up!

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Plan your follow-up email or thank you note. It helps to show your enthusiasm for the role and the company, this will help your interviewer think you are the best person for the role. Not only this, it will help keep your name high the the interviewer's mind and make you a focal point.

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Practice a few relaxation techniques, you want to have a few in case one fails, you never want to go into an interview riddled with nerves! Some people prefer meditation but even singing a song in your head can do it for some people. Either way, it's a good idea to explore all the options!

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Have confidence in yourself! How can you expect the interviewer to trust in your abilities if you don't? You need to give the impression that you know what you are talking about and that you are their best option! It's hard to show your value in an interview but having a lot of confidence can help!
Last minute touches

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On your way to the interview, look over the job post one more time. Make sure to remember the main points of what they are looking for, and tailor your answers to these. If you speak in riddles, it will be hard for them to see why you are the right person, tailor your words, and explain why you are the one!