1. Putting other women down in front of men.

Image Source: reddit.com
Shouldn't we be advocating 'Girl Power', to quote The Spice Girls? Not according to some women! It would seem that deliberately putting down other women when in the company of men is a common occurrence when girlfriends are desperate for attention and male validation, even if this comes at the expense of their friends.
2. Asking for advice then not taking it.

Image Source: reddit.com
Why do our girlfriends ask for our words of wisdom, only to completely disregard it, or worse, become angry when the answer isn't what they want to hear? Whether this is about relationship problems, weight, outfit choices or parenting styles, women often turn to one another to seek advice, but are not as keen to act upon it. Sometimes, it's best to just keep your opinions to yourself!
3. Skinny women who count the calories

Image Source: reddit.com
Let's face it ladies, we all seem to go through life on an endless diet don't we? But what is more annoying than those women who check the calories on every grocery item, only ever order the salad option when you go out to dinner, and never have a dessert, despite already measuring in at a size zero!
4. Smart women who act dumb

Image Source: Reddit.com
Shouldn't we all be proud of our achievements, our intelligence and our independence? Living in a 'man's world' means women still need to fight that much harder in life to achieve the same success as men. So why would women deliberately diminish their accomplishments or pretend to be less intelligent than they truly are? It's mind-blowing!
5. Flirting with your man

Image Source: Emito.net
Some things should just remain sacred, right? Well unfortunately, for some women, somebody else's guy just doesn't figure on the list! Even if you trust your man completely, there is nothing more infuriating than watching another woman flirt outrageously with him, particularly if you happen to be standing right there! Flirting can be harmless fun, but come on ladies, keep away from guys who are already taken!
6. Using a baby voice to sound 'cute'

Image Source: reddit.com
What is with the baby voice? Why is it that you can be chatting away with your friend quite normally one minute, and then the hot guy from the office shows up and her voice transforms into a high squeak? It is a known fact that men love to be protectors of the female race, but talking as though you're still in kindergarten class? This is seriously not cute!
7. Gossiping about other women

Image Source: bbc.com
Admit it ladies, we all like a good gossip, but some girls just take it too far! I mean, it's all well and good discussing the latest office romance or who has just given birth to twins, but when gossip becomes a way to share hurtful personal information about another, then it's a big no no! It's a fact that most women who gossip about others view them as a threat to either romantic relationships or success in the work place.
8. Leaving a mess in a public bathroom

Image Source: arcurrent.com
Most women complain about their other half leaving the toilet seat up in the bathroom, but when it comes to toilet hygiene, some girls are not much better! Ever been in a public restroom to find toilet paper, or worse, strewn on the floor? And the sinks aren't much better. Cosmetic stains and discarded hand towels are common sights in shared facilities. Girls would most certainly not leave their own bathrooms in such a mess, so why do this in public?
9. Faking friendliness

Image Source: Reddit.com
It's the way of the world that some people we like, whilst some people are never going to be on our Christmas list. Whilst it's a good trait to be pleasant and polite with everyone, some women seem to just ooze fake friendliness. You know the smile I'm referring to, right? And the overly saccharine-sweet voice...? Enough to set your teeth on edge!
10. Public displays of affection on social media

Image Source: Reddit.com
We all love to see our friends loved up and happy with their significant other, but when it becomes a necessity to reach for the sick bucket every time they post on social media things have gone too far! Yes, I'm glad your boyfriend loves you, but no, I don't need to see a screenshot of his goodnight message, or know that he thinks your butt looks cute in those shorts. Some things just need to be kept to yourself!
11. Gender stereotyping with children

Image Source: Reddit.com
Why is it that some moms still insist on treating their child differently based on their gender? It is so outdated to insist that girls are clothed in pretty pink dresses and play with Barbies whilst boys are steered towards the cars and action figures. Come on, just let your children grow to be who they want to be!
12. Childbirth stories years after the birth

Image Source: independent.co.uk
Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. It's one of the most joyous and celebrated occasions most women will experience. But don't you just hate those moms who are still recalling every contraction, reminiscing over every hour spent in the throes of labour years later? I mean, your youngest child is now in college! Get over it!
13. Overly bossy in the workplace

Image Source: Globalnews.ca
Let's face it, it's still a man's world out there, where women have to fight that little bit harder to secure high profile jobs and earn the same salary as their male counterparts. But does that mean that women in power need to inflict their frustrations on other females? It seems to be a growing trend that female bosses are overly critical of other women in their companies, and are often the biggest offenders of workplace bullying.
14. Playing the 'work wife'

Image Source: money.com
I'm sure that guys find having an office 'work wife' extremely rewarding. I mean, which man wouldn't want a woman with no emotional ties, there at his beck and call, fetching his morning latte or tidying the clutter on his desk? But come on girls! Don't you have enough of that at home? Also, isn't it a little unhealthy to be so close to your male workmates? Behind every work wife, there is usually a very annoyed girlfriend or wife, who don't view the relationship in quite the same way you might!
15. Targeting married men deliberately.

Image Source: reddit.com
Flirting with someone else's guy is one thing, but some girls make a habit of wanting a little more from married men than a little attention. What is it about girls who view married men the ultimate challenge? Deliberately targeting men in long term relationships gives them some kind of buzz, without a second thought for the emotional carnage caused to partners and children caught up in the cross-fire!
16. Making excuses for toxic men

Image Source: Verywellmind.com
All relationships have their ups and downs, and as friends, we are always there to support one another. However, it's so frustrating to see your girlfriend not only putting up their guy to treat them like dirt, but making excuses for their behaviour as well! 'Oh, it was my fault, I shouldn't have nagged him when he'd had a bad day', or 'It's only when he's tired; he's usually so good to me.' These are just some of the excuses we hate to hear our friends say. Wake up and smell the coffee; that man is toxic!
17. Overly competitive

Image Source: pinterest
A little healthy competition doesn't hurt, right? Wrong! When it comes to friends, we shouldn't view them as somebody we continually want to beat. Life is not a competition and we should be happy for our friends to achieve without the urge to always be one step ahead of them. If they get a promotion, celebrate their success and wish them well instead of thinking of ways to steal their glory.
18. Compulsive liars.

Image Source: Quora.com
We all tell little white lies now and again, and sometimes these are told to protect the feelings of our friends. But some women take this to the extreme! Compulsive liars leave you wondering whether you actually know your friend at all. Often their lies might be to cover up the fact that they are not satisfied with their life, but it's tough being around someone whose every word leaves you wondering what is fact and what is fiction.
19. Questioning your choice in partner

Image Source: Reddit.com
We all complain about our significant other sometimes, but that's our prerogative! When it comes to friends constantly judging our choice in partner... well that's just a boundary that should never be crossed! Some women just can't help but criticise the behaviour of their friends' husbands and boyfriends, even when their opinion hasn't been asked for.
20. Comparing you with other women

Image Source: Reddit.com
We're all individual right? As such, we all bring something unique to the table, so why do some women feel the need to constantly compare you with other friends or colleagues? So what if Sandra in accounts is more organised and efficient at her job, or your other friends cook dinner every night from scratch? Instead of putting down other women with negative comparisons, we should be celebrating the strengths and qualities that make us all unique women.
21. Cancelling plans last minute

Image Source: reddit.com
Could there be anything more irritating than friends who constantly duck out at the last minute? I mean, we all have times where life gets in the way and things don't quite go to plan, but these girls make a habit of cancelling, sometimes literally an hour before you were supposed to meet up! And the excuses? Don't even get me started! The car won't start, the dog is ill, she's coming down with the flu... The list is endless.
22. Judging you on how you run your home

Image Source: Reddit.com
Very much like having judgements made about your partner, judgements about how you run your home or parent your children are enough to make your blood boil. Especially when made by other women! I mean surely other moms know the struggles of juggling work, raising the kids, doing the daily chores, entertaining friends... The list is endless!
23. Social Media Drama Queens

Image Source: newsweek.com
I really don't get why women feel the need to share all of their dramas over social media. So many girls post cryptic messages alluding to staying away from toxic influences, or comment on now knowing who their 'true friends are' without providing any other context. This is a sure fire way to attract hosts of posts asking if they are ok. If you have an issue with someone, tell them, not the world!
24. Entitled women

Image Source: reddit.com
What makes some women believe that they are entitled to behave precisely how they wish, without taking into consideration anyone else around them? This might be the woman who talks and laughs loudly on her cell phone when you're trying to enjoy a quiet meal in a restaurant, or the woman who drives the wrong way in the parking lot to steal the last space.
25. Ditching friends for a guy

Image Source: reddit.com
We've all been there right? The date has been in your diary for weeks, you're booked the babysitter and you've spent the past two hours getting ready for a night out with your girlfriends. Then the phone rings and your best friend has cancelled. Again! You could maybe forgive a family emergency, but being dumped at the last minute because your friend has gotten herself a hot date? Not cool!
26. Being too needy

Image Source: reddit.com
We all want to be there for our friends, but some women are just so needy! I mean, when it feels like you are your friend or work colleagues personal therapist, it becomes beyond a joke. Needing a shoulder to cry on now and then is fine, but demanding your attention 24-7, whether by text, constant phone calls, or constantly seeking validation really is a step too far!
27. Jealousy over the success of others

Image Source: reddit.com
As friends we should be happy when life is treating each other kindly, but for some women, the more successful their girlfriends are in love and life, the more the green-eyed monster emerges! It's one thing to feel envious of your friend's promotion, or the fact that they have bagged themselves the perfect man, but when it comes to friends who take great satisfaction when things go wrong, that's just not okay!
28. Getting defensive

Image Source: reddit.com
We all know that girl who seems to take immediate offense at whatever you say, taking the most innocent of comments out of context and misinterpreting it as a bitchy snipe or a criticism. There's nothing more frustrating than having to carefully navigate every conversation like its some kind of verbal battleground. These girls need to seriously lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously!
29. Borrowing your stuff and never returning it

Image Source: Shabby.ie
Ever been about to go out on a night out, only to find that your little black dress isn't where you thought it was? And where are those heels you wanted to wear? That's right! Your friend borrowed them months ago and just never bothered to return them. It's a common thing for girls to have a communal wardrobe, but when you seem to be the one doing all the sharing, your generosity becomes a thing of the past.
30. Living Life on Social Media

Image Source: Reddit.com
Social media has it's place in the modern world, but that place is not to live-feed updates of your every move! So your kid plays in Little League, or you are having quinoa for dinner.... Who cares? Some women feel the need to post every single moment of their day, documenting the most mundane detail with the deluded idea that someone out there is remotely interested.