1. Stay in the Light

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If you are walking home in the evening, even if it adds some extra minutes to your journey, be sure to stick to well-lit roads. It may cut out an extra five minutes to take a shortcut down that dark alley by your house, but I promise you, it is not worth it!
2. Be Confident

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Now, this isn't always easy to do if you are feeling unsafe and isolated, but to deter potential confrontation, it's time to get your strut on! Confident and self-assured walkers are much less likely to be approached. When heading home alone, be sure to walk purposefully.
3. Stay Aware

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We all know the feeling; you're heading back from the bar and you start to feel a little uneasy - it can be very tempting to bury your head in your phone or blast your favorite song. However, if you want to stay safe, doing the opposite is key: keep alert and aware of your surroundings and the people around you.
4. Avoid Walking Alone

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It's an obvious one but you will always be in a safer position walking home at night if you are around other people you trust. I know it can feel uncomfortable to ask a friend or family member to walk you home, but this is your safety we are talking about - it is always worth it.
5. Stick to Main Roads

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Rural or secluded areas may feel safer as there isn't a lot of commotion, but generally the opposite is true. You are much less likely to be approached if you are walking along a bustling high street or main road. This way you can look out for others and trust that someone would do the same for you.
6. Trust Your Instincts

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The most important piece of advice we can give you is to trust yourself and your own instincts. When we are feeling anxious it can be hard to believe that what we are worried about might be something legitimate, but if you sense you are in an unsafe situation, always follow your gut.
7. Keep Belongings Secure

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Don't give potential thieves the opportunity for an easy win over you. If you know you are carrying valuable items, make sure they are hidden and secure. If you are wearing a shoulder bag, keep it close to your body. For backpacks, keep personals in a discreet compartment and wear the bag on your front.
8. Don't Be Distracted

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We all think distraction techniques wouldn't work on us but don't be fooled! Whenever you are approached, whether it is for directions or to be paid a compliment on your beaut new bag, stay aware! It only takes a few seconds for a thief to have their hand in your pocket.
9. Don't Be Predictable

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If you leave your house at the same time every day, keep your spare key under the same door mat, walk the same route to work and take your lunch break on the same bench in the same park ... it's time to stop being so predictable! If your colleagues know your every move, other people probably do too!
10. Plan Ahead

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If you know you have to travel home late at night in an area you are unfamiliar with, be sure to plan out your route in advance. Get up the maps app on your phone and work out the quickest best lit journey and send a screenshot to a friend you trust.
11. Keep Your Cash Hidden

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We all love to splash the cash but keep your financial boasting to the dinner table! When travelling at night, whether walking alone or hopping out of your vehicle to pay for fuel, it's safest to stick to electronic payment methods rather than letting those around you see the contents of your wallet.
12. Stay Alert at the ATM

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Sometimes we are in a position where we have to use physical cash - if our only other method is our phone and the battery is saying 3% it's probably safest to save that charge for emergencies. If you HAVE to use an ATM at night aim for ones in well-lit busy areas and shield your PIN.
13. Re-route

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However prepared we are, we can't always know what is waiting around the corner. If you start to feel unsafe due to someone walking close to you or because maps has sent you down a back-alley; keep your phone or physical map at hand to give yourself the option to do a quick re-route.
14. Avoid the Arguments

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Avoid confrontation at all costs! If someone approaches you and attempts to engage in an argument or provoke a reaction from you, take a deep breath and calmly and politely walk away. If they continue to pursue you, call someone you trust or even the emergency services.
15. Walk with Friends

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As Carol King sang, 'ain't it good to know you've got a friend?'. Well, not to tread on the toes of an award-winning song writer, but it's surely even better to know you have a whole group of friends. If your friend needs to get somewhere alone at night, get the whole gang together and enjoy the journey.
16.Call A Taxi

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If the journey ahead looks to be a long walk or even if it's just round the block but you are feeling uneasy, be sure to utilise your local transportation services. If there isn't a reliable bus or metro link in your hometown, always travel with the numbers of reliable licensed taxis.
17. Stay Away from Intoxicated People

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I know tipsy people can often be the most fun but if it is safety we are focussing on, its best to avoid them. If your route home takes you past a bar or group of intoxicated individuals, don't start up a conversation; alcohol can make us unpredictable and violent.
18. Invest in An Alarm

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It can be intimidating to research and buy personal alarms, but I promise they are a worthwhile addition to your keychain. The high-decibel sound that one of these little devices can produce is enough to deter attackers and attract the attention of passers-by.
19. Stay Sober

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Not always easy on a big night out, but if you know you are travelling home alone later, please do try and remain sober. As 'in-control' as we may feel after a drink, alcohol will slow down your reaction times and impair your judgement, making you an easier target for thieves.
20. Keep Car Doors Locked

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If you are travelling in your vehicle at night, it can be easy to feel completely safe and unapproachable. However, if you are leaving your car doors unlocked when driving or parking up, you could be a prime target for near-by criminals. Keep yourself and your car secure at all times.
21. Grip Those Keys

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It's a piece of advice every woman is given at some point in their lives, and it can feel a little pointless. However, keeping your keys between your knuckles gives you physical protection, peace of mind and quick access to your building if you are being followed.
22. Park in The Light

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To protect your vehicle and possessions avoid parking in dark or secluded areas. The best spot for your car is in a well populated area with multiple streetlights and businesses. If you can see your car well, so can passers-by who will be able to report any goings on to the authorities.
23. Hide Your Electronics

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If you look in your car window and can see your phone charging in the front, your laptop sticking out of your bag on the back seat and your new headphones balanced on the dashboard, so can everyone else. Keep your possessions safely hidden under your seats or within bags in the boot.
24. Keep Your Distance

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If there is one thing the pandemic taught us, it's the benefits of keeping your distance from other pedestrians! Not only does it stop you getting their germs, it also protects you from any unwanted interactions. If walking alone with just one other person around, try to keep at a distance behind them.
25. Learn Self Defence

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Any excuse for a new hobby! Self-defence classes are a great way to build muscle, make new friends and ultimately, to stay safe. When you know you have the ability to protect yourself against a potential attacker, you will feel and appear more confident and less approachable to them.
26. Emergency Numbers

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When we are in a threatening situation, accessing our phones and dialling home can be a stressful or even impossible task. We don't want to give someone even more time to approach us - save a series of numbers on your phone as emergency contacts to give you quick access to people you trust.
27. Stay Private

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If someone approaches you and starts a conversation remember, privacy is key. As lovely and friendly as someone may appear, it is always the safest option to keep your full name, home address and financial details private. You never know why this person may be asking.
28. Be Surprising

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It may seem counter intuitive, but recent studies show one of the most effective ways of deterring an attacker is to shock them right back. If someone approaches you in a menacing manner and you have limited options, start acting out - barking in someone's face is surprisingly effective!
29. Swerve Groups

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The problem with group mentality is that an individual's bad behaviours can be encouraged. If you are alone and are approached by someone with a group of friends in tow, stay calm and confident and get out of there! Drop into a local business and arrange to be picked up.
30. Use Technology to Your Advantage

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The amount of new tech on the market can feel overwhelming, but it can be used to your advantage. Many new devices have the ability to pair with those of your loved ones. Take the time to set up these protective measures on your phones and smart watches so your friends can keep track of you.