The World’s Most Bizarre Food Etiquette Rules

By molly atherton 9 months ago
Welcome, curious gastronomes and etiquette enthusiasts, to a culinary carnival of the eccentric! Buckle up your taste buds and prepare for a delightful journey through the bewildering landscape of global food customs. From the intriguing to the downright eyebrow-raising, we unveil the world's most bizarre food etiquette rules that might make you gasp, giggle, or perhaps even grab your fork in disbelief. So, grab a seat at this whimsical banquet of cultural quirks.

1. China - Don't finish ALL your food

Indeed, the cultural nuances surrounding finishing a meal can vary dramatically from one place to another. While polishing off your plate might be hailed as a sign of appreciation and contentment in many corners of the globe, the Chinese dining etiquette takes a fascinating twist.Image source/ thekit.caNow in many countries it is polite to each all of your food to show gratitude and to show that you found the food tasty. But, in China you should not finish all of your food. It can be insulting to whoever was cooking the food, or the host as they will take this as a signal that you are still hungry.Original content sourced from

2. India - Don't thank friends/family for food

In the intricate fabric of Indian social interactions, the art of expressing gratitude dances to a different rhythm, one that may seem counterintuitive to those unfamiliar with its cultural nuances. While saying "thank you" might be an automatic reflex in many societies...Image source/ bonappetourSaying thank you is often seen as a side of gratitude and appreciation which in many cultures is seen as mandatory. But not in India, unless you are at a restaurant or formal setting. Otherwise, thanking family or friends can be insulting as it suggests they are doing something out of the ordinary.

3. Russia - Never refuse vodka

Ah, the storied world of Russian vodka etiquette! In the land where this fiery elixir holds a place of reverence, navigating the rules surrounding its consumption is akin to mastering a dance—a nuanced choreography of tradition and respect.Image source/ examinedlivingIn Russia there are many rules about vodka. The most important one to remember is that if anybody offers you vodka to drink, say yes. Otherwise, it can be perceived as insulting. Also, don't mix it. Even with ice cubes. Vodka in Russia should be drank pure.

4. France - Don't eat bread as an appetizer

Ah, the French and their culinary finesse! In the gastronomic ballet of France, where every bite is a symphony of flavors, even the humble bread roll takes center stage in the performance of dining etiquette.Image source/ nomlistEven if bread is placed on the table first, in France, you should not eat it before your meal as an appetizer. It is not considered correct etiquette. Instead, you should instead eat it as an accompaniment with your meal or use it afterward to finish your meal.

5. Jordan - Tilt the coffee cup

Jordanian coffee culture is a delightful blend of tradition, hospitality, and a subtle dance of signals woven into every sip. In the heart of this cultural ritual lies the unspoken language of the coffee cup—a vessel that communicates not just taste but also unspoken cues between guest and host.Image source/ pinterestIn Jordan, before you hand the coffee cup back you must tilt the cup back and forth a couple of times if you don't want any more. Otherwise, you'll end up with another refill and another. This signals that you've had enough and then the host can stop refilling your cup.

6. Chile - Don't eat with your hands

In the vibrant culinary scene of Chile, where every dish carries a tale of tradition and flavor, the etiquette of dining extends beyond taste to encompass a graceful choreography of utensils—a symphony of knife and fork.Image source/ juanoffoodsIn Chile, unlike some countries it is not considered good etiquette to eat with your hands. You must always use a knife and fork to appear well mannered and corrects. Not to do so can insult whoever prepared the food, as well as those dining around you.

7. Brazil - Use your meat tokens accordingly

Welcome to the carnivorous paradise of Brazilian churrascarias, where meat lovers revel in an endless procession of succulent cuts and a dining experience guided by the silent language of tokens—green for "more, please," and red for "I'm content."Image source/foodgloryThere are certain Brazilian meat restaurants called churrascaria where you are provided with endless meats. You can eat as much as you wish. The way to do this is to use your tokens. So, if you want more you use one token in some cases green. If you do not want somebody to bring you more, you must use the red.

8. Italy - Never eat pasta using a knife and fork

Ah, the exquisite ballet of pasta etiquette in Italy! Picture yourself in an Italian trattoria, surrounded by the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked pasta. As you twirl your fork, navigating the delicate strands of spaghetti, remember: the knife is an outsider in this culinary dance.Image source/ nonnaboxIn Italy when you are eating pasta you should not pick up a knife, even if you are using it to push the spaghetti onto your fork. Only a fork should be used when you eat pasta. And of course, absolutely never chop up your spaghetti if you do not want to insult an Italian.

9. Korea - Eat when an elder eats

Absolutely, in many Asian cultures, particularly those with strong Confucian influences like Korea or China, dining etiquette isn't just about the food on the table; it's a reflection of respect, hierarchy, and social harmony. The dynamics of the dining setting are intricately woven with unspoken rules...Image source/ PinterestIn  food etiquette is very much based on who you are dining with, especially the elders in the room. If somebody who is older than you is filling your drink, you should use both hands to receive it. Similarly, you can only start to eat once the eldest male around the table has started.

10. Britain - Pass the Port to your left

Ah, the elegant ritual of passing port, steeped in a tradition that navigates its way through history and maritime lore. Picture yourself in a refined setting, surrounded by a gathering where the clinking of glasses and the aroma of aged port wine mingle in the air.Image source/ EveningstandardThis tradition of passing port to the left side only is thought to have come from Naval traditions where they would pass the port around the table to their left. So, no matter if you are right or left-handed - make sure you always pass the port to the left.

11. Mexico - Eat tacos with your hands

Ah, welcome to the vibrant world of Mexican street food, where the taco reigns supreme as the embodiment of flavor, culture, and unbridled joy. In this bustling culinary landscape, forget the constraints of fine dining etiquette; it's time to dive in, hands-first.Image source/ MatadorNetworkGet stuck in... In Mexico here's an opportunity not to worry about fine dining rules. It is purely about the enjoyment of the taco. In fact, it's actually seen negatively if you try and devour a taco with your knife and fork. Instead, just take it with your hands. It's actually less messy too.

12. Georgia - Don't sip your wine

Ah, the spirited tradition of toasting and imbibing in the exuberant gatherings known as Supras, where the clinking of glasses and the harmonious symphony of voices intertwine in celebration. In the heart of Georgian culture, the art of wine drinking takes on a spirited and communal form.Image source/ lostwithpurposeNow usually, we are told to sip rather than down our wine in one. In Georgia this is not the case. It is traditional at Georgian feats (which are called Supras) to drink the glass down in one gulp. In fact - sipping is seen as rude. However, the traditional glasses are small.

13. South India - Don't eat with your left hand

Indeed, in the rich tapestry of South Indian customs and traditions, the etiquette surrounding hand usage holds deep cultural significance, where the right hand reigns supreme as the honored conductor of culinary indulgence, while the left hand occupies a distinctly different role.Image source/YouTubeIt is a South Indian custom that you must not eat with your left hand. To do so is seen as very rude. Your left hand, in the South of India, is connected to bodily functions and therefore it is seen as dirty. Whereas your right hand is seen as your eating hand.

14. Japan - Don't leave your chopsticks stuck in your rice

Absolutely, the seemingly innocuous act of leaving chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice carries deep cultural significance in many East Asian societies, particularly in Japan, where it's intricately tied to funerary customs and therefore holds solemn implications.Image source/ chopstickchroniclesIf you leave your chopsticks sticking upwards in a bowl of rice, you may very well offend all of those around you. This tradition of sticking the chopsticks into a bowl of rice happens at funerals and so this gesture is reserved for that specific context only and is otherwise seen as inappropriate.

15. Thailand - Use the spoon to eat only

The culinary realm of Thailand is a mesmerizing blend of flavors, traditions, and an intricate tapestry of dining customs. In this vibrant cultural landscape, the art of eating transcends mere sustenance; it’s a dance of flavors orchestrated by the spoon, the utensil of choice that holds sway over the dining etiquette.Image source/ YouTubeIn Thailand it is customary and considered good practice to only eat with a spoon and no other cutlery. A fork is just a way to help put things onto your spoon, to assist you rather than eat from. The only cutlery entering your mouth should be a spoon...definitely not a fork.

16. China - Don't flip the fish

In the colorful tapestry of Chinese culinary traditions, cooking fish takes on a unique significance beyond the flavors and techniques—it's a delicate dance intertwined with symbolism, superstition, and a belief in auspiciousness.Image source/ theworksoflifeIf you are ever cooking fish in China or hosting a Chinese supper for friends, then do not flip the fish whilst you are cooking it. After placing it on one side in the pan you must cook it from this side only by flipping the juices on to it. It is considered bad luck to flip it.

17. Hungary - Don't clink glasses during a cheers

Ah, the nuanced art of toasting in Hungary, where the act of clinking glasses during a cheers transcends mere celebration; it’s a gesture steeped in history, tradition, and a cultural sensitivity that navigates the subtleties of social interaction.Image source/ reader'sdigestCAIf you're about to do a cheers whilst in Hungary, then make sure you don't actually touch glasses for the clink effect. It will definitely not be received well. It is considered rude and from the past has been associated with politics. You may even be told off by elders.

18. Thailand - Don't order food in a group

In the vibrant tapestry of Thai dining customs, the dynamics of ordering food in a group setting transcend mere selection and become a subtle yet significant reflection of hierarchy, respect, and communal harmony.Image source/ kungfuplazaIf you are in Thailand in a group setting in a restaurant, then unless you're the eldest woman you should not order food. You should not order for yourself, or even make suggestions of what you want to be ordered. This is down to the decision of the eldest lady.

19. Guatemala - If you invite someone you pay

Absolutely, the nuances of bill splitting and paying for meals vary widely across cultures, and in Guatemala, the etiquette surrounding inviting someone out to dinner carries its own set of expectations and considerations.Image source/ PinterestBill splitting and bill paying can be contentious. It depends wherever you are, what the situation is and what country you are in. In Guatemala, if you as someone out to dinner then the expectation is that you pay. Otherwise, it is seen as rude as you would not want to assume that the person you invited had the means to pay.

20. Spain - Feel free to lurk for a table

In Spain, especially in bustling tapas bars or some casual restaurants, the system for snagging a table can indeed diverge from the orderly queues or formal waitlists seen in other cultures. The atmosphere can be lively and spontaneous, reflecting the vibrant energy of the Spanish dining scene.Image source/ eaterNYDepending on the restaurant, in Spain, getting a table can be a question of lurking by a table and grabbing what you can get. For example, if it is a tapas restaurant there is no queuing or waitlist, it is literally a first come first served basis and so it is not seen as impolite to wait by a table.

21. Italy - Don't drink cappuccino any time after lunch

In the realm of Italian coffee culture, the choice of beverage goes beyond mere preference—it’s an unwritten code that reflects tradition, social norms, and even culinary etiquette. Picture yourself in a charming Italian café, enveloped in the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.Image source/ tabruzzocibusIn Italy, espresso is served all day and it can be consumed at any time. But when it comes to cappuccino it is considered a breakfast drink only. Any time before lunch it can be considered acceptable. But afterwards, it is a huge faux pas. Then, it's best to stick to espresso.

22. India - Finish all of your food

In India, the cultural significance of finishing your food extends far beyond the act of mere consumption. It’s a reflection of values deeply ingrained in gratitude, respect, and a mindful approach to minimizing waste.Image source/ tripsavvyLike in many countries, in India it is considered good manners to finish all of your food. Not to do so can not only be seen as very wasteful but it also is a sign of a lack of gratitude. So, it's always good to take what you can eat so that you do not have to leave any food on your plate.

23. Ethiopia - Eat from the same plate

In Ethiopia, the act of dining isn’t just about satiating hunger; it’s a communal experience that embodies the essence of sharing, camaraderie, and cultural togetherness. The traditional Ethiopian dining practice, centered around a large communal platter, reflects the deeply ingrained values of community.Image source/ JewishfoodexperienceEthiopian custom is to share one huge plate in the middle of the table. Then everybody shares and takes the food from the middle. Other plates are just seen as excessive and a waste. And food is seen as a very communal experience in which everybody enjoys sharing.

24. Japan - Don't pass from chopstick to chopsticks

In Japan, the etiquette surrounding the use of chopsticks goes beyond the practicalities of dining; it’s steeped in cultural symbolism and traditional customs. One particular practice—passing food from chopstick to chopstick—carries deep cultural connotations.Image source/ touristsecretsIf you are visiting Japan, then it is important to be aware of this Japanese custom. Do not pass food from chopstick to chopstick. This is associated with funerals and the passing of the bones which is done by chopsticks in this way. So, it is seen as something that can only be done in this context.

25. Nigeria - Women cannot use spoons

In certain Nigerian tribes, cultural practices and traditions surrounding dining utensils extend beyond practicality, embodying deeply rooted beliefs and societal norms. Among these traditions is the stipulation that the use of a spoon during meals is exclusively reserved for men.Image source/ igboguideIn some tribes in Nigeria women are not allowed to have a spoon, or ask to eat with a spoon. This is reserved for men only. This tradition and custom comes from the belief that a woman with a spoon causes insurgency and is still upheld within certain tribes.

26. Britain - A teaspoon cannot touch the sides of the teacup

Indeed, the quintessential British tea ceremony comes with its own set of unspoken rules and etiquette, reflecting the cultural reverence for this beloved beverage. Among these customs are specific guidelines regarding the handling of teacups and teaspoons, harkening back to traditional manners and refinement.Image source/ PinterestIn Britain, tea is highly prized. And, when it comes to drinking it there are a few traditions. First, don't let the teacup touch the sides of your cup when stirring. And don't leave the teaspoon in the cup. Traditionally both of these things were considered highly uncouth...

27. China - Feel free to burp

Absolutely, in certain cultural contexts like China, the perception of burping can indeed take on a surprising and contrasting significance compared to many other societies where it's generally considered impolite or rude.Image source/ YouTubeIt is not often that burping is seen in a positive light. In many places, it would be considered the hight of rudeness to burp at the table. In China, burping after a meal whether in company or not is a sign of enjoyment and therefore it is actually viewed as a compliment to the chef.

28. England - Tilt the soup away

Ah, the genteel tradition of soup etiquette in England—a subtle yet fascinating aspect of dining customs that has woven its way into the fabric of refined dining. In the tapestry of British dining traditions, the art of consuming soup was guided by a set of unspoken rules...Image source/ tasteatlasIn England when eating soup, it was traditionally thought that the proper way to eat soup was by tilting the soup bowl away from you. Then, with your teaspoon you were supposed to scoop away from the bowl, so that the bowl and the spoon are turning outwards rather than towards you. Then, delicately sip the teaspoon.

29. Austria - No need to tip

In Austria, the customs around tipping and dining etiquette often align with a sense of personal discretion and mutual respect between customers and establishments. When it comes to leaving a tip, the practice isn’t universally expected or obligatory.Image source/ PinterestIn Austria it is not thought ungracious if you decide not to leave a tip. This is at the discretion of the customer and how they viewed the service. And moreover, if you've asked for your bill three or more times and not received it then the unspoken agreement is that it is acceptable to leave the restaurant at this pint without paying

30. Madagascar - Only pick up cutlery after an elder has

In Madagascar, the dining customs are deeply intertwined with cultural values centered around respect, hierarchy, and honoring elders. Observing proper etiquette during meals is considered crucial, and one such custom revolves around the use of cutlery and the precedence given to elders.Image source/ madmissionsIn Madagascar there are many traditions to do with eating and respect. So, a lot of this is to do with respecting elders. Therefore, in Madagascar, do not pick up the cutlery before an elder. Only when they have picked up their cutlery are you allowed to do so.

31. Italy: Never Drink Cappuccino After A Meal

Absolutely, in Italy, the avoidance of milk-based beverages like cappuccino after a meal is tied to the cultural belief that consuming milk or milk-based products immediately after eating can potentially interfere with the digestive process.Image Source / HuffPost

The reason that Italians don't order a cappuccino specifically after a meal is because of the milk content - they won't consume milk after a meal, because it can actually cause a problem for healthy digestion. That's why other milk-less coffees (like espresso) are better after eating!

32. Ancient Greece: Only Eat Meat Killed By Ritual Sacrifice

In Ancient Greece, the consumption of meat, specifically animals sacrificed through ritualistic ceremonies, was deeply intertwined with religious practices and cultural beliefs. Sacrificial offerings of animals to the gods played a pivotal role in Greek religious rituals and social customs.

Image Source / Look and Learn

If you were a resident of Ancient Greece during this time, then you would have needed to consume only animals killed through ritualistic sacrifice. This is because animals were sacrificed to the Gods in this way, before the meat was consumed and the bones and fat set aside for the Gods.

33. Middle East: Only Eat With Your Right Hand

Absolutely, in many Middle Eastern cultures, including parts of the Arab world, there's a strong cultural association between the left hand and activities considered unclean or inappropriate, such as personal hygiene and bathroom-related tasks.

Image Source / KQED

In the Middle East, the left hand is associated with bodily functions, so it's seen in poor taste to eat with that one... You have to eat and socialise with your right hand only. If you're left-handed, you best learn how to eat with your right hand quick!

34. India: Don't Even Touch Your Plate With Your Left Hand

Absolutely, the cultural association of the left hand with impurity or uncleanliness is observed not only in the Middle East but also in various regions across India and parts of Africa. In these cultures, the left hand is often considered unsuitable for certain actions.

Image Source / Wego Travel Blog

The same left-hand rule applies in India and parts of Africa, too. But in India it's much more strict in that you shouldn't even touch your plate with your left hand, even if you're still eating with your right. This rule also stretches - outside of cuisine - to not using your left hand to hand out important documents either!

35. Britain: Mention The Bishop Of Norwich

Ah, the curious tradition surrounding the passing of port in some social circles, where the flow of this beloved drink around the table is accompanied by a peculiar tale involving the Bishop of Norwich. In certain British traditions, the passing of the decanter of port around the table follows a particular etiquette...

Image Source / Wikipedia

This relates to the etiquette rule of passing the port to the left. You also need to mention the Bishop of Norwich - for some reason - if - for some reason - the decanter of port stops moving around the table. If it does, you have to say, 'Do you know the Bishop of Norwich?'. If they say no, you have to say, 'He's a very good chap, but he always forgets to pass the port'. Yep.

36. Italy: Don't Ask For Parmesan

The use of Parmesan cheese in Italian cuisine is a nuanced matter that varies dish by dish and region by region. In Italy, each pasta dish or pizza has its traditional recipe and flavor profile that may or may not call for the addition of Parmesan cheese.

Image Source / Fisher and Woods

A lot of pasta dishes, including pizza, aren't intended to be paired with parmesan cheese. So in a lot of cases, asking for parmesan cheese can be seen as ruining the original recipe when it should have a different flavour, or a different cheese. The easiest way to follow is if the dish should have it, they'll offer it. So if they don't, just leave it!

37. Korea: Lift Your Glass With Both Hands For An Elder To Fill

In Korean culture, respect for elders and adherence to traditional customs are deeply ingrained values that manifest in various aspects of daily life, including gestures as seemingly simple as handling a glass during a drink refill.

Image Source / Metro

If an older person in Korea offers you a drink or to refill your glass, hold the glass with both hands to lift for them to fill. It's a sign of respect in Korean culture and it's a very important cultural tradition. A lot of Koreans might find they automatically reach for things with both hands!

38. Korea: Turn Your Head Away To Sip

The act of turning one's head slightly away after receiving a drink or having a glass refilled by an elder is an additional gesture that reflects respect and humility. Once the elder has finished pouring the drink into the glass that you're holding with both hands, the customary practice is to turn the head slightly to the side before taking a small sip.

Image Source / Healthline

Another rule for this particular custom when showing respect for elders is, when they have finished pouring into the glass you're holding with both hands, to turn your head away and take a small sip with your head still turned.

39. Italy: Don't Mix Seafood And Cheese

The combination of seafood and cheese in Italian cuisine is often a contentious topic, especially among purists and locals. In many regions in Italy, the pairing of seafood with cheese is traditionally avoided due to the belief that these two flavors clash and may compromise the delicate taste of the seafood.

Image Source / Food Republic

If you're ordering a seafood dish, it's important not to be tempted to ask for cheese. It's actually seen as rude by locals, due to their belief that those two flavours just should not go together and fight against their individual flavours!

40. Egypt And Portugal: Don't Use Salt And Pepper

In various culinary cultures, including some in Europe and Asia, the act of reaching for salt and pepper before tasting the food is often perceived as more than just a seasoning preference—it can carry subtle implications about the chef's skills and the perceived flavoring of the dish.

Image Source / Wikipedia

For most people, reaching for the salt and pepper pots is just normality to start off a meal. But in both of these countries, it's actually a bit insulting to put salt and pepper on your food before eating it because it implies to the chef that you don't think their food is seasoned enough!

41. India: 'Thank You' Is Only For Formal Settings

The expression of gratitude and the use of "thank you" vary across cultures, reflecting different social norms and customs. In Western cultures, saying "thank you" for everyday courtesies and small gestures is a social norm deeply ingrained in daily interactions.

Image Source /

In Western culture, it can be seen extremely rude if you don't say thank you in everyday situations - such as someone holding the door for you, saying thank you to the person on the till or thanks to the post man. But in India, a 'thank you' should be reserved for only formal occasions.

42. Japan: Slurp Your Noodles

In Japanese dining culture, particularly when it comes to consuming noodles like ramen or udon, slurping is not only acceptable but can even be considered a positive and respectful practice. Far from being considered impolite or disruptive, slurping noodles in Japan is often seen as a sign of appreciation.

Image Source / Sky News

The idea of someone slurping their food can be a little cringey, but in Japan it isn't actually considered annoying. Slurping is a sign that you're very much enjoying your meal, so it's considered a compliment. Not only that, but apparently slurping can also better bring out the flavours in the noodles!

43. Italy: Don't Ask For Ketchup

In some culinary cultures, particularly in certain regions of Italy, the idea of pairing ketchup with French fries might raise a few eyebrows. The Italians, who take great pride in their fries, have their own set of preferred condiments and traditions when it comes to enjoying this beloved dish.

Image Source / FAIL Blog - Cheezburger

Sad news if you're ordering a big stack of French fries and usually have ketchup with them. In this country, you should never ask for ketchup, and you'll just have to resist the urge until you get back home and can go to the McDonald's drive thru!

44. Egypt: Don't Refill Your Own Glass

In Egyptian dining culture, there's a strong emphasis on communal sharing and mutual consideration during meals or social gatherings. The etiquette surrounding refilling glasses, particularly with water, reflects these values of hospitality and attentiveness to others' needs.Image Source / Science ABCNever reach for the water jug yourself if you need a refill in Egypt - always wait for someone else to do it for you. It's consider poor manners if you interrupt a meal or party to refill your glass. Usually the person next to you will offer to fill it for you, and likewise you keep an eye on their glass so you can offer to refill it for them, too.

45. France: Don't Offer To Split The Bill

Indeed, the practice of splitting the bill, which is quite common in some cultures, might not be as prevalent in France, particularly in certain dining situations. In France, the custom of "going Dutch" or dividing the bill equally among diners is not as widely practiced.

Image Source / Wini Moranville

Don't go to France if you don't have a lot of spare cash because you might end up footing the entire bill. This is because, if you eat out in France, it's actually considered as something 'not done' to split the bill with whoever you're eating with. You either need to pay the whole thing, or let someone else pay for the whole thing.

46. Italy: Don't Ask For Extra Things For Your Pizza

Ordering pizza in Italy often follows certain customs and expectations that differ from what some might be accustomed to in other parts of the world. When dining on traditional Italian pizza, particularly in more authentic pizzerias or establishments, it's generally preferred to enjoy the pizza as it's presented.

Image Source / Conde Nast Traveler

Some people might like a big dollop of garlic mayo for their takeout pizza, or maybe you want a big pile of extra cheese on top. All of this is a no-no if you've ordered pizza in Italy. Never ask for anything extra, including condiments, unless they're actually offered to you.

47. Japan: Don't Leave A Tip

Tipping practices can vary significantly between cultures and countries. In Japan, tipping is not considered a standard practice in many situations, and it's often perceived differently than in Western cultures. In fact, offering a tip in Japan can sometimes be seen as confusing or even awkward.


Some places, like America, expect a tip as a common custom. And in other areas of the world, it's a done thing, especially if you've received exceptional service. But in Japan, it isn't the case - and if you do try and tip someone, in some areas of Japan they may even reject it.

48. Italy: Don't Ask For Chicken With Pasta

In traditional Italian cuisine, the pairing of certain ingredients in pasta dishes is carefully considered to maintain a harmonious balance of flavors and textures. While chicken is a widely enjoyed protein in many cuisines, its incorporation into pasta dishes might not align...

Image Source / Simply Delicious

Most people would agree that chicken in pasta tastes amazing, and it's a great way to bump it up a bit and make it more filling. But apparently in Italy, it's a no-no to ask for chicken with your pasta. This is because the textures are believed to be too similar.

49. Japan And China: Use The Blunt End Of Chopsticks If Using Shared Dishes

In East Asian dining etiquette, particularly in Japan and China, when sharing dishes from communal plates, there are specific chopstick manners to observe that reflect cultural norms and hygiene practices. Using the blunt or thicker end of the chopsticks to pick food from shared plates is considered good etiquette.

Image Source / Facebook

It's a custom for plates of food to be shared around the table in Japan and China, but when doing this, it's important to use the blunt end of the chopsticks to pick from, and dip into, shared plates. You shouldn't use the pointed end, as it's the side that goes into your mouth.

50. Kazakhstan: A Full Cup Of Tea Can Be A Bad Sign

Indeed, in Kazakhstan, the way tea is served can carry subtle cultural nuances and meanings. When a cup of tea is presented only halfway filled, it's not a reflection of pessimism or any negative connotation but rather a customary practice deeply rooted in hospitality and social etiquette.

Image Source / The Sandy Feet

In Kazakhstan, it's more the 'done thing' to serve a cup of tea that's only filled halfway. This isn't anything to do with pessimism or optimism, of course. It's just a good sign and the normal thing. When a cup of tea is completely full, however, this can be a sign that the host would prefer it if you left!