1. The Foundational myth
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The origin myth of the Romans is an inspirational one. According to the legend, the empire's two founders, Remus and Romulus, founded the city that would later grow into one of history's greatest empires. Men fondly like the idea of humble beginnings, and the legends that define Rome exhibit this spirit.
2. The Roman Military organization
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The Romans were able to conquer vast nations and empires around them because of their unmatched military organization. While many kingdoms still fought in untamed bands, the Romans cultivated a strict discipline within their military. It is an admirable prospect for modern men who idolize order and discipline.
3. The glorification of hierarchy
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Some men believe that there is no order or motivation to succeed if there are no hierarchies in society. A society that defines men according to their ranks compels everyone to strive to improve. The Roman society was divided into different orders that had to be earned. The Patrician at the top is revered because his ascent over other men signifies his ingenuity.
4. Military victories

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Let’s admit it! Rome was deeply resented by other kingdoms and nations around them, especially after their steady rise. Many nations around them were equally harsh in battle and could not be underestimated. However, the Romans defeated all of them in legendary battles. They included Carthage, Greece, and the Gauls. Why would men not venerate these achievements?
5. Architectural prowess
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Majestic buildings inspire us. Looking at the remains of some of the greatest Colosseo, amphitheaters, and palaces dotted in what was Ancient Rome, we are mesmerized by the skill of those astute men. Rome was built to last. The concrete structures were built to withstand generations. It was an undying vision.
6. The Need for Athleticism
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For gym enthusiasts in the modern era, looking back at the accounts of the Roman Empire beams with pride. Toned bodies, agility, and skill were requirements to serve in the Roman legions. Achieving such fetes needed a man to shed off any thread of laziness, gluttony, and self-neglect – all of which are vices plaguing modern man.
7. Well-planned societies

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Cities in the Roman Empire were not like ours in the modern day. Every detail was taken into account to prevent disorder and maintain aesthetic attributes. Activities like agriculture were carried out solely in rural outlets. Cities with properly paved streets and attractive baths were set aside only for politics, art, and engineering.
8. Roman Roads
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It still baffles us how roads built thousands of years ago remain solid and durable. No repairs have ever been done in countries where Roman roads exist today. These roads were constructed by semi-skilled individuals who had no sophisticated training in Engineering. Compared to modern roads that are always getting repaired, you cannot help admiring the Romans.
9. Roman leaders
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Rome had a complicated history from its inception to its collapse. Different systems have been tried, each advantageous or impairing in its progress. But one thing that cannot be doubted is that Rome had a good share of admirable leaders. Men like Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Domitian, and Pompey remain icons of masculine glory.
10. An Abysmal history
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The Roman Empire is etched in our minds despite its collapse after centuries because it remains an inalienable link in the history of other nations. The deals, the politics, and the battles that involved the Roman Empire affected a gigantic era of recorded history. And how fascinating were all the events that unfolded!
11. The Gladiators
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The Gladiators were Rome entertainers known for their unmatched bravery. They are an encapsulation of masculine strength. Although they are criticized for their savagery, the spirit that propels the Gladiators reminds man of his determination to survive by all means possible.
12. An American inspiration
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The American nation was founded in 1776 after the Declaration of Independence. The Roman Empire inspired the new republic, adopting its democratic organs and architectural forms. The Capitol was built to commemorate a Roman temple, and the adoption of senators was passed down from Rome.
13. A garden of culture
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The culture in Rome was primarily driven by duty. Families and societies prospered because everyone knew their role and did it with spirited enthusiasm. Abdication of responsibility was highly admonished, and every man’s ambition was to conserve culture. This was the ineradicable wisdom that helped them trample over their foes.
14. Impeccable law
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The Roman legal system was strict and procedural. Most of the legislated laws were called the 'Jus Civile.' Another form of law called 'Jus Gentium' was developed by reigning administrators to provide justice to other people in the empire. Let us remember the 'Pax Romana,' a period of peace and order in the empire.
15. The principle of integration

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The Romans had no problem with conquered people joining their ranks of service. It was expected to find non-Romans serving in the military, and promotion was based on merit alone. Overlooking national interests helped the empire starve rebellious tendencies. Petty discrimination only serves to distract men from expressing their exceptional abilities.
16. The Roman sewerage and water system

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The Romans were pioneers of a water and sewerage system that inspired the modern system. They built aqueducts throughout the Empire to direct water from its sources into the cities. This water was then used for sanitary purposes. No other Empire in the world had such insight. It only makes modern men awe at the Empire's genius.
17. Elegant dressing
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The Romans had a unique dressing style that made them appear imperious to their neighbors. Men wore a 'toga' to signify Patrician pride, and women wore elegant silk cloaks that made them look graceful. Roman soldiers dressed in attractive armor and helmets. It is impossible to think about the Roman Empire without admiring the allure of their fashion.
18. Honor and strength
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In Rome, purposeful life was defined by virtues such as honor and bravery. Every man was expected to embrace these virtues in everything he did. An honorable man was expected to dispense justice accordingly, revere deities, uphold family sanctity, and respect his ancestors. These are values modern men wish to replicate in the wake of nihilism.
19. The Spirit of improvement
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Much of the Roman culture was influenced by earlier civilizations like the Greeks. Being open-minded in their approach to new ideas helped them foster sound preconceived systems and improve them. Everything from architecture to governance was an improvement of inventions from other states.
20. A bastion of civilization

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The Romans could encapsulate many inventions, systems, and ideas not shared elsewhere. Despite being a formidable and tough civilization, they had an air of civility in handling their affairs. It was the perfect balance. Men like to be tough but also level-headed in dealing with others.
21. Impressive battle tactics

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The Tortoise formation is a legendary battle technique popular with the Romans. This defensive movement helped them to repel enemy archers’ damage while charging. The Romans loved square formations that were difficult to break. Other generals used the Wedge formation, which made enemy close combat difficult.
22. The rights and liberties of a citizen
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The Roman statutes protected everyone who was a citizen of Rome despite ethnic orientation. Being a Roman citizen guaranteed a free and fair trial, participation in voting, and even dignified treatment before authorities. This was a progressive idea in a period when littlecivil liberties existed.
23. Don’t intrude too much
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The Romans gained immense prosperity because they did not assimilate the conquered nations. They were a proud lot, and sharing their culture and religion was not part of their operation. The Empire let everyone maintain their beliefs and customs as long as they did not endanger the emperor's sovereignty.
24. A rewarding service

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The Roman Empire appreciated the role of every structure in its success. Everyone was allowed to progress without hindrance, from the soldiers to the farmers. Retired soldiers were awarded land to settle in at the end of military service. Unlike in the modern world, military veterans are abandoned in destitution.
25. Video games
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Video games like 'Rome: Total War' and 'Praetorians' are some of the most famous creations set in the Roman Empire. Most of these games involve organization and strategy. Men love these games because it allows them to utilize their mental abilities to manipulate events and win victories.
26. Film flicks
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Movies have a way of influencing our perceptions of historical events. Watching films set in the Roman Empire, such as ‘Gladiator (2000)’, ‘Pompeii (2014)’, and ‘Centurion (2010)’ gives us an adventurous outlook of the empire. The fight scenes, the dialogues, and the specter express an admirable image that men can resonate with.
27. Latin is cool

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Thanks to the Catholic church, Latin survived the fall of the Roman Empire. And let’s face it! It is an excellent language. Latin is the parent language of French, Spanish, Italian, and other Basque languages and remains ingrained in legal vocabulary and scientific nomenclature. Why, then, shouldn’t we think about the Roman Empire?
28. Eminent poetry
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There is something ethereal in Roman poetry. When reading famous poems dating back to the Roman empire, such as 'The Aeneid' or 'Metamorphosis,' you cannot help but admire the stylistics employed. Our quotes are full of wisdom ingrained in the poems of Ovid, Lucretius, and Virgil.
29. Stoicism
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In the modern world, difficult moments require a tough mindset. One of the Greco-Roman philosophies that appeal to men today is Stoicism. Developed by a Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, Stoicism educates men to persevere against nature's vagaries. It is a beloved philosophy that empowers men to overcome their weaknesses.
30. A lasting legacy
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All of us desire to leave something behind us when we pass away. Rome had such a vision. Despite its eventual collapse, the Empire's name lives on. The Empire changed the trajectory of world history, realities that still exist. Did you know that the calendar and the days of the week were passed down from the Roman Empire?