
Image Source: Reddit
Trust the French to have some of the fanciest looking wedding cakes about right? These boujee looking towers are known as croquembouche and they come in a whole different range of shapes and sizes, and not just that but flavours and colours too. They're made up of a load of choux pastry balls that are filled with cream and stacked using a caramel. They might then be drizzled with a whole range of flavours too.
Macaron Tower

Image Source: Reddit
Evidently, over in Europe they're fans of some slightly different versions of wedding cakes as they like to create these macaron towers in Italy. They don't always look this colour, but they often ensure that the macarons match the colours of the theme of the wedding or the bride's bouquet. Each macaron can be a whole range of different flavours if they like too!
Cheese Cake

Image Source: Reddit
Across Europe, many brides and grooms actually choose to not have any form of sweet cakes at all for their wedding cake, instead choosing to slice wheel upon wheel of cheese instead. It might not be so popular with guests but they can be made to look exactly the same as cakes and they are often decorated with flowers, grapes and apples to accompany them. Would you take a bite?

Image Source: Reddit
Not to be confused with the cheese cake I just mentioned before, this is your traditional cheesecake. You will have had some of these before probably, although a wedding cheesecake will probably taste better than the run of the mill one you might come across at the cheesecake factory. The mascarpone cheese can be mixed with a whole range of toppings to suit the flavour the bride and groom would want.

Image Source: Reddit
Yep, another pyramid (kind of) wedding cake from Europe, this time a popular choice over in the Nordic country of Denmark. These ones are a lot different than the others, they are made from baked almond paste rings that are layered on top of each other and then decorated with any form of icing that the bride and groom would prefer. It's great with a cup of coffee (an Irish one at a wedding maybe).
Bundt Cake

Image Source: Reddit
Although this wedding cake actually originated in Europe, it's become incredibly popular over here in the US too, have you ever seen one of these at a wedding you've been too? It's shaped kind of like a doughnut and they can come singular or in tiers, usually with each tier a different flavour than the next. And as with (mostly) all wedding cakes, they can be decorated with some icing.
Doughnut Tower

Image Source: Reddit
For those brides and grooms who aren't so much a fan of a traditional wedding cake, or cakes in general for that matter then they might choose to create a tower of doughnuts instead. This is popular here in the US (of course it is) and they can be served as the picture shows, or in some cases they might just tower them atop each other. I don't think they'd get any Dunkin Donuts though!
Naked Cake

Image Source: Reddit
So the image above actually shows a semi-naked cake, but you'll probably get the gist of things. A naked cake is essentially your traditional tiered wedding cake made to whatever flavour you like, but they actually don't cover it with a thick layer of icing or buttercream. Instead the cake will look as the flavour does, with all of the insides oozing out on show for everyone to see.
Iced Fruit Cake

Image Source: Reddit
This is perhaps the most traditional of wedding cakes in Britain and other countries of a similar ideology. The actual cake itself consists of a number of tiers of fruitcake which is then covered in layers of marzipan. However, as the world moves further onwards, people are becoming less excited by the tradition and instead choosing to try something different instead. I wouldn't want fruit on my wedding cake!

Image Source: Reddit
It turns out it isn't just macaron towers that they get made for weddings in Italy, but also these very un-wedding looking cakes known as millefoglie. This is actually the more traditional Italian cake of choice an is actually a low-tiered cake made up of hundreds and hundreds of layers of puff pastry with a layer of cream and fresh fruit between them. They're even creamed on top of sometimes too!
Tres Leches Cake

Image Source: Reddit
Although the tres leches cakes in the image above appear bright blue and white, they're actually hiding a delicious trio flavourful delights. If you're clued up on your Spanish then you'll realise the name of this dessert translates to three milks. That's because during the process of making the cakes, condensed milk, evaporated milk and heavy cream are all included in the recipe.
Jamaican Rum Cake

Image Source: Jamaican Foods and Recipes
If you're looking to get your drink on at your wedding then why not choose to have one of these Jamaican rum cakes at your wedding? It might look a little plain but its made from macerated cherries and other fruits before being soaked in rum following its bake. If you want to make it a little more wedding friendly then you could ice it and decorate it to your delight. And as the name suggests, yes its very popular in Jamaica.
Korean Rice Cakes

Image Source: Pinterest
Over in Korea, rice is obviously a staple ingredient and one that they take extremely important, even when it comes to making a good dessert. Rice cakes are some of the most traditional wedding desserts over there and they can be made into cupcake form, or in the case of the cake above a big dessert. Rice and sugar coloured probably makes a pretty decent dessert right? Like a structured rice pudding.

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Although this traditional Greek wedding dessert looks pretty similar to a traditional tiered cake in the US, it's actually made differently. The sponge is made using a semolina flour and is flavoured using a range of citrus zests and syrups. Although they are often found separately in shops, at weddings they tend to be stacked on top of each other and decorated to suit the wedding.
Kek Lapis

Image Source: Reddit
Yeah, these are definitely the most colourful cakes you'll probably come across at any wedding right? They are known as Kek Lapis and are a traditional wedding dessert in Indonesia. Otherwise known as the thousand layer cake its made of a boatload of separate thin cake layers and mixed with bunch of asian spices too. You can even colour them to match the wedding theme!

Image Source: Reddit
When I first spotted this wedding dessert I was completely confused as to what I was looking at, but its known as a sakotis and is the traditional wedding cake in Lithuania. If you're wondering why it looks so spiky, that's because its actually made by rotating batter on a spike over a spit, just like you might with a big chunk of meat! They then cover it in the choice of topping for the wedding.

Image Source: insureandgo
This is another popular Nordic wedding cake, this time in Norway. Although they look like other tiered cakes they are actually made from layers of bread! This might not sound so appealing, but they are then smothered in a range of sweet ingredients like cream cheese, different forms of cream and syrups. All of which makes for a pretty delicious sounding wedding cake.

Image Source: Suburban Grandma
These little cakes are very popular in traditional Slavic countries like Ukraine and each indidvual section is known to be made for a specific purpose. As you can see, its made pretty much like a sponge cake, although it has some fancy decorations upon the outside layer. It's believed that the bottom layer, the one cut for the guests will give them all good luck in the future.
Caribbean Cakes

Image Source: Weddingetc
These pretty fancy looking cakes are extremely popular over in the Caribbean, particularly the country of Bermuda. The cakes are made individually for each member of the couple; the gold one is made for the groom whilst the silver one is made for the bride. They are then topped with a sapling and some other plants as a way to represent their future undying love for one another.
St Honore Cake

Image Source: Cedric Grolet
This massive version of a St Honore cake was made for a very fancy French wedding a couple of years back. It's quite a complicated dessert to perfect and it's made with a puff pastry base, a ring of choux pastry filled with cream (kind of like the croquembouche) and then a whole other range of cream based pastries on top. This one was then decorate with icing and some extra choux balls on top!
Pavlova Cake

Image Source: Reddit
These pavlova cakes can be made to a whole range of sizes and are particularly popular over in New Zealand. If you haven't had a Pavlova before, they're actually made of meringue and it can be cooked in a number of ways, most traditionally using a torch to flame the outside of the meringue. And of course, keeping with the tradition of New Zealand they like to cover them in Kiwis and other fruits.
Princess Cake

Image Source: Vogue
This is the traditional princess cake which is actually originally the traditional type of cake made in yet another Nordic country, Sweden. They're a torte, made up of a few tiers of sponge cake and covered with a pastry cream. Sounds pretty fancy already right? Well they look even better when they've been decorated with roses and these days even a 3-D printing of the special couple.
Chandelier Cake

Image Source: Cake Geek Magazine
You wouldn't be blamed for wondering what on earth it is you're looking at, but an LA baker managed to create this cake masterpiece for a celebrity wedding. Her cakes are all meant to be surreal, and this one actually attached to the chandelier under which Kaley Cuoco (of Big Bang Theory fame) had her first dance after her marriage. Who on earth came up with that idea??
The Royal Wedding Cake

Image Source: Steven Stone Jewellers
If you're thinking that this cake looks like the fanciest wedding cake you've ever seen, then you're probably not far from being wrong. This is actually the amazing EIGHT TIERED cake that was made by the royal baker to honour the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton back in 2011. Can you believe that it actually weighed nearly 250lb when it was finally finished!
Million Dollar Cake

Image Source: Oddity Central
It amazes me how some people come up with their ideas for these wedding cakes, but this female you see is actually a fully edible wedding cake bridal mannequin! It was actually prepared by a fashion designer and the reason it was called the million dollar cake had very little to do with the actual taste of the cake. Instead it was covered in white diamonds that boosted the price.
Bastien Blanc-Taileur

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If you haven't heard of Bastien's cakes before then you might want to go and give them a browse! He makes some of the most extravagant and insane looking wedding cakes (and normal) that you'll ever see! Each and every cake is hand sculpted using sugar icing to create artistic masterpieces that even the most talented of artists would be proud of! It'd probably set you back the whole of your budget though!
LeNovelle Cakes

Image Source: Oddity Central
LeNovelle are actually a company in Indonesia that specialise in creating some of the most crazy wedding cakes that you'll ever see. The one you see above is perhaps their most adventurous example and shows a fully sculpted cathedral that's completely detailed from intricate additional sculptures to amazing architectural accuracy. How long must that have taken them?
Tortik Annushka

Image Source: Awesomebyte
If you want to set your sights on some of the craziest cakes you've ever seen then you need to take a look on the website or Instagram page of Tortik Annushka. She's one of the most decorated wedding cake designers out there and not only do they taste delicious, but each of them are actually made to signify a separate section of the future. Where does this one take you?
Tarte Tropezienne

Image Source: Albion Parties
When you hear the word tart, this probably isn't what first comes to your mind is it? These are the traditional cakes found at weddings in the tropical island of St Tropez. It's essentially two brioche sponges covered in a set sugar substance and then sprinkled with more sugar. The inside is smothered in Madame cream (look it up!) and can be tiered to make the perfect wedding cake.
Tilted Wedding Cake

Image Source: Delish
This wedding cake gives me some sort of anxiety, its made to appear almost like the leaning tower of Pisa; but it's obviously made to be structurally sound. I can imagine if the wedding guests had a couple of alcoholic beverages then they might become a little confused too! Either way, it does look pretty snazzy and its decorated (ALL SIX TIERS) perfectly for a wedding.