Welcome, curious wanderers and unwitting adventurers, to the intriguing world of foliage that harbors not just beauty, but also danger! In the lush expanse of nature's canvas, where trees stand tall like guardians of the earth, lies a realm of botanical bandits - trees whose touch could send you on an unexpected trip to the danger zone. Brace yourselves as we unveil the secrets of the arboreal underworld, exploring the most treacherous, the most sinister, and the most menacing trees!
1. The Little Apple Of Death (Manchineel Tree)
Ah, picture-perfect Caribbean beaches, where the sun paints the sky in hues of gold and turquoise waves whisper secrets to the shore. Amidst this paradise, seek refuge under the sprawling canopy of a tree to escape the sun's relentless rays. But hold on!

Image source: Reddit
If you’re lucky enough to be relaxing on the beaches of the Caribbean, you might want to get some shade from the sun by sitting under a tree but beware! If you notice any that are marked with red bands, run away as fast as you can. These are Manchineel trees and one of the most toxic in the whole world.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Namibian Bottle Tree
Imagine the rugged and majestic landscape of the Etendeka plateau in northeastern Namibia, where nature's tapestry weaves tales of resilience and survival. Here, nestled among the basalt slopes, stands an enigmatic and peculiar resident—the Welwitschia mirabilis.

Image source: World Trees
This tree is common in the Etendeka plateau of NE Namibia, where it grows in the basalt slopes. It is shaped like a bottle so it can hold water for the tree. However, the water is very poisonous and fatal to both animals and humans. Hunters use the water for hunting game.
3. Eastern Cottonwood Tree
In the serene lowland areas and alongside tranquil streams, the Eastern Cottonwood stands as a testament to nature's remarkable paradox. Majestic and towering, this arboreal giant reaches for the skies, reaching heights that crown it as a verdant monarch, soaring up to a staggering 100 feet. Its grandeur commands attention, a symbol of strength and resilience in its habitat

Image source: Purdue Fort Wayne
Eastern Cottonwood is a large tree with deep roots and weak wood. It can be found in lowland areas and by streams, allowing it to grow very fast, up to 100 feet high. It looks impressive but don't go near it as the weak wood could easily break off, when touched, posing a danger to anyone nearby.
4. Suicide Tree
The foreboding moniker of this arboreal enigma, known ominously as the "Suicide Tree" or "Homicide Tree," serves as an unsettling beacon, warning all who dare to tread near its alluring facade. Its innocent visage, adorned with lush green foliage and delicate white flowers, creates a picturesque illusion.

Image source: Suicide
The name should be a strong hint that the tree is one of those that could kill you instantly! It is known as a murder weapon because people have used the tree to poison someone or commit suicide. The tree has beautiful green leaves and white flowers so doesn't look daunting but don't be fooled.
5. The Sandbox Tree
In the midst of tropical realms, where lush foliage and vibrant life thrive, the Sandbox tree stands as an arboreal anomaly, earning its ominous nickname—the "Dynamite Tree." Nature's inventor of explosive surprises, this peculiar specimen holds within its boughs a mechanism of botanical warfare, where its oversized pods orchestrate explosive performances, raining down bulky seeds at treacherous velocities.

Image source: Reddit
The Sandbox tree is also referred to as the dynamite tree because its large pods regularly explode and drop bulky seeds at high speed. Because the trees can be 200 feet high, this makes the dropping seeds dangerous to anything below. This weird tree has spikes all around the trunk and they produce a poisonous sap.
6. The Milky Mangrove
The ethereal beauty of tropical coastlines conceals a botanical menace—the Milky Mangrove. This enigmatic tree, a resident of these paradisiacal shores, hides a toxic secret within its alluring facade. A mere scratch or incision upon its surface releases a treacherous milky sap, a venomous elixir that transforms a tranquil scene into a perilous encounter.

Image source: iNaturalist
The Milky Mangrove is a tree that grows mainly on tropical coastlines. It has a toxic composition that is dangerous to living organisms including humans. If any part of the tree is cut or scratched, a milky sap is released, causing blisters and swelling if it touches human skin.
7. Poison Sumac
In the secret, waterlogged realms of peat bogs and swamps, a sinister native lurks—the Poison Sumac. Thriving exclusively in the sodden embrace of these marshy landscapes, this malevolent plant conceals its toxicity within every fiber and leaf, weaving a tale of danger for those who dare to cross its path.

Image source: Zaine
Poison sumac is a native plant that grows exclusively in extremely wet or flooded soils, usually in peat bogs and swamps. The plant is poisonous all over as each part of it contains an oil which leaves skin inflamed. A rash then develops, followed by nasty blisters.
8. The Angel’s Trumpet
In the lush tapestry of South America, nestled among its verdant landscapes, resides a bewitching yet perilous botanical resident—the Angel's Trumpet. Despite its stature as a diminutive tree, this enchanting specimen boasts majestic, pendulous flowers that dangle like ephemeral chandeliers, captivating unsuspecting admirers with their alluring beauty.

Image source: Reddit
The Angel’s Trumpet is only a small tree although it has large pendulous flowers. It is native to South America and every single part of the plant is toxic. Consumption of any part of the plant could lead to devastating symptoms such as memory loss, hallucinations, paralysis - and death!
9. Bunya Pine Tree
In the realms where giants soar toward the heavens, the Bunya Pine stands tall, a colossus among its verdant peers, reaching for the sky at towering heights that kiss nearly 148 feet. Yet, within this arboreal kingdom, danger descends not from the tree itself, but from its formidable and treacherous reproductive artillery—the gargantuan, spiky pine cones.

Image source: Transition Australia
Bunya Pine trees grow very tall, reaching around 148 feet. The danger from the tree comes from the spiky pine cones that are absolutely gigantic and fall from the tree for reproduction. Get hit on the head from one of these and you would be knocked unconscious or worse, killed.
10. Strychnine Tree
In the vibrant landscapes of India and Southeast Asia resides an arboreal specter—the Strychnine tree. Amidst the lush foliage of these regions, this seemingly innocuous tree conceals a deadly secret within its very essence, producing a chemical with a reputation so malevolent that it has been employed as a sinister tool of murder for both animals and humans alike.

Image source: Dilmah Conservation
The Strychnine tree is native to India and Southeast Asia. The deadly tree produces a strychnine chemical which has been used as a chemical murder weapon for animals and humans. The poison is found in the seeds and can cause dizziness, muscle cramping and even paralysis.
11. Gympie-Gympie
In the verdant wilds of Australia, amidst the emerald expanse, lurks a botanical menace shrouded in deceptive beauty—the Gympie-Gympie. This botanical aberration, resembling an innocuous plant at first glance, conceals within its seemingly benign foliage a venomous arsenal that transforms any encounter into a perilous dance with excruciating consequences.

Image source: ZME Science
Gympie-Gympie is a deadly version of the stinging nettle that has stinging vegetation full of toxic chemicals. These chemicals are fatal to humans and any contact with the plant could lead to major discomfort or, worse case, death. The plant has a similar effect on large animals.
12. Castor Beans Tree
The unassuming Castor Beans tree, a common sight along cultivated field edges and serene river banks in North America, boasts a dual nature—a humble source of potential healing and, paradoxically, a harbinger of lethal danger.

Image source: North Carolina Extension
The Castor Beans tree is used to make castor oil. It grows along cultivated field edges and river banks in North America and parts of the southern and eastern America. Eating a castor bean will kill you. Castor oil is used for medicinal purposes, when the toxins are removed during processing.
13. Wild Cherry Tree
In the tranquil landscape where Wild Cherry trees grace fence lines and paint picturesque scenes, an unexpected danger lurks beneath their seemingly benign allure. Under ordinary circumstances, these arboreal companions stand as unassuming sentinels.

Image source: Wild Food UK
Wild Cherry trees are often used along fence lines and are harmless under normal circumstances. However, stressful conditions such as storms, can cause wilting which breaks down the glycosides found in the leaves. A toxic component is released and is fatal if consumed.
14. Laburnum
In the canvas of nature's vibrant tapestry, the Laburnum tree stands as an enchanting presence, adorned with cascades of golden chains or rain-like clusters that lend it its poetic namesake. However, within this captivating allure lies a perilous secret—a toxic legacy that poses a grave danger, especially to the unsuspecting curiosity of young children.

Image source: Flowering World
Often called golden chain or golden rain, the laburnum is extremely poisonous. The pea-like seeds are attractive to young children but, if ingested, they can cause nausea and vomiting. If more than 15 seeds are consumed, this could be lethal and cause deaths.
15. Poison Oak Tree
In the enchanting landscapes of Western North America, the Poison Oak emerges as a ubiquitous shrub, weaving its way through the tapestry of nature's canvas. Although not a towering arboreal entity, its presence around and upon trees adds an intriguing layer to the forest's allure.

Image source: Nature Collective
Poison Oak is a common shrub in Western North America and sprouts white flowers during the spring. Whilst it is not an actual tree, it does grows around and on trees. The plant oozes an oil called urushiol and this can cause blistering and swelling in some individuals.
16. European Yew Tree
In the tranquil domain of the Yew tree, a delicate balance between beauty and danger unfolds. Every part of this tree, save for one, contains a perilous substance—taxin—a potent toxin capable of unleashing havoc upon the human body. Within its branches and leaves lies a malevolent secret, a grim reminder of the tree's hidden dangers.

Image source: Romania Insider
All parts of this tree, including the leaves and seeds, contain a deadly substance, taxin. The only edible part is the red berry part that keeps the seeds of the yew. Consuming the seeds will lead to vomiting and an upset stomach, together with dizziness and possible blurred vision.
17. Horse Chestnut Tree
In the picturesque landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, the Horse Chestnut tree stands as a majestic sentinel, enchanting onlookers with its resplendent and captivating flowers. Amidst its aesthetic appeal and the array of health benefits it offers to humanity, lies a treacherous caveat—a stern warning against the consumption of its seeds in their raw form.

Image source: Dr Joe
The Horse Chestnut tree has been cultivated in the Pacific Northwest and displays beautiful flowers. because of the beautiful flowers it displays. Whilst it provides a variety of health benefits to humans, the seeds must not be eaten raw, If they are, the symptoms include vomiting, extreme thirst and paralysis.
18. Deadly Nightshade
In the shadowy corners of the botanical world, the Deadly Nightshade lurks, a sinister presence embodying the ominous implications of its name. Despite its intriguing appearance with black cherry-like fruits, this plant conceals within its enticing facade a venomous secret that renders it a menacing threat to human health.

Image source: Imbius
The Deadly Nightshade is as described in its name, a deadly plant. It has black cherry-like fruits that are not for human consumption as they contain a deadly poison which could cause severe health conditions. These include gastrointestinal disorders and cardiovascular disease.
19. Water Hemlock
In the quiet corners of North America, the Water Hemlock stands as a menacing specter, an embodiment of sheer toxicity that shrouds its seemingly innocuous appearance. Bearing a close relation to the infamous poison hemlock, the plant that tragically claimed the life of the philosopher Socrates.

Image source: Delaware News
The stem of the poisonous hemlock plant has purple spots and is closely related to poison hemlock (the plant that killed Socrates), Water hemlock is thought to be
"the most violently toxic plant in North America." It can rapidly generate potential fatal symptoms in anyone who eats it. Convulsions, abdominal cramps and nausea are the mild symptoms it produces!
20. Oleander
In the idyllic landscapes where the Oleander blooms, its ornate presence masks a chilling reality—a treacherous concoction of lethal compounds that renders every part of this seemingly beautiful plant a deadly menace. Despite its common use as a decorative hedge, Oleander's allure conceals a sinister secret within its elegant foliage and vibrant flowers.

Image source: Living Color
Although Oleander is commonly grown as a hedge and ornamental, all parts of this plant are deadly, containing lethal cardiac glycosides known as oleandrin and neriine. If swallowed, Oleander can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, cause falling into a coma and death.
21. Tobacco Plant
The tobacco plant, paradoxically celebrated for its widespread cultivation and notorious for its lethal contents, stands as a ubiquitous yet perilous presence in the world of non-food commercial crops. From its leaves to every minute corner, this plant harbors a sinister concoction of toxic alkaloids—nicotine and anabasine—that bear the potential to transform into agents of fatality.

Image source: Red Vape
This the most widely grown commercial non-food plant. All parts of the plant, predominantly its leaves, contain the toxic alkaloids that are nicotine and anabasine and can be fatal if eaten. Tobacco use causes more than 5 million deaths every year, on that basis making it the most deadly plant in the world.
22. Foxglove
The presence of cardiac glycosides within this particular plant creates a silent yet potent threat, shrouding its allure with a veil of danger. Every part of this botanical enigma, particularly its leaves, becomes a reservoir of toxic compounds capable of triggering a harrowing cascade of symptoms upon consumption.

Image source: The Spruce
This plant contain toxic cardiac glycosides. Consuming any parts of the plant, especially the leaves, can result in severe poisoning. Symptoms include headache, nausea, skin irritation and diarrhoea. In more severe cases, it can lead to visual and perceptual disturbances as well as heart and kidney problems.
23. White Snakeroot
In the serene expanse of North America, the White Snakeroot emerges as an unassuming herb, yet harboring a perilous secret within its unpretentious leaves and stems. Concealed within this unassuming herb lies a toxic alcohol known as tremetol, a malevolent presence that sets the stage for an insidious form of poisoning—one that unfolds through an unexpected avenue.

Image source: Indiana News
White snakeroot is a North American herb that contains a toxic alcohol known as trematol. Unlike those who have died from directly from ingesting deadly plants, if you drink milk from a cow that has grazed on the plant, the animal can pass the toxins on to you.
24. Rosary Pea Plant
The Rosary Pea plant, an invasive interloper in the American landscape, traces its origins to the vibrant tapestry of India. With its striking appearance—black and red seeds that gleam like polished jewels—this plant becomes a deceptive temptress, masking a sinister reality beneath its captivating facade.

Image source: The Independent
Rosary Pea plant is an invasive weed that grows in the US but originated in India. It has beautiful black and red seeds that are uniformly sized - but don't be fooled! The seeds are highly toxic and even one single seed can kill. The symptoms experienced from consumption include headaches, hallucinations, a fast heart rate and organ failure.
25. Autumn Crocus
The Autumn Crocus, with its delicate and vibrant appearance, belies the treacherous reality that lurks within its captivating blooms. Beyond its enchanting facade, this flower harbors a cocktail of toxins that, if consumed, unfurl a grim tapestry of afflictions—rendering it a dire threat to unwitting foragers.

Image source: Diggidog
The Autumn Crocus, if consumed, can cause burning of the mouth and throat, vomiting, diarrhoea, liver and kidney issues, nerve problems, organ failure and death. There have been reports of poisoning when this plant was eaten in error, when it was mistaken for either onions, wild garlic or wild leeks.
26. Monkshood
Ah, the notorious Adam and Eve plant, shrouded in mystique with its towering spikes adorned in bloom from June to September. Despite its alluring presence and the intriguing moniker it bears, this plant conceals a perilous secret within every fiber of its being.

Image source: Reddit
Also known as Adam and Eve, its flowers grow on tall spikes that bloom between June and September. All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the roots. If ingested, it can cause severe stomach pain and dizziness. The poison can also affect the heart and cause death.
27. Poison Ivy
The cautionary maxim "leaves of three, let it be" stands as a poignant reminder ingrained in our consciousness, a shield against the infamous wrath of the Poison Ivy plant. This unassuming yet notorious plant bears the potential to unleash a tormenting cascade of afflictions upon the unsuspecting individual who dares to cross paths with its leaves.

Image source: Health eNews
You’ve probably heard the old saying, “
leaves of three, let it be.” This brief warning is intended to stop you from touching or brushing against the poison ivy plant. The reason for this warning is that it can cause a blistery, itchy rash all over the body which can weep and leave scarring.
28. True Lily
Ah, the deceptive danger that lurks within the graceful allure of popular flowers— a perilous threat especially for our feline companions. Within this seemingly innocent flora resides a toxicity that spells potential tragedy for our beloved cats, encompassing every part of the plant, from petal to stem, from pollen to leaves, and even the water in the vase where these blooms grace their arrangement.

Image source: Reddit
These popular flowers are extremely unsafe for cats. All parts of the plant are toxic, so that is the flower, stem, pollen and leaves. It includes water from the vase where the flowers are arranged. If ingested, cats can suffer from fatal kidney failure. For dogs who eat them, they may develop mild stomach symptoms.
29. Pokeweed
Ah, the enigmatic presence of Pokeweed— a towering figure amidst the eastern landscapes of the United States, adorning the waysides, pastures, and woodland fringes with its striking visage. Its large, lance-shaped leaves unfurl majestically, complemented by the long, crimson-purple stems that reach skyward.

Image source: Reddit
Native to the eastern United States, Pokeweed is best known for its large lance-shaped leaves, long red-purple stems, up to 10 feet high and it's dark purple berries which grow in a grape-like cluster. It is often found by roadsides, in pastures and along the border of woods. The raw berries and the roots are poisonous.
30. Avoiding Poisonous Trees And Plants
Recognizing poisonous trees and plants is paramount to safeguarding yourself, your loved ones, and your pets from potential harm. Education becomes the cornerstone of protection—an understanding of the distinctive features and identifying markers of these toxic flora serves as a crucial first line of defense.

Image source: Science Alert
The first step to avoiding poisonous trees and plants is to learn to recognize them. Once you do that, the next step is to keep your family and pets away from any toxic plants or trees. It goes without saying that you should avoid eating any of the seeds or berries, no matter how tempting they appear.
31. The Most Dangerous Fruits In The World: Yellow Star Fruit
The yellow star fruit, with its exotic appearance and tempting allure, carries an unsuspected danger for individuals grappling with kidney issues. While seemingly innocuous for most, this fruit harbors a perilous secret that unfurls into a potentially fatal threat for those with compromised kidney function.
image source: reddit.com
The yellow star fruit may look pretty and innocent, and for the most part it is - unless you have kidney problems. The star fruit is a dangerous fruit if you're suffering with weak kidneys, because it could actually cause kidney stones or - worse - seizures and death if you eat loads of it.
32. Ackee Fruit
The Jamaican ackee fruit, renowned for its delectable taste and unique flavor profile, harbors an inherent danger that demands utmost care and precision in its preparation. This tropical delicacy presents a paradox—an exquisite delight when savored correctly, yet a potential source of grave illness or even fatality when mishandled.
image source: reddit.com
The danger of this Jamaican fruit comes from failing to prepare and eat it properly. If you do everything by the book, you can enjoy this delicious fruit - if you make a mistake, you're likely to suffer from Jamaican Vomiting Sickness, which is a condition that could put you in a coma - or even kill you.
33. Elderberries
The elderberry plant embodies a paradox—a source of both potential peril and culinary delight, dependent entirely on meticulous preparation. Within this plant, a dangerous dichotomy emerges: while the majority of its components—stem, leaves, seeds, and roots—harbor a potent toxicity.
image source: reddit.com
The majority of an elderberry plant is very dangerous - this includes the stem, leaves, seeds and roots. It's a poisonous plant that can lead to cyanide build up in the body, that can result in serious health repercussions, a coma or even death. The elderberry itself is safe if the poisonous seeds are removed and if it's prepared properly! But only if!
34. Apricot Kernels
Nestled within the pit of the apricot lies a potential peril—its kernels, a source of both caution and concern. While apricots themselves stand as delectable and nutritious fruits, their kernels harbor a dangerous secret akin to elderberries: the propensity to induce cyanide build-up in the body.

image source: globalnews.com
These kernels are found in the pit of an apricot, and although apricots themselves are very tasty and nutritious, you need to watch out for those kernels. Just like elderberries, apricot kernels can lead to a build up of cyanide in the body. In very high doses, they're therefore poisonous.
35. Manchineel
The danger posed by the manchineel tree doesn't solely lie in its poisonous sap or the toxins within its bark and leaves. Even the seemingly innocent fruit that adorns its branches, known as the manchineel apple, harbors a perilous threat.

image source: reddit.com
We've already mentioned how dangerous the manchineel tree is - but so is the fruit that grows on it! Even just one bite of the manchineel apple can cause vomiting, damage to your digestive tract and result in death. That means being anywhere near this tree puts you at risk of both the tree and the fruit itself!
36. European Spindle
The European Spindle tree, with its dazzling display of bright pink pods adorning its branches during the fall, presents a deceptive allure—a vibrant facade concealing a deadly peril within. While these pods captivate the eye with their vivid hue, they harbor a sinister secret.

image source: reddit.com
The European Spindle tree gives off these bright pink pods during the fall season. But just as we know the brightest animals are the most poisonous, these pink fruit pods are highly poisonous, too. If eaten, the pods can cause vomiting, hallucinations, dizziness, kidney failure and - you guessed it - death.
37. Pangium Edule Fruit
The pangium edule plant, adorned with fruit that stands as a testament to nature's paradox—a large, unappealing creation that conceals a perilous secret within its unassuming appearance. While its fruit may hold an unappetizing allure, resembling a less-than-inviting specimen.
image source: robbreport.com
Apart from looking like the most unappetising fruit on the planet, the fruit from the pangium edule plant is large, brown and very dangerous. The seeds, as well as the leaves of the tree, can result in sleepiness, delirium and eventual death due to the poison it contains.
38. Jatropha
The ubiquitous nature of this fruit spans across the globe, yet it's the Indian variant that harbors a notorious reputation for its perilous seeds. Within this widespread fruit lies a hidden danger—its seeds contain a potent toxin known as ricin, unleashing a sequence of afflictions that strike at the very core of health.
image source: reddit.com
You can actually find this fruit all over the world, but it's the Indian version in particular that's been known to be quite dangerous. It's the seeds of the fruit that are poisonous, containing the toxin, ricin. The seeds can cause vomiting, diarrhea and kidney damage.
39. Yew Berries
The yew shrub, with its vibrant red berries, exudes a deceptive allure, concealing a perilous secret within its seemingly inviting exterior. While some animals and birds navigate the danger unscathed, humans interacting with these toxic seeds embark upon a perilous journey.
image source: reddit.com
The yew shrub plant produces brightly colored red berries, and not only is the plant toxic, but these berries contain a seed that's also poisonous. Some animals and birds that eat these berries somehow manage to pass the seed unbroken and therefore not dangerous, but any humans eating the seeds would be victim to convulsions, collapse and death.
40. Strychnine
Ah, the infamous strychnine tree, bearer of berries that harbor a deadly potency reminiscent of fictional intrigue and treacherous reality. This poison-laden fruit, wielded by characters of fiction as a weapon of choice, unravels a chilling sequence of afflictions upon ingestion.
image source: reddit.com
The strychnine tree produces these very toxic berries, and it's actually a poison that's popular for fictional characters to use as a murder weapon of choice! Eating this poisonous berry would result in convulsions so severe, the body could be twisted into usually-impossible positions. Death usually follows due to exhaustion or cardiac arrest.
41. Rhubarb
While not a typical fruit in the traditional sense, rhubarb often finds itself in the same culinary realm due to its usage and preparation akin to fruits. However, within this plant lurks a perilous dichotomy—the rhubarb itself stands harmless, but its leaves harbor a potent toxicity.
image source: reddit.com
Okay, so we know this isn't technically a fruit, but it's worth a shout out because it's close enough. That's because it's usually prepared in the same way a fruit is, rather than a veggie. So it's not the rhubarb itself you have to worry about, but the leaves of the plant: they're very poisonous.
42. Asparagus Berries
Indeed, the asparagus plant, a prized addition to many home gardens, comes with a caveat—the presence of poisonous components, notably within its berries, warrants a cautious approach. While not a life-threatening poison, interaction with these berries can unleash a distressing sequence of symptoms.
image source: reddit.com
You can easily grow asparagus plants in your own garden, but some of the plant is poisonous - including the berries. It isn't a life-threatening poison, but if you eat these berries, you can expect stomach problems, as well as skin irritation from where you touched them!
43. Cashews
The fascinating world of cashews unveils a surprising revelation—their true identity as seeds encased within a toxic shell amid a larger fruit known as the cashew-apple. While the cashew itself stands as a delectable and sought-after delicacy, navigating its journey from tree to table requires a careful handling.
image source: reddit.com
So cashews are well known for being a 'nut', but they're actually the seed of a fruit! The cashew itself is fine to eat, but the cashews grow surrounded by a very toxic shell which needs to be properly removed so the cashew can be safely eaten. The fruit itself is called the cashew-apple.
44. Almonds
The world of almonds unveils an intriguing dichotomy—the distinction between the familiar sweet almonds and their potentially lethal counterparts, the bitter almonds. While sweet almonds are celebrated for their delightful flavor and culinary uses, the bitter almonds, cloaked in their toxic potential, demand caution and meticulous processing to ensure safety.
image source: reddit.com
Just like cashews, almonds are something else most people would think of as a nut - but an almond is actually a dry fruit. And most people would eat or taste the sweet almonds, but the 'bitter almonds' that exist in the world contain deadly cyanide, so they must be processed to make sure they're no longer poisonous.
45. Cherries
The delectable and irresistible sweetness of cherries conceals a perilous secret within their seemingly innocent exterior. While the succulent flesh of cherries stands as a delightful treat, it's the stone nestled within that harbors a hidden danger—one that demands caution and prudent consumption.
image source: reddit.com
Did you know that those delicious sweet cherries are actually toxic? It's just the stone you have to worry about, but because cherries are so small, accidents can easily happen if you're trying to avoid the stone! Breaking into it could result in headaches, vomiting, breathing problems and kidney failure.
46. Tomatoes
The tomato, a beloved fruit in the culinary world, holds a surprising element of caution within its plant structure. While the ripe and juicy tomato itself boasts a myriad of health benefits, its stems and leaves, harboring a distinct substance, demand careful handling and discernment.
image source: reddit.com
Okay, so we don't mean the whole tomato, because they're very good for you as we know - the part of a tomato that's actually dangerous is the stem, as well as the leaves. The problematic substance these bits contain can result in an upset stomach and also cause nervousness.
47. Daphne
Indeed, the daphne shrub, adorned with its enticing red berries, carries a cautionary tale for human interaction. While the berries may appeal to birds, they pose a hidden danger to humans, demanding careful handling and a discerning eye.
image source: reddit.com
Daphne is a shrub that shows off little red berries - and while the berries are find for birds to munch on, they're toxic for humans. Even just handling the twigs can result in serious rashes, while actually eating the berries can also result in the sensation of choking in your throat.
48. Apple Seeds
Apples are revered for their nutritional value and are a staple in many diets worldwide. However, nestled within their core lies a hidden danger—the seeds. While accidentally consuming a single apple seed may not pose an immediate threat due to the small amount of cyanide contained within, ingesting a large quantity of these seeds can lead to serious health repercussions.
image source: reddit.com
We all know apples are a healthy fruit, and we all know not to eat the seeds. But you might have just thought it was 'one of those things' without knowing the seeds are actually dangerous. The good news is, if you accidentally eat one, it probably won't do anything. But if you eat loads of the seeds, it could kill you.
49. Sea Buckthorn Berries
Those orange berries you're referring to are indeed part of a plant that carries a significant toxicity risk. The plant in question, often adorned with these enticing yet perilous berries, contains compounds that pose a severe threat to human health upon ingestion.
image source: reddit.com
These orange berries are very toxic, and should never be eaten. It's best to avoid the entire plant - and its berries - altogether to be safe! If any part is ingested, it can seriously impact your peripheral nervous system (outside of your brain and spine) by causing an inflammatory disorder.
50. Winterberry
That vibrant shrub, while a delightful snack for wildlife, holds a treacherous secret for human consumption. Adorned with its alluring red fruits, this plant harbors compounds that pose a substantial threat to human health upon ingestion.
image source: reddit.com
This shrub is a great snack for wildlife - not so much for humans. It's very poisonous for humans to eat. The bright red fruit may look pretty, but you will have serious nausea and low blood pressure if you ingest any part of the plant, including the berries, leaves and seeds.