The Most Dangerous Places That Exist On Earth

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Death Valley - Arizona

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With temperatures regularly topping 110 degrees Fahrenheit, there is little wonder this desert in Arizona is known as Death Valley. The temperatures here get so high, that not even bacteria can survive the immense heat for more than a few hours without water.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - Hawaii

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Hawaii Volcano park is home to many many volcanoes, many of which have been in a constant state of eruption since the 1980's. Molten lava and magma rain is a 24/7 occurrence, and if you get caught in in then you will literally get melted like a candle.

Valley Of Death - Russia

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Within the Valley of Death, a menacing volcano watches over everyone who chooses to drive through this national park land. The volcano emits poisonous carbon monoxide gases, which kill small animals instantly and cause humans to die in a matter of hours.

Skeleton Coast - Africa

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The deserts of Africa are some of the most barren places on planet earth. The need for water drives many animals and lost tourists to the coastline, where the sea meets the desert. Unfortunately, drinking the salt water leads most animals to their deaths.

Gates Of Hell - Turkmenistan

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In its golden years, Turkmenistan was a hotbed for natural gas, and was how the country made a lot of its money. The gates of hell is the affectionate nickname to a natural gas pit which caught fire and has not stopped burning since the early 1970's.

Chernobyl - Ukraine

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After one of the world's worst nuclear disasters, the village of Chernobyl in Ukraine was completely abandoned overnight. Due to the sheer amount of radiation that leaked for a nuclear power plant after an explosion, many natives quickly died from cancer.

Snake Island - Brazil

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Being home to the most number of venomous snakes anywhere on earth, it is little wonder that the Brazilian government try to keep people away from Snake Island... For their own good! Visits are strictly banned without prior permission due to the high chance of death.

Death Road - Bolivia

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One of the world's most deadly roads is located in Bolivia, and known to the locals as the death road. The road is dusty and often crumbles away to nothing, people change the side they drive on as they please and coaches force cars to hang over the edge.

Lake Norton - Tanzania

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Although Lake Norton looks beautiful and picturesque, don't let yourself be fooled. The lake is a natural hot spring, and is essentially hotter than a boiling pan of water at all times. The water is also highly acidic, and will melt the flesh from your bones.

Oymyakon - Russia

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If you fancy a vacation to the small Russian town of Oymyakon, make sure to bring a coat.... or ten. This tiny remote village is located within the arctic circle, and is often the host to some of the coldest temperatures ever recorded. Not for the faint of heart.

Mariana Trench - Atlantic Ocean

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The Mariana Trench is the deepest point out of any of the worlds oceans. The pressure down here is immense, due to the sheer weight of all of the water. As well as the pressure, hydrothermal vents heat the acidic water to almost 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

North Sentinel Island - India

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North Sentinel Island is said to be the only lawless place left on earth. Located in India, the Indian government have warned tourists that if they are kidnapped and killed on North Sentinel Island it is their own fault, and the locals will not be arrested.

Madidi National Park - Bolivia

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Located in Bolivia, this is one of the most beautiful and spectacular national parks in the world. Visitors are advised only to visit with a guide, as many of the poisonous plants are home to toxic parasites. As well as high cliffs with sharp drops, it is a dangerous place.

Fraser Island - Australia

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Spiders, sharks and jelly fish all call Australia home. Due to how remote is is, the wildlife on Fraser Island has flourished, making it super deadly. As well as the deadly animals, the island is covered in thick mud and makes it difficult to drive across.

Skellig Michael Mountain - Ireland

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You may have seen this remote Irish Island on the new Star Wars movie, but don't plan a trip there too soon. The Irish government only grants four boats per year a licence to visit the island every year due to how dangerous it is to dock up at the island.

Mount Washington - USA

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I'm sure you can agree that 203 miles per hour is pretty speedy, now imagine standing on top of a mountain trying to battle against winds going at this speed. Temperatures drop down to around minus 40 degrees, meaning hypothermia can set in rapidly. We wouldn't recommend risking this!


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K2 is one of the highest mountains on planet earth, second only to Mount Everest. Only a handful of people have climbed K2 as it is said to be super technical and harder to climb than Everest. Many guides refuse to climb K2 due to the very high chance of death.

Zone Rouge - France

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Zone Rouge, or The Red Zone, hosts a number of un-exploded world war two explosives. For this reason, the French government have deemed it too deadly to explore. Many grenades are often found in the surrounding area, so it is commonly avoided by the locals.

Runit Island

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Runit Island looks like a regular island to people passing by on boats, but from the air you can see that the remote island has a huge concrete dome in the middle. The dome is full of used up nuclear material, which has actually started to leak out and poison the wildlife.

Mount Sinabung - Indonesia

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Mount Sinabung is a volcano located in Indonesia, which lay dormant for over 400 years. Due to the length of time the volcano was dormant for, many people called the surrounding area home, until it sprang into life and erupted in 2010, killing hundred of people.

 Blue Hold Dahab - Egypt

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This spectacular sight is one of the few underwater sink holes visible to humans from the beach. The sinkhole is always expanding and sucking in more material, and this is like catnip to many deep sea divers. So far, the whole has claimed more than 200 lives.

Lake Nyos - Cameroon

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Lake Nyos sits on top of an active volcano. Whilst the water prevents molten magma being chucked skywards, the gases from the volcano bubble up to the surface of the water. This causes poisonous gas to fill the surrounding air, which kills wildlife daily.

Cave Of Crystals - Mexico

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Crystals in this cave reach almost 40 feet long, almost the size of a London bus. The sheer size of the crystals in this cave are impressive, but the real danger comes from the humidity. The air is almost 99% humid, meaning without proper gear your lungs fill with fluid.

Saltstraumen Strait - Norway 

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This short stretch of water is Norway is home to the strongest tidal currents anywhere on earth. If you decided to dip your toes into this water, then you would likely be ripped from the shoreline, into a swell and never seen again, taken to a watery grave.

The Outback - Australia

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The Australian Outback is a remote landscape, home to a few vast farms and not too much else. If you plan to travel into the outback, the supplies of food and water are essential. The outback is also home to lots of deadly animals, not really ideal for humans.

Mount Everest

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The highest peak on earth is Mount Everest. This mountain claims lives on a daily basis, as many people can not resit the urge to be the highest person on planet earth even if it is only for a moment or so. Many bodies litter the path to the top of Everest.

Gouffre Berger Cave - France 

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On you reach the bottom of this 3,000 deep cave, it can take around 30 hours to climb back up to the surface. Many cave explorers have lost their lives here, as sudden rain can cause the cave to flood. It is also super dark, which disorientates visitors.

Praia de Boa Viagem - Brazil

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The chance of a shark attack in most parts of the world ranges from 0% to around 16% in particularly shark infested area's. On this Brazilian beach, the chance of a shark attack rises sharply to more than 33%, so it is best to keep yourself on the sand rather than the water.

Wittenoom - Australia

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Witenoom was at the forefront of Asbestos mining, and in its pomp many people worldwide thought the material would solve all of our building problems. Later it was discovered asbestos was a carcinogen, which causes cancer, so the mining town was evacuated.

Haiti - Africa

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You may have seen Haiti in the news frequently, as many earthquakes cause damage to homes here. The government are reluctant to help the people of Haiti, so increasingly protests from the locals are getting violent and incredibly dangerous for tourists.