The Creepiest Things People Have Found In Their Basements

By Jack Trelawny 1 year ago

1. Human Remains

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Imagine going down to your basement, maybe to look for some old Christmas decorations or something, and instead, you find a bone sticking out of the ground. You dig a little and realize it's not just a bone—it's human remains! Not only is this spine-tingling, but it immediately turns your life upside down. You'd have to call the cops, and your home essentially becomes a crime scene!

2. Old Dolls

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You venture into your basement and suddenly you spot a group of old dolls sitting in a corner, eyes missing, clothes tattered. These things look like they've been through the ringer and back. Every time you look away, you can't shake the feeling that their eyes—what's left of them—are following you.

3. Mysterious Locked Boxes

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Let's say you stumble upon an old, locked box, heavy and rusted shut. You finally get it open and it's full of strange items—maybe old photographs you don't recognize, locks of hair, or even human ashes. The creepiness factor soars off the charts. Why was it locked? Who do these items belong to?

4. Old Journals

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You find a stack of old journals, pages yellowed with age. You start reading and realize the writer was obsessed with some pretty dark stuff—like rituals, the occult, or even detailed descriptions of criminal activities. It's like finding someone's secret dark world in paper form, and now you're part of it just by reading it.

5. Taxidermied Animals

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You're rooting around and then you spot them—the lifeless eyes of a taxidermied animal staring at you from the dark corner. The dim basement light creates eerie shadows that make the animals look almost alive, but in a ghastly way. The old, faded fur and visible stitching add to the horror. It's like a weird museum of death that nobody asked for, and it's taking up residence in your basement.

6. Old Medical Equipment

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You find a set of rusty scalpels, syringes, and other medical paraphernalia that look like they belong in a medieval torture chamber rather than a modern home. The rust and decay make you wonder about their history. Were they used for something sinister? Are they from an era where medicine was more about butchery than healing? The uncertainty adds layers of unease to your discovery.

7. Snake Skins

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Snake Skins: You're poking around and you see something that looks like plastic wrap but is actually a shed snake skin. The realization dawns—there's a huge snake somewhere in your house. A living creature is sharing your space, and it could be venomous. Now every corner, every dark space in your basement feels like a potential hiding spot for this lurking reptile.

8. Coffins

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Whether it's an antique or just empty, finding a coffin in your basement is all kinds of unsettling. It's a blatant reminder of mortality and begs the question: Who was this intended for? Was it used? The stillness of a basement combined with a vessel for the dead is a recipe for relentless nightmares.

9. Witchcraft Symbols

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You notice symbols drawn on the floor or walls—pentagrams, circles with strange writing, maybe some candles or small animal bones. This is ritualistic stuff, whether it's just kids messing around or something more sinister. The symbols hold meanings you may not understand, but their intent could be dark and malevolent, possibly inviting energies you don't want in your home.

10. Old Photographs

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You find a stack of sepia-toned photos, featuring people you don't recognize, in clothing from decades or even centuries ago. Their expressions are serious, even haunting. Are they relatives? Strangers? Either way, the photos seem out of place and time, like they’re fragments from another world now intruding into your own.

11. Old Hospital Gurneys

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Imagine flicking on the basement light and seeing an old, rusty hospital gurney against the wall. The metal is corroded, maybe there's even a tattered, stained mattress on it. Your mind would instantly race to all the possible scenarios that led to this haunting piece of medical history ending up in your home.

12. Asbestos Insulation

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When you find asbestos insulation in your basement, the creepiness isn't just psychological, it's physical. This hazardous material can cause serious health issues like lung cancer or asbestosis. Besides being a hidden killer, its outdated, crumbly appearance adds a tangible layer of dread to your basement.

13. Bloody Clothing

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Imagine finding a pile of clothing stained with dried blood. Your immediate thought is to call the police because this is not just creepy, it's potentially evidence of a crime. Whether it’s a tattered shirt or a pair of ripped jeans, the sight instantly sends shivers down your spine.

14. Old Asylums Uniforms

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Stumbling upon old asylum uniforms like straightjackets is enough to make anyone's skin crawl. The thought that someone may have been restrained or endured severe mental torment in your home is harrowing. These relics bring with them a chilling atmosphere of suffering and mistreatment, a palpable sense of agony that no one would want lurking in their basement.

15. Preserved Animal Jars

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Finding jars filled with preserved animals, like pickled specimens, is just outright bizarre and unsettling. The creatures float eerily in their containers, eyes glassy and bodies distorted. It's like a tiny museum of the macabre right there on your basement shelves. Did someone in your house used to conduct experiments? Are these keepsakes? Either way, it's a sight that will haunt you for a while.

16. Sound Recordings

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You locate old tapes or records and decide to play them. The sounds that emerge are unidentifiable, maybe some whispering, odd static, or even screams. The atmosphere grows thick with tension because these are sounds with no rational explanation, echoes from an uncertain source that make your home feel newly alien and menacing.

17. Old Baby Cribs

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Finding an ancient, decrepit baby crib in a house where no children have lived is deeply unsettling. The crib might be broken or have peeling paint, perhaps even some old toys or blankets still lying inside. It’s like stumbling upon the remnants of lives never lived, or lives interrupted. The sight triggers an unsettling mixture of sadness and fear.

18. Mysterious Tunnels

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You find a small door or opening in the wall that leads to a dark tunnel. Where does it go? Who built it? The mystery turns your basement into a labyrinth of potential horror. The tunnel might be cramped and filled with cobwebs, adding to the sense of claustrophobic dread. Venturing in could mean discovering something even more sinister or finding an unwelcome surprise.

19. Abandoned Paintings

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Coming across an old painting with unsettling imagery is like finding a window into someone else’s twisted imagination. Perhaps it's a distorted face, an eerie landscape, or a disturbing abstract piece that just feels “off.” Art often evokes emotion, and in this case, it's an emotion of unease and trepidation.

20. Gas Masks

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Finding old gas masks in your basement is creepy on many levels. First, there's the wartime implications: were they used in combat, or during some sort of chemical attack? The masks themselves look eerie, with hollow eyes and gaping mouthpieces. They evoke a sense of immediate danger, a reminder of horrific events you'd rather not imagine.

21. Old Newspapers

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Picture this: You stumble upon a pile of old newspapers in the corner of your basement. As you browse through the headlines, your eyes catch details of gruesome crimes or highly disturbing events. Serial killers, unsolved mysteries, perhaps even events that happened near your current residence. What's chilling is the thought that these stories aren't just random; someone kept these papers for a reason.

22. Children's Drawings

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You find drawings that are clearly done by a child. Yet, no one in your family, past or present, recalls making them. The art might be innocent enough, but sometimes it's unsettling—odd shapes, creepy stick figures, maybe even disturbing scenes. The anonymity of the artist and the inexplicable nature of the drawings being in your basement can make your imagination run wild.

23. Cursed Objects

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Maybe it's a strange talisman, an old mirror, or even a piece of furniture. Whatever it is, since you've found it, bad luck seems to follow you. Lights flicker, doors slam, or maybe you just feel an eerie presence. It's as if the object has some sort of malevolent energy attached to it, turning your home into a hive of inexplicable occurrences. The fear isn't just in the object, but in the unknown force it seems to unleash.

24. Handcuffs or Chains

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Discovering handcuffs or chains in a basement is disturbing enough, but finding them anchored to the walls takes it to a whole new level of sinister. Your mind races through the awful possibilities: Was someone held captive here? What happened to them? The questions bring a real sense of urgency and alarm because if these were used maliciously, then your home carries the weight of that dark history.

25. Moldy Books

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Among a pile of old, decaying books, you find one with a particularly unsettling title, like “Necronomicon” or "Rites of Darkness." The book is moldy, pages stuck together, but what you can read is full of rituals, dark incantations, and other unsettling material. Just having it in your possession feels like an invitation to dark forces, and you can't shake the unease it brings.

26. Odd Mannequins

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In a corner, you see them: mannequins. Not just ordinary ones, but those with peculiar poses, maybe even dressed in odd, dated clothing. Their eyes seem to follow you wherever you go, turning your basement into a theater of the uncanny. They’re not alive, but they’re not entirely lifeless either. In that in-between state, they become the stuff of nightmares.

27. Old Film Reels

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You find a collection of old film reels and decide to watch them. What you see isn't just home movies or benign footage; it's deeply unsettling or unexplained. Maybe it’s grainy scenes of what looks like rituals, or footage of places that seem oddly familiar but not quite right. The sense that you're viewing something you were never meant to see is deeply unnerving.

28. Ouija Boards

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Not only do you find a Ouija board, but it looks like it's been used recently—maybe the planchette is still on it, or you find a circle of candles nearby. This classic channel for contacting the 'other side' brings with it a shroud of potential malevolent interactions. You wonder: What—or who—was someone trying to contact?

29. Faded Letters

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Amidst old paperwork, you discover letters that reveal deeply unsettling family secrets or personal confessions. Maybe it’s an affair, a hidden crime, or even darker matters. The words on these decaying pages are windows into the darker recesses of human experience, bringing the past into an uncomfortable focus.

30. Random Teeth or Hair

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Truly a horrifying find. A jar or bag filled with human teeth or clumps of hair makes you question the sanity of whoever collected them. The immediate disgust is compounded by the terrible unanswered questions: Whose are these? Why are they here? There's no good explanation, and that's what makes it so deeply disturbing.