
Image Source: Twitter
Doppelgängers are rare, and apparently there's less than a 1% chance that you'd ever come across your own doppelgänger! However, these two handsome chaps defied the odds and ended up sitting next to each other on a plane. They took a selfie and it went viral online!
Things Got Out Of Hand

Image Source: Imgur
Talking of danger, this man caused so much hassle on a commercial flight that he literally had to be strapped to his seat! We've all seen someone get a little bit too rowdy on a plane, especially after a couple of airport pints and mini bottles of wine, but this guy wins the 'Most Rowdy On A Plane' award.
Knife Crime

Image Source: Reddit
The last thing we expect on a commercial plane is to be threatened with a knife. However, this airline passenger was shown a blade by one of their fellow travelers. Luckily, silverware on a plane is more accurately described as plasticware, so the passenger was never in danger.
Catching Some Z's

Image Source: Imgur
Plane seats can be uncomfortable at the best of times, let alone being stuck on a plane for hours. One of the best plane journey pastimes is getting in a good nap. Sleep can kill hours of a journey! This person took it a step too far. C'mon, how can someone even get themselves into this position?

Image Source: Imgur
There's sleeping, and then there's
sleeping, and this lady is definitely opting for the latter. Completely spread out and without a care in the world, this has got to be one of the deepest sleeps ever caught on camera. Doesn't look like such a great position if you're prioritizing back health, though.
Hang On A Minute, Where's Han Solo?

Image Source: Twitter
This plane doesn't look anything like the Millennium Falcon that Chewbacca is used to, and his confused face says it all! Kidding, we know this isn't the real Chewbacca, but this fan's outfit is pretty convincing. This Star Wars fan must be pretty darn hot wearing all that fur, a brave choice for a long flight.
Do It For The 'Gram

Image Source: Imgur
The plane starts flying through turbulence. The cabin starts losing pressure and oxygen. Masks drop down from above your seat. First priority? Take a selfie, obviously. None of this fixing your mask before assisting others! Get that photo uploaded to Instagram immediately and bathe in the serious amount of likes and comments.
Man's Best Friend

Image Source: Twitter
To be fair, bringing your dog on a plane would be super cool. Leaving your puppies behind when you're traveling, whether it be for work or going on holiday, is really difficult. Instead of going through that emotional turmoil, just book your best pal a plane ticket and take them with you!

Image Source: Imgur
Imagine this: you're a pilot who works for United Airlines. You turn up for your first shift of the week, sit down in the cockpit, running your usual checks, and all of a sudden, you get a knock on the cabin door. The pilots probably thought it was a member of the cabin crew, but instead, it was one of the most famous Hip Hop stars of all time is asking for a selfie!
Penguin Stroll

Image Source: Imgur
Most commercial flights actually do allow animals in the cabin area, so long as you ring ahead to let the airline know and book the appropriate amount of tickets. Most passengers take this to mean a small dog or maybe even a cat - not this passenger! Need to fly your pet penguins halfway around the world? No problem!
I Whip My Hair Back And Forth

Image Source: Instagram
Having long, luscious hair is a blessing and a curse for many people. On one hand, your hair is part of your identity, and when you're having a good hair day, you look and feel your best. On the other hand, it gets in the way of EVERYTHING. Apparently, it even flops over your seat to disturb other plane passengers!
The Pardoned Turkey

Image Source: Imgur
Every year on Thanksgiving a turkey is pardoned. With turkey being the main food of choice for many households, it makes sense to save a few of the poor birds. Apparently this turkey was so excited after being pardoned that it booked the next flight out of America and never looked back.
Passenger Called Joey

Image Source: Twitter
Everyone loves Kangaroos, but they hold a special place in Australians hearts. In fact, the Kangaroo is actually the national symbol of Australia, and is widely recognised as the most iconic animal on the continent. In fact, Australians love Kangaroos so much that they even fly with them!
Such A Good Boy

Image Source: Imgur
Commercial flights are a well-oiled machine - there's so much planning that goes into one flight. From baggage handling all the way to the cabin crew, it's no easy feat to successfully get a plane into the air with all the passengers on board. This good boy was one of the plane's pilots!
Go Hard Or Go Home

Image Source: Imgur
Drinking alcohol on a flight can be risky - you've got the excitement of going on holiday coupled with the boredom of a long-haul flight; what else is there to do? This guy took matters way too far though. Seriously, 8 bottles of beer? At 31,000 feet, that'll feel like 16 beers!
Flying Pigs? Surely Not...

Image Source: Instagram
We've all heard the ancient saying "when pigs fly", and we all took it to mean that something was impossible. Not for this hairy hog though! Defying all odds, this cute piggy can be seen spreading it's literal wings on commercial flights over Australia, bringing a whole new meaning to the old saying.
Plane Music Sucks

Image Source: Twitter
Like music in an elevator, planes also have music that they play over the speakers whilst you're boarding. Apparently, this guy had had enough of the plane music and decided to write and listen to his own. The irony though is that he apparently got fed up with this his own music and decided to take a nap instead.
Nope, Nope And More Nope

Image Source: Instagram
Listen, spiders are creepy. Even if you're not totally freaked out by them, seeing a large, eight-legged monster crawl towards you sends a shiver down your spine. At least when you're at home you can escape the spider, but imagine seeing one of these bad boys sprinting up your plane seat armrest!
KFC On A Plane?

Image Source: Twitter
We get it, plane food sucks. The only people who disagree are those who can afford first class tickets and eat the first class food. Some passengers hate plane food so much that they take matters into their own hands. Quick KFC before boarding? Take our money.
My Feet Or Yours?

Image Source: Imgur
Leg room on flights has always been an issue. Even shorter people get uncomfortable, let alone those who tower above 6ft. We get it, you have to claim as much legroom real estate as possible, but at least keep your shoes on, right? Even if you can't keep your shoes on, wear some damn socks!
It's Getting Out Of Foot (Hand) Now

Image Source: Imgur
This is just too far. Bare feet on the floor is bad, but at least they're out of sight and (hopefully) smell. Imagine turning to look out of your passenger window and being greeted with a pair of bare size 10s! Let's hope this person had good hygiene, otherwise that would have been a smelly flight.
Toilets Are For Sleeping

Image Source: Instagram
It can be difficult to fall asleep on a plane. You can always hear the plane engines, people moving up and down the cabin and the occasional cry from a frustrated baby. Just when you start to nod off, the plane hits turbulence and jolts you awake. To be honest, the toilet might be the only part of the plane where you'll get some peace!
Forehead Rest

Image Source: Imgur
We've all sat down on a plane, got ourselves comfortable and ready for the long flight ahead, just to have the person in front of us sit down and immediately recline their chair all the way back. Super annoying. At least this guy made the best of a bad situation and won himself a free head rest.
Private Commercial Plane

Image Source: Reddit
Getting on a plane an realizing that you're literally the only passenger must be absolutely mind-boggling. Think about how slim those chances really are. You'd have to be the ONLY person who needs to get to whatever destination you're going to at that particular time!
Things Have Gone Downhill For Gordon Ramsay

Image Source: Reddit
We all know and love Gordon Ramsay from his amazing cooking TV shows. Who can forget the iconic idiot sandwich moment? It looks like things have taken a turn for the worse for the legendary chef though, as he was seen pushing the refreshment cart on an American flight recently.
Cello, Is It Me You're Looking For?

Image Source: Imgur
Musical instruments are expensive, especially if you play a classical instrument like a Violin or Cello. They can literally be thousands of dollars. Is it ridiculous that this lady bought a plane ticket for her Cello? Maybe, but when you see the videos of baggage handlers literally throwing cases, you can't blame her!
Personal Space

Image Source: Imgur
On long haul flights, it's often the case that your seat has an in-flight entertainment system where you can watch TV shows and films or listen to their selection of music. Maybe this guys screen wasn't working, and what else is he do for hours on end? Maybe don't put your entire head through the seat gap though...
Bird Of Plane

Image Source: Imgur
The irony of a bird boarding a plane is way too much. It has got its own wings, right? Also, how is this guy so sure that his bird isn't going to take off and start flying around the cabin? Especially when the cabin crew start bringing round the snacks. That is a well-trained bird right there!
Laundry Time!

Image Source: Instagram
There are only a select few appropriate places to hang out and dry your laundry. Your backyard if the weather is good or inside your house. That's pretty much it. Hanging your presumably damp socks on the small passenger window of a plane is definitely NOT one of the appropriate places.
Put Your Feet Up

Image Source: Facebook
Back to feet again - what is it with these people? I mean, this person looks like they have some sort of foot injury, and maybe the doctor has told them to keep their foot elevated, but, surely, if your foot is that injured then why are you getting on a plane in the first place? Crazy.