The Best Plants To Rid The House Of Evil Spirits

By Aaron Love 1 year ago


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Blackberries might be one of the most tasty fruits you can get your hands on but did you know that they have long been associated with Lucifer, the Devil? However, in order to keep the evil spirits away, many people have used Blackberries as part of a wreath on the front door to keep them away, this improves even more if you add Ivy for a very protective shield for your home.


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Amaranth sounds like one of those plants that just HAVE to be used within witchcraft; it sounds like something you'd definitely hear in old tale or something doesn't it? So it's no surprise that Amaranth can be used for protection but ONLY if you pull the plant during a full moon. That's not all either, you're supposed to wear it close to your skin to feel the full effects too!


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Roses are most commonly used as something you give to someone you love, they're some of the most romantic plants you can get your hands on! However, they can actually also be used to protect a home and a person's energy too! This occurs as, supposedly, roses can help a person navigate through periods of negative emotions that have been caused by evil spirits.


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You probably haven't considered picking up a dandelion flower since you were a little child have you? There used to be something about picking one and blowing off the white part that was so appealing! But did you know that they're supposed to be one of the most powerful and protective plants in witchcraft lore? Take them to the bath with you and you'll rid yourself of all that negative energy.


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It can't just be me that thinks Mugwort sounds like something you might hear in one of the Harry Potter movies than real life right? But maybe for that reason it makes sense for the plant to be used within witchcraft. Supposedly, the plant is great for protecting against things that can cause harm to the body like injuries and poison as well as protecting your dreams too!


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Lavender is quite popular to this day as a plant that people use within their baths or through aromatherapy as its believed they offer some soothing and calming benefits to the human body. However, it's also believed that lavender is able to banish any negative vibes within the home and benefit your sleep schedule too! The best way to do this is by smudging it in your home!


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You might be more inclined to use Garlic within your nightly meals than you are from introducing the plant in to your home; surely that might stink your home out a little. You probably know that garlic has been used a lot in lore to keep Vampires away but supposedly they can actually be used to keep away evil; in fact its been used for years by hanging garlic at the door.


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You have to be careful when keeping Cilantro within your home; as with most of the other plants, it's fine to keep them growing either inside or outside the home, but whatever you do, DO NOT BURN THEM! It's believed that burning cilantro can actually create even more negative energy and attract more negative spirits than you would than by just hanging some.


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It probably comes as no surprise that stinging nettles can be used as a way to protect the home from evil spirits does it? The method that most people use in order to keep the evil spirits away with nettles is to sprinkle the nettles around your home (be careful to not stand on them!). Supposedly this will stop them from trying to enter the areas of the home the nettles are.


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Wormwood is yet another plant that seems more Harry Potter than real life and it might seem crazy to you that that the two plant( Wormwood and Mugwort) are often used together due to their similarities. It's supposed to be great for protecting the user against any form of bad luck as well as encouraging a person to have some of the most powerful dreams available.


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What separates cedar leaves from everything else on this list is that they come from a tree and not a plant, but that doesn't mean they don't have beneficial properties like the others (supposedly). They have long been used in order to purify the air and energies around them whilst also helping promote clearer thoughts that couldn't be harmed by evil spirits.


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Sage is perhaps one of the most commonly mentioned plants within witchcraft (and the process of keeping evil spirits from the home); you can often buy sage bags to hang! Sage is another plant that people often use through smudging, where they burn the sage in order to cleanse the rooms and areas of the home you feel are at risk. I think I'd look after the bedroom first!


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Fennel is another plant that you'll have to be careful with when introducing to your home; although it is great for warding off evil spirits you have to do so in specific ways only! The most efficient way to do so is by simply keeping them in your home or using fennel tea. Never burn fennel in your home as it has been known to amplify any negative energies.


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It seems quite obvious that many of the plants we use in our daily cooking can be used as spirit avoiders and thyme is no different. If you feel as though your home is filled with negative energy, yours or other people's, then leave bags of thyme around your home! It's believed that it can help purify the energies as well as maintaining the calm for the future too.


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Angelica was once used by people back in the day to ward off the bubonic plague and although there wasn't really any scientific proof (it didn't work!) it's still used for its spiritual properties to this day. Not only is it used within small bundles to keep evil spirits away, but it's also believed that it can stop the person using them from feeling anxious and nervous about life.


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Holly is one of those plants that many people choose to get rid of when they spot them within the home; that probably has something to do with the stingers on the outside of the plant right? Well you might want to reconsider that! Holly has long been used as a way to banish any evil spirits, especially if you grow some of the bushes outside of your front door!


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Mint has long been used as a plant to help protect some of the most sacred places, especially within many religious spaces; but its also believed that you should keep mint in your sanctuary spaces within the home like your bedroom too! Many people think that the mint within the bedroom will ensure you get a better sleep as well as keeping the unwanted energy outside of the home and bedroom.


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You probably know that chamomile, just like lavender, is known to have soothing abilities and is able to calm the human body down. Although we probably use chamomile mostly as a drink in tea form, you can also grow the plant in your home too. It's believed that the plant can help protect a person and a home's energy just by being kept within the home!

St. Johns Wort

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It's believed by those who are trained in the art of warding off evil spirits from the home use St. John's Wort as one of the most powerful plants in the scene. It's believed that if you wear some of the plant around your neck it can help prevent your body from developing any form of fevers; and in some places, they even believe it can help a woman envision a future husband.

Bay Leaves

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Bay Leaves can be great to add a little fragrance to your pasta dishes, but it's believed that they also have some spiritual benefits too! Many people use bay leaves as a way to ward off evil spirits by leaving bags of them around the home. Some people even believe that the leaves are also great for relieving stress as well as potentially helping the residents from achieving some better luck too.


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Rosemary is one of many herbs that can be used as a way to keep evil spirits away from your home as well as being able to improve the taste of your daily meals too! Rosemary is believed to be naturally beneficial for the human body and it can help keep your mind concentrated and free from evil spirits; what's the harm in introducing the plant in to your home then?


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Parsley is also known to be a popular garnish within the cooking industry, but did you know this was another plant that has been used for years in order to keep the negative spirits away. Supposedly, if you plant your parsley seeds on Good Friday and ONLY Good Friday then you'll be able to keep the spirits of the devil away from your home, I wonder why that's the case then?


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Although Aloe is commonly used as an indoor plant, you should find the best spiritual effects by planting them OUTSIDE the home. It's believed that an aloe plant is able to absorb any negative energy from outside the home; but that doesn't mean it can't be used to cleanse certain rooms within too! It might also be able to heal any spiritual wounds you have as well!


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Comfrey flowers are yet another plant that people use within small bags around the home to offer some protection to a person's home. Comfrey is a traditionally magical plant and one that is believed to offer a person protection when it comes to travelling. It's also used as a way to protect someone from having themselves or the home they live in robbed too!


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There's evidence that Vervain has been used for some form of spiritual therapy dating back as far as the ancient Romans and Greeks! It's supposed to be able to help protect a person from sorcery and is often found in important religious spaces like altars and temples. You can simply crush some of the plant around your home to ward off the evil spirits!

Peace Lily

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Peace Lilies are perhaps some of the largest plants that you might consider introducing to the inside of your home, but this might be beneficial when you hear that they are supposed to be great when it comes to keeping the evil spirits away. People believe that thanks to them being poisonous in their natural environment that evil spirits will continue to avoid them if in the home.

Dumb Cane

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The Dumb Cane, or the Dieffenbachia as it's also called, is a very popular plant in usage in regards to keeping your home safe and free from evil spirits. In order to get the best results from introducing this to your home is to place the plant close to the front door and ALSO keeping it in close contact with the Mother-In-Law's tongue plant which we're about to get on too...

Tongue Plant

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This plant is often named a whole range of things from the St. George's Sword plant (the Patron Saint of England) or more commonly here in the US the Mother-In-Law's Tongue plant. Supposedly this flower can help the mind be able to determine what and who is good and evil as well as helping the people within the home to overcome any negative thoughts.


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You might recognise the name Rue from the Hunger Games series before you imagine this popular plant; she was named after the plant in all fairness! Rue has long been used as plant to ward off magic, going all the way back to the middle ages! Back then they believed that this plant would keep away two dangerous things, witches and the bubonic plague!


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You might be more used to seeing and using basil within your Italian pasta dishes than you are having it potted in and around your kitchen, but did you know that it's supposed to be calming and peaceful to the mind. Supposedly, this calming nature can be able to keep away any of your negative thoughts as well as warding off any of the evil spirits in and around your home.