The Best And Worst Dog Breeds For First Time Owners

By Lynsey 1 year ago

Bernese Mountain Dog - Best

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Bernese mountain dogs are calm and friendly dogs who make great companions in the home environment. They are large and powerful and extremely affectionate dogs who love to please their owners. They may appear imposing, however they are simply gentle giants in need of love.

Bichon Frise - Best

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The Bichon frise is a petite, happy-go-lucky dog that is known for being great around children - especially as it's coat is hypoallergenic, meaning it is the perfect pet for anyone with allergies. This playful and gentle companion comes with an abundance of personality with their confidence making them great city dogs!

Boxer - Best

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Boxers are known for being the 'full doggy package'. They can be a little goofy (sometimes a tad mischievous), but are always bright, alert and extremely courageous. This bouncy breed should be exposed to lots of people and situations whilst it is still a puppy to bring out the best of its qualities.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Best

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The Cavalier King Charles spaniel, otherwise known as the 'sporting breed' is mix of a toy breed and a spaniel. They are sweet-tempered, playful and gentle in nature: perfect for cuddles and for active families who need a dog to join them on a couple of long daily walks.

Golden Retriever - Best

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A golden retriever is known for its strikingly golden coat. They are a Scottish breed of retriever known for being gentle and affectionate - their kindly face says it all! If you're looking for a guard dog, Golden retrievers are not for you as even their bark is friendly and they love all people.

Great Dane - Best

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Great Danes are big, gentle giants: large in size and large with their affections. They are sociable giants who need companions, and they love to slobber and move around in a bumptious manner - so if you're house proud and lack in a sense of humour, they might not be the best choice of pet for you!

Labrador - Best

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The Labrador retriever is one wonderful family dog. They are amazing with children as they are kind-hearted and take most things in their stride. They do need lots of vigorous exercise to burn off their buckets of energy though, so lots of walks around the block or big long walks are needed. They also are known to LOVE their food, so be careful what you leave on the countertops!

Maltese - Best

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The Maltese originated from the Mediterranean island of Malta and was developed to be the chosen pet for the rich and wealthy. It is one of the gentlest of the toy breed and is extremely clever. This quick-moving pup doesn't need much exercise so it is a great choice for families with small gardens or limited outdoor space.

Mixed Breed - Best

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If you're after the ugly ducklings of the dog world, a mixed breed may be the dog for you. Often overlooked and left in pounds, a mixed breed pup offers a unique pet, full of individual character and a true one of a kind. Just be sure to meet and greet them properly as mixed breed dogs can come with a variety of temperaments and you'll need to find one that matches your families needs.

Papillon - Best

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The Papillon is one of the most easily trainable dogs there is. If you're looking for an obedient show dog that is small in size, but large in personality, a Papillon might be the dog for you! They are active and inquisitive, always on the go and ready for adventure.

Pomeranian - Best

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If you're after a confident dog with lots of talk, a Pomeranian is the one! Often described as cocky and animated, they think they are 'hot stuff' when out and about walking. They are great guard dogs but be aware to socialise them from a young age or they can be too good at their guarding and become a nuisance.

Poodle - Best

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Another exceptionally easy to train breed is the Poodle. They come in a miniature version or full sized, depending what space you have to accommodate them. They are highly athletic and although some are clipped in to fancy ensembles, they shouldn't be mistaken for being simply show dogs.

Shi tzu - Best

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If you're after a cuddly toy breed, then consider a Shi tzu. They are happy, sweet-natured and proud - with a hint of arrogance! They are built with strength, are incredibly lively and love to play. They don't require a large exercise space, so a small garden will be perfect.

Irish wolfhound - Best

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Another gentle giant to consider is the Irish Wolfhound. They can be calm and peaceful; slow moving and affectionate. They can also be lively and bouncy; loving to run and play. Irish Wolfhounds like to have an hourly walk a day and an occasional run in a free paddock to burst some energy so are perfect for mild active families with a big pet space to fill.

Whippet or Greyhound - Best

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Whippets and Greyhounds are often mistaken as being dogs that require lots of exercise, however they are in fact sweet-natured and rather docile. Yes, they love to do short bursts at a time, however they also equally love curling up on your lap whilst on the couch and are the perfect couch-potato!

Belgian Malinois - Worst

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The Belgian Malinois is an incredibly intelligent breed which makes them quite a challenging breed to live with. They are high energy and require lots of stimulation or they can become bored and frustrated, prone to destructive behaviours or disobedient behaviours. With them being an strong breed, they need to be highly trained or they will be more stress than they are worth.

Rotweiller - Worst

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Rottweilers are calm and confident dogs who require plenty of space to run and socialize with other dogs. If not socialized properly, they can become territorial and aggressive to dogs of the same sex. They are inclined to be dominant and seen as 'too much' for most families, unless in the right hands.

Siberian Husky - Worst

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Siberian Huskies require vigorous exercise and should be taken running, hiking or biking. They are born to run however, so don't expect their recall to be great and if they get scent of something, expect them to be off before you can blink! Because they are born to have a purpose (pulling carts), if they aren't stimulated, they will be massively destructive.

American Pitbull Terrier - Worst

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Pitbulls have the potential to be loving and affectionate dogs, however they are often bred poorly or lack in obedience training meaning they can be dangerous. In many states and countries around the world, Pitbulls are being added to the 'banned dogs' lists after a rise in spontaneous dogs attacks involving children and young people and adults who try to intervene.

Cane Corso - Worst

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The Cane Corso is known for its athleticism, speed and agility. They needs a lot of exercise but most importantly they need a lot of companionship and personal interaction to feel fulfilled. Without proper interactions and socialisation, the Cane Corso can be highly aggressive and seen as a danger to innocent bystanders.

Border Collie - Worst

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If you're after an intelligent dog with a drive to work, the Collies are the perfect breed for you. However, their obsessive nature and quick thinking mind can prove to be challenging traits for first time dog owners as without the correct stimulation, Collies are simply hyperactive handfuls who can become increasingly destructive.

Dalmatian - Worst

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Dalmatians can be dependable, high-spirited and wonderfully playful - this is when they have been bred correctly though. Dalmatians are often poorly bred these days, resulting in dogs with major temperament issues, such as: aggressiveness, skittishness and disobedience.

Chow Chow - Worst

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This lion-like pup is usually quiet and well-mannered in the home, seeing itself as an easy dog to train. However outside the home, Chow Chow can be seen to be highly aggressive dogs, if not socialised extensively at an early age. Chow chow are rather stubborn and cannot be made to do something they don't want to do, meaning obedience training can be challenging.

German Shepherd - Worst

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Unfortunately German Shepherds were never bred to be family-orientated dogs. They come from lines that either herded sheep, were military messenger dogs or who were bred for police dogs and search and rescue. This means they are highly intelligent but that they can be aloof with strangers causing them to be aggressive.

Weimaraner - Worst

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Weimaraners have been bred to hunt all day! This means when excepted to be family-orientated pet, it can be challenging for both you and them if they are not exercised appropriately. Confinement and lack of exercise leads to hyperactivity and destructiveness as they seek to escape to run free.

Shar Pei - Worst

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Shar Pei's are fiercely loyal and bold dogs who used to be bred to fight. This makes them somewhat aggressive dogs if the are not socialised properly from an early age. They can be temperamental and hit and miss around children so best to avoid if you're looking for a family pet.

Dobermann or Doberman Pinschers - Worst

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A Doberman needs lots of opportunity to run free or they can become restless and disobedient out of frustration. They are known as a 'thinking breed' so require mental stimulation as well as plenty of exercise. Without both, you can find your Doberman to test the waters with you to see if they can push the boundaries in the pecking order.

Akita Inu / Alaskan Malamute - Worst

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These calm and dignified dogs are often seen as the perfect pet. However, these powerful dogs come with complex personalities and often so aggressive that it is advised that two males are not left alone together. Training can be a challenge with these dominant dogs and their temperaments seen as unpredictable - not quite what you'll want as a family pet around children!

Vizsla - Worst

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Vizsla's are often labelled as 'Velcro' dogs was they are so affectionate and become incredibly attached to their owners. They are athletic and agile and require plenty of exercise to meet their needs. If this is not done, they can become over excitable and mouthy as they try to burn off their high energy demands.

Rhodesian Ridgeback - Worst

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If you're after a breed to sit quietly in your house, then a Rhodesian Ridgeback is not for you! They are a combination of a scenthound and a sighthound and require plenty of exercise - they used to hunt lions after all! They are the most territorial of the hound breeds and can be rather dominant towards other dogs of the same sex as well as incurably stubborn.