1. Anti-Aging

image source: reddit.com
Regular use of saunas will improve collagen production in your skin, making it more plump with wrinkles being less noticeable. It's never too late or too early to start with techniques to slow down the aging process. We may not be getting any younger but at least we can look it!
2. Clears Pores

image source: reddit.com
It's well known that heat will open up your pores, allowing for whatever its clogging them to be released. It's a good idea to have a good cleanse post-sauna, and splash your skin with cold water to close them back up. You skin will feel fresher and tighter, and pores will be less noticeable.
3. Pain Relief

image source: reddit.com
Heat is a natural painkiller, so it seems obvious that a sauna is the perfect environment for a sore body. Its relaxing properties mean that it is one of the best forms of natural pain relief, leaving your muscles feeling looser and you ligaments less strained.
4. Better Sleep

image source: reddit.com
Saunas can be a welcome addition to your bedtime routine, as the warmth guides you into a more restful slumber. If possible, it is suggested that a sauna 15 minutes before bedtime can improve sleep, although any time later in the day will have a beneficial effect.
5. Less Stress

image source: reddit.com
We've already mentioned how relaxing saunas are, and the calm state they put you in doesn't have to end when you step out the door. Regular sauna use will dramatically reduce stress levels and make you feel more chill throughout your normal day. Helpful if you have a stressful job!
6. Detoxification

image source: reddit.com
Sweat isn't always a welcome bodily function, with most of us taking measures to prevent it, however did you know that sweating can help to detox harmful substances like heavy metals from your body? And what better way to sweat out toxins that in a sauna!
7. Increased Metabolism

image source: reddit.com
You tend to lose water weight in a sauna, so they don't necessarily help for long term weight loss but they do help to burn a few extra calories. Your heart rate will typically rise, causing you to expend more energy, and your body will be working harder as you cool down. Both factors contribute to an increased metabolism.
8. Improved Lung Function

image source: reddit.com
Your cardiovascular system will benefit from frequent sauna use as the heat is good for opening up airways and clearing any blockages that might exist. They are not a cure for conditions such as asthma, but they will help to alleviate symptoms should they arise.
9. Mental Health Improves

image source: reddit.com
Taking time out for yourself to relax is a great mood booster, and doing this regularly is sure to improve your overall mental wellbeing. Saunas are excellent places to meditate - you're shut off from the outside world with no distractions, as the heat is working to relax your nervous system. Sit back and enjoy some "me time".
10. Improved Circulation

image source: reddit.com
Poor circulation can cause all sorts of unwanted symptoms, including cold extremities, pins and needles and swelling to name a few. As your heart rate rises in a sauna, your blood is pumped around your body more efficiently, causing these symptoms to ease. Always speak with a doctor if you're concerned about your circulation.
11. Better Brain Function

image source: reddit.com
Improving your blood flow with regular sauna use is known to benefit your organs as they receive more of the good stuff! With increased blood flow to the brain, mixed with the fact that you should be experiencing better sleep, brain function is likely to improve.
12. Helps To Soothe Skin Conditions

image source: reddit.com
Symptoms associated with skin conditions such as psoriasis or dermatitis can be eased with regular sauna use. When parts become inflamed and itchy, saunas can help to settle the area and improve appearance, however prevention is always better than cure!
13. Strengthened Immune System

image source: reddit.com
Saunas force your body into extreme temperatures - there is the heat of the treatment, and the cold as you leave. The changes in temperature deliver a shock to your system, however the human body is great at adaptation. Your immune system strengthens the more regularly it is forced to adapt.
14. Great Social Activity

image source: pinterest.com
Saunas are little private rooms of relaxation, so what better place to have a gossip with a friend? A spa day with your bestie can be the ultimate bonding experience, why not add in a little sauna session to decompress? Just make sure you don't stay in for too long!
15. Muscle Recovery

image source: healthline.com
Muscle aches and pains can be excruciating if you've had an intense gym session, especially if they last for days! Already being sweaty after your workout, you might as well add in a sauna session to really ease those muscles. It's like having a full body massage without the masseuse!
16. Heart Health

image source: reddit.com
It's crucial to get your heart pumping regularly for overall heart health, and regular sauna use is a great way to do just that. The intense heat forces your heart to pump more blood around your body, which in turn will lower your risk of heart disease or heart attacks.
17. Risk OF Alzheimer's Lowers

image source: reddit.com
It might not be the first thing you think of when you consider sauna benefits, but it has been proven to lower your risk of Alzheimer's by a considerable amount. This is due to the brain receiving more blood as your blood flow increases during sauna use, so don't let anyone tell you they're purely for indulgence!
18. It's Good To Slow Down

image source: reddit.com
Having a sauna treatment means that you are expected to sit in the same room for a little while, without your phone and without your laptop. You can't work or access the world around you, which is great for a mental reset. Do that regularly and you may become a Zen master!
19. Exercise Improves

image source: reddit.com
As your cardiovascular system is improved, so is your ability to run long distances, lift weights, or whatever else it is you might do for exercise. Improved exercise will give you more confidence, help you to reach your goals quicker (if you have any) and most important, it will make working out more fun!
20. Self-Care

image source: reddit.com
It is so important to take care of yourself around your commitments, which can be difficult sometimes in this busy world in which we live. Taking a step out of life for a bit to really focus on yourself will not only make you feel good, but it'll make you happier overall when fulfilling whatever it is you choose to do in life. It's a win-win!
21. Better Skin Health

image source: reddit.com
Saunas are just amazing for your skin, there's no argument about it. They help to get rid of any dirt or blackheads that might be lingering, helping to prevent any spots forming on the surface. Your skin's appearance will also improve because of the increased blood flow, which is sure to give more life to those cheeks!
22. Organ Health

image source: reddit.com
Your organs will have a much healthier time if they are receiving lots of blood, and regular sauna use can help to encourage this bodily function. You'll find that you just feel and overall sense of good health if you use saunas regularly, just make sure you're staying hydrated when doing so
23. White Blood Cell Production

image source: reddit.com
There have been studies looking at the effects of sauna use on the production of white blood cells. They found that regular use encourages white blood cell production within the body, meaning that your immune system is getting a boost with each session.
24. Less Tension In The Body

image source: healthnaturally.ca
As the heat relaxes all areas of your body, there will be less tension throughout your system which will aid in chronic pain management. Tension held within your body is the cause for many pain issues and therefore by releasing such tension, the pain symptoms are eased.
25. Endorphin Release

image source: businessinsider.com
Saunas are said to help your body to produce endorphins, which is the chemical released after exercise. The purpose of endorphin release is to relieve painful symptoms that may come after exerting your body, and so saunas are a great way to do this if you didn't want to work out.
26. Pleasure

image source: reddit.com
There need not be any excuse, rhyme or reason to use a sauna. You can simply just do it for pleasure! It's such a lovely way to relax; they're quiet, warm and make your skin and body just feel good. Don't ever justify the simple pleasures in life, they're what life is all about.
27. Lowers Blood Pressure

image source: reddit.com
High blood pressure is so common, what with the stresses of modern life, and can quite often be life threatening. It increases the risk of heart conditions, disease, and stroke, and so it is something to be avoided or rectified. Saunas can help to lower blood pressure, but consult your doctor if you are concerned.
28. Reduces Cholesterol

image source: reddit.com
There is a focus on diet when it comes to reducing cholesterol, but did you know that saunas can help to do this too? Having high cholesterol can be catastrophic for your organs, so it's super important to prevent a buildup of cholesterol in your body.
29. Lowers Overall Risk Of Death

image source: reddit.com
With all the benefits of using a sauna leading to improved circulation, which in turn will improve the health of all of your organs, your overall risk of death is lowered. It can't predict potential accidents, but it can lower your risk of dying from certain diseases!
30. Weight Loss

image source: reddit.com
It's true that regular sauna use will only make you lose water weight so it is important to stay hydrated. It is not a method of long term weight loss and therefore always consult a doctor if this is what you want to achieve, but it might make you feel a bit more confident.