1. China: hours of arduous studying

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Parents in China have ranked amongst some of the strictest parents in the world when compared statistically to other countries. One of the strictest rules that is enforced by many parents in China is that they make their children study for hours and hours, even if they have just finished school. For this reason, Chinese children are some of the best-performing children.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Saudi Arabia: strict dress code and gender segregation

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In Saudi Arabia, there are some of the strictest rules around that exist, including how parents raise their children. parents will adhere to the rules of Saudi Arabia in how they parent and so they have to abide by a very strict dress code and they teach their children to stay strictly within the confines of their assigned gender role and they will be punished for not doing so.
3. Nigeria: children have to greet elders by touching their feet

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In Nigeria, there's a strong culture of respect, particularly for elders. So parents raise their children adhering to the local custom and practice of touching the feet of an elder as a way to greet them and say hello. This is a sign of respect for their age and wisdom and the realization that elders are of central importance to the community. Parents are strict about bringing children up with this view.
4. Iran: parents may enforce strict observance of Islam

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Parents in Iran are strict in many ways when it comes to their parenting rules. The majority of parents in Iran will raise their children according to the beliefs and rules of Islam. They will often enforce that their children along with them strictly observe and practice the Islamic faith. This is one of the most common strict rules that parents apply in Iran.
5. Israel: children to join the military

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In Israel, parents have been known to strongly encourage their children to join the military. At some times, it has been compulsory for certain children in Israel to serve in the military for a period of time. This can be seen as a super strict rule, in which the children don't really face much of a choice as this part of their life is already mapped out for them.
6. India: some parents arrange their children's marriage

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In India, some parents are known and have been for centuries, to arrange the marriages of their children. This means that their parents choose their spouse and n some cases they may not even ask for their child's input to see whether it is a suitable match. Rather, they may choose solely themselves from things such as family name and reputation and wealth and status.
7. Russia: parents sometimes use physical punishment

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This is one of the strictest rules of parents as in many places physical punishment for children is seen as a hugely forbidden thing. And while physical punishment is less common amongst parents in Russia, statistically parents here are more likely to use physical punishment than many other places. This is because they have a very strong focus on obedience.
8. South Korea: parents enroll their children in hagwons

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In South Korea, parents are often very strict when it comes to the education of their children. In many cases, if the family is able to they will enroll the child in a 'hagwon', which is essentially a private tutoring school to give their child a very focused education and give them a head start within academia. Focus and studying is driven in South Korean children from a young age.
9. Turkey: parents enforce strict gender roles

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In Turkey, gender roles are still super traditional. Things of course are changing with the rest of the world, but gender segregation is still massively common here. And parents will still often strictly instill this into their children by teaching them to follow the assigned roles of their gender and teaching them the traditional skills associated with being a man or a woman.
10. Russia: limited affection is given to build self-reliance

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In Russia, parents sometimes hold back on affection with their children and try and limit displays of love in an attempt to make resilient and independent adults. For many other countries around the world, this could be viewed as extremely strict. But, in Russia, it has been a common method for centuries. The belief is that strong familial attachment could lead to reliant children.
11. India: parents choose their child's entire life path

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In India, not only is arranged marriage common amongst some families but it is also common for parents to choose the rest of their life path too. For example, many Indian parents will decide which career path their child will take, or even where they live. So often Indian children will have their life path solely determined by their parents with very limited input!
12. South Korea: parents enforce strict curfews and restrict social activities

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South Korea is a country with a very rich cultural heritage, and despite its rapid modernization, it retains its traditional elements. There is a strict parenting practice that places a huge emphasis on discipline. One element of how this is instilled in children is by limiting their social restrictions and placing curfews on when they are allowed to stay out until.
13. Saudi Arabia: chaperoned socializing

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Saudi Arabia is largely considered one of the strictest countries in the world, particularly in the comparison to Western culture. They have a strong belief in modesty and virtue, particularly for women. And one element of this is the strict parenting rule that a daughter will not be able to go out somewhere without being chaperoned!
14. Israel: a strong emphasis on heritage and identity

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Israel is a nation steeped in history and culture. Their parenting practices often reflect their strong emphasis on heritage and identity. For example, it is instilled into children from a very young age as they are told stories of the history and struggle of Israel Traditions are celebrated and it is so vital to Israeli parents that tradition is continued by their children.
15. Turkey: boys and girls are separated

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In Turkey the gender separation is huge. Boys and girls and even men and women will often be separated in public spaces. They may go to different social events, occupy different parts of a room at the same social gathering and children will often go to 'girls only' or 'boys only' schools! This is considered very struct in comparison with some other parts of the world.
16. Sweden: an emphasis on the outdoors

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Sweden is one of the most forward-thinking places in terms of thinking about sustainability and the environment. It's a place that is characterized by stunning natural beauty. The huge emphasis on the outdoors is instilled into the culture and parents prioritize outdoor activity as an integral part of their child's upbringing and life. The idea of 'friluftsliv' translates to 'open air life' and is something Swedish people love to live by!
17. Japan: children bow when greeting their elders

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A distinctive parenting rule in Japan is that they teach their child the utmost respect and etiquette, particularly for their elders. One of these teachings is that they must bow when greeting elders. To some outside perspectives, this seems strict, yet in Japan, it's a representation of their attitude towards elders which is so important in their culture.
18. China: calling adults, even family members or parents by their title

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A strict rule in China (although not in every family) is that parents require their children to address adults by their formal titles. This is to show that the child acknowledges the status of an adult in comparison to them. Parents in China may instill a strong sense of hierarchy in their children so that they learn to respect and honor elders.
19. Germany: strict cleanliness and meticulous organization

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Germany is a country often typically associated with precision, efficiency, and a very strong work ethic. And this is something that German parents instill into their children during their childhood. From a very young age, they are responsible for chores and tidying their own living space to get used to responsibility. These chores grow as the child gets older.
20. Kenya: a strong emphasis on respecting elders and acknowledging ancestry

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In Kenya, a parents will raise their children with a huge sense of appreciation for their culture and traditions so that these continue down the line. Children will be raised with a strict sense of tradition and acknowledgment of their ancestral heritage. It will also be strictly taught by parents that a child must treat and interact with elders with respect and humility.
21. Thailand: Buddhist practice

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In Thailand parents often emphasize the importance of Buddhist teachings when raising their children. From a very young age, they have been introduced to the basic foundations and principles of Buddhism, teaching their children to abide by these practices such as being empathetic, generous, and kind. They will take their children to visit temples and holy places.
22. Australia: an emphasis on outdoor skills

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Parents in Australia like to teach their children to love and enjoy the outdoors as Australia is associated with its stunning natural landscapes. Children are taught outdoor skills from a very young age such as navigating the outdoors, learning dangerous animals for safety, hiking, and swimming amongst a whole list of activities. It's a super important thing for Australian parents!
23. Brazil: A large focus on physical fitness

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A distinctive parenting rule in Brazil is to bring their children up with good physical fitness. It is seen as crucial for a happy and healthy life. Children from a super young age are encouraged by their parents to engage in lots of different physical activities that not only promote physical fitness but also work on skills such as teamwork and community!
24. South Africa: being active in the local community

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In South Africa is of such importance for parents to raise children with a strong sense of community. South Africa has some of the strongest communities and it is crucial to everyday life. There is much more focus on the community as a whole rather than individual wants and needs and so this is instilled within children, to grow up helping the community!
25. Italy: teaching traditional cooking practices and recipes

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In Italy, one of the things that parents are strictest about is food. When it comes to raising a child in Italy parents want to ensure that they have learned to cook, and learned to cook using the traditional methods and traditional recipes that have been passed down for centuries so that their culture of quality food can continue and not lose its authenticity.
26. Israel: a kosher diet

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One of the distinctive parenting rules that many parents raise their children within Israel is eating a kosher diet. Children from a young age are taught about the dietary rules for example, that meat and dairy have to be separated, animals have to be slaughtered in a particular way, and certain foods are prohibited. It is a huge part of religious and cultural practice.
27. Sweden: a focus on the environment

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Because in Sweden the outdoors is SO important, so is maintaining it. And this is why for many reasons Sweden has some of the highest levels of sustainability and a lower carbon emission than other countries. They see it as their responsibility, something which is strictly taught by a parent to a child. Looking after their outdoor space is vital for their way of life.
28 America: some high-status families have their children refer to parents as 'Miss' and 'Sir'

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This is not a common practice in America, yet it seems to be a tradition within powerful, traditional families in the USA. As a symbol of status and respect their parents enforce their children to call them by titles such as 'Miss' and 'Sir', which by the standards of the rest of the USA can be viewed as very strict. However, in elite circles, it is meant to create formality and social distinction.
29. Japan: cleaning the classrooms after use

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Parents in Japan often teach their children from a very young age the importance of maintaining hygiene and cleanliness not only in private spaces but also public. They are also taught that this is a joint responsibility and one they must adhere to. So often children will clean their classrooms after use to teach them a sense of responsibility regarding hygiene.
30. Russia: strict physical exercise regimes

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In Russia, sports and physical prowess are held in great esteem. A strict parenting practice is that parents will often have their children participate in a variety of exercise regimes. This is also to establish disciple, as well as physical strength and ability. It is also thought that regular physical training will help build mental resilience and strength too.