1. You ALWAYS feel thirsty... and you just can't quench it!

image source: reddit
This might seem like an obvious one, but the first sign you’re not drinking enough water is probably feeling thirsty all of the time! If you don’t feel quenched after a few sips of water, this could be your body telling you it feels dehydrated and you should be drinking more.Originally sourced from Femanin.
2. Bad breath you struggle to get rid of

imagesource: twitter
This one might surprise you, but bad breath that you struggle to get rid of could be a sign you are not drinking enough water. Being dehydrated means you might not be able to produce enough saliva to rinse away bacteria in your mouth which will build up and cause ad breath.
3. Constant hunger pangs you can't satisfy

imagesource: pinterest
Do you remember anyone telling you to “have a glass a water” when you were hungry as a kid? Well, turns out they may have been right! Your body needs water to help your body produce energy from its glucose stores, otherwise you will constantly experience hunger pangs.
4. An increase in blood pressure

imagesource: bristol
Being dehydrated means the water concentration in your blood might drop making it become thicker. The thicker your blood, the more difficult it is for your heart to pump it around your body and you will have to work harder which may result in high blood pressure.
5. Chapped lips...even when it's not cold outside!

image source: reddit
Do you suffer with dry chapped lips that crack easily, no matter how many lip scrubs or balms you try? Well, it turns out this could be a sign you are not drinking enough water meaning your body is dehydrated and will lack moisture resulting in dry lips.
6. Sugar cravings...ALL of the time

image source: foodrepublic
As we mentioned earlier, if your body doesn’t have enough water it will struggle to access the glucose stores for energy. This drop in energy will leave you craving foods high in sugar, when in reality all your body needs is more water. So when those cravings hit, make sure you hydrate!
7. A never-ending headache
Image Source: Raffles Medical Group
Another knock-on effect of high blood pressure that may be caused by dehydration is possibly chronic headaches, which really aren’t pleasant and can disrupt your daily functioning. So, if you want to keep a clear head and avoid the pain, make sure you are drinking enough water!
8. Dry skin caused by a lack of moisture
Image Source: Harvard Health
Have you noticed your skin feels dry, even though you keep it clean and moisturised? Well, if you don’t drink enough water your skin may be dehydrated and this will dry it out. So if you want to keep your skin healthy and hydrated, drink more water!
9. Dark-coloured orange urine
Image Source: Wikipedia
If you’ve noticed your urine is dark in colour, this is a possible sign you’re not drinking enough water because if your body is hydrated enough it should be fairly clear in colour. If your body is deprived of water, urine will contain a concentrated amount of toxins which could make it darker in colour.
10. Frequent muscle cramps during exercise
Image Source: Singletracks.com
If you frequently get muscle cramps, particularly when you're exercising, it could be because you’re not drinking enough water. Our body sweats to cool us down, meaning if your body doesn’t have enough water to produce sweat it will result in severe muscle cramps.
11. An addiction to fizzy drinks
Image Source: The Mirror
If you’re someone who finds themselves constantly having fizzy drinks throughout the day, it is highly likely you are not drinking enough water. Not only will your body be dehydrated, but the high volume of sugar in some of these drinks can have other negative health impacts.
12. Bad skin breakouts
Image Source: Beauty Blitz
Have you noticed that your skin has got worse and you’re getting more spots than usual? Well, this could be down to how much water you are drinking as your body needs to be hydrated to remove toxins from your system. If you're not drinking enough water, these toxins might build up and cause breakouts.
13. Constantly feeling tired throughout the day
Image Source: iStock
Most people are surprised that fatigue is a side-effect of not drinking enough water, but it is much more common than you think. Water is essential for all our bodily functions to keep working, so being dehydrated could mean your body will try and preserve energy and you might feel extremely tired.
14. A decrease in the number of toilet trips you're making
Image Source: POPSUGAR
This one is quite obvious but in case you hadn’t spotted the sign…if you don’t drink enough water, you probably won't need to urinate as frequently. But this isn’t good for your body because your kidneys need fluids to work properly and flush out the toxins in your system.
15. Weight gain caused by endless snacking
Image Source: The Sun
As we mentioned earlier, drinking less water can lead to hunger pangs which will only lead to one thing…eating more throughout the day! So you can see how easy it could be to pile on the pounds if your body is dehydrated, as well as the fact it lowers your metabolic rate.
16. Being that person who is always ill...
Image Source: The Iowa Clinic
We’ve all heard the advice “drink plenty of fluids” when we’re ill and this is to help our body flush out the toxins from our system which can make us unwell. So if you find you’re always getting poorly, it could be because you’re not drinking enough to keep your system healthy.
17. Feeling constipated even though you're eating a balanced diet
Image Source: HealthifyMe
You may associate constipation with the food you’re eating, not how much water you drink...but it turns out that water plays an important part in helping food move smoothly through your digestive system making it easier and more comfortable to go to the toilet.
18. Needing eye drops to soothe dry eyes
Image Source: Forbes
There may be a very easily solution to relieving dry eyes and ditching those eyedrops you’ve been using…drinking more water. If your body is dehydrated, your tear ducts may dry up and won’t be able to keep your eyes moist. So, make sure you are getting you’re 2 litres a day!
19. You've noticed you're starting to look older...
Image Source: iStock
Not many people know this but as we get older, we should actually be drinking even more water. This is because the volume of water our bodies can retain starts to decrease as we age, so if you’ve noticed a few wrinkles or grey hairs you might want to increase your water intake!
20. Mood swings you can't control
Image Source: SHEmazing!
This one may not be a direct result of being dehydrated, but a secondary effect of all the negative symptoms caused by not drinking enough water. Feeling lethargic and experiencing uncomfortable feelings could lead to uncontrollable mood swings and feeling irritable.
21. Low energy levels no matter how many hours of sleep you get
Image Source: freshsenyia.com
Drinking enough water is vital to keep your body going as it plays a big part in important functional processes like regulating your body temperature and metabolism. So when your body is dehydrated and it can’t keep functioning, your energy levels might drop.
22. Dizzy spells
Image Source: Flickr
As we mentioned previously, not drinking enough water can cause your blood to become thicker which makes it harder for your body to pump it around your system. This means your vital organs, including your brain, might not receive enough oxygen and you could start to feel dizzy.
23. Difficulty losing weight even if you're watching what you eat
Image Source: LADbible
As we’ve mentioned above, dehydration can lead to hunger pangs and sugar cravings that can be difficult to satisfy. So if you’re not drinking enough water, there is a risk you will continue to give in to these cravings and keep snacking which could make it difficult to lose weight.
24. Bad body odour you can't shift
Image Source: Pinterest
You may not expect this one to be a sign you’re not drinking enough water, but it turns out that being dehydrated can cause unpleasant body odour. This is because if you’re dehydrated your body will sweat out even more toxins which can lead to a bad smelling odour.
25. Difficulty concentrating on your work
Image Source: Freepik
The combination of feeling tired and light-headed which may be caused by dehydration could result in brain fog which might make it difficult for you to maintain your concentration. So if you want to optimise your cognitive functioning, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water!
26. Drinking too much coffee every day
Image Source: Using.com
You’d be surprised how easy it is to not drink enough water throughout the day, especially if you are a big coffee fan…opting for your caffeine fix instead of water can become a dangerous habit, so make sure you are still keeping hydrated alongside your other beverage choices.
27. Your mouth is as dry as the Sahara Desert
Image Source: Men's Health
Do you often suffer with a dry mouth, even after taking sips of water? Well, if you want to solve this problem you might need to keep taking more regular sips. Dehydration can dry out the mucus membranes in your mouth which may reduce the amount of saliva produced to keep your mouth moist.
28. Difficulty sleeping at night
Image Source: The Midult
We’ve seen how many negative symptoms can be caused by not drinking enough water, so it is no surprise that you may also have difficulty sleeping. If you’re body doesn’t stay hydrated it might be suffering on the inside, so keep drinking more water to get a good nights sleep!
29. A decrease in muscle mass...even though you're hitting the gym
Image Source: MSK Sports Injury Clinic
Our muscles are mostly comprised on water, meaning if you don’t drink enough water your muscle mass might decrease even if you are eating a protein-rich diet and working out. Research has suggested it is particularly important to keep hydrated before, during and after exercising to keep your muscles healthy and avoid inflammation.
30. Heartburn that sets your insides on fire!
Image Source: Romper
Are you someone who suffers with heartburn and indigestion? Well, you could solve your stomach issues by drinking more water. If the human digestive system doesn’t stay hydrated, it might not produce enough mucus to neutralise stomach acid which can cause major problems.
31. Nausea

Image Source / Collins DictionaryWhen you're seriously lacking on water, the drop in blood pressure that occurs in your body can also make you feel nauseous. It might be rare, as dizziness is more common with dehydration, but there's also the risk you might feel really sick, too.
32. You're Finding It Impossible To Concentrate

Image Source / The MirrorBefore you start giving yourself a hard time about getting distracted and procrastinating, double check whether you've actually had enough water, because lack of can make it very hard to concentrate, too. Mild dehydrated can mean that your brain performance is lacking - meaning you can't concentrate no matter how much you try!
33. You May Feel Lightheaded Enough To Pass Out

Image Source / OneWelbeckIn extreme cases of dehydration, you may feel so dizzy that you begin to stumble, feel very lightheaded and then maybe even pass out. Especially if you're trying to do something strenuous with serious lack of water, like work out or carry in the heavy groceries.
34. You Get Joint Pain

Image Source / Medical News TodayThink you were just getting old? Or maybe you already are but you're having more joint pain than usual. Joint pain can be a key sign because your cartilage and spinal discs consist of around 80% water. Which means if your water content is lacking, these things are going to be dry as a bone - as it were - and grinding against each other.
35. You Stay Sick For Longer When You Do Get Ill

Image Source / Sharp HealthcareNot only do you find yourself getting sick more often, but it takes you aaaages to recover when you actually do fall ill. While other people are usually bouncing back from colds ridiculously quickly, you might find that illnesses floor you for a much longer period of time.
36. You Get Bad Digestive Problems

Image Source / Verywell HealthStaying hydrated means allowing the digestive system to remain squeaky-clean in terms of the way it works. Without the right amount of water, the acid in your stomach has more of a free reign than it usually would to cause havoc on the body's digestive system.
37. You're Getting UTIs

Image Source / Reddittract infections or UTIs often arise after bacteria has entered into our bodies through sexual intercourse or failing to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom, or dehydration. Drinking water helps to flush bacteria from our bladders, thus preventing infection from setting in. Warning signs that our water intake is too low include dark colored urine or a decreased need to urinate at all.
38. Dull Looking Skin

Image Source / Vie AestheticsNot only can lack of water dry out your skin, it can also give you a very full complexion. Your skin might look very pale, ashy and less-than-radiant (on the face especially) alongside any dry skin issues you might be having.
39. You May Feel Disorientated

Image Source / FreepikFeeling disoriented can leave you 'not with it', very confused and interrupt your entire day because you just can't get a handle on things. Lack of water can affect both the body and mind, and this is just one example of how it can leave your mind all muddled.
40. Problems With Memory

Image Source / Wellcome Centre for Human NeuroimagingNoticed you've been more forgetful than usual recently? You may want to check your water levels. Lack of water can prevent your brain from functioning properly in terms of what you can remember, too. It may mean you're wandering into rooms and forgetting what you went in there for, or just experiencing a huge brain fog.
41. Irritability Is Your Middle Name

Image Source / ParentMapBeing moody doesn't always mean you're lacking water, but if you're finding yourself being ridiculously irritable, snapping at everything and having very little patience, it may be because you need water. In the same way people can be HangryTM, you can get snappy when you need water, too.
42. Heart Palpitations

Image Source / Penn MedicineLack of water and dehydration can cause your heart to react, such as with palpitations, fluttering heartbeat or even a pounding heartbeat. Your heart health can be impacted if you're not staying on top of regular water consumption alongside a healthy diet.
43. Sunken Eyes

Image Source / HealthlineThe skin around the eyes is very thin, which means it's going to be more obvious in this spot when your skin hasn't got enough water. You could experience sunken eyes if you're severely dehydrated, meaning your eyes may look droopy, dark or be lined with circles.
44. Fever

Image Source / Cleveland ClinicIn extreme cases of dehydration, you may also experience a fever, or chills. This is actually a serious warning sign that you're very, very dehydrated! When your body doesn't have enough essential fluids, it's going to struggle to maintain your body temperature, which can then lead to fever or chills.
45. Confusion

Image Source / Medical News TodayAs mentioned, lack of water can lead the brain to be very muddled indeed. In very severe cases of dehydrated, your mind may become very confused and you may find it difficult to think straight or function.
46. Delirium

Image Source / healthjade.comIn very, very extreme cases - and especially in older people - this can lead to delirium. You could become very confused, disoriented, suffer memory loss and have a lot of symptoms that may be similar to dementia in some people. This is because your brain isn't functioning with lack of water.
47. Frequent Afternoon Slumps

Image Source / Business InsiderWe all get that post-lunchtime slump, and there's just something about 3pm onwards that leaves us mentally checking out for the day, but sometimes that can also be down to dehydration rather than you just hating your job. You might become lethargic a lot more easily during the day.
48. Mental Sluggishness

Image Source / ForbesDon't try to take on any important tasks or solve a difficult puzzle if you're dehydrated because chances are your sluggish brain won't be able to cope. A muddled mind can be a key sign you need to have another big gulp of water!
49. Migraines

Image Source / Penn MedicineWhile dehydration can cause bad headaches, it can also cause severe migraines, which are even worse. Migraines are more extreme than a general aching head, and may leave you unable to function properly if they're particularly painful. If you're already prone to migraines anyway, lack of water could also trigger that.
50. You're Reading This!

Image Source / Taste of HomeA key sign you're not drinking enough water can be the fact that you Googled whether you're drinking enough water, and stuck with us this far. How many points sound like you? Did you bother to drink any water while reading this article? Try to keep a bottle next to you!
51. Dandruff

Image Source / firstderm.com When you don't drink enough water, some people may notice more dandruff! This is because lack of hydration can lead to dry, damaged and broken skin. When your skin's barrier is weaker, it is more prone to irritants which can cause itching and flaking.
52. Sinus Infections

Image Source / emedicinehealth.com Dehydration can cause the nasal passages to dry out. When you're dehydrated, mucus inside your sinuses thickens, which becomes more difficult to shift. This can mean mucus stays inside your sinuses longer, putting you at risk of developing a sinus infection.
53. Dry or rough tongue

Image Source / smartmouth.com A dry or rough tongue can be a sign of dehydration, as the body needs enough water to maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes. Usually, you'd notice a rough tongue when waking up in the morning, telling you that you need to reach for a glass of water!
54. Decreased sweat production

Image Source / healthline.com Have you ever done a tough workout and realised you didn't sweat anywhere near as much as you usually would? This might be a sign you need to drink more. Dehydration can cause decreased sweat production. Your body needs enough water to regulate body temperature through sweating.
55. Increased heart rate

Image Source / healthblog.uofmhealth.org Dehydration can put an unnecessary strain on your heart. When you are dehydrated, this decreases the volume of blood that is circulating through your body. To try and compensate for this, your heart begins to pump faster, which in turn increases your heart rate.
56. Frizzy, untameable hair

Image Source / rossanos.ie If you struggle with frizzy hair that just cannot be tamed, you might want to take a look at your water intake! Lack of hydration can cause the hair to become dry and frizzy, leading to a lack of shine and manageability. You can also be more prone to split ends, breakage and have problems with hair growth.
57. Dry or itchy ears

Image Source / curistrelief.com As we know, our skin is made up mostly of water. Without making sure you stay adequately hydrated, your skin cannot be as soft and healthy as it should. In turn, this can cause the skin inside your ears to feel dry, itchy and uncomfortable. It can be hard to moisturise this area, so drinking more water should do the trick.
58. Dental Issues

Image Source / marktangri.com In more extreme cases, lack of hydration has been known to cause white spots on teeth, cavities, and even gum disease. The reason for these dental issues is down to the lack of saliva being produced. Without this, your mouth lacks lubrication, which helps clean debris from teeth.
59. Problems with vocal cords

Image Source / varsitydaze.wordpress.com A dry larynx can be a sign of dehydration. Singer's will always ensure they remain hydrated as it helps to lubricate their vocal folds, allowing them to vibrate. Water which is room-temperature has the best effect, as cold water can shock your cords and hot water can cause inflammation.
60. Allergies

Image Source / share.upmc.com Drinking enough water maintains thin mucus walls in airways and lungs. Dehydration has the opposite effect, causing mucus to thicken and become sticky. This will then slow down respiration, in turn putting you at higher risk of illness, allergies and other respiratory problems.
61. A bad hangover

Image Source / nationaltoday.com Alcohol is dehydrating to the body. This is because it causes you to pee more, in attempt to rid your body of toxins. If you skip the water on your night out, you're likely to feel a lot worse the next morning. Hangover symptoms such a headaches, fatigue and nausea will be heightened.
62. Increased risk of stroke

Image Source / lovinglifeco.com Dehydration can increase the risk of strokes and increase recovery time afterwards. Lack of water causes blood to thicken, preventing easy flow to the brain. If vessels are blocked, a stroke can occur. Studies show drinking five plus glasses of water per day reduce risk of stroke by 53%!
63. Weaker workouts

Image Source / healthdigest.com During exercise, you sweat out electrolytes and water. Drinking enough thorough your workout replaces these lost stores. If your muscles aren't getting enough hydration, you will be easily tired, and your weights are likely to feel much heavier than usual.
64. Hard and firm stool

Image Source / theguardian.com When your body is lacking in water, it will retain more from stool to combat loss of fluid. This creates firm, hard firmer stool which can be painful on the loo! If you notice this symptom, increase your water intake and you may notice less pain and less bloating.
65. Sore muscles

Image Source / orthoc.com Water provides energy to your muscles, allowing them to function. When you lack water, muscles will become sore and weak. This increases risk of spasm and cramp. The water in your body flushes out waste. Without this, there can be a build-up of toxins, causing inflammation and pain.
66. Heat stroke

Image Source / newarkadvertiser.co.uk When your body needs to cool down, it will produce more sweat. Of course, this can lead to dehydration, increasing your risk of heat stroke. This is why when you are in a hot environment, it's important to drink more than usual and not to stay in the heat too long.
67. Blurry vision

Image Source / healthline.com A vital part of your eye is called the aqueous layer, which is mostly made up of water. If you are dehydrated, then this body part cannot function properly. A symptom of this may be surface irritation of your eyes, which in turn can lead to blurred vision.
68. Struggling to breastfeed

Image Source / baby2body.com If you've noticed your body is struggling to produce breast milk, one cause could be as simple as lack of water. Breast milk is roughly 80% water. Therefore, it's no surprise that if your body is lacking water, it will struggle to direct the water needed to produce breast milk for your baby.
69. Can decrease your libido

Image Source / healthgrades.com As we know, lack of water can cause symptoms such as fatigue, low mood and decreased energy. When we are feeling like this, the last thing we are likely to feel like doing is getting intimate with our partner. Drinking more can help improve your sex life!
70. Decreased erectile function and vaginal dryness

Image Source / intermountainhealthcare.com Following on from the last point, another libido killer can be down to erectile or vaginal dysfunction. This can also cause pain during intercourse for women. Both blood flow and your body's ability to self-lubricate is damaged when you're not giving your body enough hydration.
71. Kidney issues

Image Source / froedtert.com Kidney complications are particularly common with chronic dehydration. The purpose of your kidneys is to filter out toxins in your body. Lack of water means higher concentration of waste requiring filtration. This can cause crystals to form, affecting your kidney function.
72. Frequently waking up at night

Image Source / nitethrusleep.com Lack of water has a direct affect on the sleep hormone, melatonin. This happens because dehydration reduces amino acid levels required to produce melatonin. When you are lacking in this, it will disrupt your circadian rhythm, giving you great difficultly staying asleep.
73. Altered sense of taste

Image Source / everydayhealth.com Dehydration can have an affect on your sense of taste. When you are not properly hydrated, your body's salt and water levels and thrown off. This can lead to a build up of salt in your saliva, which can then create a very unpleasant taste in your mouth.
74. Difficulty hearing

Image Source / healthline.com Your inner ear is an organ which is filled with fluid. The fluid here is required for us to hear properly. Dehydration can cause a breakdown in this fluid, leading to hearing issues. Examples of this may be muffled sounds, tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
75. Altered sense of smell

Image Source / moneytalksnews.com Some studies show that people who are dehydrated can have a higher tolerance to foul smells. In certain people, lack of water also lead to a constant unpleasant smell in their nose, which then made it difficult to differentiate between good and bad smells.
76. Baby crying without tears

Image Source / humintell.com If you're looking for signs of dehydration in your baby, a common sign can be whether or not there are tears when they are crying. If the baby is not adequately hydrated, their body will hold onto water and will not allow any to be wasted through their tears.
77. Baby has a sunken soft spot on top of skull

Image Source / momjunction.com Another sign to look for in your baby is a sunken soft spot on the top of their head. Your baby may have lost too much water through vomiting, diarrhoea or not taking in enough fluid. The reason for the sunken spot is down to the skull and its inability to harden as it should.
78. Seizures - can heighten risk

Image Source / healthdirect.gov.au Different kinds of electrolytes help to carry electrical signals between your cells. If these electrolytes are knocked off balance by dehydration, the usual signals can become muddled. In some cases, this may cause uncontrollable muscle spasms, which can lead to seizures.
79. Hallucinations

Image Source / gponline.com In extreme causes, inadequate hydration has been known to cause psychotic symptoms. Examples of this can be hallucinations, changes of consciousness and extreme confusion. If the water level in your body is too low, your brain cells cannot function as they should.
80. Painful cramps at time of the month

Image Source / raleighob.comIf you've noticed you're feeling extra bloated, irritable and experiencing worse cramps during your period, take a look at your water intake. Whilst you're on your period, your body retains water which causes physical symptoms. Drinking enough will help flush out your system and fight against this.
Here are the signs you're not getting enough veg...You've got constipation... and it just won't go away

Image source/Medical News TodayWe all know vegetables contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals we need for healthy bodily functions. In the absence of fibre, which is commonly found in foods like peas and broccoli, your ability to pass food through your bowel can be extremely difficult. It is so important you have at least 25 grams of fibre daily, otherwise your time on the toilet will be far from enjoyable!
2. OUCH! Muscle cramps...

Image source/SelfIf you're having repeated muscle cramps, it could be a sign that you're not eating enough potassium. Our muscles need potassium in order to carry out smooth contractions. Many vegetables are rich in potassium, especially green leafy vegetables like spinach, swiss chard and sweet potatoes.
3. SO. MUCH. Fatigue.

Image source/Women's HealthIf you're constantly tired, it may not just be because you had a bad sleep, you could be deficient in folic acid. A deficiency of folate in the body can result in constant tiredness, but it can be easily prevented be eating green leafy vegetables, legumes, kidney beans, lentils and asparagus.
4. You're hungry after meals

Image source/AaptivAre you constantly hungry after your meals? perhaps you're not eating enough vegetables. Not only are they super nutritious, but they help massively in increasing satiety - the feeling of being full. Vegetables are extremely low in calories, so eating a plateful will actually only work out to be a few hundred calories, and will fill you up.
5. Your skin is looking dull

Image source/Vie AestheticsYou're probably getting the idea now of how beneficial vegetables are, their benefits seem to not stop! They're also packed with antioxidants that can help prevent our body from free radicals, which potentially damage our skin texture. Swapping vegetables for high processed foods also will massively benefit your skin.
6. Your mood is always low

Image source/Diabetes UKIf you're consistent feeling down and lethargic, maybe you should look at your diet and nutrition. Vegetables are loaded with bioavailable multivitamins and minerals which have been shown to work wonders on physical and mental health. Try incorporating some fresh vegetables into your diet and feel the benefits.
7. Persistent colds and flu

Image source/The IndependentVitamin C is essential for our immune system, so a lack in it can easily result in recent cold and flu symptoms. One way we can boost our Vitamin C levels in the body is quite simple - eat more vegetables! Green bell peppers, broccoli and spinach are all excellent foods to give you that boost in vitamin C.
8. Impaired Vision

Image source/RACGPWe have all heard our parents in the past say "carrots help you see in the dark!" it's obviously not true, but they certainly can help your vision. Coloured vegetables such as carrots and beetroots contain carotenoids, which can improve the eye's visual performance. Carotenoids have also been linked to protecting against cataracts and other ageing-related eye diseases.
9. Your stress levels are high

Image source/Psycom.netMagnesium is extremely important for our body and mind, especially as it promotes relaxation. It is also plays an important role in the body's stress response system, as a deficiency in this has been associated to higher stress and anxiety levels. Vegetables, especially leafy greens like spinach, are the best sources of magnesium.
10. Bleeding gums

Image source/News MedicalThe major reason your gums are bleeding is improper oral hygiene, which unfortunately eating vegetables can't help. However, another common reason for bleeding gums is a vitamin C deficiency. Therefore it is essentially we are looking after ourselves and eating lots of vegetables high in vitamin C, most importably dark, leafy green vegetables like spinach.
11. Foggy memory

Image source/Medical News TodayDon't panic if you are a bit forgetful, thats normal, but as we get older lack of nutrients can also lead to prolonged episodes of brain fogginess. Lutein is a type of antioxidant which can be helpful in reviving memory. It is easily found in carrots, broccoli and leafy greens. So if you're looking for that memory boost, start eating your vegetables !
12. Easily bruised

Image source/Men's HealthEasy bruising could be a result of low vitamin C levels in the body. Vitamin C aids in collagen production which is an essential protein required for skin maintenance. You can probably tell how important vitamin C is for you, so make sure you're getting your vegetables in!
13. You're struggling to loose weight

Image source/Redefining StrengthAre your scales not going down? try eating more vegetables. Not only are they very low in calories, they also contain lots of fibre, which is very good at giving your body the sensation of being full. Eating more vegetables will also cut out the amount of processed foods you're eating, which work as the opposite, making you feel hungry when you're full.
14. There's not enough colour on your plate

Image source/healthy plan by AnnAn easy way to tell if you're not eating enough vegetables is the colour of your plate. It sounds silly, but all the different colours add different vitamins and minerals to your plate, which is essential for good health. Of course there are foods that aren't colourful and very nutritious, but it's and easy sign to see if you're eating enough vegetables.
15. Brittle hair and nails

Image source/The BlogulatorBiotin is a B vitamin that is commonly found in spinach, broccoli and cauliflower. A lack of biotin can result in the likes of hair thinning or splitting of the hair and nails. Biotin is important as it converts food into energy and strengthens your hair and nails - so don't forget to have it.
16. Your blood pressure may rise

Image source/HealthlineIf your diet is low in vegetables and high in processed, high-sodium foods, your blood pressure will be significantly higher. A diet high in vegetables and nutrients, more importantly potassium, calcium and magnesium, has also been proven to significantly reduce blood pressure.
17. You're relying on multivitamins

Image source/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthMultivitamins can be a great supplement to take and we are definitely not recommending you to stop taking them, but they're not a substitute for a good diet. Vitamins are better absorb from vegetables then any tablet. So take tablets if you want to, but make sure you prioritise your vegetables.
18. You're eating too much processed food

Image source/American Heart AssociationIf you find you're eating too many ready-meals, or simply just not cooking much food, then you are likely having very little, if not no fresh vegetables. It's very hard to be having a healthy amount of fresh vegetables if most of the food you're eating is coming out of packaging. Ditch the processed junk and make something fresh!
19. You can't stop twitching your leg

Image source/Center for Vein RestorationIf you start showing symptoms of restless leg syndrome (RLS), then your diet potentially could be the cause. RLS is a nerve condition that causes unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations in the legs, giving an irresistible urge to move them. The exact cause is not fully understood, but there appears to be linked with low iron levels. Iron is found in leafy green vegetables, so eating these could help prevent this.
20. Mouth ulcers

Image source/Brandon Dental careMouth ulcers, also commonly referred to as canker sores, are usually the result of deficiencies in iron or B vitamins. In a small study, around 28% of patients with mouth ulcers had deficiencies in three different B vitamins. Green vegetables have an abundance of both iron and B vitamins.
21. Cardiovascular problems

Image source/PULSEIf your cardiovascular health is on the decline, it may be worth considering your diet. Of course, if you are a heavy smoker and drinker, or have an extremely stressful life then lack of vegetables may not be the main concern. A deficiency in all the good vitamins and minerals in vegetables can lead to cardiovascular issues.
22. You're not cooking enough meals

Image source/Financial TimesDo you find yourself constantly ordering fast food? this is generally a good sign you're not eating enough fresh vegetables. The convenience of fast food is great, within minutes you have a tasty meal ready to eat - this isn't great. To be eating enough vegetables, you really need to be cutting out the fast funk junk and get creative in the kitchen.
23. Performance in sport will decrease

Image source/SimpliFasterExercise is one of the most important things to help improve our strength, stamina, maintaining a healthy weight and overall health. Vegetables are loaded with antioxidants that not only optimise performance but improve recovery. Beetroot is a great vegetable for sport as it is packed with nitrates, these help improve blood flow during exercise.
24. Increase in inflammation

Image source/Encyclopedia BritannicaSome inflammation can be good, but too much cane very harmful to our body. Vegetable are one of the best foods you can eat to ensure your health stays in check. As you already know they're packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals which allow your body to keep inflammation in check.
25. Dehydration

Image source/myDrIt may seem daft, but a lack of vegetables may be a cause to dehydration. If you're constantly eating junk food loaded with sodium, you probably find yourself thirsty all the time. Eating more vegetables not only cuts down your amount of sodium, many of them actually have a high water content anyway.
26. Your teeth are rotting

Image source/Oral Surgery of UtahIf you're not eating enough vegetables, the chances are you are eating too many unhealthy foods. These unhealthy, sugary foods are what will be causing your teeth to be rotting. You may be eating vegetables and still have bad teeth, but if you cut out the junk food for a healthier alternative, you may notice a difference in oral health.
27. Slow healing wounds

Image source/ParadeYou may notice when you get a cut it seems to be taking a painfully long time to heal, chances are you're deficient in vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency has been directly linked to people with non-healing open wounds. Loads of vegetables have vitamin C in them, especially dark, leafy greens.
28. Blood clotting issues

Image source/Gavi, the Vaccine AllianceBlood clotting could be a sign that you're suffering from a vitamin K deficiency. A blood clot is pretty severe, so if you have one we would probably recommend you go to the doctors first. However, to help prevent this you can eat foods high in vitamin K, such as cabbage, lettuce and kale.
29. Your food might start to become bland

Image source/Facty HealthNot all foods without vegetables are always blood, we know that, but sometimes the nicest part of the meal can actually be the vegetables. Don't just have a plain burger, get some lettuce on there, maybe add a slice of tomato. There are loads of exciting and adventurous flavours you're missing out on if you're not eating vegetables.
30. Lack of motivation

Image source/OnsightDo you ever find yourself sat around just doing nothing? you have no motivation to do any exercise or work. Eating more vegetables may just kickstart your brain into being more proactive, and give you more motivation. Eating better has a direct correlation to feeling better, so eat your vegetables!
31. You're Getting Frequent Infections

Image Source / HealthlineAs well as just generally feeling ill all the time, you could be catching every infection out there because of a weakened immune system due to the lack of substance you're getting from your veggie-less food. You may also be suffering from malnutrition if you're not eating the right stuff, which can also compromise your immune system.
32. You're Gaining Weight Very Quickly

Image Source / LybrateVegetables are packed with good stuff (fibre) that helps you to feel more full. That's why, if you're not eating enough veg, you're more likely to still feel hungry. But with this feeling of hunger comes the likelihood that you'll stuff your face with other stuff, which means rapid weight gain could be a possibility.
33. You're Suffering From Haemorrhoids

Image Source / GPonlineIf you don't have enough fruit or veg in your diet, this is going to cause digestive issues, and - as mentioned - constipation can be one of these. If you're constantly struggling to pass stool, this can take a toll and may result in causing painful haemorrhoids.
34. You Have Diverticular Disease (Or Are At Risk)

Image Source / MSD ManualsDiverticular disease is when small bulges form in the large intestine and become inflamed. These can also then become infected. The reasons for this developing aren't fully known, but it's believed that a lack of fibre in the diet can contribute to the risks of it happening - and if you aren't eating enough fruit or veg, you're not getting that fibre.
35. Your Mood Is Constantly Low

Image Source / Health For TeensLack of a well-balanced diet can easily have you feeling low. And the other symptoms that come with not eating enough veg, like feeling tired and stressed, can no doubt make you feel even lower, too. If you're eating unhealthily, like sugary foods instead of veg, this can also make you crash after a burst of energy.
36. You're Suffering From Forgetfulness

Image Source / KlarityA healthy diet is all about supporting your body, and that includes the brain. The brain needs a lot of healthy food to function at its optimum level, which also includes your memory power. Especially in older people more at risk, a lack of fruit and veg may hinder a person's memory.
37. Your Bowel Movements Are Irregular

Image Source / Commercial WashroomsA healthy digestive system should see a smooth flow through from eating to producing waste. If there's a problem somewhere along the way, this is when you might find your bowel movement habits are more irregular, like suffering from constipation. The fibre in vegetables helps for more regular bowel movements.
38. Those Little Daily Stresses Are Getting Harder To Handle

Image Source / ForthStress is inevitable, and most days come with it - most of which we can handle. But if you're finding that every single stress factor is setting you off big time, you're obviously not handling it very well - which could be a result of you not getting the right veg, which help to reduce inflammation in the body, which helps to reduce stress factors.
39. Your Salad Drawer Is Empty

Image Source / Wikimedia CommonsThis may sound like an obvious one, but did you stop to look very closely at your fridge lately or do you just shove everything in after a grocery trip? You might even be thinking you're eating some fruit and veg, but if your fridge isn't stocked up and your drawer full ready for every meal, you're clearly not.
40. You're Only Shopping The Interior Grocery Store Aisles

Image Source / WikipediaGrocery store setups see the more processed foods in the central aisles, and the healthier, fresher stuff on the outside aisles. So if you're always going directly for the middle aisles and questioning whether you've ever even see the outside aisles, you're obviously not shopping for fruit and veg often enough.
41. Your Skin Is Breaking Out

Image Source / WikipediaAn unhealthy diet can be linked to bad skin breakouts, such as high sugar or fatty foods contributing to spots. A lot of healthy vegetables can help for clearer skin, as they contain antioxidant properties. So if you're having no reprieve from bad spots, you may want to double check your diet plan.
42. You're Feeling More Anxious

Image Source / ReachOut AustraliaSeeing as lack of vegetables can work against your ability to handle stress, anxiety can also be on the rise, too. If you're feeling anything but relaxed and constantly worked up, there's a risk you're also going to feel more and more anxious about your daily life - and especially if you already suffer with anxiety anyway.
43. You're Bloated

Image Source / TODAYBloating isn't always directly linked to veg as there can be many reasons for it, but a lot of the time what you're eating can be a contributing factor. The fibre in vegetables is important for a healthy stomach, so if you're suffering with digestive problems due to lack of veg, bloating may be a result.
44. You're Struggling To See In Low Light

Image Source / The FADERIt's well known about the legend of carrots being able to help you see in the dark. Well, vitamin A is what helps the pigments of the eyes to see better in the dark, and carrots are packed full of the stuff. So if you're not eating your carrots - or any other veg which contains vitamin A - this could be the reason you're struggling with the dark.
45. You're Reading This!

Image Source / CNETIf you're reading an article on signs you're not eating enough veg, chances are you've already been wondering whether you are - and deep down know that you probably aren't! Eating enough vegetables can be tricky, so here are some helpful tips to increase your veg intake.
46. Buy Frozen

Image Source / DelishablyFresh vegetables always sound more healthy, but the fact is, frozen vegetables have the same health content and are also a lot easier to keep and prepare. Fresh veg can more quickly spoil and waste, but frozen vegetables are very convenient to add to any meal.
47. Agree To Have One Serving Of Veg Per Meal

Image Source / Verywell FitYou don't have to completely change your daily meals to get enough veg, and that thought can be overwhelming, which is why a lot of people might not do it. Instead, it's very easy to simply add one portion of veg to whatever you're eating. If you're having some cereal, add some berries. If you're having lasagne, add a side of frozen peas.
48. Have Veggies Ready To Go

Image Source / Platein28A great way to incorporate more fruit and veg is to have them ready-to-eat, and especially as a snack, such as taking a bag of ready-grated and sliced carrot sticks to work with you. If you prepare a bunch of fruit and veg in advance, it'll make it easier to grab and go.
49. Blend Your Fruit And Veg Into Smoothies

Image Source / PinterestIf you really lack the patience to add fruit and veg to every meal, whipping up a smoothie is a quick and easy way to pack in a ton of fruit and veg at once - and even better because you can do it in the morning and take the bottle with you on the way to work.
50. Prepare Some Tasty Soups

Image Source / PinterestSoup is loved by most people, let's be honest, and it's also one of the best ways to pile in a whole load of veg. If you prepare soup that's packed full of veg, you can easily eat this as a starter before your main or take to work with you as a lunchtime meal. It's a great way to get extra veg.