They Don't Argue At All

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Although it might sound counter intuitive, arguments are actually a healthy part of a relationship, so if your parents never argue it could be a sign that they don't care. Arguments every so often allow each person to vent their anger, and this is very healthy.
Competition Is Everything

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A big of healthy competition leads to your parents trying to improve their lives and constantly striving to make things better for themselves and one another. If competition always results in a big fight, it could be a sign the relationship is coming to a close.
One Person Tries To Argue

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When one person is always trying to pick on the other, it is a clear sign that they no longer want to be in a relationship. The other person will always either argue back or retract into their shell. Either result is heartbreaking to witness for you and your siblings.
They Stress Out One Another

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Stress is a very difficult thing to manage for lots of us, and can really eat you up inside. If your parents are always stressing one another out, then eventually someone is going to snap. One or both of your parents may complain or visibly seem stressed.
Long Car Drives

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If one of your parents seems to be spending a lot of time alone on long car journeys, then it could be a sign that they have fallen out of live with their partner. Spending a lot of time alone suggests that they aren't happy at home and are wanting to escape.
They Put On A Persona

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Putting on a different persona could involve one of your parents either being rude or mean to the other, or being super nice to family friends. This is normally because they are looking for an exit strategy and wanting the other person to become jealous.
Letting Themselves Go

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You might find that one of your parents starts to put a lot less effort in to their appearance and general cleanliness when they think that their relationship is over. This is normally one of the final nails in the coffin, and is pretty sad to witness.
Facebook Posts

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When some relationships come to an end, even if children are not involved, many people take to Facebook and social media to voice their frustrations. You might see one parent posting more and becoming more negative on social media sites like Facebook.
Working Weekends

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Sometimes working at the weekend is just part of the job. No one enjoys it, but when money is tight it just has to be done. You might find that one parent starts to volunteer working at the weekend, just to get away from the other person for a couple of days.
They Are Scared To Leave

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Splitting from your partner, especially when you have children, is a scary thing to do. It can seem very daunting and it is normal to be worried. You might find that your parent is desperate to leave, but is actually quite scared to commit to leaving the relationship.
Kids Come First

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Of course, for most parents your children will always come first. You do however need to know the balance between caring for your children and caring for your partner. When parents are heading for divorce, the kids always come first at the expense of the other person.
Teamwork Is Lacking

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A healthy and happy relationship relies one good and reliable team work. The teamwork from your parents will dry up quickly, and they will start to work against one another rather than with one another when they are ready to split up and get a divorce.
Friends Tell Them They Need A Divorce

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When your parents are unhappy in their relationship, they often speak with friends to help them feel better. Looking at the relationship with fresh eyes is often best, and your parents friends might actually tell them that a divorce would be the best for them.
They Rely On Friends

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It is completely normal for your parents to go out with friends and speak to them when they have relationship issues. If they no longer speak to their partner at all and only speak to friends, this could be a sure fire sign that they want to be single.

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Crying is a very clear sign that someone is upset, but your parents might try and hide any tears from you. They wont want you to know that you are upset about the situation, so may go somewhere private or secret to cry and let out their sadness and frustrations.
Nothing Gets Forgiven

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One of the best moto's to live by in a relationship is to forgive and forget. If one of your parents, or even both, never forgive any mistakes then this is a sign that they are destined for divorce. Forgiveness is a key thing to have a relationship, so keep an eye on this.
They Already Have An Exit Plan

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If your parents have a suitcase packed already, then this is not a sign that they might be getting divorce, it is a sure fire fact that they are splitting up. Getting a divorce is a long process, but for many moving out is often the first step they take.
Spending Time In The Bar

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When one of your parent spends more and more time away from home in the bar, they could literally be drinking away all their problems. This is a sign that the relationship has issues, and the pair would rather not spend time with one another any more.
It Is Tense All The Time

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When it is tense at home, you can almost feel it in the air. You will be able to tell if your parents are tense all the time, as they will often be snappy and quite mean with one another and seem like they are thinking about something or someone else.
They Fight

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Fighting both physically and emotionally is a sign that your parents have fallen out of love and don't want to be with one another any more. When your parents are always fighting, it affects not only their relationship, but also the relationships you have with them.
Business Talk Only

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If your parents work together, it can either work for or against their relationship. In one sense, it can make them stronger together, but it can also put added stress onto the relationship. Only talking about work is a sign that they are stressed and the relationship is struggling.
Spending Nights Away

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Spending nights away from home, and away from their partner is a sign that one of your parents wants more space and time to themselves. This means that they are likely to want a divorce, as they are happy to spend time alone and living without anyone else.
Never Laugh Together

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Laughter is the backbone of a good relationship, so if your parents no longer laugh and joke together it could be a sign that the relationship is ending. Without laughter, the relationship becomes stale and boring, so they may seek company with someone else.
Short With One Another

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Your parents will be short and snappy with one another, often giving one work answers or being purposely unhelpful to one another. This is a clear sign they don't want to be together, and normally leads to fights and more serious arguments in the long run.
Someone Else Is Around

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If one of your parents seems like they always want someone else their for date night or even just to hang out on the couch, something more could be going on. You should keep an eye out for the signs that your parents are having a fling with someone else, as this will of course result in a split.
They Work On Their Appearance

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If one of your parents, who was never normally bothered about how they looked, suddenly starts putting in a big effort then they could be putting it on for someone else. This is one of the first signs of an affair and the starting point of a divorce.
Drinking At Home

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When one parent, or even both, start drinking a lot at home it could be because they are very unhappy in their relationship. This is a signal that they are really unhappy and want to mentally check out for a while. This is bad for physical and mental health!
Separate Vacations

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A vacation is the perfect chance for your parents to chill out and spend some quality time together as a pair. If they suddenly decide that they want to vacation apart, then this is a sign that they might be happier on their own and a divorce could be coming.
Long Work Days

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By spending time at work more, your parents have a good excuse to be out of the house and away from one another. This puts mental strain on them both, as well as affecting the relationships they have with each other and with all of their children too.
Seeming Stressed

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Your parents will seem very stressed before they start the divorce proceedings, and will get even more stressed as it goes on. Your parents might seem more angry and frustrated more often, and may even take out some of their stress on you or your siblings.