1. Finding Feathers

Image source Daily ExpressOne of the most common signs of a guardian angel making its presence felt is finding a feather on your path. When coming across a feather in an unusual place, this is thought to be an especially powerful sign. Also, if the feather is white, it's an indication of an angel watching over you.Originally sourced from Femanin.
2. Tingling Sensation On Your Skin

Image source SpiritIn addition to feeling warmth, angelic energy can feel a bit like a gentle tingle on your skin, often the face. This is a positive feeling although you might think it's a bit weird. It happens when your vibration starts to raise due to being in the presence of a sweet angel!
3. Warmth

Image source InsiderA feeling of warmth and a flush of warm light energy can be a clear sign of angels. When a non-physical spiritual being begins to move their energy down into our world. they move through layers of etheric life force energy to manifest. The first layer of energy they move through is the warmth ether.
4. Flickering Lights

Image source NWAAngelic energy is very powerful. When you are in the presence of angels, the actual lighting around you may show signs of this sudden increase of energy. The angel sign could take the form of the lights around you such as a lamp in your room flickering or it may turn lights off and on.
5. Clouds Shaped Like An Angel

Image source Kent OnlineOne of the most obvious signs that your guardian angel is protecting you happens through the clouds, when you see one that looks just like an angel. Your angel may also draw your awareness towards clouds that look like hearts, as well as other shapes, to draw your awareness to their presence.
6. A Gentle Breeze

Image source PinterestFeeling a gentle breeze or the movement of air, when you are at home and the windows are closed, is another undeniable angel sign. It can sometimes happen if you are sitting quietly on your own in a room or if you are meditating. You may feel a sense of something moving in the room but there's nothing there.
7. Lovely Scents

Image source News DirectIf you have ever noticed a nice, sweet scent and been unable to identify where it's coming from, this may well be a sign from your angels. It is thought angels try to make their presence felt through aromas. Scent can be a commonly used sign from your ancestors and loved ones who have passed over.
8. Babies And Pets Spotting Something

Image source Higgy PopBabies and animals haven't yet taken on many of the filters which block people's ability to clearly see the angels. If you have ever noticed babies looking up and smiling at the ceiling or staring at a blank spot on the wall, they could well be looking at a guardian angel.
9. Finding Coins In Front Of You

Image source Big ChiFinding coins on your path is a common sign of guidance and support from the spirit word. Also, if someone gives you a coin, check the date as it may hold a meaning for you. What were you thinking before you noticed or received the coin? If you were struggling with a decision or thinking about a loved one, chances are your angel is close by.
10. Hearing Angelic Music

Image source Learn ReligionAngels may communicate with you through recurring songs on the radio and can send messages through music. Be mindful of the guidance which comes to you from angels through this music, especially if you wake up with a song in your head which answers a question you've been mulling over.
11. Sparkles Of Light

Image source KalaSeeing unexplained shimmers or flashes of light around you could be a clear angel sign. This may take the form of a bright star or shafts of light, both which catch your eye and cause you to think. If you close your eyes and the light is still there, you may have been blessed with an angel caring for you.
12. Seeing Lights While Meditating

Image source QuoraIf you have ever meditated with your eyes closed and suddenly your inner vision is filled with light and a sparkling glowing energy, you might be attracting angelic energy. You have allowed yourself to channel a level we all possess but few can tap into it and feel the angel's presence.
13. Crown Chakra Tingles

Image source Anna SayceFeeling a tingling sensation and warmth at the very top of your head, called you rcrown chakra, can be a clear angel sign. The tingles are thought to happen when angels are close by and they are helping you open up to their frequency so they can connect with you.
14. Seeing Orbs

Image source Haunted RoomsWitnessing orbs of light can be an angel sign. You may see them in the air or even capture photos of them. It is important to know that dust on your camera lens or taking a picture into the sun can cause orbs so be sure to question if this is the case before you allow yourself to have connected with an angel.
15. Noticing Rainbows

Image source Watch & LearnRainbows are said to be a symbol of divine love. When you ask for angelic help and shortly afterwards a rainbow appears, your prayers might have been answered. A rainbow orb around the moon or a double rainbow appearing when it hasn't been raining. can be an extra special sign to you.
16. Temperature Change In The Room

Image source Greater GoodWhen you're in the presence of angels, you could experience a change in temperature. This can be an amazing validation that your angels are with you. You may suddenly feel a warm glowing light around you or the exact opposite, getting the chills or starting to feel cold at the back of your neck, both angel signs.
17. Feeling Like An Angel Is Near

Image source Woot & HammyIf you feel like you are in the presence of an angel then it's likely that you actually are. You may feel like somebody walked past you when there's no one there or you may get the impression someone is in the room with you when there isn't. This could be your angels being subtle with their wings of love.
18. Feeling Joy, Peace And Love

Image source World Of HopeAngels are said to be incredible beings of peace and wisdom as they are the messengers of God. They have a way of evoking a sense of emotional warmth, love, harmony and peace. When you experience this angel sign, you feel unconditional love and, more importantly, comfort.
19. Feeling Of Being Touched

Image source InsiderAnother genuine sign of angels is when you physically feel as if your hair is being lightly brushed or your arm is being stroked. It's so gentle that you can question yourself as to whether you are imagining it or not. This can happen when your angels really want to alert you to their presence.
20. Signs Or Advertisements On Billboard

Image source FlickrIf you ask for guidance from your angels, you should stay open and alert and you may start noticing a certain word or phrase on a number of advertising bords, shop signs or street names. This might sound corny but it is thought to be a sure sign of help from a higher plain.
21. Hearing Whispered Voices

Image source News MedicalWhen you hear a message in your head or you think you heard a whispered voice which seems to appear out of nowhere, you may be experiencing the messages of your angels. If you can't hear clearly what is being said, ask your angel to speak a bit louder so you can understand. This is a beautiful sign of their presence.
22. Seeing Angel Numbers

Image source Law Of AttractionOne of the most common ways for angels to attempt to get your attention to guide you is through 'Angel Numbers'. Whether you are sitting in traffic behind a car with 444 on the license plate or you seem to look over at the clock at just the right time, say 10.10 exactly, these synchronistic times and angel numbers have specific meanings for you.
23. Seeing Angel Symbols

Image source Spark Of JoySeeing images of stereotypical appearances of angels is said to be a sure signs of angels when they simply want to remind you of their existence. The image above of an angel as a human type being with a halo and wings and glowing energy, is one that is commonly associated with this style of imagery.
24. Dreaming Of Being Visited

Image source HealthlineDreaming of your Angel visiting you could easily be them trying to communicate a message to you. The higher powers want you to feel safe and supported and by visiting you during slumber or during vulnerable times in your life, they can do so and this is thought to be quite common.
25. Human Messengers

Image source FreepikYou must have heard of the phrase, 'heaven sent' when someone or something good arrives in front of you. It turns out that angels may use the assistance of another human to deliver a message to you. An example would be if you were worried about a problem and you can either open up to this person about it or they inadvertently give you the answer you were hoping for.
26. Butterflies Flying Around You

Image source Miller's GuildA butterfly has often been described as sacred and is considered to be a special message from heaven. If you have recently lost someone close to you, this could well be a sign from an angel. Angels are sent by God to deliver messages (Luke 1:19) and if a butterfly lands on you or flies around you, that can only be a positive sign.
27. Visits From Birds

Image source Chigwell ToursDuring creation God separated the heavens from the waters of the earth but he allowed the 'birds to fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens' - (Genesis 1:20). It is for this reason that birds are often thought of as being angel messengers. When you see a really special bird such as a cardinal, this could be a message from your guardian angel.
28. Seeing A Dragonfly

Image source WikipediaDragonflies are long thought to be carriers of spiritual messages from heaven. A dragonfly is a symbol of change and transformation. If one lands on you or nearby, this might be a sign that change is coming soon. Your guardian angel is reminding you that what you are going through does not have to be permanent and cold be a temporary situation.
29. Discovering Smooth, Odd or Unique Stones

Image source Antique MalWhen you notice an odd or unique stone on the ground, you would be right in assuming it was likely placed there for you to see. Your guardian angel could be trying to get your attention or just give you a nudge that they are watching over you. You should pick up the stone and always keep it close by.
30. Finding Personal Items in Strange Places

Image source OA PublishingYou may begin to notice angel signs when your personal items begin appearing in the strangest of places. For instance, you might notice a piece of clothing has been moved out of the drawer and turn up somewhere else quite unrelated. Thus is to make you think about why it happened and could lead you to the thought of an angel being around you which is very reassuring.
31. You Feel A Presence You Can't Explain

Image Source / Smithsonian MagazineA big sign that your guardian angel is with you is sensing that presence. Of course, not all strange presences have to be guardian angels (if you believe in that thing it could be a ghost or other type of energy) but you might feel at peace or happy with the presence you sense there. It may be comforting for you and feel like good energy.
32. You Feel Like You're Being Watched

Image Source / BBCIn the same vein, you may also feel like you're being watched. It's possible to feel a presence near you without feeling like you're necessarily being watched, but you may instead feel like there are eyes on you when you go into a certain room - or maybe no matter where you go, even out of the house.
33. You Feel An Urge To Reach Out To The Presence

Image Source / Today ShowWhile the feeling of being watched or sensing a presence may leave you feeling a bit weird and determined not to acknowledge it, with a guardian angel you may feel so at peace that you actually have the urge to reach out to it, or try and communicate with it. You may realise that you don't want to ignore the feeling around you.
34. You're Attuned To Your Heart And Mind

Image Source / RhythmiaBreathIf you're very in tune with your gut feeling, what your heart tells you and work with an open mind, it's more likely that you're going to notice the signs that a guardian angel is around you. People with closed minds who only listen with their ears are less likely to notice their guardian angel trying to reach out to them.
35. You Get Really Random Thoughts That Make No Sense

Image Source / The HillGuardian angels could sometimes give signs to you in less than normal ways, and one of these methods might be to give you a random thought, whether when you're conscious, daydreaming or drifting off to sleep. If you're finding you're getting very vivid, random thoughts that make no sense, it could be a sign or message.
36. You Experience Things You Honestly Can't Explain

Image Source / PixabayThere's just things that are happening that you can't think of any other explanation for, where the idea of a guardian angel is the only thing that makes sense. It might be something you're seeing, hearing or feeling, but whatever it is is something you just can't explain any other way than another presence trying to reach out to you.
37. Temperature Changes In You

Image Source / Camera ObscuraWhile guardian angels could make a room feel colder or warmer, they could also change how warm you feel inside. It might be that you suddenly feel all 'warm and fuzzy' or that the room has stayed the same temperature but you feel different - like a boiling hot room but you suddenly get a chill and feel cold.
38. Pressure On Your Skin

Image Source / Verywell HealthYou could feel soft tingling on your skin or chills on your skin, but you may feel actual pressure on your skin. This could be the sensation of someone pressing down on your arm, squeezing your shoulder or how it would feel if someone laid their head on top of yours, without being able to see anything there to cause the pressure.
39. You Have More Experiences Or Signs When You're Asleep

Image Source / The TelegraphIt may be that you don't experience anything at all when you're awake. The mind's fences come down when you're asleep, so it might be that you're always experiencing something - whether weird messages, signs or visitations - every time you fall asleep and dream, but nothing when you're awake.
40. You Have A Full On Conversation In Dreams

Image Source / Cleveland ClinicDream visitations could often be you simply seeing a shape or the face of your guardian angel - maybe they say nothing and merely smile or reach out to you. But you could also have a visitation by a stranger in a dream and have a full on conversation with them, the type of conversation that takes about deep, personal things in a supportive way.
41. You Keep Seeing Articles Or Pop Ups About Guardian Angels

Image Source / eBayJust like this one, you may keep seeing articles or information about guardian angels, their signs and what to look for it. It could be pop ups on sites, side advertisements, leaflets posted or signs on a bus stop. Maybe someone even randomly recommended a guardian angel website to you.
42. Your Intuition Is Screaming At You

Image Source / Welldoing.orgWhether you usually have loud intuition anyway, you might find that it suddenly has alarm bells ringing all the time. This could be when you're in a certain area of your home, a particular room or just when you see or hear something specific. Your intuition could be trying to tell you something about someone reaching out to you.
43. And It's Getting Louder And Louder

Image Source / OZYIt may also be that the first time you encountered a sign of your guardian angel, your intuition started piping up a little bit more. But you've found that it's getting louder and louder over time. This could be because after your guardian angel has first made contact and established a connection, they could be reaching out more and more - which means your intuition is calling out to you more and more.
44. Your Inner Voice Isn't Actually Your Voice

Image Source / The GuardianIf your intuition is strong, you're probably also in tune with your inner voice. You might be use to your inner voice telling you when things are right or wrong, your thoughts or feelings or you may have full on conversations with yourself in your head. But if you've noticed that your inner voice isn't actually the sound of your own voice and feels foreign to you, it could be a guardian angel trying to communicate.
45. You See Certain Repeating Numbers Absolutely Everywhere

Image Source / MediumThere could be a lot of signs or images you continuously see which could be a message trying to be communicated to you, but most often numbers can be a huge sign for guardian angels, too. If you keep seeing the same number - or number pattern - repeated absolutely everywhere, it's unlikely it's a coincidence.
46. You Keep Hearing A Certain Song On The Radio

Image Source / Trance-Energy RadioThis might be on the car radio when you're driving, or the radio you listen to at home. If you keep running into issues with your radio when you try setting it to a specific channel only to have it tune in to the same song it keeps tuning into, this could be a guardian angel trying to communicate through music - especially if it's one of your favourite songs.
47. You're Feeling More Enlightened In Yourself

Image Source / Future ThinkersIt might be that you're suddenly going through a stage in your life where you're feeling more at peace and open to higher ideas, without any particular reason why. You haven't done anything different, you're just suddenly feeling different emotionally and spiritually in terms of an enlightened connection.
48. You're Feeling A Tad Existential

Image Source / GoodTherapyEveryone goes through those stages (and crises) of feeling existential, but if you're at that stage in your life where you're asking the bigger questions and suddenly being more aware of existence and the meaning of life, this can mean your mind is more open to these things - or maybe your guardian angel is opening your mind for you.
49. A Book Can Fall From The Shelf

Image Source / RacklineYou may find that random books are falling from your bookshelves - or maybe even in public places like libraries or the office - and falling open to a specific page. There may be significance to you in the book itself, or the page the book has fallen open to may have a passage of text that means something to you. This could be a message your guardian angel is trying to get across.
50. Signs Through The Television

Image Source / WikipediaIf you find yourself flicking through television channels constantly, you may find the TV stops on a specific TV station or advert that has significance to you. It could be an image, text or music that responds to something you've been thinking about recently, or an answer to a question you've been asking yourself.
51. Good Things Come In Threes

Image source InsiderYou will be aware of the saying that bad luck often comes in threes and there's that sense of dread. However, the opposite can also apply where three good things, totally unexpected, happen in a short space of time. It may not be all about the luck but more to do with divine intervention.
52. Surviving An Accident Against All Odds

Image source The GuardianWhen your time is up on this earth to pass over to whatever is there for us at the next level, nothing will stop it. If someone has a miraculous survival at maybe one in a thousand chance, then their guardian angel could be protecting them as it's not yet time for their final farewell.
53. Changing Your Travel Plans

Image source ReutersThere have been many reports of air passengers changing their flights at the last minute because they just feel they have to. An expensive decision but you can't put a price on your life as, in a small number of these cases, the aircraft has crashed or developed a serious fault. Appears that some lucky individuals are being protected.
54. Coming Back From The Dead

Image source National SeniorsA hospital chaplain in America has stated that he has witnessed patients who have 'died' or are on the brink of passing over, come back to life. When well enough, these individuals commented that they felt a presence, possibly a guardian angel, putting thoughts into their heads that they had to stay alive.
55. Feeling Comfort When You Most Need It

Image source HealthlineIf you have ever felt in a really low mood, missing a loved one who has recently departed, it's a long ladder to climb to get back to feeling chirpy. If you are having a particularly bad day and you find it suddenly passes to leave you with positivity, don't undermine the powers of your guardian angel.
56. Getting Help With A Big Decision

Image source Tiny SignsThere are some big decisions to make in life and they don't come easy, weighing up the pros and cons. Should you move house, to a new area, when you're taking up a promotion within the company? Should you commit to a relationship you're unsure about. If you wake up one morning and it all becomes clear, your guardian angel could be the reason why.
57. Intuition And Being Inspired

Image source Welldoing.comA guardian angel may try to send you ideas via intuition. They could provide different perspectives or unique ideas so you should pay attention to the thoughts that are popping into your head. Intuition can come to you at any time, even when you're singing in the shower!
58. You Think You've Actually Seen Your Angel

Image source Belief.netWhen you think you may have seen your angel, you could be super in tune with your psyche and this is known as clairvoyance. You can see a non-physical presence or you feel that you can actually see it. A clairvoyant may be able to pass a message on from an angel to the person they are guarding.
59. Speak To Your Angel

Image source Spirit LoveCall your guardian angel by mentally telling them how you are feeling. Be yourself and open up on your anxieties, doubts, worries and fears. An angel is your devoted friend and could help you work out solutions to your problems.
60. Don't Try To Work Out How An Angel Helps

Image source QuoraDon’t pay attention trying to work out how your request will be answered. Have trust that the answer may come to you in many different ways and you'll be aware of it when it happens and it will come at the right time for you.
61. Thanking Your Angel

Image source Reiki RaysIf you truly believe your guardian angel is watching over you, protecting you, passing on their energy when you most need it, then show your gratitude by thanking them out loud or blowing them a kiss. If you prefer and it makes you feel more comfortable, write them a letter.
62. Ringing In Your Ears

Image source Crystal Clear IntuitionWhen angels are reaching out, it's different for every person but ringing in the ears is thought to be a common approach. The meaning can be for reassurance and to let you know your angel is near and available to help you.
63. Seeing A Hawk

Image source QuoraAs hawks are thought to be symbols of intuition, angels will send them as a sign that you should follow your instincts because your intuition at that particular time is absolutely right. A hawk is a powerful sign and shouldn't be ignored.
64. Sensitive Solar Plexus

Image source Diane's Healthy LivingYour solar plexus chakra is just above your belly button and described as being in the pit of your stomach. This area is supposed to be very sensitive to energy and if your angel sends sensations to this area, it can be a warning that something isn't quite right. Don't ignore it.
65. Unexplainable Technical Issues

Image source Business InsiderAnother angel sign can be a technical failure that happens out of the blue. Your alarm didn’t go off and there was no logical reason for it, causing you to be late. Maybe your car broke down and you ended up missing an appointment. These things could have happened because your angel didn't want you to step foot in certain places because something bad might have occurred.
66. Warnings Through Other People

Image source Moms KnowYour angel could be trying to give you a warning through your family and friends. If others offer you advice or their opinions on what you should do, don't dismiss their words and you should take them as signs from your angel who is channelling to you via your loved ones.
67. You Drop And Break Things

Image source The KitchnEven if you tend to generally be a bit clumsy, don't blame yourself all the time and assume it's always your fault. It could be your guardian angel trying to warn you about something important. It's possible that someone needs your help but isn't asking you directly. You should work out who it could be.
68. Your Car Breaks Down Unexpectedly

Image source The SunWe've previously touched on why your car might break down but there is thought to be another meaning to this as well. It might be a sign that you shouldn't make any financial decisions today, whether an impulse purchase or lending money to someone you know.
69. A Household Appliance Stops Working

Image source Daily MailRegardless of whether it's a basic appliance or a more complex device, this type of breakdown may be a sign from your guardian angel that you need to be extra cautious with your finances today. You might not think you have any money issues and then a large, unexpected bill could turn up soon afterwards and it will all become clear.
70. Hearing A Scream Or Weird Laughter From Somewhere

Image source Wales OnlineShould this happen to you, then don't stay out late today. The sound of sinister laughter or a muffled scream could be a sign from your angel that you may be attacked by a drunkard or a person trying to steal your belongings. Be vigilant and get home before it's dark.
71. Seeing Mental Visions

Image source Wales OnlineIf you are a visual person, you may see mental visions when you are meditating or in the last few minutes before you fall fast asleep. You may see colours swirling around, sparkles of light or even, if you are lucky enough, to view a clear image of one of your angels standing before you.
72. Learn Your Angel's Name

Image source Calm MomentGo to a quiet room and shut the door behind you so as to block out other people's energy. Sit very still, with your eyes closed and calm your mind until it's completely clear of any thoughts. Then ask your higher self to name your guardian angel.
73. What If No Name Is Being Given?

Image source Quiz ExpoIf a name comes to you then that is wonderful and you will probably understand why it is that particular one. However, if one isn't forthcoming, it could be that your guardian angel is inviting you to come up with one yourself. If no name comes, it might be that your guardian angel is inviting you to name them yourself.
74. Dedicate A Song To Them

Image source HackMate
Music isn’t something physical that you can nail down and touch. It travels in the ether, spreading through your senses and if it has deep meaning to you, will go right to your soul. It can draw emotions in people and angels could use it to reach you. Dedicate a song to your angel and the response could be in the form of the lyrics.
75. Write Your Angel A Letter If You Are Troubled

Image source Resilient Educator
Start your letter, “Dear Guardian Angels,” and then write down what is weighing on your mind. By sharing your thoughts, you may start to feel less stressed. Your guardian angel will know everything about you already so will be aware of your situation.
76. Angels Appearing As Humans

Image source Angel SkyIt is thought to be far more common for angels to appear in physical form as human beings than wearing wings. An angel could appear as a human because it wants to offer you assistance - it stops to hep you change your car tyre or sits next to you in the hospital waiting room. They can disappear from sight as quick as they appear.
77. Sudden Illnesses

Image source Insider If you wake up with a stomach bug, fever or sore throat, you may decide to give work a miss that day. That's what happened to an American man and staying at home meant he didn't go to his office in the twin towers - the day it got blown up in 9/11. He was convinced it was a higher power looking out for him.
78. Losing Your Keys

Image source SIT This is a common and annoying early warning signal used as a delaying tactic. There have been many stories abut car keys not being in their usual place but half an hour later, mysteriously re-appearing. Most people were convinced someone or something had their backs and was protecting them as, if they had left on time, they would have all been caught up in car accidents.
79. Strange Delays

Image source Confused.comThe warning panel light coming on in your car, prompting you to pull up at the side of the road or your usual bus or train being later than usual, could be a blessing in disguise. It could be the work of angels using delay tactics such as these to slow you down to get your undivided attention for a particular reason.
80. Premonition Of A Disaster

Image source Kevin SaundersIf you have had a frightening nightmare and are glad to wake up in your own bed the following morning, write down the bad dream as it could hold some significance. There have been numerous reports on individuals dreaming of plane crashes and house fires, for example, only to have discovered they turned out to be premonitions. This could be a gift passed down from your guardian angel to enable you to act upon a future disaster.