1. No menstrual periods for at least 12 consecutive months

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The menopause is no joke. If you're going through it, it's reassuring to know that there is an end in sight and you will get your life back! Kicking off with possibly the clearest sign, if you've gone a full 12 months with no period, it looks like you're out of the menopause!
2. Improved mood swings and irritability

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Your body has spent years navigating through a huge hormonal imbalance and is settling into a new normal. Lots of women report mood swings and irritability during the menopause. When you start to feel less snappy, this is very good news for you (and those around you).
3. Hot flashes and night sweats have stopped

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A stereotypical symptom of a women who is menopausal are the hot flashes. Well, they're real, and they're tough! When you finally notice these wearing off, it's a sure sign that you're on the right track to getting through and coming out of the other side.
4. Vaginal dryness and itching have improved

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Due to changes in oestrogen levels, some women report suffering from vaginal dryness and itching when the menopause hits. If you're one the unlucky ones here, the good news is that your hormones will settle back down, and this nasty symptom does usually ease off as a result!
5. Decreased frequency of urination

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A reduced level of oestrogen also has a surprising effect on your need to go to the loo. You might have noticed you're needing to wee far more often, especially at night. Once the menopause has finished, you'll be pleased to know that you may now return to your normal, less frequent toilet visits.
6. Reduced breast tenderness

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Tenderness, burning, soreness, stabbing, sharp and throbbing. Sound fun? All of these types of pain are experienced by some women in their breasts whilst they're navigating the menopause. Once these pains start to subside, you're likely to be heading towards the finish line.
7. Improved concentration

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Research has shown that 1 in 10 women have quit their jobs because of menopause symptoms. And this rises to 1 in 4 women when it comes to severe symptoms. A huge reason for this is down to the genuine difficulty to concentrate! I'm here to reassure you this won't last forever, concentration returns once the menopause is over.
8. Less facial hair and body hair growth

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When your body goes through the menopause, it stops circulating oestrogen but continues with the same amount of testosterone. This creates an imbalance to your usual hormones. So, it's no surprise that a lot of women notice increased unwanted hair growth. Once hormones settle back down, your hair growth should return to your normal.
9. Improved energy levels

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Your usual daily activities can sometimes feel a lot more tiring when you're going through the menopause. Women say that they have a decreased level of energy which usually does rise again once they come out the other side. Once you start feeling more awake, you're on the way up.
10. No more menstrual cramps or PMS

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Of course, a huge positive that comes with your periods ending is being able to say goodbye to the cramps and PMS! When you're no longer experiencing the pain associated with periods, this can sometimes be because they're stopping and the menopause has almost completed.
11. Increased libido

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A big complaint for a lot of menopausal women is that their attitude to sex just isn't the same. This is down to a number of things, some examples may be decreased energy, low mood, hormone changes, pain or vaginal dryness. The good news is that once the menopause has ended, these symptoms subside and your libido will return!
12. Hair texture changes

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Some women experience changes in their hair texture during the menopause. This could be hair thinning, becoming more brittle or less soft. Once this has ended, some women have reported that their hair did seem to soften again and became easier to manage.
13. Decreased muscle mass and increased body fat

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When levels of oestrogen drop, it changes how your body stores fat. Unfortunately, this often means fat is stored around the waist instead of on the hips and thighs. This can be highly frustrating for some women! This change in body shape can sometimes reverse once the menopause has ended.
14. Joint pain and stiffness

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There are actually oestrogen receptors in your joints, which help to protect your bones and manage inflammation. When oestrogen levels drop, some women experience swelling and pain. Luckily, once your oestrogen levels rise again, this pain should ease off.
15. Improved sleep quality

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Sleep disturbances are a common symptom during the menopause. Some women have this difficulty due to night sweats, whilst others suffer from insomnia or anxiety and worries preventing them from sleeping. These issues are temporary and should go away!
16. Improved memory

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A lot of women can panic when they notice a decline in their memory as they're getting older, with some women even mistaking this symptom for dementia. Memory loss is a completely normal part of the menopause, but this doesn't make it any easier! Memory should improve once the menopause nears the end.
17. Less fatigue

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It's common for menopausal women to complain that fatigue has a big negative impact on their lives. Feeling zapped of energy and drained by life can be a huge hurdle to overcome every day. You'll be pleased to know this feeling won't last forever and energy levels do return!
18. Your life feels more balanced

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After the menopause, not only are you no longer having monthly periods, but your body stops releasing an egg each month. Since you first began your period as a young girl, up until now, you've lived with constant ups and downs of energy and hormone levels throughout your menstrual cycle. Now, your energy levels will feel more balanced all month round!
19. Improved overall health

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It's reported by some women that they feel more run down and may have a weaker immune system whilst going through the menopause. Which makes sense, as your body is busy dealing with huge hormonal changes! Once this has finished, you may start to feel more in control of your overall health.
20. Improved relationships

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The menopause can be a strain on relationships for some people. Whether this is with your partner, children, wider family or even work colleagues! It may have been hard to find the energy to socialise, difficult to hide your irritation, or due to a decreased libido. Each of these issues should subside once the menopause is over.
21. Motivation is higher

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Fatigue, hot sweats, period cramps and mood swings can all wreak havoc on your motivation. Some people notice this is at work, gym, or other areas of your life. Once your body is no longer fighting with its hormones, your motivation and productivity should return to how it was!
22. Less confusion

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If you've been through the menopause, you're likely all too familiar with the brain fog! Some women describe this by explaining that their brain feels like cotton wool. You may feel confused, forgetful and slower thinking. You'll be pleased to know that this frustrating and debilitating symptom wears off!
23. Decreased anxiety

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If you're one of the unlucky ones who suffer from increased anxiety levels during the menopause, you're not alone! It's a fairly common symptom that can happen due to hormone imbalances and also worries about work or relationships. These aspects improve for most people.
24. Skin texture changes

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When your hormone levels are dropping, this can provide external, physical symptoms as well as internal. An example of this can be changes to the texture of your skin! Some women notice their skin becomes more dry, flakey and thin during the menopause. Afterwards, your skin may return to normal.
25. More control over weight

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It's hard to keep your weight under control when your motivation to exercise is at an all time low. Even women who keep up the same routine reported a struggle with weight management due to hormones gone wild! Once they have settled back down, you should find it easier to watch the pounds.
26. Less urinary tract infections

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The dreaded UTIs - not fun! Some women notice an increased number of urinary tract infections whilst they're going through the menopause. As if we didn't already have enough to deal with! Luckily, once menopause has completed, the UTIs usually stop too.
27. Decreased muscle aches

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As you know, Oestrogen levels plummet during the menopause. Another nasty symptom of this can be increased muscle pain and stiffness throughout your body. You might have found that you're extra sore after a workout. When your hormones balance back out, so should your muscle pain!
28. Improvement with urinary continence

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As we've described, menopause can have a weakening effect on your muscles. Unfortunately, this goes for your pelvic floor muscles, too! It's no surprise therefore that some women notice a bigger struggle when it comes to their urinary continence. Along with exercises and some lifestyle changes, urinary continence can be improved.
29. Decreased palpitations

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Another symptom can be heart palpitations or flutters during the menopause. Whilst this sensation can be potentially alarming to some people, they're usually harmless. They happen due to the changes in hormone levels and usually do go away once your body is more balanced.
30. Decreased headaches

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A lot of women have complained that their headaches and migraines worsen during the menopause. They can become more frequent and more severe. Once you start to notice this pain becoming less of a problem, it might be a good sign that the menopause is almost over!
31. Early signs you're still going through menopause: you're missing periods
image source: reddit.com
If you don't think you've completed the menopause, you may be looking for signs that it's ongoing, approaching or anything else regarding what you can expect. Don't worry! All of these signs are normal, and then you can start looking for the symptoms that it's all coming to a close! You'll still be having periods if you haven't come to the end yet. Menopause will show missed periods that don't have another reason for them, like pregnancy.
32. You're still having hot flashes
image source: reddit.com
When hormones mess up your temperature regulation, you'll get a hot flash that spreads throughout your body - this is normal when your hormones are all over the place during menopause. If you're still having hot flashes, you haven't come to the end yet - and this is a key symptom of menopause.
33. You're gaining weight
image source: reddit.com
Weight gain can be one of the most annoying side effects of menopause, especially if you're already feeling hot and bothered and now have a little extra to carry around with you! Staying active during menopause is encouraged to try keep off that extra weight.
34. You're having vaginal dryness
image source: reddit.com
When estrogen decreases during menopause, this can cause lubrication to decrease in the body, including moisture in the skin, hair and yes the vagina. There are still ways to enjoy sex if you have a partner during menopause, so don't worry - you'll just need a helping hand from over the counter products.
35. You're struggling to sleep

image source: reddit.com
Struggling to sleep is a completely normal reaction from your brain and body during menopause - but it's one of the most impactful ones because it can leave you feeling less than your best! When the estrogen levels in the body decrease, the brain then releases chemicals that can have you feeling more alert during the night.
36. Your moods are definitely swinging

image source: reddit.com
Lots of things leave hormones unbalanced and result in mood swings, like periods, pregnancy and even menopause. While you can't get rid of the mood swings you'll experience, it's good to try some relaxation techniques and just understand that it's normal and not your fault!
37. Your breasts are tender
image source: reddit.com
We know breasts can hurt during that time of the month, but they can still be tender during menopause when you're not having any periods! This is again due to hormonal changes that are happening, as well as water retention and swollen breast tissue. Just make sure to be wearing a comfortable bra.
38. The headaches haven't stopped
image source: reddit.com
You might find that the headaches are coming fast and often, and a lot of things can make it a lot worse, like being more sensitive to noise, bright lights or stimulants like caffeine. Add that to the lack of sleep you're probably getting, it can leave you feeling a bit heavy in the head!
39. You're losing your libido
image source: reddit.com
It's also normal to have a decreased sex drive during the menopause, and this is once again thanks to those things we love: hormones! Hormones can cause mood changes, which includes feeling low and feeling lack of interest in things you once enjoyed, sex included!
40. You're suffering with embarrassing leaks
image source: reddit.com
You might find your bladder is a lot weaker, too, especially when you get a fright, sneeze or laugh! These accidental leaks are completely normal, and it's best if you better prepare for them, like with the right underwear or incontinence pads. You can speak to your doctor if you're concerned about leaks, too.
41. Your memory is suffering
image source: reddit.com
You might find you're being more forgetful than normal - this is a classic sign menopause is on the way, or has already arrived. 'Brain fog' is completely normal during this stage of your life - but that doesn't make it any less annoying! Once again - surprise surprise - it's thanks to hormones!
42. You're having night sweats

image source: reddit.com
It's never nice waking up to sheets full of sweat, and that's when you eventually do get to sleep after feeling wide awake all night thanks to menopause! Night sweats aren't fun, but they're normal. This can be on top of hot flashes, but instead you wake up feeling cold and clammy!
43. You might be getting UTIs, too
image source: reddit.com
You might find that you have more than one bladder issue during menopause, so as well as a few leaks, you might also get recurring problems with Urinary Tract Infections. You might feel like you need to go to the toilet more frequently, and it might be uncomfortable or painful when you do.
44. You're finding more hair!
image source: reddit.com
Even years before menopause we all have that one pesky chin hair we have to keep plucking! But during menopause you're bound to find that you have more hair growing on your body. This is once again down to hormonal changes which can result in hair growth where you don't usually have it.
45. Your skin is changing
image source: reddit.com
Keep an eye on what your skin is doing when you get older! During menopause, you're going to have loss of collagen and fatty tissue which will result in your skin looking thinner and drier. You might also notice a few more wrinkles. Skin changes can happen anywhere on the body, too!
46. You may be going through struggles like anxiety
image source: reddit.com
We mentioned about losing interest in things you used to enjoy, loss of libido and low mood. During this time it's very common to go through things like anxiety and depression thanks to the changes your body is going through, including hormones, and this can also affect chemicals in your brain.
47. Your metabolism has slowed
image source: reddit.com
We also mentioned about gaining weight during menopause, and a lot of that is down to the fact that you'll have a slowed metabolism during this time. Your body is going to be a lot slower in using up those calories you're feeding it, so weight gain is likely in this regard.
48. Decreased muscle mass

image source: reddit.com
Decreased muscle mass is actually the reason your body is going to handle calories a lot slower, too. When you lose muscle mass during menopause - which is completely normal - it slows down your body rate. Muscle mass being decreased is down to lower estrogen levels.
49. Your eyes are dry
image source: reddit.com
Don't be surprised if even your eye health is affected by menopause! When you reach a certain age - usually around 50 - your tear production actually decreased, resulting in less lubricated eyes! You might get sorer or more irritated eyes. But it's actually one of the less common symptoms.
50. It's important to know you have an increased risk of health issues
image source: reddit.com
Through the combination of estrogen levels decreasing and also likely weight gain during this time in your life, there's also an increased risk of heart disease you should know about. The best you can do is still lead a healthy lifestyle by eating right, exercising and knowing how to handle your menopausal symptoms!