1. You're full of gratitude

Image Source / Metoffice.com
One sure sign that you're probably going to Heaven is that you're absolutely full of gratitude. And you're not afraid to show it. You're thankful for all of the good in your life and in the world and you are always able to see the good in people and situations.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. You show empathy and compassion for others

Image Source / Weatherzone.com
You're definitely someone who people want to know and you're good at showing your understanding of the challenges that other people are facing. You can show them genuine empathy and true compassion and you're a really supportive and extremely caring friend.
3. You see the good in people and situations

Image Source / Weatherbriefing.com
When you meet new people or face challenges, you have this unique and desirable ability to see the good in them. Even if you are finding a situation or a person particularly challenging, you're able to see the silver lining and maintain a positive outlook on life.
4. You prioritize the well-being of others

Image Source / Thetimes.com
A sure sign that you're going to Heaven is that you really care about the well-being of other people. Whether they're your friends, family, colleagues or even more distant acquaintances, you prioritize their well-being over your own and you're really generous with your time and attention if they need it.
5. You actively seek personal growth

Image Source / Thestraitstimes.com
Whether it's in your personal life, at work, or at school, you're really active in seeking out ways to grow. You're not afraid to ask others for their advice and you are able to show that you genuinely value their opinions. You are also really independent and self-reflective and seek to grow.
6. You learn from your mistakes

Image Source /Rmets.org
A sign you might be going to Heaven is that you are genuinely able to learn from your mistakes. You're never defensive about them and you're able to admit you were in the wrong. But rather than making the same mistake twice, you are able to learn and grow from them.
7. You take responsibility for your actions

Image Source / Scientificamerican.com
You're a responsible person who is able to take full responsibility for your actions. You never put the blame on anyone else and if a mistake is made, you are able to see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. With this skill, you can show true leadership qualities and people want to work with you.
8. You're generous

Image Source / Skynews.com
Another sure sign that Heaven is on the cards for you is that you are absolutely full of generosity. You're generous with what you have materially but not only this and more importantly, you're generous with your time and attention. Nothing is too big for you to help with.
9. You have a strong moral compass

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
A sure sign that Heaven is at the end of the road for you is that you have a really strong moral compass and you are prepared to live by your morals and beliefs. You're also able to challenge the questionable morals of others with compassion and you're able to have genuine conversations and debates with people.
10. You have a sense of purpose in your life

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
You're really sure of where you're going in life. You set yourself realistic goals and you work super hard to achieve them. You're organized and you know exactly what path you are on but you're also flexible enough to be able to deal with curve balls that are thrown your way.
11. You're a good listener

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
When you give people your time and attention, you also lend your ears too because you're such a good listener. People come to you with issues, or for advice because of your empathetic listening skills and your ability to give good advice. You'll never change the subject before it's time and you give people the time they need.
12. You communicate openly and honestly

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
People who are on the path to Heaven also hold virtues of honesty and openness. And, no, we're not saying that you have the tendency to overshare but you're open with other people with your views and your emotions. People really value your honesty too and you're kind with it rather than brutal.
13. You're humble

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
Being humble is also a desirable personality trait in Heaven. Your unrivaled ability to see yourself accurately whilst also appreciating other people's strengths and weaknesses are some of the keys to living a good and honest life. You're not under any impression that your better than others and you can appreciate the qualities other people have.
14. You have a sense of humor

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
You have a good sense of humor and you make people laugh, but importantly, you can also laugh at yourself. People like to be around you because you don't take yourself too seriously and you're able to create laughter and happiness in lots of situations. You really are a ray of sunshine.
15. You're forgiving

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
One thing that is high on the agenda in Heaven is forgiveness. And a sign that you might be accepted into Heaven is definitely because of your ability to forgive people. We're not saying that you're a pushover, but you have this wonderful ability to let go of your grudges because they just don't serve anyone.
16. You prioritize communication and respect

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
You're an excellent communicator and you are able to prioritize your communication with other people. And this doesn't just mean you expressing your thoughts and feelings. This also means giving other people the chance to speak and you listen, respect their utterances, and respond empathetically too!
17. You self-reflect

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
You're a genuinely reflective individual and you practice self-reflection regularly. This is within your own personal life or in a more professional setting, you are able to reflect upon the good things that happen and learn from any mistakes or errors that you might have made.
18. You prioritize your own self-care

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
You do so much for other people and you are able to be compassionate, empathetic, kind, and respectful of them, and you can't do all of that if you don't first look after yourself. So prioritizing your own self-care is essential. This can be with affirmations, rest, or anything else that makes you feel good.
19. You're willing to learn from others

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
Another sure sign that you've got your ticket into Heaven is that you're really not too proud to accept help or learn from other people. You genuinely value and respect other people's views, advice, and opinions, and you can learn from them when you need to.
20. You're good at setting boundaries

Image Source / Boredpanda.com
You are super flexible with other people and you're always willing to give them your time and attention. But when you need to, you're really good at setting boundaries with kindness and honesty. Even if this irks some people at times, in the long run, they find comfort and security in knowing where they stand with you.
21. You're supportive

Image Source /EdinburghLive
You're a supportive friend, colleague, family member, partner, and acquaintance, and people know that they can rely on you for giving them the effective and compassionate support that they need. And you're so good at reading people that you're able to give the right type of support too!
22. You love unconditionally

Image Source / BBC
A sure sign that you're getting into Heaven is that you're able to love unconditionally. Even if a person if a challenge, you are able to see the good in them, empathize with the challenges they might be facing, understand why they make certain choices, and you're willing to learn about the support they may need.
23. You practice mindfulness

Image Source / Reddit.com
Mindfulness is part of your everyday routine. It doesn't have to be an hour of meditation every day because you've managed to perfect the art of inserting it into your day-to-day tasks. It's as simple as breathing with intention or carrying out a full or partial body scan from time to time.
24. You live in the moment

Image Source / Reddit.com
You don't dwell on the past too much and you're not always worrying about the future. And although sometimes thinking about the past and the future can be useful because it helps you to learn and helps you to plan. But to be truly content, living in the present is what you need.
25. You're kind

Image Source / Reddit.com
You always treat people with kindness. Even if they're not particularly kind to you, it might be that they're having a bad day. And no, you don't let people treat you badly but you're able to empathize with other people's emotions and how these make them react.
26. You have a strong sense of community

Image Source / Reddit.com
You do have a really strong sense of community within you. This means that you're adept at bringing people together and creating a supportive, kind, and trusting environment where people can feel safe, secure, and comfortable with the community around them. And you strive to look after those within your community.
27. You strive to create positive change

Image Source / Reddit.com
You really care about contributing to creating positive change in the world and you strive to make a difference, however big or small, every day of your life. It could be a big or small change for an individual, a group, or even the world. You are determined to make your mark on the planet.
28. You do what you believe is right

Image Source / Reddit.com
If you're on your path to Heaven, a sure sign that you'll make it in is that you always strive to do what you believe is the right thing. Even if other people don't think so, you have only good intentions in your heart. But you are also willing to listen to others as well and learn from them.
29. You have a growth mindset

Image Source / Reddit.com
A lot of your mindset is about growth. You're willing to learn and develop your skills and you actively seek out ways to enhance your personal growth. You might seek advice, training, or self-reflect, but one thing's for sure you're not willing to shrink yourself.
30. You're self-aware

Image Source / Reddit.com
Self-awareness is a virtue that takes a lot of work. And we mean a lot. But if you're willing to put the work in to develop your sense of self-awareness, you're on the right track. But you've also got to understand that none of us are a finished product by a long shot and you must continue working on yourself.
31. And now: how do you find your inner peace? Breathe!
image source: reddit.com
If all these signs of going to heaven resonate with you, or there are some you find you want to build on, finding your inner peace can be a sure-fire way to live a better life (and afterlife!). Deep breathing is such an important thing to practice ever day, to calm your emotions and your mind.
32. Focus on the here and now
image source: reddit.com
Mindfulness is so important if you want to live in the moment and appreciate what you have. If you struggle with anxiety, being in the here and now is even more important for finding your inner peace. Journaling is one thing that can help to center you and appreciate the moment.
33. Accept what you have
image source: reddit.com
In this day and age we're always having new and better things thrown at us, experiences, things we can buy, things we should be doing... but it all comes down to just accepting what you have. By accepting your life and experiences, you can stop worrying about what you don't have.
34. Use your energy for good

image source: reddit.com
Energy is a powerful thing, and it can make sure a difference how you use it. You attract the same energy you give out. So if you're wasting all the day's energy by complaining about something, being stressed or gossiping about co-workers, this isn't going to help!
35. Learn to be calm
image source: reddit.com
You should also practice some calming and relaxation techniques to find your own state of zen. Practice being calm in stressful situations by controlling your reaction to it (maybe breathing and counting to ten) and while at home, practice what helps you to relax, like meditation or a hobby.
36. Give and find meaning in things
image source: reddit.com
Not the other way around! Many people think that it's objects or money that give their life meaning, but it's up to you where you want to place the focus. Don't let objects control the meaning of your life - put your desired meaning onto what you have instead. This will help you to come to terms with everything in a different way.
37. Try to avoid over-thinking
image source: reddit.com
Easier said than done, we know! But this is such an important one in finding your inner peace. As mentioned, mindfulness can be a great way to avoid over-thinking, as you're focusing on everything you can see and feel in the present moment. When your mind starts to drift to something stupid you did 10 years ago, gently bring it back.
38. Don't get involved in drama

image source: reddit.com
Drama is such a waste of time and energy. There's a certain point that you just have to let it go and not get involved in it anymore. That way you'll live a more peaceful life. Remove yourself from any situations trying to make you argue, gossip, fight or get stressed about something.
39. Be positive and optimistic
image source: reddit.com
You really do have the power to control how you react to something, and how you view certain situations. Try to view things with a 'there's always a silver lining' mindset so that you can approach things in a more positive way. Even if you don't feel overly positive, fake it 'til you make it!
40. Remind yourself life is short
image source: reddit.com
Life really is too short, and though it may sound like a cliché to say 'live every day like it's your last', it really is true that you should make the best out of every situation, and don't waste the limited time you have fretting about things or putting yourself in stressful situations you could do without.
41. Be kind
image source: reddit.com
It takes a lot more effort to be rude and stressed than it does to be kind. If you always try to be kind, then you can rest easy knowing that you never tried to offend anyone, or live with guilt of being rude or nasty to someone on an off day. If you always try to be kind, you'll always likely feel at peace with yourself!
42. Know that others who lash out aren't at peace
image source: reddit.com
When others lash out at you, it's only a reflection on them and not you. It might be tempting to lash out right back and waste your energy, but at the end of the day, those people who try to make it difficult for you are at war with themselves - not you. Just leave them to it - preserve your energy!
43. Have realistic expectations
image source: reddit.com
As the saying goes 'if you don't get your hopes up, you can never be disappointed'! That's not to say you shouldn't get excited about things, but setting realistic expectations and boundaries for people and for situations will help you to avoid hurt, anger or negative emotions.
44. Prioritize yourself
image source: reddit.com
It's important to put yourself first - without being too selfish, of course. Caring for yourself and knowing your own worth is a crucial step in inner peace. You should make the time for relaxation and self-care, and don't flake out on plans you make with yourself!
45. Be true to who you are
image source: reddit.com
Only when you fully accept who you are and stop trying to be something else will you find that inner peace. It takes so much energy to base decisions on what others think, or what you think you should be doing. There's nothing more easy than simply being yourself.
46. Stop comparing your success to others

image source: reddit.com
It's very easy to do this in this day and age, when social media is telling you all about what people are accomplishing, or maybe friends and family are doing things you wish you could do. But your success shouldn't be defined by others' - so make sure to be happy with what you've accomplished!
47. Find joy in the little things
image source: reddit.com
It really is the little things in life that mean the most - and when it comes to every day peace and happiness, you need to find joy and meaning in the little things. Make your morning cup of coffee a happy ritual - smile at the sunny weather, or make your lunchtime walk a grateful task.
48. Let go of things out of your control
image source: reddit.com
There is absolutely no point wasting energy on things you cannot control. Worrying about things will not change them, or help you to find your inner peace. There are some things you need to accept can't be changed no matter what you do, and move on. Even if this is people around you.
49. Learn to forgive yourself
image source: reddit.com
Holding onto anger or resentment at something you did or someone you once were won't help for a calmer future! You need to learn to forgive yourself and move on. We all have bad memories of stupid things we've done, and you have to think about the situation at the time, or the age you were. Be kind to yourself.
50. Don't think about how it could have been
image source: reddit.com
We can take many different paths in life - and it's normal to wonder how our lives would have been different if we'd taken that job, left that other job, ended that relationship or dropped that friend. Whatever you do, don't think about 'what could have been' - just focus on where you are now, and make the best of it!