1. Feathers: They're Everywhere!

Image source: reddit.com
Feathers can be one of the biggest shout-outs from above, because they usually appear when you're being watched over by a guardian angel or blessed in some way. It can be even more of a sign if you find one in a place where you should never really find one.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Heads-Up: There's Another Penny

Image source: reddit.com
We've all heard the saying about finding pennies and picking them up for good luck, but did you know that it actually makes a difference which side you find them? Pennies with their heads facing up are considered good luck - so if you keep finding them, it's a sign!
3. You Keep Seeing Rainbows - Without The Rain!

Image source: reddit.com
Rainbows happen when the rain and sun meet, but you've noticed you spot them sometimes when it hasn't rained at all. If this is the case, it can only be a sign and blessing from above - from something else that's making the rainbow for you to see! It can be a reminder from your angel that they're around.
4. Do The Clouds Look Odd To You?

Image source: reddit.com
Okay so we've all tried to make a bunny rabbit or a face out of the clouds before, but have you noticed that it's happening more and more often to you? Specifically, if you can see the shape of an angel in the clouds, this is very telling that you are blessed. Clouds might be used to give you a sign or show you the way!
5. Did Someone Crank The Heating Up?

Image source: reddit.com
Something might be trying to guide you or communicate with you through the use of temperature in the air. If you're blessed, you might have a guardian angel or spirit causing a noticeable increase or drop in temperature in the room - especially if you know there's no other possible explanation for the temp change!
6. All Eyes On You

Image source: reddit.com
Do you always feel like someone's watching you? Even when you're in a room alone at home? Feeling a presence around you - a positive presence, by the way, and not something out of a horror movie - can be a sign you're blessed with someone looking out for you.
7. Someone's Calling Your Name

Image source: reddit.com
We've all had that universal experience of being home alone as a kid and thinking we hear our mom calling from downstairs - but she didn't. Weirdness aside with that one, if you're hearing your name called out a lot - especially in public places - without seeing anybody you know, it can be a sign a spirit guide might be trying to get your attention!
8. Your Dreams Are Seriously Weird

Image source: reddit.com
There's nothing like waking up from a vivid dream and questioning your whole mental state and existence - but there's always a reason behind dreams, even the weird ones. If you have very vivid dreams that feel strange, it could be a sign you're blessed with a higher understanding shown through dreams where the spiritual is trying to communicate!
9. You Have VERY Vivid Memories, Too

Image source: reddit.com
Another way that a spirit guide can be trying to contact you, or a way that shows you're blessed with 'something higher', is if you have very clear and vivid memories that suddenly come to you from nowhere. It could be something that happened long ago but which you remember like it was yesterday.
10. Your Spidey Senses Are Tingling

Image source: reddit.com
Have you noticed your senses have been knocked up to 11? Are you seeing, hearing and feeling things in a more serious way? This might also happen only in one spot for several seconds until you move. It can be a sign you have that higher connection to something!
11. Electronics Don't Seem To Like You!

Image source: reddit.com
You walk into a room and the TV suddenly turns off, changes channel or goes weird; your phone battery dies a lot more quickly than it should do (at least for the price you paid for it, anyway). This can actually be a sign you're connected to a spirit guide or guardian angel, who can alter frequencies that might disrupt electronics.
12. You See 444 Everywhere - Seriously, EVERYWHERE

Image source: reddit.com
Have you noticed this number around a lot? Do you see it on billboards, bus stops, train screens, your phone screen or even just randomly scrolling social media? 444 is an angel number, and it's usually shown to people who have been blessed with a connection to the angelic realm.
13. You Can Tap Into People's Minds

Image source: reddit.com
Do you find you have great intuition when it comes to what other people are thinking? Like freakishly great. You always seem to know what other people are really thinking, or find you can have a mental connection with someone without either of you saying anything.
14. Something Smells REALLY Good

Image source: reddit.com
And no, it's not that new shower wash you bought. Really nice smells - literally 'angelic' smells - can be sent by angels, or find you when higher beings are nearby. You may be very attuned to this, which is why you can suddenly notice divine smells that are around you.
15. That One Song On Repeat

Image source: reddit.com
Is there a particular piece of music that always seems to find you? Even when you hit shuffle, or when you get into the car and tune into a completely random radio station? Music is a key way that higher powers or other realms try to communicate with you. Let's hope it's a song you like, at least!
16. Is That A Robin?

Image source: reddit.com
Robins are adorable birds, and if you spot one, you might not have questioned it. But they're actually known to be messengers from 'the other side', or from loved ones. They're also symbols of happiness and good luck - so if you keep seeing them, you could be blessed.
17. The Butterfly Effect

Image source: reddit.com
So we actually mean this in a very literal sense - you've had butterflies land on you, or you keep seeing them everywhere. Like robins, butterflies as another winged creature are symbolic from the other side. Particularly, butterflies can be a connection to a spirit.
18. Ask - And You Shall Receive

Image source: twitter.com
We've all had a bad day and raged at someone - anyone - to give us a break and have a bit of good luck. The difference with you is, someone actually seems to answer! Have you noticed that when you ask for a sign, or good luck, you always seem to get it? You might be driving and see words on a sign.
19. Go Towards The Light

Image source: reddit.com
Okay, so we don't mean that the way you think we mean that - we just mean actual light that you keep seeing everywhere. Higher powers - like angels - can actually communicate through lights and shimmers, particularly of different colours. You might keep seeing dancing lights in the corner of your eye or across the room (though, of course, make sure to get an eye doctor appointment too!).
20. Who Opened The Window?

Image source: reddit.com
Nothing is more annoying that feeling a draft on the back of your neck when you're just sat on the couch minding your own business. Are you constantly feeling a breeze against you when there shouldn't be one? This can again be a sign that a different realm is communicating.
21. Your Ears Won't Quit Ringing

Image source: reddit.com
There are many reasons why you might have ringing in your ears (check with a doctor first!) but angels can cause noises in the ear in this way if they're near, the same way they can affect the temperature in a room. You might find your ears ring more in a particular place, or when you're seeing other signs, too.
22. Tingles - Tingles Everywhere!

Image source: aubtu.com
Unless you've been watching the latest ASMR videos on YouTube, there might be no other explanation why you keep getting tingles on the top of your head or on the back of your neck. When you're blessed with an extra sense of higher presences, you can easily tingle.
23. Is Your Clock Broken?

Image source: reddit.com
You always seem to look at your clock at the same time of day - down to the last minute. You thought the battery might be broken, but nope - you're being drawn to the clock at a specific time. This will be when angel numbers are showing, like 23:23. Also is it a coincidence this is point number 23? You decide.
24. Your Gut Instinct Is Off The Charts

Image source: reddit.com
There's having good intuition, and then there's whatever you have going on. You can trust your gut 100%. You always seem to immediately know how a situation is going to go, when a person or situation is bad or when you know you're making the right choice.
25. Your Day Wouldn't Be Complete Without A Bunch Of Near-Misses

Image source: sterksystems.com
People have always said how lucky you are because you always seem to avoid everything, right at the last minute. Something falling on you, turning the wrong way in your car, stepping into the road at the wrong time.. you name it, you're always lucky enough to have near-misses.
26. Don't Worry: Be Happy

Image source: reddit.com
You never actually seem to have any major worries in life, and most people would think having nothing to worry about is enough to think you're blessed! On a daily basis, you always feel grateful and happy more than you do anxious or annoyed about something!
27. You Always Find Items You Lost

Image source: reddit.com
You misplace things or see that something isn't where you thought you'd left it - but you always find it eventually. Objects moving around can also be a sign of a guardian spirit trying to communicate with you. Items you think you lost never go missing for long!
28. You Have Your Spiritual Side On Speed Dial

Image source: reddit.com
It's very telling that you actually feel open-minded about higher powers, and that you're open to your spiritual side. Someone who is that connected to 'something else' can often be blessed with other signs, feelings and senses. You tap into that feeling on a daily basis!
29. Physical Touch

Image source: reddit.com
Angels and other spiritual beings can often communicate through physical touch. Do you often get the feeling that someone is touching your arm? Brushing against your cheek? Maybe squeezing your shoulder or patting you on the back. It might be fleeting, but it's a sign!
30. There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence

Image source: reddit.com
Unexpected things just always seem to come together for you, in exactly the way you'd hoped. You might have started thinking 'Oh what a coincidence! That's exactly what I wanted to find today' but after the 50th time of this happening in a week, it might be time to start realising it's not a coincidence - it was meant for you!
31. You're Surrounded By BFFs

image source: reddit.com
A lot of people would say that to be blessed means to be surrounded by loved ones - family and friends. If you're lucky enough to have a huge support system of people you can count on, it's a sign someone is looking out for you or you're blessed in life!
32. You Always Seem To Get Freebies For No Reason

image source: reddit.com
Most people would kill for a flight class upgrade or a competition win - and you always seem to be on the receiving end of a little luck. No matter what you're doing, you always seem to get free stuff, whether through finding it, winning it or being gifted it!
33. Traffic Lights Know You're Coming!

image source: reddit.com
Can you even remember the last time you were sat stuck at a red light? It's like you always seem to hit the lights at the exact moment they're changing green - some might even think you're controlling it yourself the way they always change for you! It's a blessing.
34. You Find Exactly What You're Looking For In The Sale Section

image source: reddit.com
This is a talent in itself! You just can't explain it, but you always seem to find exactly what you're looking for in that pile of stuff in the disorganized sale section! Better yet, you might even get to the till with a full-priced item and find that it's actually on sale!
35. You Feel The Bad As Well As The Good

image source: reddit.com
Most people don't associate feeling crappy with feeling blessed, but hear us out: being able to experience a range of emotions, including all the bad ones like sadness and grief, only means that your mind is open - and that you're being given the strength to work through it!
36. You Always Try To Keep The Peace

image source: reddit.com
You might find that you're very much a peacemaker when it comes to daily confrontations or fallout with friends. It just feels natural to you to try and diffuse a situation, and you have a talent for it. It can be a sign you're blessed from above if you feel 'above' pointless arguments and fallouts.
37. You Spend Every Day Trying To Do Something Helpful

image source: reddit.com
Giving back to the community is important, but it might not be as huge a gesture as volunteering at your local soup kitchen. Even the simplest thing like a smile or holding the door open can make a difference. People who are blessed can often find kindness in the every day!
38. You Have A Huge Heart!

image source: reddit.com
No, we don't mean a medical emergency! We just mean your heart is full to the brim with love to give. You're a very compassionate and empathetic person, and that can often be a sign you're blessed because you feel things more deeply and feel it's important to open your heart!
39. You're Super Duper Healthy

image source: reddit.com
Good health is not something to be taken likely! And a lot of people take for granted the fact they're blessed with healthy mind and body. You may have sometimes marvelled at how lucky you are to be healthy and have no worries! Maybe you feel a guardian presence always leading you on the path to good health, too.
40. Writing In A Gratitude Journal Is Always On The To-Do List

image source: reddit.com
A gratitude journal is the definition of being blessed - because it's a safe place where you can write down everything you have to be thankful for. You might actually be being influenced from a higher presence or guardian spirit to focus on all your blessings. Do you feel a pull to pen and paper sometimes that you can't explain?
41. You Keep Finding Random Puddles Of Water

image source: reddit.com
Do you randomly find small puddles of water on your kitchen surfaces, even when you haven't done the dishes? Or maybe splashes of water on the floor that you can't explain? Guardian spirits love to communicate through water as well as through lights and electrics!
42. Television Channels Change On Their Own

image source: reddit.com
Does it always feel like the commercial that comes on the TV when you turn it on is meant for you? A message? Maybe the TV changes channel accidentally - you could have sworn you didn't sit on the remote - and suddenly whatever's playing speaks to you on a personal level.
43. That Unexplained Perfume

image source: reddit.com
Smelling random pleasant scents is one sign, but perfume specifically is another. If you constantly get a whiff of a pleasant perfume scent, even in a place it shouldn't be, it's a clear sign some positive energy is reaching out to you and spreading the good vibes.
44. You've Had Positive Feedback From A Psychic

image source: reddit.com
You might make time in your schedule for psychic readings or meeting up with spiritual teachers. Maybe your psychic has told you that you're definitely blessed with good vibes, that there's something watching over you or you have a deep connection to the above!
45. The Tarot Cards Are Coming Up Roses

image source: reddit.com
If you're also into tarot, you might have been getting positive cards or messages every single reading. Any pull you make is a card of love, joy, moving forward or a deeper connection. The cards only make it more clear that you have a connection going on with a guardian.
46. Objects Being Placed In Your Path

image source: reddit.com
It's one thing to have things move around or forget where you left things, but are you actually having objects placed in your path? Do you walk through the front door and have something of significance to you placed right in the middle of the hallway? It's a sign!
47. You Feel A Connection To Crystals

image source: reddit.com
Many people swear by the benefits of crystal healing, but you might have a different kind of connection where you feel like something is trying to be communicated to you through crystals! Do you feel an urge to carry around rose quartz with you, or feel a warmth when you hold it? It could be a sign of love and blessing from above!
48. Music Starts When You Need An Answer

image source: reddit.com
Do you often ask questions out loud, or talk to yourself, and have a piece of music start playing where the lyrics give you an answer perfectly? You don't remember hitting play on your Spotify or turning on the radio, but it happens right when you ask for it out loud.
49. When You Decide Not To Do Something, It Turns Out It Was The Right Choice

image source: reddit.com
You know that niggling feeling you get when you just know you should say no to plans, or that you need to cancel because you're really not feeling it? Do you then find out later than something bad or dramatic happened, like friends got into an accident or someone had a serious argument?
50. You've Had Books With Meaning Fall Off Shelves

image source: reddit.com
Have you walked past your bookshelf at home and had a certain book fall down whose title is the exact answer you've been looking for? Or maybe a book at a library fall to your feet only to find out it's the right type of vibe you've been searching for and it instantly makes you feel better?