1. They Think Of Us When They're Running Errands

image source: reddit.com
Running errands can be a dull activity, and our brains may switch off as we complete daily tasks. If someone thinks of you during the mundane then it means you're always on their mind, whether in the back or the forefront, they're always thinking of you. They might send you a text just to check in; it really is the little things that make us feel special.
2. They Remember Little Details

image source: reddit.com
If someone doesn't care much for what we have to say, then they probably won't pay attention when we tell them things. When someone cares greatly for us however, then they'll likely remember all the small details that often go unnoticed. If they bring up things that you've said that even you've forgotten, then you're clearly a very special person in their life.
3. They Buy Our Favorite Food

image source: reddit.com
Food really is the way to a person's heart, and if someone buys you your favorite food, then it's a sure sign they wish you to be happy. They might pick up your favorite chocolate bar or take you to our favorite restaurant; if someone remembers your favorite food then they most certainly love you!
4. They Won't Suggest Activities We Dislike

image source: reddit.com
In their mission to make you happy, someone who sees you as their best person will only suggest things to do together if they know you will enjoy it. Even if you have differing interests, they'll always find a way to cater to your needs and if that means missing out on their favorite thing to do, then so be it.
5. They Let Us Have The Last One

image source: reddit.com
Letting you have the last one of anything is true love. They're showing you that they would rather go without if it means making you happy, a small gesture which means the world to us. If you feel the same about them then you might find yourself in a jovial back and forth as you try to decide who takes it!
6. Our Comfort Is Their Main Priority

image source: reddit.com
If we are someone's favorite person then it may be that they put our happiness and comfort above their own. They may put themselves into awkward positions just to make sure that we are the most comfortable we can be, which is great if you like to be looked after!
7. We're First On Their List

image source: reddit.com
If they ever want to go out and socialize or participate in some fun activity, then they're sure to call their favorite person first. If this is you then expect to be asked out multiple times; it's lovely to be thought of when someone wants to hang out, even better if you're not they're back up!
8. They'll Stop Doing Something If We Dislike It

image source: healthing.ca
Not to sound controlling, but everyone does stuff we may not like and if you care enough about a person, then you may stop doing it. It might not even be a big thing; if you're someone's favorite person then they'll do anything to make you happy, and if it means curtailing a behavior then so be it.
9. They Make An Effort With Our Loved Ones

image source: reddit.com
If someone cares immensely for you then they also take on your friends and family. They'll know how much they mean to you and will therefore make every effort to get along with them, even if it's effortless. They'll be really glad to see that this makes you happy, and it'll please them to know you better.
10. They Send Us Funny Pictures

image source: reddit.com
Pictures can make us laugh and they can make us think how they'd make another person laugh. It's great to be thought of when someone has seen something funny, and if you're someone's favorite person then you'll be on the receiving end of this hilarity, many times over!
11. They Consider Us When Making Big Decisions

image source: reddit.com
If someone cares deeply for you then they will think about you before making any life-changing decisions. They'll consider your involvement and how you may feel about it. It's likely that they will want your input as they no longer see themselves as one individual, they see you as equals.
12. They Support Our Dreams

image source: reddit.com
No matter how wild or apart from their reality our dreams are, if we are someone's favorite person then they will support us when they see us light up. They will encourage our hopes for the future and our passions in the present, as they only wish for us to be our true, authentic and happy selves.
13. They Brag About Us

image source: vogue.com
Someone who really loves us is proud to have us by their side. Their loved ones might get a bit sick of hearing about us they talk about us that often, however they secretly love that their friend and family member are this lit up about another person, and it's a great feeling for us too.
14. They Want Us To Meet Their Loved Ones

image source: insider.com
As if their friends and family hadn't heard enough about us, if we are someone's favorite person then they want to connect us to their life. They want to show us off to their loved ones whilst also getting us involved with people he also cares about. There's no embarrassment here!
15. They Let Us Choose The Movie

image source: reddit.com
No matter how different our tastes may be, if we are someone's most important person then we get first say at what we watch. They will even try to enjoy it if we put something on that's super cheesy, even if they're into action movies. Such a small thing but it means so much.
16. They Love It When We're Happy

image source: reddit.com
You can just see the pleasure in their eyes when they see that we're enjoying ourselves. Having someone be overjoyed at our happiness is the most wonderful feeling in the world, and you just know you're someone's favorite person when this is what makes them euphoric!
17. They Listen To Everything We Say

image source: reddit.com
To them, you're the most fascinating person they've ever met, and every word is worth careful consideration. They will try to understand even when they don't and offer responses to the best of their ability. To be honest though, they're happy just to listen.
18. They Ask Us Questions

image source: reddit.com
Being someone's favorite person is like being an open book; they'll want to know everything about you and are interested in all aspects of your personality. A person asking questions is a sign that they're really listening to you, and can make for excellent conversation.
19. They're Always Available

image source: stamfordflowers.co.uk
If they are not with you, then chances are unless it's an emergency, they'll ignore anyone else who tries to contact them. You however, are able to get in touch at all hours, no matter where they are and who they are with, they're always there to chat.
20. They'll Go To Our Favorite Concerts

image source: reddit.com
Just because you're someone's favorite person, doesn't mean that you'll have every interest in common. You might be into completely different music scenes, but that won't stop them getting excited about yours. You'll find them going along to concerts with you even if deep down they wouldn't be seen dead there!
21. They'll Follow Our Endeavors

image source: reddit.com
Sometimes having a favorite person can mean putting yourself on hold for a little bit while you put all your energy into someone else. If you are someone's favorite person then expect your every move to be followed as you're cheered on from the sidelines. It's important there isn't a power balance here so ensure that you're supporting them as well.
22. Their Mom Likes Us

image source: reddit.com
If a person deems you as their favorite, then it's likely they have spoken to their mom about you. The picture they would have painted will be astonishing, and they'll have never said anything negative about you. If you haven't already met their mom then you'll have a lot to live up to!
23. They Respond To Our Texts Quickly

image source: reddit.com
Seeing your name flash up on their phone screen will fill them with excitement and they won't hesitate to reply. For them, there aren't many things more important than you are so they always have time to message you back; it'd be worrying if they didn't!
24. They Bring Us Little Gifts

image source: reddit.com
Little gifts often mean more than big grand gestures, as it is an indication that someone has thought of you when they've been out shopping or exploring. The look on your face is the reason they love to buy or collect things for you, as for them making you happy is the greatest gift of all.
25. They Plan For The Future

image source: reddit.com
When they look to the future they know for certain that they want you in it. For this reason, they will start to plan things around you; whether that's where you will live together, whether you'll get married or have children, and what it is you'll do in your spare time. People with favorite people can be dreamers!
26. They Shower Us With Compliments

image source: x.com
All this person ever wants to do is to make you happy. Their strongest desire is to make you feel good both inside and out so expect to receive heaps of compliments! And they're not just to make you happy either, they genuinely think those things and want you to know it.
27. They're Always Up For Massaging Us

image source: reddit.com
If you're someone's favorite person then you'll notice that they're always up for giving you a rub down! For the masseuse, massages can be laborious, but they're amazing to be on the receiving end. It's the latter point this person is thinking about when massaging you so make the most of it!
28. They Go Above And Beyond

image source: reddit.com
They'd literally do anything for their favorite person, so it won't be difficult to work out if that person is you. There are no half measures when it comes to treating you well, and you will feel like royalty in their presence. It makes them so happy to see how pleased this treatment makes you so everyone's a winner!
29. They Get Excited For Us

image source: reddit.com
For them, your happiness equals their happiness, so if anything great happens for you or to you, then they are genuinely excited. It feels amazing to have someone share in your delight, so try not to let this person go as that can be a rare thing nowadays!
30. You Can See It In Their Eyes

image source: reddit.com
The intense love that comes from having a favorite person is almost impossible to hide. Your whole body is affected by it, and it is most noticeable in someone's eyes. If someone looks at you with a burning desire then you're probably their most cherished person; how beautiful!