1. You've never been scammed online

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People with street smarts usually know when something fishy is going on. The easiest example of this is online scams - have you been tempted to reply to that email saying your package is delayed? Or that you've won $500,000 in a raffle you distinctly remember not signing up for? Then you're probably not street-smart.Original content sourced from Femanin.com2. You drink responsibly

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Getting messy drunk with your friends on nights out might be fun, but it's not something that someone with street smarts would do. Instead, drink responsibly. You'll keep better track of what's happening around you and perhaps be able to get yourself out of a sticky situation or two more easily.3. You have a self-assured walk

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This one might sound weird but stay with us. When you walk in the street, do people tend to move out of your way? Do you walk faster than your companions, and you're always waiting for them to catch up? People with street smarts usually walk with confidence, and this could be you.4. You know how to blend in somewhere new

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People with street smarts know never to be the odd one out. It's much easier to get around and stay out of trouble if you don't draw attention to yourself. This is even more important if you're somewhere new, like a new country or city. If you know exactly how to blend in like a local, then you're probably street-smart.5. You don't get easily intimidated

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Are you the strongest person out of all your friends? Do you rise to the occasion when someone else is being harassed and fight for others? If you tend not to get intimidated by uncomfortable people or situations, then you're probably street-smart - these people usually don't cower.6. You're aware of all five senses

Image Source: hikingdreams.tumblr.com
Being truly street-smart is about more than just keeping your eyes and ears open to things. Actually, you should be aware of all five of your senses all the time. Do you often notice how an environment smells? Do you recognise changes in your environment easily, based on your sight, smell, or hearing? Then you could be street-smart.7. You judge people correctly

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We've all experienced that awkwardness when you meet a new acquaintance who your friend loves but you're not quite sure about yet. You don't know what it is, but you can tell they're not a good guy? Well, if your intuition pays off more often than not, that's a sign that you're street-smart.8. You often rely on your gut instinct

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Similarly to judging people correctly, relying on your gut instinct is also a sign of street smarts. Do you often know instinctually not to try a new restaurant, then find out that it gave people food poisoning? Or know not to stroll into a bad situation at night? All of that is a sign of street-smarts.9. You're not afraid to tell it to people like it is

Image Source: lifestyleasia.com
People who are street-smart generally have a gut instinct as to when people are being mean. They can read reactions well and know when something is off. As a result, they are also more likely to tell people things as they are, rather than sugarcoating or telling little white lies.10. You have a great memory

Image Source: wallpaperflare.com
Memory is a huge part of being street-smart. It's the skill that lets you know not to travel down a certain street (you read a news article that said attacks have happened there) or not to get into a certain car (you recognise it from a social media post warning women about dangers). Memory is important - if you have a good one, you're probably street-smart.11. You're quite creative

Image Source: weheartit.com
Creativity is an under-appreciated element of being street-smart. We don't necessarily mean your ability to write a song or paint a picture, either. Creativity is more about developing unique solutions to problems or applying out-of-the-box thinking to get yourself out of a challenging situation.12. You don't show signs of weakness easily

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If you're street-smart, you probably have your wits about you. This means that you know how to control your emotions and prevent yourself from showing fear. All of this means you'll keep a straight head in a tricky situation, increasing your chances of survival. Even in a less-than-life-or-death scenario, not showing weakness can be useful - like knowing how to deal with an irate coworker.13. You like getting out there and experiencing things

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Being street-smart is often compared to being book-smart. The biggest difference between the two? Someone who is book-smart gets all their knowledge from pages, while a street-smart person has experienced life as it really is. If you love putting yourself in unknown situations and speaking to people you don't know, you're more likely to be street-smart.14. You can always tell what's going to happen

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No, we don't mean this in a psychic sense (although you may have that, too). Street-smart people have a good ability to read a situation and know how it's going to play out. While this ability might not always be right, 9 times out of 10, you'll predict who's going to throw a punch or where the danger might be, so you can get yourself out more easily.15. You don't take unnecessary risks

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Taking unnecessary risks doesn't mean that you're never a risk-taker. In fact, street-smart people are more likely to enjoy experiences that may be scary or nerve-wracking to others. What it means is you know when to take a risk and when to leave it, and never run into a situation without your wits about you.16. You know when to remain calm

Image Source: gaiam.com
There are times to get angry and stand up to someone, and times to stay quiet, calm, and avoid attention. Street-smart people can tread the fine line between these situations, knowing when to adapt an offensive tactic and when to use that instinctive flight response that tells you to stay calm and get out of there.17. You can stay focused

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Focus is an under-appreciated street-smart skill. You might think you're focused, but can you really say that you'll know how your brain will react to a tense or pressurised scenario? If you can still keep your cool and gather your thoughts even when under threat, you're probably street-smart.18. You tend to see the whole picture

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Being street-smart means you're uniquely able to see situations as parts of a whole. This means noticing things and connecting them to things that have previously happened, recognising people from other places, and seeing how the consequences of actions might play out.19. But you also know to pay attention to details

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It's all well and good keeping your eyes and ears open to all of what's going on - but that's useless if you're not also able to recognize the things that matter. People who are street-smart have a unique ability to stay focused in situations while also seeing the entire picture - details and all. Your skills with all five senses will come in handy with this.20. You're rarely glued to your phone

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Yes, TikTok can be addictive - we're all guilty of spending hours scrolling. But people who are street-smart know that, outside in the real world, you can't stay glued to your phone and sacrifice your observations of the world around you. So, they tend to stay off social media and keep their awareness of what's around them.21. You don't overshare on social media

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If you've grown up in the digital age, then you're probably a little bit prone to oversharing on social media. It's in our DNA! But there's a real danger to this. Street-smart people know that giving out details like hotels, addresses, and other sensitive locations can be dangerous, and tend to overshare only to a point - and only with people they trust.22. You always have a plan

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Tend to blag it most of the time? Live your life spontaneously? You may not be that street-smart. Instead, start to loosely plan situations, keeping track of what could go right and what could go wrong. You'll be more prepared for change, and be better able to adapt once you have an idea of what to do.23. You know how to get out of tricky situations

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It's easy to start freaking out in a challenging situation, but this will make survival far less likely. People with street smarts can use all of their instinctual knowledge (their senses, gut instinct, and ability to stay calm) to easily find their way out of tricky situations, making them prepared for anything that could happen.24. You make calculated decisions

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Knee-jerk reactions might be fun sometimes (ever thrown a dart at a map to figure out where to go on holiday?), but most of the time, logic should win out. If you're the kind of person who makes pros and cons lists and tries to look at decisions from many perspectives, then you could be street-smart.25. You know how to not look lost - even when you are

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This is a very particular skill, and one most of us haven't succeeded in. If you're in a new city, the easiest way to single yourself out as weak is to show you're lost. Instead, develop an ability to remember directions without looking at your phone, and try to blend in with the locals - you'll be less likely to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.26. You keep an ear out for anything abnormal

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Of all the senses, hearing is perhaps second only to sight. Being able to identify things before they happen is a vital part of being street-smart, and your hearing will help with this, especially in the dark. If you're deaf, consider the ways you can use your sight to better keep your entire environment in awareness.27. You relate to others easily

Image Source: favim.com
You might not consider empathy a key ability in street smarts, but it is. An ability to instinctively relate to others, understand their problems, and see what they're going through will enable you not just to adjust your own actions, but also to predict what people are going to do next.28. You like being creative

Image Source: pinterest.com
To put it bluntly, book-smart people tend to be academic, while street-smart people are creative. If you're drawn to the art world, like listening to or making music or love creative writing, then there's a chance that you are street-smart. All of these actions require empathy and the ability to put yourself in others' shoes.29. You work smarter, not harder

Image Source: weheartit.com
Sometimes, hard work is good. If you have a deadline to achieve, then you need to work hard, no doubt about it. But sometimes, the solution comes from working smarter, not harder. This applies to challenging, life-threatening scenarios and to day-to-day environments.30. You know how to live without instructions

Image Source: weheartit.com
Street-smart people don't need instructions. They have their gut, their senses, and their memory! They know exactly what to do at all times because they've evaluated this situation in their mind already and have seen the possible ways out. If you like to live by relying more on your senses than instructions, then you're probably street-smart.31. You Have Your Own Financial Stability

32. You Don't Rely On Other People For Your Own Happiness

33. You Know What To Do In An Emergency Situation

34. You Carry Around A First Aid Kit In New Places

35. You Could Go Solo Traveling, No Problem

36. You Know The Right Times To Use Shortcuts

37. You Can Walk Like You Know Where You're Going

38. You Lock Your Car Once You Get Inside

39. You Don't Have Road Rage

40. And You Can Recognise A Potentially Unsafe Driver

41. You Know How To Mind Your Own Business

42. You Always Have Your Car Or House Keys Ready

43. You Don't Listen To Music In Unknown Areas

44. You Walk Away From An ATM As Quickly As Possible

45. You Know How To Get Out Of A Date That's Not Going Well

46. You Always Take Time To Learn The Safe And Unsafe Areas

47. You Always Carry Spare Change With You

48. You Don't Keep Your Valuables All In One Place

49. You're Not Easily Distracted

50. You Always Route-Plan