1. They can't congratulate you

Image source: Reddit
When someone is really jealous of you, they can't bring themselves to congratulate you even when you've done something great and truly deserve it. They cannot acknowledge it because instead of feeling happy or proud of you, all they feel is super resentful that it's you and not them!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. They are super competitive with you

Image source: Reddit
This person wants to 'one up' you. Everything you do, they want to beat it. Because they are so jealous of you it makes them feel insecure in comparison to you. And so, they want to turn everything into a competition. If you buy a new car, they want to buy a better one than you!
3. They make constant snide comments

Image source: Reddit
There's no bigger sign that someone's jealous of you than when they do not stop making constant snide comments. Everything you say, it's met with a snide remark from them. This is just because they are jealous of you and bitter that they want to be more like you/ have something that you have.
4. They downplay your success

Image source: Reddit
You could have just earned a world class medal...but would be they be happy for you? Absolutely not. Will they champion your success? Hell no. They'll downplay it as much as possible because they do not want to acknowledge it because the green eyed monster is rearing it's very ugly head.
5. They give you FAKE praise

Image source: Reddit
It's literally like the line from Mean Girls when Regina George compliments somebody else saying
'OMG I love your bracelet. Where did you get it?'. You can hear the falseness behind every word. They can't give you real praise because their jealousy won't let them, so they give you fake praise instead.
6. They flaunt their success to you

Image source: Reddit
'I did this. I did that. Look how good I am.' When someone's acting in this way it's purely because they're jealous of you. By doing this, they are overcompensating because they want you to regard them highly to make yourself feel better about the fact that you're so jealous of them.
7. They copy how you act

Image source: Reddit
You may have noticed that this person has suddenly started to talk like you, they're cracking the same jokes and they've even almost started to imitate your voice. Despite this being pretty much the most annoying thing ever, it's purely because they're jealous of you and want to be you!
8. They talk about you behind your back

Image source: Reddit
People who are super secure within themselves do not feel the need to talk about everyone behind their back. So if someone is doing this to you, it's not because you've done anything wrong. It's simply jealous that is driving this person to try and turn other people away from you because they don't want you to have it all.
9. They love it when you fail at something

Image source: Reddit
We all fail sometimes, and there's nothing wrong in it. But, there's the people who metaphorically help up get back up, and there's those who relish in every second of it! They want you to fail because they don't want to be jealous of you anymore, they take satisfaction in your downfalls.
10. They don't like you

Image source: Reddit
Not everyone can like everyone...it's that plain and simple. You can't go through life liking everybody because sometimes there are personality clashes. But this person, they don't like you for no reason at all. It's simply jealousy. They can't bare to like you because you represent everything they want to be.
11. They NEVER compliment you back

Image source: Reddit
You know those people. We all know those people. You can compliment them all the time, because it's important to uplift your friends. But, no matter how many times...they will NEVER compliment you back. This is because they can't bring themselves to do it due to their pure jealousy.
12. They start to dress like you

Image source: Reddit
Sorry, is that my secret twin? Why has this person suddenly started copying my style and buying the exact same clothes as me? Super annoying. And as you've probably been told
'take it as a compliment' it is kinda true, even if it is annoying. You can't help being a total fashion icon!
13. They're mean to you

Image source: Reddit
A typical response of jealousy: they're mean to you. From growing up we know that when someone is mean to us, it's often because they're jealous of you. And it's completely true. Otherwise, this person would have nothing against you and probably wouldn't waste their energy on being mean to you.
14. They try to misguide you

Image source: Reddit
When a friend is jealous of you, or someone close to you in some way, they may try and steer you off the good path you are following. They may try and misguide you or give you bad advice because they want you to fail so that they don't have to be jealous and can feel better about themselves.
15. They ask you loads of uncomfortable questions

Image source: Reddit
When you do something you may find that this person bombards you with lots of questions. These questions aren't out of genuine interest, they are trying to catch you out in some way or pry into something so that they hope they get a response they want - something that isn't good so that they can relish in the fact that your life isn't perfect.
16. They look you up and down

Image source: Reddit
We all know that look. That look from head to toe...and back up. As the saying goes, a look can say a thousand words. And this look says many things - the biggest being jealousy! This look will probably be a very negative one, yet all they are thinking secretly is how they wish they looked like you.
17. They're not there when you need them

Image source: Reddit
Of course, if this person is really jealous of you then they probably do not have the best intentions. So, they probably will not be someone who is there when you need them. In the down times when you need a friend, they'll more than likely be nowhere to be seen... a fickle, fair weather friend.
18. They try to put you down in front of other people

Image source: Reddit
Humiliation is such a low blow. And what's even worse than treating you negatively, is encouraging others to do the same. It's bullying, and to encourage humiliation from other people is a clear sign that the green eyed monster has fully taken over them because they are secretly just SO envious of you.
19. They try to steal credit for your work

Image source: Reddit
If you've ever done any work and somebody has tried to steal credit for it then it is for one reason, and one reason only. They are jealous of what you've done. And, instead of admiring you or asking for help to do something similar, they try to steal the credit so that people think they have done it and not you.
20. They speak over you

Image source: Reddit
Speaking over someone is super degrading. It's basically implying that what they have to say is way more important than what you have to say, which is never the case. It's only because they don't want to give you the time because they are affected by the bitterness of their jealousy. But, you have to call out this behaviour.
21. They shut down your ideas

Image source: Reddit
This is a similar act, because shutting your ideas down is trying to affect your self worth and make you feel like you ideas are not good enough. What they secretly think, is your ideas are the best and they don't want people thinking you're even better than they already do.
22. They try to act the opposite of jealous

Image source: Reddit
'HA, why would I be jealous of YOU?' says every jealous person ever. The last thing they want is to give you the satisfaction of knowing they're jealous of you because that would tell you even more how great you are. So they want to act the opposite. And it's always so obvious.
23. They want to be around you

Image source: Reddit
There's this strange kind of compulsion that jealous people have. They are super jealous, which makes them incredibly bitter towards you and maybe even dislike you - yet they want to be around you. It's almost like they want to be influenced by you in some way so that you can be more like them.
24. They are always watching you

Image source: Reddit
They hate the fact that they're so jealous of you, yet instead of keeping their distance so they are not affected they have to watch you always. If you're in a room, this person will have their eyes on you. They want to know what you're doing and who you're talking to.
25. When someone compliments you, they disagree

Image source: Reddit
A huge tell tale sign of jealousy is when someone HATES it when other people compliment you. They can't abide the fact that it's you getting compliments rather than them because this fuels their jealousy even more. They hate that you get positive attention rather than them.
26. They'll put your achievements down to luck

Image source: Reddit
You achieved what you did because of you, and your skill and talent. And, despite the fact that deep down they know this, they'll claim that you got everything you have due to luck. They don't want to give you any credit, because they can't appreciate you due to the jealousy getting in the way.
27. They act different around you alone, than when you're with a group

Image source: Reddit
I'm sure we've all experience those fake friends who may be super nice in private, maybe even sucking up to us and trying to get close. Yet, in public they're horrible in front of everybody else. It's like they want you to like them, but because they're jealous, they want everyone else to hate you.
28. You know any words of well wishes are not genuine

Image source: Reddit
You can just feel the inauthenticity from their words when they express any kind of well wishes to you. You know that behind those words, there is a completely different meaning and intent. These words are a cover up for the burning jealousy that they have inside of them.
29. They don't like your photos on social media, but they follow you

Image source: Reddit
Here is a huge sign of jealousy. There are those people who view all of your stories, they see every single one of your photos and posts, yet they never like anything. In fact, they may like a picture if you're not in it. But if you are the star of these show...there's no way they are liking it.
30. They laugh if anyone else makes a mean comment to you

Image source: Reddit
When someone else says something negative or laughs at you in an unkind way, they jump on it eagerly because they love the thought of somebody else putting you down. They'll laugh along because they're glad that it's not only them that is secretly jealous of you.
31. They'll try to make you seem weak

image source: reddit.com
When someone is jealous of you, they're going to want to drag you down, and that includes making you seem weak. If they can make you think that you're weak - or make other people believe you're a weak person - it'll make you an easier target for their jealous antics.
32. They'll make you feel like you're nothing

image source: reddit.com
The next step after making you feel weak is that they'll want you to feel like you're nothing. Even though you are something, if they can make you self-doubt and believe you're worthless, it means they won't have to feel jealous of you. So they try to destory the things they feel jealous about.
33. They'll go out of their way to make you fail

image source: wikihow.com
With all of this beating down on your self-esteem, they're also going to make you want to fail - because if you fail instead of succeeding, you're going to feel worth less, and people around you won't be able to see you as a successful person - which is all part of this jealous person's plan.
34. They'll ruin any plans you try to make

image source: reddit.com
It doesn't matter whether you're making plans for only yourself, with other people, or even with the jealous person involved - they'll do everything they can to ruin any plans you want to make. This might be as simple as planting a seed of doubt that your plans are 'stupid'.
35. They'll probably spread rumors about you, too

image source: reddit.com
All jealous people want to do is knock you down a peg or two because they think you've got it going too good - and they're jealous about that, obviously. One thing they can do to try and damage that reputation is to spread rumors or lies about you, because they can't do anything else.
36. They will actually try to annoy you as much as possible!

image source: popsugar.com
When you have loads of great things going for you, and lots to feel positive about, the person who is jealous about all of those good things will do their best to ruin your mood. They'll want to do everything they can to irritate you because they'll think that will make you feel less happy.
37. They're obsessed with you

image source: reddit.com
Someone who is jealous of you is also likely to be obsessed with you. That's because they'll be constantly stewing over all the things they're jealous of, so they'll want to know what you have going on, such as checking your Instagram feed all the time, so they can justify how they're feeling.
38. They're never going to let you have the spotlight

image source: reddit.com
If they're jealous of you, then they won't want you to have 'yet another good thing', which means they don't want you to have anymore attention or grab the spotlight. It doesn't mean that they want the spotlight instead, it just means they don't want you to have it!
39. They'll ruin your 'moment'

image source: reddit.com
It doesn't matter what 'the moment' is to you: whether it's something as huge as a proposal or wedding, a birthday party, a promotion, or even just a day when you're getting lots of compliments from everyone, they'll do anything to ruin that moment so that you can't enjoy it.
40. They're never going to act grateful towards you

image source: reddit.com
Feeling grateful of someone leaves you feeling like you owe them something - and a jealous person is not going to want to feel like they owe you anything. It will also ruin this feeling of bitterness they have towards you, if they have to admit you've done something nice for them.
41. They'll pretend to be diplomatic

image source: reddit.com
Someone who is acting diplomatic can often make it difficult for you if you have a valid point, especially if you're a friend who is justified in being angry about something and then vent to your jealous friend. That jealous person is then going to purposefully not agree with you and try to see 'every side of the story', which can make you look like you're wrong.
42. And they'll fake solidarity with you

image source: reddit.com
Even if they don't want to, they'll pretend that they do. They'll do everything they can to make it look like they're in support of you, through their actions and words - but it's all fake. This can all just be a part of this two-faced persona they've set up when they secretly feel envious.
43. They never stop complaining

image source: reddit.com
It doesn't matter whether it's directly to your face or to other people - they just complain, complain, complain. This is because jealous people will hold that bitterness so the only way they can vent about it is by complaining about it, to make it look like all these things they're jealous about are actually bad things.
44. Critical is just their middle name

image source: reddit.com
They're not likely to give you a compliment if they're jealous of you - unless it's a fake one, of course. So you may find they're constantly critical - of everything you say, do or even down to what nail varnish you wear. It seems you can't do anything right in their eyes (even though you're doing everything right, and that's why they're jealous!).
45. They'll do everything to demotivate you

image source: reddit.com
When you're feeling motivated and great about yourself, it's likely that you'll keep doing what you're already do, keep being successful and keep being happy. A jealous person isn't going to like that. That means you might accomplish more things. So they'll try to demotivate you!
46. They want to know every single detail about you, and your life

image source: reddit.com
This comes back to the obsession side of things again, where they're constantly checking your social media for everything you're doing. A lot of the time, when we know something makes us feel bad, we still can't resist - like knowing you're jealous of a celebs mansion but not being able to resist looking at all the pictures.
47. They're going to try and control you

image source: reddit.com
One of the key ways a jealous person can take you down or try and sabotage all these good things you have going for you, is by controlling you. If they can manage to control what you say and do, even just a little bit, it gives them a feeling of power, and that they can make you less successful.
48. They might even go through your belongings

image source: reddit.com
This would have to be someone very close to you, but if you leave your handbag lying around, or your work drawer accessible, it might be that they try to take a sneaky peak. This can often be because they're looking for something that makes you seem worse than this 'perfect' image, or even something they can use against you.
49. There's a chance they'll get upset if you talk to others

image source: reddit.com
A person who is jealous of you, but also a little obsessed with you, might likely get upset if you're spending time with other people or bonding with others. Even though they have jealous bitterness towards you, they might also want to keep you to yourself - because more people means more people thinking you're awesome.
50. You might even have a stalker

image source: reddit.com
In extreme cases, the jealous person might be so obsessed with you or obsessed with ideas of how to sabotage you, that they might take to stalking you - and not just on social media. They might make a point of being in the places you like to hang out, to keep a closer eye on you.