1. Lowering a partner's self-esteem

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A terrible partner is inclined to show you how inadequate you are for them. We all love to feel good about ourselves. Anyone who wishes to destroy our positive perceptions of ourselves intends to perpetuate abuse. Beware of anyone who derides your body features and mocks your individuality.
2. Withdrawing attention

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There is no relationship without attention. It is the currency that determines the success of a union. Evil people know that if they withdraw attention from their partners, they will manipulate them easily. If you realize your partner is not listening to you, it is a sign that they only intend to keep you under their leash.
3. Mocking a partner’s interests

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We are always ready to support the people we love by actualizing their interests. Evil-hearted individuals want to make you miserable; therefore, they try killing your dreams. By sabotaging your vision, they can dominate your life and misuse it. If they always make you feel incapable of doing something, run away from them instantly.
4. It’s all about them

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Egocentric people are preoccupied with how everything affects them. When you raise an issue, they will ignore it and demand that you take care of their concerns first. Even when they hurt you, their attention is geared towards how much you have denigrate them.
5. Disliking your social support for no reason at all

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The most notable sign of a toxic partner is their intense dislike for everyone you’re related with. They want to alienate you from those who care for you because they intend to abuse you. It is difficult to treat you badly if your friends and family would intervene to save you. If you notice that your partner speaks ill of your relatives, tread with caution.
6. Cheating

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This is rather obvious. Cheating is the epitome of betrayal. Anyone who loves you cannot have a secret affair. If you analyze the dangers that prevail in this habit, it is impossible to believe that a warm-hearted person would expose you to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or break your trust in them.
7. Constant jealousy

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There is a line between being protective and being jealous. Protective people genuinely care about your well-being. Jealous people, on the other hand, are repulsed by your good nature. A partner who is envious of your success and achievements would drag you down to make you feel miserable.
8. Threatening termination

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It is easy to come to terms with a breakup. It is possible to heal and focus on other endeavors. But evil-hearted people keep us in an inconclusive position. When things get sour or don’t get what they want, they will threaten to break up with us. Later, they will seek reconnection and repeat their usual threat when the need arises.
9. Not keeping promises

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The inability to keep promises affects how others perceive us. It is a sign of disrespect because people who believe us invest a lot of trust and expectation. When we do not keep those promises and commitments, it is difficult for them to take us seriously. Moreover, unreliable partners always breed a state of dissatisfaction within us.
10. Not considerate of the future

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A good relationship always has its scope fixed for the future. Planning how you’ll improve your financial stability and get shared assets that will help both of you to raise a family. However, evil people are not serious about maintaining a long-term union with you because that is not their priority.
11. Weak relationship with others

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Anyone with a repulsive character will have difficulty relating to others. Their friends always complain about them, and some family members avoid them like the plague. It is indubitable that such an individual cannot be a warm-hearted partner because they lack social etiquette.
12. Always secretive about the things they do

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No one loves hiding good things about themselves. If your partner's activities remain mysterious, they may be doing something illegal or dark. Moreover, watch how they react when you try to unveil their cover. If they are frightened by your intention to understand them, there is something horrible they are hiding.
13. Selfishness

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Sharing is crucial in a relationship, it could be in the form of time, money, and other resources. However, a dark-hearted individual feels terrible when sharing anything they own. Withholding the precious parts of themselves so that their partners won’t enjoy them. They would hide away their valuable things even if their partner needed them.
14. Open cruelty

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Treating others with contempt signifies that you are dealing with an evil partner. If your partner acts violently towards others, they are only a slap away from abusing you. Watch how they interact with animals and children. If they kick dogs around or beat up children, you should not trust them with your life.
15. Regular insults

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People who insult you for the slightest mistakes are not benevolent. Insults are degrading and injurious to people’s characters. It is better to give constructive criticism when others err. It develops their abilities and maintains your relationship with them. Insults, on the other hand, invite bitterness and hate.
16. Irresponsible

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Suppose something happens in a relationship because of you. In that case, it is crucial to take responsibility. Partners who act recklessly without any contemplation of consequence, make the lives of their loved ones difficult. When your partner always blames you for not getting it right, it is time to ditch them and find someone better.
17. Unapologetic

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Any sensible individual knows that whenever you are wrong, saying sorry can satiate a loved one. However, a dark-hearted individual rarely feels sorry about anything they do. They are used to acting; therefore, it does not resonate with them that people get hurt.
18. Inconsiderate

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We all love to be with caring individuals who can make proper decisions that will affect us positively. An inconsiderate person does not care who gets harmed when partaking in some activities. Moreover, they will try to make it seem like you’re undermining their authority and sanity, even though you are only trying to help them view issues from your point of view.
19. Gaslighting

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Ever been with someone who makes you feel that you’re crazy over trivial issues, even though it is clear to you that they are wronging you? This is called gaslighting, and toxic individuals are fond of doing it. Through mind games, they torture your resolve to express your feelings, leaving you helpless.
20. Manipulative

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Some realities are clear and indisputable, but a manipulative partner makes you believe things are not as they are. They take on different forms to make you believe they are nice and exceptional. However, once they acquire whatever they want from you, their real colors manifest. Their intrinsic evil self.
21. Control freak

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Life does not always flow in the direction we wish for. Sometimes, we have to accept the opinions of others. An evil partner is obsessed with wielding power over you. They want to control every facet of your life to conform to their expectations and wants. A dark desire to exhaust you with their whims.
22. Cannot control their temper

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Short-tempered people can hurt us for the simplest of reasons. Any small inconvenience might lead them to incur unimaginable violence upon us. Evil individuals do not know how to control their anger. They will not hesitate to beat you up despite claiming to love you. Anyone who cannot forgive you does not deserve your love.
23. Vindictive

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“An eye for an eye,” said the vindictive sage. Relationships are bound to be faced with many difficulties. Some of them emanate from our mistakes. To ensure the relationship continues, lovers forgive each other and forget past transgressions. An evil partner will not relent in taking vengeance and completing the trail of destruction.
24. Rejoices in the misfortunes of other people

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Some situations in life can be distressing, and we need empathy during these moments. We need someone to look out for us and understand the pain we are going through. Anyone who makes fun of you when you are in pain cannot be trusted. They are capable of hurting you.
25. Excessive pride

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People who imagine themselves to be better than they are can be dark-hearted. They cannot listen to you because they think they own the monopoly of wisdom and success. Moreover, they will disregard your advice on issues because they do not believe they are wrong. Pride comes before a fall.
26. Involved in legal trouble

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If your partner has frequent tussles with the law, it could mean that they are no good. Even minor offenses like traffic errors could suggest that they are stubborn and careless. Criminals are not cool, as portrayed in movies. Moreover, they are likely to implicate you in their share of troubles.
27. Lying all the time

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Deception can hurt you because it breaks the trust you have in your partner. Lying may seem like a necessary vice, but it breeds another every time it is made. In the end, a system of harmful lies can ruin everything. Evil people do not feel remorseful when lying, which makes it easier for them to make you do their bidding.
28. Devaluing your time

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Spending time with your partner should be appreciated. There are many activities we could do, but sacrificing them to be with a loved one is a valuable gesture. But evil partners don’t feel that way. It doesn’t matter to them if you try to create special moments. They embrace a sense of entitlement and think it is your role to activate their vapid lives.
29. Discomfort around them

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Sometimes, instincts warn us against evil people. When you feel strange around your partner, chances could be that they are not warm-hearted. Have you ever sat near someone, and there is a sense of disgust that chokes you? Perhaps you are not being unfairly rude. You’re probably not comfortable around them because they could harm you.
30. Sowing discord

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Have you ever met individuals who want to see the world burn? They are involved in all kinds of bigotry for no reason at all. An evil partner is a rabid sexist, a homophobe, or a racist. Hating a collective group of people because of a natural trait they share is an indisputable sign of someone likely to treat you badly.