Two Faced

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One of the clearest signs that you are possibly being sabotaged is if the person you are speaking to is clearly two faced. You may hear them saying something bad about a person then being friendly when they are together. These people are best avoided.
Leaves You Out Of Emails

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A work colleague may leave your name out of important work emails. This makes it seem to others like you don't have your eye on the ball and are making mistakes, even though your bosses may not know that you have been purposely denied access to information.
Steals Ideas

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If a person is stealing your ideas and passing them off as their own, this is a clear and obvious indicator that they are looking to sabotage your work or creative endeavours. By stealing your ideas the person sabotaging you is winning in more than one way!
Jump Through Hoops

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Someone trying to sabotage you might end up making you jump through hoops to accomplish simple things. This may include adding in extra steps that no one else needs to go through, or making relatively simple tasks needlessly difficult and time consuming!
Cut You Off

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When someone is trying to make themselves look better and sabotage your efforts, they will make every effort to not include you in conversation. An easy way of doing this is to cut you off at every possible opportunity and hope that no one mentions what they are doing.
Stop Inviting You

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You may miss invitations to important work meetings or social events more frequently, so much so that it does not seem accidental. Missing invites constantly is an indicator that you are being sabotaged, whether it be in work or by a friend in a larger group.
Takes Credit For Your Work

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Your saboteur may want to take credit for any work you produce, which is why it is super important to create a paper trail that leads back to your name. Make sure you save everything you produce and ensure that your name is attached to any valuable or important documents.
Tells Others

Image Source: The Conversationalist
Normally someone decides to sabotage everything you do because they aren't particularly fond of you. They may tell people around them or you about how much they hate you, or even try and get people to see things from their perspective and sabotage you as well!
Belittles You

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Someone who is starting to sabotage you may begin by emotionally attacking you. This could start with them belittling you, in everything from where you live, what you wear, even how to get around! This is essentially bullying so don't stand for it no matter what!
Passive Aggressive

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You might have started to notice that someone is being a little more passive aggressive towards you than you would normally accept. This is a clear sign that this person may want to begin to sabotage you and could be a slippery slope to worse.
Thinks Less Of Your Work

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Someone who wants to sabotage your career may often belittle your work. They might tell you to your face that your work is poor or incorrect, or they may go to your boss and lie to them. Either way, this is something you will need to nip in the bud very quickly.
Spreads Rumors

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Someone who wants to sabotage you and drag your reputation through the mud is going to try and spread lots of rumors about you. These rumors may be believable to people who don't know you that well, so you will need to get this under control as soon as you can.
They Create Drama

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You might be someone who likes to keep themselves to themselves and not create any drama, but someone who wants the worst for you will intentionally create drama and a negative buzz around your name. Creating drama is how the keep their name out of the main lime light.
They Lie To You

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You know that feeling you get when you just know that someone is lying to your face? Well, you might become a lot more familiar with this. Someone who wants to sabotage you will lie straight to your face and not feel an ounce of guilt about it either!
Damage To Property

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When someone is trying to sabotage all aspects of your life, you may notice that they start taking their frustrations out on your property. This could be anything from damaging the area where you live, to slashing or deflating the tires on your car!
People Go Over Your Head

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At work or school, you may have began to notice that people have stopped asking you questions when they would normally go to you. They might go over your head and speak to your boss. This could be because someone has been spreading rumors and people don't know who to trust...
You're Not The First

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If the person doing this to you is well known to be like this, then there is a good chance you aren't the first person they have gone for. Speak to people around you to let them know what is going on, and talk with other people this may have happened to.
Fake Personality

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The saboteur may have a nice and friendly personality, but be snappy and mean to others. As time goes on you might start to notice they seem a bit fake, and this is a clear indicator that this person could turn on you in an instant to better their own options.
Blame Is Pushed On To You

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When something goes wrong, breaks or causes a complaint, all of the blame is instantly shifted on to you. This shows your bosses that you did wrong, even when you didn't, and can seriously harm career prospects if it carries on for a long enough amount of time.
They Don't Meet Deadlines

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Chances are that the person who is trying to sabotage you is actually only doing it to shift the blame away from how poorly they perform. This is common, so you might notice this person misses deadlines, is consistently late and generally a lazy team member.
They Point The Finger

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Someone who is out to get you is always quick to point the finger, even when they might not have all of the facts. This is a common trait, and people that do this normally go on the attack first and ask questions second in order to try and protect themselves.
Tasks Are Taken Away

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You might start to notice that tasks that you would normally be trusted with are gradually taken away from you with little to no warning. This might be a sign that something is going on in the background, and it is a good idea to clear this up sooner rather than later.
You Are Always Watched

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When you are working you see someone always watching over your shoulder. This could be your boss, or even the person trying to sabotage you waiting for you to make a mistake so they can pounce. This feeling is always a bit of a creepy one to be honest!
Not Given The Right Tools

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In order to make sure you do a poor job and subsequently end up in a worse position, you might get given the wrong tools for the job. This could be literally, but normally it involves throwing you into a situation that the person knows you aren't trained to handle.
Strange Questions

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Both the people trying to sabotage you and your friends could start to ask you strange and confusing questions. This is normally because a rumor has been spread about you and people want to see if it is true, Your confusion normally confirms the truth in the end.
Everything You Say Is Recycled

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When your words get recycled it is an awful feeling. To hear people reciting what you said makes you feel sick to your stomach, and makes us feel guilty when we have done nothing wrong. Try and ignore this and take yourself out of toxic situations.
Words Get Twisted

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Sometimes it can all get a bit too overwhelming and you might snap or even politely say something to the person who is out to get you. This will normally get twisted by the saboteur, and they will use your words against you, so try and have some witnesses.
Scared Of A Certain Person

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Being a little scared or feeling powerless is nothing to be ashamed of, and you shouldn't beat yourself up for feeling this way. The truth always comes out in the wash, so hang in there and make sure to voice your feeling with someone you know and trust.
You Have To Watch Your Own Back

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If you feel that you can not trust anyone any more, then you need to have your own back. Be firm, assertive and sure footed, this will see you go far and most people can normally see through the lies. Keep your head held high and the truth will come out.
Gas lighting

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The person who wants to sabotage you might end up trying to gaslight you, so try to ignore this. They want you to doubt yourself, and think that you are doing things wrong, even though you might be doing everything perfectly. Don't let them live inside your head rent free!