They are always pessimistic

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Pessimism is a completely normal part of being human. We all have doubts and that inner voice that keeps questioning whether things will work out for the better. However, when it comes to people with little to no self-respect, you’ll notice that their pessimistic attitude never lets up.
Inability to make a decision

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Do you know someone who doesn’t have the backbone to make their own choices? Whether it’s something as complex as taking out a mortgage or as simple as what they should eat for dinner, you’ll notice that someone with no self-respect constantly looks to others for every life decision.
Blaming everyone else

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You’ll know you have a pal with no self-respect if they constantly blame everyone else but themselves for a mistake they’ve made.” Did you delete the file on my computer?” “It’s your fault for not having a password!” They always find a way to shift blame onto others.
Puts up with crappy relationships

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Because they can’t make choices for themselves, they tend to stay in bad relationships and put up with all sorts of disrespect. If you have a pal with a pattern of picking out crappy partners, and she’s never the one ending those relationships, this could be a tell-tale of zero self-respect.
They are big bullies

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They think very little of themselves. And because they are always insecure and jealous of others, they tend to project these feelings by taking them out on innocent people. Bullying is no laughing matter. But if you were bullied in high school, it’s a compliment to you being better.
An aversion to neatness

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Why bother dressing, wearing clean clothes, and tidying your home when you feel totally worthless inside? People struggling with self-respect already have a super low opinion of themselves. They see no need to be organized or keep up with their looks, succumbing to untidiness and disorganization.
A “YES” person

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Hey, can I leave early, and you finish prep for tomorrow morning’s presentation? Despite having a mountain of work to last them two straight weeks, he says “yes.” Someone with low self-respect finds it incredibly hard to turn anyone down. They are repulsed by conflict and thus agree to everything.
Always out of time

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Whether they are engulfed in work or running errands for buddies, you’ll notice that these types of people seemingly never have time for themselves. They are always doing something for someone else, always on their feet, and you may wonder when they take a break.
Super self-critical

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Do you know someone who is always putting down their strengths or accomplishments? They’d hit a hole-in-one three times in a row and brush it aside to sheer luck. People with zero self-respect tend to magnify their weaknesses and never want credit for the good they do.
Unhappy with life

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When your self-respect is running on fumes, life doesn’t feel rosy and sunny. It always feels as cold and desolate as an Alaskan winter. Because of the personality of this type of person, they tend to attract bad company and misery. Hence, they expect very little out of life.
Impostor syndrome

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I don’t deserve to get a promotion. I don’t deserve to have a caring partner. I don’t deserve to be happy. This is called the impostor syndrome. People with zero self-respect are most afflicted by it. They may even go out of their way to sabotage themselves to “get what they deserve.”
A person of few words

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Hey, just because someone is quiet doesn’t mean they lack self-respect. But, in many cases, you may notice that these types of people don’t like to speak up or voice their opinions. They feel as though they have nothing to offer and don’t like arguing. Thus, they are often withdrawn and distant.
Anxiety is a constant companion

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Low self-respect is linked to many mental health issues, top among them anxiety and depression. This may manifest in different ways. You may notice that these types of people make up for how they feel through substance abuse, social phobia, or eating disorders.
Suicidal thoughts beckon

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A person running empty on self-respect has a bleak perception of life. It may get to a point where life no longer feels worth it. If you know someone who’s constantly talking about death or how others would be better off without them, that’s a red flag. You may need to get them professional help.
Going all out for attention

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“The hunger for attention is the enemy of self-love.” There’s nothing they won’t do to stay in the spotlight. There’s no boundary they won’t cross to stir the pot and get attention, even if it means constantly making a fool of yourself to feel needed or important.
Always sorry

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You always apologize even when you’ve not done something wrong, or it’s someone else’s fault. The person with little self-respect accepts blame for everything and tends to over-apologize. If you know someone always taking the fall, this may be a symptom of low self-respect.
Easily gullible

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“Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything.” Someone with zero self-respect has few, if any, values or principles that tether them and keep them grounded. As a result, they believe the most obvious lie and are easily influenced by others. They constantly fall victim to deception.
Drinking too much

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If you’re not confident in your skin, you tend to want to be anything other than yourself. That’s why some people with self-respect issues can always be found at the bottom of a bottle. The highs provide escape – even if but for a fleeting moment- they’re always on the run from themselves.
Casual, desperate s*x

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Sometimes, everything clicks, and the person or moment is just right. But if you know someone who’s always hooking up on the first date, they may have little self-respect. Because they doubt what they have to offer & what someone sees in them, they readily use s*x to win affection.
Alone when they’re not alone

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If you have low self-respect, you may have trouble fitting in. You have a poor opinion of your person and believe others may see you the way you see yourself. Hence, this type of person is always standing alone in a corner at a party, preferring the company of a pet rather than guests.
You find yourself funny

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Remember the guy at school who everyone made fun of? Well, people with zero self-respect are their own class clowns. They are constantly making jokes at their own expense, joking about this or that about them. You might think it's funny, but they are actually saying how they feel about themselves.
Can’t accept compliments

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Probably because they find it hard to believe. “You like my shirt? No one likes my shirt.” If you are always complimenting someone and they keep turning you down or deflecting the nice things you say to them – not because they are being modest; that person may have self-respect problems.
Tolerate abuse

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Many people with low self-respect tolerate abuse, be it emotional or even physical abuse. They endure mistreatment. They don’t do anything about it as they believe that they deserve the things that are happening to them. They put up with abuse from their lovers, colleagues, and other people.
They are shut-ins

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Not to be mistaken for an introvert, a person with low self-respect tends to be reclusive. You judge yourself so much, fearing others will be just as critical of you. Therefore, you may avoid company altogether, retreating to the solitary life of a shut-in.
A penchant for shopping

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Do you know someone who shops way more than they have to? Red flag alert! They may genuinely have a shopping addiction. Or, they could be struggling with low self-respect and are trying to fill that void in their lives through an endless supply of materialistic possessions.
Can’t take criticism

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Bursting into a fit of rage or sobbing uncontrollably, someone with low self-respect may overreact in the face of criticism. They feel attacked, and it just amplifies the insecurities already simmering within. Someone may have a low opinion of themselves if they are hypersensitive to criticism.
Always tired

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Low self-respect can also affect your physical health and wellness. It can surface through disease and constant feelings of fatigue as well, among other symptoms, despite there being no obvious cause for either. In extreme cases, you may also notice sudden disinterest in food.
Difficulty opening up

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Have you ever dated someone who never really tells you anything personal about themselves? Your conversations always revolve around everything else but their personal life. People with low self-respect always have their shields up. They are terrified to let anyone in, and they never do.
An Obsession with others' Success

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I had a friend who always pushed me to be better. To go for that promotion at work. To gather the courage to ask someone out. But he’d never take his own advice. People with zero self-respect will pull out all the stops to help you succeed. But they won’t lift a finger for their progress.
Putting on an act

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Because they are uncomfortable in their skin, they prefer to be someone else. If you have a loved one with one personality at home and a completely different side that they show to the world, this may hint at a lack of self-respect. They are ashamed of who they are and hide behind a façade.