Signs Someone Has Never Felt Love

By Lynsey 1 year ago

The word 'Love' terrifies them

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One sign that someone has never experienced love is when they are talking about love, they are skeptical about it being real. They may say 'there's no such thing as being in love', or you may see them become weird when talking about it, as if the word itself scares them.

They have never actually been in a relationship before

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Someone who has never been in a relationship before can't possibly have experienced the feeling of love. Unless they are confident that they love themselves. Even so, that's still not quite the same as that gushy, butterflies in your stomach kind of love you feel when you've met your soulmate.

They are lone wolfing life

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Someone who is enjoying living life by themselves will most likely struggle to experience love, if they have experienced it at all. Often these people are so busy doing their own thing that they forget or neglect their own needs. They might even struggle to find the time to meet someone and get close enough to them to chance falling in love.

They have never heard 'I love you'

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Someone can be in a relationship with another person but that doesn't mean they're in love with each other. It may be that they think they love the other person but they never hear those magical words said to them in return - not only is this awkward but it can leave them wondering whether they're in love or what love may feel like.

They have never had someone focus on the little things

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Waking up in the morning to see their significant other has brought them a morning coffee to bed is definitely a sign of love! Who doesn't love a coffee in bed?! If their significant other does not focus on the small things in life that make them smile, it might just be the sign they need to tell them love is not there.

Relationships have focused on intimacy only

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If you're finding yourself in relationships that are solely focused on intimacy and not a deeper connection, you can guarantee that you're not in a loving relationship. A partner who loves you should want to spend time with you, talk to you and get to know you, not simply just fool around under the sheets!

They've never had anyone pay them attention

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To have someone genuinely pay attention to you and your life goals, is love. A significant other should want to see you succeed and they should admire your passions. If they don't and you find yourself fighting for their attention, you are probably not their priority. When in love, you will never be second best!

They aren't bothered if relationships work out or not

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Someone who has never experienced love will not have the same priorities in a relationship as someone who has. They won't necessarily 'fight' for the relationship if it's falling apart because they won't be bothered if it ends as it is so meaningless to them.

They think arguing in relationships is normal

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When some is deep in the realms of love, they will enjoy their partners company and work hard to ensure they are getting along and meeting each others needs. If they haven't experienced love before, they may not know that fighting and arguing is not the norm and rather is a toxic place to be.

They don't know how to make up after an argument

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If someone has not felt love before, they won't know that making up with their loved one is important. They may lack the skills to see that arguments are normal but not the focus in a relationship and instead they might not care about the fact they've argued with their bae.

There's no effort

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Someone will know that their partner is not in love with them if they are noticing there is a lack of effort. They may find that in order to do anything as a couple, it comes from them and their partner has no interest in wining and dining them or making effort to look good.

There's a lack of communication in their relationships

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Communication is a vital part of any relationship and without it, the relationship will be sure to fall apart. If someone is in a relationship where there is no love, they might find that their partner withholds information or is reluctant to share information/ communicate. This can lead to insecurities and a lack of trust - alarm bells for sure!

No-one has ever made them feel special

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You'll know if someone has not felt love before if they find it bizarre that someone else would try hard to make them feel special. They might see it as unnatural and question why someone would do that when in reality, it's the norm if you're with someone who genuinely cares about you and wants to see you happy.

They don't know how to compromise

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Someone who has not felt love before won't know how to compromise as they have probably only had to think about themselves before. If they haven't got to the point of love with someone, it's most likely they haven't got to the point of caring for someone and sharing their lives together so compromise is yet to happen.

They never introduced their partner to their friends

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People tend to introduce their new partners to their friends and family when they see if lasting the test of time. Who wants to introduce every hook up to the fam? Surly not! So, if someone is yet to feel that deeply, it's unlikely the rents or close friends will have met their new fling.

They think abuse is acceptable

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For someone who hasn't had the pleasure of being in love before, they may not have had the best experiences with their past relationships. They may think that a toxic relationship is the norm, where abuse is accepted, however if they are truly in love, this will not be the case. A loving relationship should not be toxic.

They struggle to stay in relationships

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People who haven't experienced love before will struggle to stay in relationships. They may find themselves jumping from one to another without a second thought because relationships don't have that deeper meaning for them. When in love, you tend to work through the difficult parts and come out the other side stronger.

They are jealous

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If someone hasn't felt love, yet they are constantly searching for it, they will display jealous-like behaviours. It may come across as attention seeking and obsessive when in fact they are simply communicate their need to be loved back. They may find themselves jealous of their partner talking to, or interacting with other people for fear they will love someone else and not them.

They never talk about the future

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For people who are yet to experience love, the future will seem quite bleak and hard to imagine. They may prefer to not think about it as it is too painful to acknowledge they are yet to find love or they may struggle to see the future as they don't know where they'll end up and who they will end up with, if anyone.

They have never had butterflies in their stomach

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Everyone should have felt those butterflies in the stomach you get on the first date, or when you're waiting for that text message back. These early moments in a relationship lay the foundations for falling in love. If they are not there, chances are the relationship isn't going to be one that lasts forever - trust your gut!

They are an insecure person

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Insecurity comes from jealousy and jealousy comes from not being secure in your relationship. If there is not obvious love in a relationship, the couple will feel vulnerable, like either one of them could leave at any minute as they are not committed to one another. This opens the door up for trust to be questioned and insecurities to breed.

They've experienced traumatic past relationships

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Love comes with both positive and negative experiences - it is never all sunshine and rainbows. This said, people who haven't ever experienced love are more likely to come from tougher backgrounds where they have had traumatic relationships. In these relationships, love was absent meaning they don't know how to identify love moving forward.

They aren't ready to accept love

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For some people, love is right in front of their eyes, however they are not open, or ready to accept it. You may find someone who hasn't experienced love to be a lone wolf, solo traveller or just someone happy to go through life by themselves. For these people, it will really take them being swept off their feet to see that love is a beautiful feeling to have had experienced in life.

They have low self-esteem

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If you haven't experienced love before, chances are you haven't experienced someone going out of their way to boost your self-esteem and confidence. A loved one will want to see you shine and succeed and will tell you this on the regular. If you haven't ever had this, its only natural that your self-esteem may be rock bottom.

They struggle with trust issues

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If love is absent from someone's life, they will struggle to trust those they encounter. This will be because they will be sceptical of anyone who shows them affection or who attempts to care for them as they will view love as out of their reach. They might assume love is too good to be true and constantly be expecting it to come crashing down.

They seem lonely

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You'll know if someone is feeling the love in their relationships when they appear incredibly lonely, even though they are sharing life's moments together. To feel lonely in a relationships says that your needs are not being met which means you cannot be with a loving partner.

They are not self-aware

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Some people say they've never felt love or they haven't ever loved someone themselves. However, often these people lack self-awareness and instead have the wrong mindset when it comes to love. The great thing about a mindset is that it can change, so, maybe it's time to start looking at love differently.

They struggle to love themselves

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That saying of 'No one will love you until you love yourself', speaks volumes. Being confident in who you are and owning the king you're in is said to be one of the most attractive traits you can have. For people who embrace themselves, love certainly comes more naturally.

Their idea of love is to narrow

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To some people, the idea of love can be very narrow and sometimes superficial. Love may be an act of service or have a monetary value. For these people, love may be hard to come by and they may find themselves never finding true love. It's time to broaden those love horizons and fall for some for what's inside - that's what counts the most after all!

They obsess over love

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To someone who has not felt love before, the idea of being in love will consume them. They will think about it all day every day and they will obsess over it, like something that is out of their reach that they desire so much. If they ever find it, chances are they will be an intense lover as they will jump into it with everything they have for fear of loosing it again.