Signs Someone Doesn’t Deserve Their Pet

By Aaron Love 12 months ago

They Don't Provide Enough Food

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One of the most glaring signs that someone probably doesn't deserve their pet is when they fail to make sure they get sufficient food. Pets rely on their owners for food and neglecting this is a clear sign they deserve better. This is more than essential for making sure they remain healthy.

Giving Them Too Much Food

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On the opposite end of this spectrum, allowing a pet to eat too much food could also signify they're a poor pet owner. Offering too much food to a pet could lead to them becoming obese and getting numerous health issues, always try and follow the recommended feeding guidelines.

Not Enough Water

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Just like food, water is an essential requirement for all living beings, so a pet not being given water is a massive sign of neglect. Dehydration is another issue that can end up causing a load of further health problems and no pet deserves to be treated in a way that could cause them harm.

It Isn't Given Shelter

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You wouldn't allow your friends or family to spend the night without shelter, so why should your loyal companions be treated any differently. They need to be protected from the elements and anyone who doesn't do so would be failing their responsibility in keeping their pets safe.

They Don't Get Their Vaccinations

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Again, like us humans, vaccinations are incredibly important in the animal world, they can not only safeguard your pet's health but also protect other animals in the spread of disease. If someone you know is ignoring this aspect of their pet's health then they don't have their best interests at heart.

No Routine Check-Ups

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Regular check-ups are another essential aspect of protecting your pet. These can be very useful in catching and addressing any health issues early before they can cause any long-term effects. If someone chooses to not prioritize these check-ups then they're only neglecting their well-being.


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Overbreeding has long been an issue when it comes to pets, people who do so on purpose are clearly ignoring the health of their animals and doing so is incredibly unethical. By forcing a pet to keep bearing children you would be increasing the risk of them developing long-term health issues and even death!

Abandoning Them

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It's still hard to believe that so many people around the world can just abandon their pet without giving it any thought. Pets of all varieties can form strong bonds with their owners and rely on them for pretty much everything. Abandoning them is a clear betrayal of trust and says a lot about their character in general.

They Hoard Pets

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Collecting an extensive number of pets might look cool, but if someone does so without having the ability to provide proper attention then it shows they're quite irresponsible. Hoarding pets can also lead to a larger possibility of neglect and they might not get the attention they deserve.

Isolating The Pet

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Pets are extremely social characters and they always require a load of interaction and companionship. If someone chooses to isolate their pet in a singular room or in the yard then they'll feel depressed. All owners should be trying to ensure that their pets get enough attention for their well-being.

Chaining A Pet

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Chaining any pet for an extended period of time is not just a sign of neglect but it's also a sign of cruelty that robs animals of their rights to freedom and interaction. We wouldn't want ourselves to be chained up and unable to move and it could even damage them emotionally too.

Not Giving Them Enough Exercise

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Exercise is a cornerstone of every living being's mental and physical health, your pets are no different. A pet owner should always be held accountable for taking their pets out for the necessary exercise which keeps them fit, stimulated and even grows the bond between pet and owner.

Avoiding Grooming

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Grooming your pet isn't just about making sure they look good, it can also be essential for their health and ensuring they're comfortable too. By choosing to avoid brushing, bathing and trimming the nails of your pet it's a clear sign that an owner is indifferent to a pet's physical well-being.

Not Teaching Them Basic Commands

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Training a pet goes beyond just them being obedient towards an owner, they also need to be made aware of what is and isn't safe. If someone doesn't teach basic commands to their pet it could be the difference in any accidents occurring or not. It's a clear sign they aren't responsible enough to have pets!

Being Cruel To The Pets

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Cruelty to animals is such an unforgivable act in all forms, they put all their trust and loyalty in to you. Any form of abuse towards pets is obviously frowned upon and if you see anything like this happening they need to be reported. No pet should be put through any form of abuse or unnecessary pain.

Using Animals For Money

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Unfortunately, there are many people out there who only keep pets in order to exploit them as a money-making project. This could link back to the overbreeding but there are also people who choose to put their dogs through fighting tournaments, or some horses are forced to race against their health.

Ignoring Aggressive Behaviour

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No one wants to have an aggressive pet, but this behaviour is usually a sign that a pet is crying out for help. An owner that chooses to ignore these signs clearly doesn't take in to account their need for training nor are they thinking about the potential dangers that could arise from an aggressive pet.

Keeping Them In Unsanitary Places

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All living animals and humans deserve to have a clean and safe environment to spend their days. An unsanitary living space is always going to be uncomfortable both physically and emotionally for a pet and these sorts of places are also likely to be breeding grounds for disease to spread.

Giving Them Toxic Foods

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It's extremely important that a pet owner knows what their animals can and can't eat. Certain foods can be harmful or toxic to certain pets, so it's important people are educated. There is plenty of information online to work this stuff out or you could just contact your vet instead.

Not Getting Them The Right Nutrition

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Each pet will be slightly different to the next, even animals of the same breed might need to have different levels of food or amounts of certain nutrients. A responsible pet owner will always ensure that their pet will receive the correct diet and take in to account all of the various factors.

Not Getting Them To The Vets When Ill

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Prompt medical attention is incredibly important when it comes to maintaining a pet's health. As soon as something seems amiss you should always get it checked out just to be sure. Responsible pet owners will always prioritize the health of their pets and anything else would be wrong.

Not Getting Them Neutered

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Failing to neuter a pet, especially when they aren't part of a breeding programme can quickly contribute to overpopulation of animals and the increased risk future animals might end up homeless. It's important to get any pets neutered or spayed to prevent any unwanted litters.

Not Giving Enough Cuddles

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Let's be honest, one of the best parts about having some little furry companions in our homes (all types of them) is being able to chill out and have a cuddle. All pets love affection and the emotional connection that can be formed between owner and pet is one of the strongest out there.

Letting Them Off The Lead

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Although many people have trained their pets well enough to be let off the lead, just because yours are safe doesn't mean others will react the same way. An owner who lets their pet roam freely risks dangers to their pets and the safety of others. Leash laws aren't necessarily legal, but they show a level of etiquette.

Not Getting Them Used To Other Animals

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Animals don't just enjoy the company and affection of their owners, they also like to socialize with other animals of their own kind. Without being introduced to other animals early on, an owner might be increasing the risk that their pet could become fearful and protective which could lead to some aggression.

Being Unprepared

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Owning a pet might seem nice and easy, you have a companion right, what could go wrong? This is a negative mindset to have though, they require a lot of planning and preparation and if an owner hasn't thought things through it can be quickly evident by the way things are going.

Not Considering The Financial Responsibility

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Part of being prepared to house and own a pet is knowing whether or not you can be financially responsible when it comes to looking after them. An owner might not consider the financial aspects of pet ownership until long after they've already introduced them in to their home.

Refusing To Rehome Them, Even If They Need Too

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Unfortunately, life really can suck sometimes and circumstances can change. Occasionally, there might be an incident in which a pet may need to be let go from their home and sent somewhere else for their well-being. If an owner chooses to keep their pet without thinking about it's best interests then they don't deserve them.

Not Letting Them Sleep With Them

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Okay, this one might be a little far-fetched, but who doesn't love letting their dogs and cats sneak into bed with them at night for a cuddle. It isn't just about sleeping here, but both sides of the relationship might be able to feel a much stronger sense of companionship after sharing the bed.

Using Them For Social Media Likes

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Some people don't just exploit their animals for financial purposes, they might even do so just to make their social media pages gather some more attention. This isn't necessarily fair to the pet as it usually shows that the owner values their socials more than the pet itself.