1. Bouts of “forgetfulness”

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Has your relationship communication descended into a need-to-know basis? If your partner constantly forgets to mention nights out, the relationship is in danger. Omission is still a type of dishonesty, and if it becomes a pattern, you might have reason to be suspicious.
2. Stuck on their phone

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Out of the blue, your partner now takes their phone everywhere, to the bathroom, kitchen, or when walking the dog. They never leave it behind. While social media and mobile phone addiction is a possibility, it might also mean that your partner is hiding something from you.
3. The texting never stops

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Is your partner constantly typing up something on their phone? Always giggling and scribbling on the keypad? And when you ask about it, they brush it aside as nothing. He or she might be checking up on a friend. Or, it is possible that they are talking to someone that they don’t want you to know about.
4. The gifts keep coming

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Getting gifts from your partner is rather sweet and reassuring. However, sometimes, cheaters compensate for a guilty conscience by showering you with presents. It could be a tactic to throw you off the track, and it’s especially concerning if it’s out of character.
5. Drop in intimacy

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A loss of intimacy doesn’t necessarily mean they’re cheating. Maybe they’re stressed from work or just having a bad day. If the frequency of intercourse has taken a nosedive, though, it’s also possible that they’re getting what they need somewhere else.
6. New tricks in the bedroom

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Wow, we’ve never done that before? Perhaps your partner has been doing his homework, finding new ways to make things more interesting and exciting in the bedroom. Nonetheless, you also can’t rule out the possibility that he’s picked up these moves from someone new.
7. Explanations are getting longer

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You asked about the business trip to London. Your partner is going on and on, revealing the nitty gritty of who was there, who wasn’t, what happened, and so on. While they could just be really excited about how it turned out, keep in mind that liars tend to overshare.
8. Shadowing a stranger on social media

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Your partner is suddenly friends with someone named “HotBae2013” on Facebook. He’s constantly liking pictures and interacting with her posts. If your partner develops a sudden interest in an unfamiliar person’s social media activity, there could be more to it than meets the eye.
9. Taking up new hobbies

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Say you’re terrified of the water, and your partner comes home one day and has randomly acquired a taste for boating. New hobbies might just be an attempt at expanding the horizons. But, these new interests may also be an attempt at trying to fit in with a new flame’s likes.
10. The ATM is working overtime

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Cheaters are smart. They know that their credit card activity is easy to track. Cash, on the other hand, not so much. If the ATM has received much more action than usual, this could be a red flag. Or, it might indicate a gambling problem. You can’t be too sure, so don’t jump to conclusions.
11. A feeling you just can’t shake

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Listen to your gut. If your inner sense is tingling and things don’t feel right, your psyche might subconsciously send out warning signals. It could be due to a build-up of clues that your mind is inadvertently picking up. Don’t be quick to dismiss that pit in your stomach.
12. Working longer than usual

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The late nights keep piling up. This is the 3rd straight week that your better half is calling to say their mean boss demanded that they work late again. It might be true, but it might also be a cover-up for something else that’s going on after hours. Keep your eyes open.
13. Communication has taken a hit

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He couldn’t get enough of you at first. He was always texting, always calling, taking every chance to find out how you are or indulge in sweet-nothings. However, the texts have reduced, and so have the video calls. Something else may be to blame. Or, someone else might be getting all the attention.
14. You’re accused of cheating

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If your partner is having an affair, they tend to project their guilt on you. They may turn things around and accuse you of cheating when you haven’t given them the slightest reason to doubt you. Don’t be quick to judge, though. This might be a symptom of trauma from a past relationship.
15. Avoiding certain places

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You want to check out this restaurant you’ve heard plenty about, but your partner is unusually hesitant. A loved one avoiding specific locations may hint that they have probably gone there with someone else. Hence, they’re afraid someone who works there might recognize them and unwittingly spill the beans.
16. Constantly canceling plans

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Oh, the museum thing was today? It totally slipped my mind, honey. How about a rain check? We’re not ruling out that something may have come up for sure. But if your partner has been consistently flaky lately, canceling plans or always turning up late, that’s enough reason to start thinking twice.
17. They pass on your treats

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She keeps turning down all your attempts at doing nice things for her. Every romantic gesture is declined; even something as simple as preparing a special meal is met with a firm “No.” This might mean that they feel as though they no longer deserve your kindness, possibly due to guilt.
18. Their phone’s battery keeps dying

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The problem might not lie with the battery or phone at all. It’s potentially not the battery that needs replacing, but it might be you that’s getting replaced. It’s probably time to put on your detective cap if he’s pulled out the “Sorry babe, my phone died” card one too many times.
19. More irritable than usual

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Molehills become mountains in an instant. Even the way you sit might be offensive to them, leading you down rabbit holes of endless arguments and fights. These random bursts may not be random at all. They may be a plausible cover-up to go MIA and meet up with a lover behind your back.
20. Work travel is through the roof

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Your partner has traveled for work so much lately that they might as well be living on the road. If your partner’s travel frequency has increased tremendously for a job that initially involved little to no movement, something may be off. Don’t keep brushing aside your fears.
21. Upping his game

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Experimenting and trying on new looks may mean your partner is considering doing a closet overhaul. Nonetheless, if he’s pulling out all the stops to look dashing and takes up more time than usual to get ready, there may be someone else they’re looking to sweep off their feet.
22. A flurry of compliments

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“Compliments are like fire to the soul. They make you feel all warm and good inside.” Perhaps warm enough so that you don’t notice the icy hand of deception. Guilt can be a strong motivator, with your partner possibly making up for the errors of his ways by singing your praises more than usual.
23. Relationship issues pull a Houdini

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If every fight you have seems to vanish into thin air without a proper resolution, they might be pulling a fast one on you. Bringing up issues when they need an excuse to “disappear” and sweeping matters under the rug because they didn’t really care for the argument.
24. Subtle follow-up inconsistencies

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See, the thing about liars is that they don’t always remember the little details they tell you. They say they went out with Mark to watch the game one day. Next week, it wasn’t Mark from the office; it was his mechanic buddy, Paul. It’s hard to keep the facts straight when they’re not facts at all.
25. You’re no longer their confidant

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Your partner used to open up to you about everything. From an evil boss who loves to put him down to how he believes your dog may be secretly judging him for ignoring the plea for an extra treat. If he no longer opens up to you, he may have found another shoulder to lean on in more ways than one.
26. They know your every move

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It’s nice that your partner is concerned about you and regularly checks up. It might also be super suspicious that they are keeping strict tabs on your every move; try to always be in the know of your schedule. They may be using this information to “pick their moments.”
27. You’re still the “other woman”

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“Once a cheater, always a cheater.” It wouldn’t be a popular saying without some truth to it. If you were once the person on the side whom he left his previous lover for, what’s to stop him from doing the same? Not to be pessimistic or anything, but he may have a compulsive cheating disorder.
28. Friends are pulling away

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Your lover’s friends are no longer as friendly as they used to be. They are now all nervous and uncomfortable in your presence. What has changed? It’s possible that they know something that you don’t and are afraid to mess up. People tend to confide in their friends when they’re cheating.
29. Increase in libido

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Cheating partners can lose interest in sex, but that’s not always the case. You may also notice a sudden upturn in libido. An increase in lovemaking may be one way to pull the wool over your eyes or a strategy to free up some time -and attention- later to meet up with a paramour.
30. No “us” in their future

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You had both your lives figured out together, down to the number of kids you’d have or your dream home. Suddenly, they are not as forthcoming with their long-term intentions. It’s more “I” or a “we” that excludes you. If you notice this, your partner might be making plans with someone else.