Signs He’s A Catfish

By Tom Pearson 12 months ago

He Won't Video Chat... EVER!

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The first, and potentially most obvious sign, that you are dealing with a catfish is the fact that he will never video chat with you, no matter how persistent you are about wanting to FaceTime or Skype call him. This should be your first big red flag.

The Relationship Moves Quickly (Love-bombing!)

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When you get with someone in a normal setting, chances are that you might go for a few dates, take things slow. You experience things together to see if you are compatible. A catfish will rush things along and try and get at your heartstrings as soon as he can.

All The Selfies Look Professional... Suspiciously Professional

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Everyone takes the odd rubbish or embarrassing selfie, but do all of his pictures look like professional modeling shots? If so, chances are that your catfish has lifted these photos of a legitimate modelling site, which is why they look so well presented.

Selfies Sent In The Moment To See The Truth

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If you are talking with him and he tells you that he is currently running in the park, or playing on his computer, then get him to send him a photo that moment. You need to see what he is doing and his face, and if he doesn't then he might be a catfish!

Boring Selfies... This Is How To Catch Him Out!

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On the rare occasion that your new partner will send you a selfie, they will be super boring and barely show his face. They could just be a photo of a wall with a tiny piece of hair in frame. You should also ask for selfies doing boring things, like washing dishes.

When He Won't Call Alarm Bells Should Be Ringing!

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Have you ever noticed that he only calls at a set time on set days. This is because your new man could be in a relationship with another person, and is using a false name and photo to practice flirting with people before they have an affair behind their partners back.

His Accent Sounds Strange On The Phone

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Whenever the pair of you talk online, he uses perfect English and even uses country specific phrases and slang. However, if on the rare occasion you manage to speak on the phone and he sounds like he is from elsewhere in the world, this could be an issue.

His Phone Calls Are Fast And Brief

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The last thing your catfish wants is to have a telephone conversation with you, as there is a high chance they will get caught out for what they are. For this reason, your catfish will often try and keep phone calls super short, and give your brief one word answers.

He Won't Meet In Person

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When you fall for someone, all you want to do is be with them whenever you can. If your new boyfriend point blank refuses to meet up face to face, then they are a catfish. They might give lots of good excuses, but this is a definite telltale sign that they aren't real.

Something Always Crops Up

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If you start to get a bit suspicious and ask questions of your new partner, they might agree to finally meet up in person. Don't be surprised if they stand you up however, and then later claim that an emergency situation of unforeseen events cropped up.

Your Friends Are Suspicious Of Him

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Your friends are friends for a reason, and they really know what makes you tick. Your friends want the best for you, and often see things without the rose tinted spectacles. If they are suspicious, then maybe you should be feeling the same way as well.

Your Family Warn You About A Catfish

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Similarly to your friends, your family just want the best for you and do not want to see you get emotionally or financially hurt by someone. You might assume they are just being negative, but they are there to look out for you and help you out in the long run.

Reverse Image Search

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If you think you are being catfished, the pictures are a dead giveaway. If the photos are too perfect, then you might think they are from a model. Copy and paste the picture into google and if another name comes up then you are being catfished for sure!

He Is Super Gorgeous

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It would be cynical of me to say that super gorgeous people only go out with the best looking members of society, but this is just how it tends to go for 99% of people. Look at what the odd realistically say and weigh up if you are in the lucky 1% club.

He Seems Out Of Your League

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There is every chance that your new boyfriend is attracted to you because of your personality, and this is a super common reason for people to get together. Do not forget to use common sense though, if you are a 4 out of 10 and he is a stone cold 11... Just have a think.

He Has No Friends

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If your new partner never mentions his friends, or doesn't want to talk about then when you ask, it could be because he is a catfish. The last thing a catfish wants is to add in more lies to the equation, so they will always try and focus on you rather than them.

He Never Posts Pictures Of Friends

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Everyone loves a photo with close friends doing something that they love, like a day out or a night in a club. If your new boyfriend doesn't have any of these photos, or cant send you any, then you should wonder if they really are who they say they are.

He Asks For Money

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A catfish wants one thing from you, money. They will ask for you to send them money so that they can afford to meet up with you, or pay their phone bill so they can carry on speaking with you. There will always be a reason they want money, so don't fall for it.

He Asks For A Loan

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If you are being catfished, then they want to try and milk as much money from you as they possibly can. They might not ask you for money directly, and instead ask you for a loan. Some catfishes even get people to take out credit cards or personal loans!

You Have A Bad Feeling

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You should trust your gut, so if you just have a bad feeling, then trust it. You might want to run your feelings past your friends or family, and they will be able to help you out with a second opinion. As the classic saying goes, if it seems to good to be true, it normally is!

He Doesn't Have Many Followers

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If your new partner does not have many followers on his social media accounts, then it could be that the accounts were set up recently. This is a red flag, as many people have their accounts set up for a while before they start trying some online dating.

He Never Picks Up

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He might only answer the phone at certain times, or ask you to only call after a certain time in the evening. This could be because the catfish is operating in a different timezone from you, and has this scam running as a sort of second job side hustle.

His Story Has Holes

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If his story is full of holes and inconsistencies, then ask yourself why? Has all of his lying finally caught up with him? Is he telling you things that he previously told you, but adding or removing details. If so, then you need to start writing down what he says.

His Life Sounds Too Good

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If his life sounds like that of the perfect human, then it is probably fictional. Ask him what he does for a job, and try and get specifics. If his job is high paying, ask him to explain it and do some research. His lies will begin to unravel quickly.

He Lives Abroad

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There are plenty of long distance couples, many of whom live in separate countries. It is also common for people to meet online and live on opposite sides of the world, but this is rarer than meeting someone locally, so make sure you are very cautious.

He Lives Cross Country

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If he lives across the country, this is the perfect excuse for him not to meet up with you as the drive is too far and flights are too expensive. Make sure to check his address well, as this is a common place a catfish could make a mistake with their lies.

All His Photos Are Perfect

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A plethora of perfect pictures should tell you one thing, he has had them taken by a photographer. Why would someone only show you these photos and not natural pictures? Maybe the reason is that they do not have any other pictures available to them...

He Asks For Personal Information

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If your catfish boyfriend is after personal and sensitive information, then be cautious and do not give them anything that you wouldn't give to a total stranger. Your new partner could be a fraudster and after vital information to drain money from your bank.

He Cancels Plans

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If you had plans set up for a while, that suddenly get cancelled, this is a red flag. This would be a red flag even if you had met the person in person, but if you have never seen them face to face this is your cue to cut off all of your contact with them.

He Doesn't Speak About His Life

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When you are getting to know someone, you naturally want to know about their life as well. A catfish will never focus on their own fictional life, as it is far easier for them to focus totally on you and not add any more lies into their web of deceit.