Light night texts and calls

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Is your partner constantly receiving weird calls or texts at odd hours of the night from one particular person? A good night message with a heart emoji, while you are in bed with your partner, is certainly far from innocent. She knows exactly what she’s doing.
Lots of eye contact

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Intense eye contact is a strong form of flirtation. If you notice a woman is always locking eyes with your partner, it’s because she’s doing it on purpose. She wants your partner to notice her, which is probably a disguised mating call that could slip right under your nose.
Laughs at his every joke

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Your husband is no Chris Rock. But, this one woman, seems to think so. Everything he says cracks her up. An age-old rumor doing rounds on the interwebs suggests that laughing at a man’s jokes may make him fall in love with a woman. She may be putting this theory to the test.
Overly touchy with him

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It’s flirting 101. Women take every chance to sneak a touch on a man they’d like to make a move on. Doing so catalyzes all sorts of feelings. If you notice a woman quite literally gives your partner a pat on the back after every statement, there may be more to the story than meets the eye.
Cleavage always out

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Whenever you pick him up from work, you notice this one colleague who’s always skimpily dressed. Be it summer or smack in the middle of winter, this woman is always exposing more skin than is necessary. What’s her deal? She wants to catch someone’s attention. That someone could be him.
You get the cold shoulder

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Your partner has introduced both of you guys, but clearly, she couldn’t care less who you are. To her, you don’t exist, and she does her best to snub you. If a woman completely ignores you when you aren’t with your partner and acts differently when you are, she might be after him.
Compliments him

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Food isn’t the only way to a man’s heart. Compliments come in a close second. You need to keep your guard up around a woman who constantly compliments your husband- noticing a new shirt or praising the smallest actions. She’s tapping into his hero instinct, fueled by his desire to feel needed.
She’s all smiles

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Sure, some people always have a spring in their steps and are constantly positive. But, if the ear-to-ear grins only pop up when in the presence of your better half, she likely has the hots for your special person and will probably do a lot more than that to win his affection.
Always in need

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She always needs your husband’s help with an “emergency.” From opening a tight jar lid to locating her phone and other simple tasks a baby could do alone, she’s always in need and calling on your husband to bail her out. Chances are, she’s making excuses to get herself more noticed.
Sits right next, always

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At every function, she’s always perched beside your partner like his shadow. You notice her leaning in too close and making sure he feels her warmth close to him. You have reason to be worried if this becomes a pattern because she’s out to push you out of the picture.
Imitates you

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In her mind, she’s thinking, what could you possibly have that she doesn’t? Maybe it’s the way you act? So, to get one over you, she copies everything you do. From developing a similar taste in food to borrowing your fashion and interests, she goes all out to be a carbon copy of you.
Purse by her side

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You may not know this, but subconsciously or otherwise, a woman who’s uncomfortable around a man may put a purse between him and her. This hides some skin and also creates distance. If she likes him, she wants nothing to get in the way. She puts the bags aside to give him a good view.
Raised Eyebrows

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What you may have brushed aside as simply a case of too much Botox may not be that at all. Various love gurus claim that some women indicate sexual interest by raising an eyebrow at a man. So when you see those eyebrows go up around your partner, you now know better.
Plays with her hair

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A woman constantly twirling the tips of her hair around your partner is also cause for concern. Especially if that is paired with head tilts, laughter, and an odd amount of eye contact. She’s falling for your man, and all these are the manifestations of her feelings, which she’s probably acting on.
Lingering in his company

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The conversation ends, but she’s still standing there like 5 minutes later. She’s probably lingering because she enjoys your boyfriend’s company. When you notice a woman who is always in no hurry to say goodbye to your loved one, she’s taking every chance to leave a lasting impression.
“Coincidental” meetings

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You and your husband keep running into her in all the strange places. What are the odds? Either fate has taken an especially keen interest in your lives, or she’s following your partner around to increase the likelihood of these “chance” meetings. You may be dealing with an obsessive stalker here.
Newfound hobbies

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As she tries to get his attention, she’ll pick up new hobbies in line with what your partner likes. Someone with the least interest in campaigning for human rights suddenly becomes a staunch supporter. She’s suddenly interested in your man’s favorite games and pastimes. Be wary!
Shares too much

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From her aspirations in life to her struggles, a woman interested in your partner will go the extra mile to bare it all. If you notice someone who shares more personal information around your partner than is normal, she’s possibly attracted to him and wants to build trust.
Mentions her free time

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She won’t directly ask your partner to spend more time with him – although some may not want to beat about the bush. However, she’ll leave a trail of hints. This woman will somehow find a reason to inform your partner about her availability as she teases him to ask her to hang out more.
Sends random pictures

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Got a new blouse, and she wants your partner to see it. She takes pictures in a new restaurant, at the mall, or lounging on her sofa and sends them to him to ensure she stays on his mind. The pictures may not be revealing, but they may be a deliberate attempt to create some sparks.
Bad mouths you

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In your presence, she is generous and full of kind words toward you. But when your back’s turned, she takes every opportunity to speak ill of you to your partner, her friends, or even your friends. To catch the fox, ask those around you what she truly thinks of you.
Makes fun of you

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She may go a step further to discredit you in front of your better half. From “accidentally” dredging up embarrassing stories from your past to taking your partner’s side when you’re at loggerheads, these are some telltales that she’s out to dethrone you as the woman of his heart.
Makes you jealous

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In an attempt to paint you as a clingy and insecure partner, this devious woman will go to great lengths to make you feel jealous and tarnish your image in front of your partner. She may touch your boyfriend inappropriately or discuss their one-on-one times to incite your reaction.
Trails him on social media

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Your partner puts out a post about the Knicks game. She’s the first to comment, even though she doesn’t know the first thing about basketball. In every post, she’s always there in some way, interacting with his content by liking it or commenting. Additionally, she may send him lots of memes.
Saves the day

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She’s always bailing your partner out of sticky situations. When office supplies run out, she’s the first to offer to go to the store. If his car needs fixing, she’s ready to recommend a mechanic. If you notice a woman is constantly swooping in to save the day, she may be up to no good.
Talks with him about sex

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Favorite positions, fantasies, you name it; she’s always ready to update him on her sex life and vice versa. She does this because she’s cultivating these thoughts in his head and wants your boyfriend to think of her sexually. This a surefire sign that she is laying down the bait.
Jokes about being together

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When you guys are conversing, and she constantly suggests alternate realities where you are out of the picture, and she is the apple of his eye, you know she’s up to something. Statements like “If your boyfriend and I were married…” are clear signs she’s thinking about it.
Your “Spidey sense” is screaming

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You may not have any evidence that she’s pursuing your man, but still, your intuition is all over the place about her. Listen to your gut because human instinct is sometimes unerringly on the money when it comes to people’s hidden agendas. It’s best not to act on it until you have proof.
Becomes friendlier with you

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“Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.” Because that way, you can figure out your foe’s Achilles heels and bring them down. If a woman you suspect has the hots for your husband is getting friendlier with you, asking suspicious questions about your past, she could be a trojan horse.
The gifts keep coming

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A woman may go above and beyond to show affection to someone she’s interested in, and one way to express those feelings is via gifts. If she’s constantly sending your partner gifts – and incredibly thoughtful ones that show she put quite a lot of effort into them – she’s trying to win him over.